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Death is dramatic right? Lets sacrifice an npc to make this moment special!

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Oh and hire writers who can use conflict and drama properly, an established npc doesn't have to die every time you want a memorable scene! (I mean seriously why should I care about new characters if they are all red-shirts?)
he's adorable so he's doomed, she's too pretty to live, that guy's an kitten so he probably dies within 3 cutscenes. 
That was some nice character development!  Your death will be exactly what this story needs!
Can we have more inner turmoil that isn't madness or possession?  Flawed heroes?  villians whom we hate, yet who possess qualities we admire?  Some morally grey characters. Like she is garbage as a person, but is making some solid points!
Glorious Bastards are fun.  Like Hexxus from Ferngully.  That guy wanted to kill everything, but Tim Curry gave him so much charisma that kids wanted to go out and start chopping down trees.
(note: I am over generalizing, I have not played EoD at all,  I am waiting until the bug complaints are significantly reduced)

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Pre-EoD story spoilers


I miss Blish.


Also, I got choked up when Demmi talked to Tybalt as she died.

EoD spoilers


It felt like both Mai Trin and Ankka were just getting into their character arcs when they died. Made it hard to feel anything for either of them.


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A character did terrible things/crimes (in the story, maybe in the past). Everyone hates him/her for that. The he/she sacrifices her/his life to save the group. Then everyone likes her/him and all his/her sins/crimes are forgiven. Redemption. And then the writers do not have to deal in the story with the real consequences from good persons that do bad things and bad persons that do good things and persons that want to do good/right things (seen from their own mind) but in fact are doing bad things. etc.

It felt flat and boring.

But, to protect the writers: This game is PG-12 in some countries and I think that is one of the reasons why the story sometimes is what it is.

Edited by Zok.4956
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I know that there are budget constraints and animation limitations.  However, needlessly throwing away major Npcs because you want a memorable moment is not the only way.  They really do need to write the consequences of characters experiencing too much success.  All of the heroes need character flaws and blind spots. 
The enemies, (can we really call them villains?) need good points and redeeming qualities. If you make a villain they need to be less disposable and various forms of madness can't be their excuse for every poor decision.  If they have lived long enough to be villians then they know how to be patient and they know how to reign in their greed. 

Hell, when characters make mistakes they need to recognize it and to deal with it in individual ways, and those around them need to also deal with it. 

 I suggest detailed character personality maps or webs.  Like Logan has a weakness everyone knows about, Queen Jenna.  That should be exploited more often.  Well Logan must have other failings, inconvenient virtues, and flaws that he doesn't see within himself.  How fleshed out are these character profiles?  The game is basically a novel, or it should be able to be.  Y'all want it to last for several more years, right?  Hire a psychologist as a consultant and add a few quirks.

And blame! You have to be able to blame Main characters and have it stick! There have to be consequences other than death!  Personal consequences, public consequences, awkwardness, and strained relationships! 
Your golden boys and girls have to show ugly facets in their personalities.  They have to dislike aspects of each other, they have to dislike factions and groups, they have to be capable of feeling disgusted by people's personal preferences.  They have to be able to be unpleasant toward those factions and groups.  A goody two-shoes who likes everyone and everything is boring.  A villain who only likes destruction and death is also boring.

It is wonderful for fans to like your heroes, it is wonderful for fans to empathize with your villains.  It is ok for fans to dislike some of your heroes, it is ok for fans to despise your villains.  But make sure the dislike is for choices made rather than because the character missed obvious opportunities to further their goals.  You really should have some of your player base angry at you all the times because characters made unpopular choices, not because they made stupid choices.
(I mean writing villains is traditionally where a writer gets to let their hair down, pull out all the ugly bits lurking in the human psyche and lay them out so that the audience can see themselves reflected in the ugly bits. The Nightmare court would be such a good vehicle for this.) 

I know editors often have to trim down story, just make sure you cut out the loose ends too.  If a character decision no longer makes sense because of cut content, then cut that character's decision along with it.  If that ruins the story then you need to find a way to add that cut content back in some meaningful way, or revise the story yet again.

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Every single character death in this game has meant nothing to me. Death isn't defined, so why don't they use a waypoint? Why can we revive some NPCs but -conveniently- not any of the ones who are scripted to die? None of it makes sense, and none of it is explained (and no, head canons do not count).

I've said it before, I'll say it again. When I saw Belinda die way way way back when, for the very first time, I laughed because of how ridiculously bad it was. This comment is coming off the back of re-watching some movies with excellent writing, so to think of this compared to that leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It's imitation of characters, but it's not actually making characters.

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16 hours ago, Peterson.5172 said:

with 2hrs of story every 3-6months, its hard to just remember who the characters are let alone care about them in any way

that is a good point, If you want living world episodes for free you have to play them as they come out, but a better experience may be gained by playing through the entire season in one go.

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On 3/15/2022 at 10:57 PM, Zebulous.2934 said:

(note: I am over generalizing, I have not played EoD at all,  I am waiting until the bug complaints are significantly reduced)

I am 2/3 of the way through the story, have been exploring and playing more than I have in ages.  I honestly have no idea what bugs people are talking about. I have run into none. Do not believe most of the complaints you read here... 

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51 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

that is a good point, If you want living world episodes for free you have to play them as they come out, but a better experience may be gained by playing through the entire season in one go.

Actually you do not have to play them as they come out, just be playing the game when they come out. I have all LW chapters unlocked, except LW2 chap 6.  I never play them, they just are there. 😎

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