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We are doing things wrong WvW community

Morden Kain.3489

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I notice that as a community, we complain a lot about how this or that is broken, and we want it fixed.  We also know that ANet ignores our pleas to fix WvW.  Maybe we need to start using reverse psychology on them.  Start saying the most broken crap is working great, just so they will look at nerfing/fixing the ever living daylights out of the stuff that is actually broken.  Heck, worst thing to happen, ANet gets off their collective backside and fixes WvW {shrug}.

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20 minutes ago, Dralor.3701 said:

Sadly they need a way to monetize WvW players for the mode to get any staff/attention. I’m sure one of the reasons they have dragged their feet so long on alliances is they don’t want to lose out on the server transfer $.

if they want to generate revenue from WvW , why do they not create rentable characters. Instead of having to gear and lvl one up. You can just rent one for a week (800 Gems) for example or unlock it perma. for (3500 gems) You get ascended gear which is character bound so you cannot trade / sell it --> allows people that are to lazy to lvl to jump into action right away. 

They can even lock them so you can only use them in WvW / SPvP. 

At this point, I don't care how they make money. As long as we get someone from Anet to reply and gives us a roadmap of what's to come lol xD

Edited by Halbarz.3854
Anet should gives use a roadmap
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4 hours ago, Dralor.3701 said:

Sadly they need a way to monetize WvW players for the mode to get any staff/attention. I’m sure one of the reasons they have dragged their feet so long on alliances is they don’t want to lose out on the server transfer $.

I've said it before, they need to allow all Mount types in WvW under the condition that they share the same speed and skills of Warclaw.

As in, allow us to apply any Mount skin to Warclaw, but only in WvW.

I want to use my frigging Royal Anubis Jackal!

Edited by Shroud.2307
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Said it in another thread, if Anet would communicate with us. Even if it would mean a once a month "State of WvW"  post that would mean a lot. They could cover: upcoming features, topics they want us to discuss, etc. Now 99% of the posts in this forum are just people complaining, and it all comes down to 1 thing --> people do not know what is happening with WvW. 

I think everyone understands they are busy with EoD stuff, but that shouldn't be an excuse to give us an update here and there. 


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16 hours ago, Shroud.2307 said:

I've said it before, they need to allow all Mount types in WvW under the condition that they share the same speed and skills of Warclaw.

As in, allow us to apply any Mount skin to Warclaw, but only in WvW.

I want to use my frigging Royal Anubis Jackal!

Yeah, this seems like a pretty good idea.

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On 3/20/2022 at 6:23 AM, Shroud.2307 said:

I've said it before, they need to allow all Mount types in WvW under the condition that they share the same speed and skills of Warclaw.

As in, allow us to apply any Mount skin to Warclaw, but only in WvW.

I want to use my frigging Royal Anubis Jackal!

I wouldn't mind, with the caveat that there also is an option to completely disable it from my side, so I can see just normal warclaws. This game has way too much stupid looking skins and auras as there is that I can't disable without setting character models to "lowest" aka "off" as it is. I'm just so sick of watching most players either look like walking cyberpunk-clowns (including mounts) OR as walking potato bags because I basically turned other players off in the settings.

It's to the point where I wish I could mod this game so I could go over and nuke most of the graphical assets.

Don't add another nail in my coffin! 😛

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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

I wouldn't mind, with the caveat that there also is an option to completely disable it from my side, so I can see just normal warclaws. This game has way too much stupid looking skins and auras as there is that I can't disable without setting character models to "lowest" aka "off" as it is. I'm just so sick of watching most players either look like walking cyberpunk-clowns (including mounts) OR as walking potato bags because I basically turned other players off in the settings.

It's to the point where I wish I could mod this game so I could go over and nuke most of the graphical assets.

Don't add another nail in my coffin! 😛

I so strongly share in that frustration, you have no idea.

Possibly the single biggest issue I have with GW2 is this, 
"A lot of things in GW2 look like someone's art project and don't actually mean anything to the game world."

There are so many things that are flashy for the sake of being flashy. I get it, ANet needs to make money. But a lot of these things make the game so ugly. 

Elder Scrolls Online has some of my favorite fashion. Besides "Apex" Mounts (unique rares), all armors, weapons, and even miniatures make sense in the game world, and a lot of it even has flavor text or is lore related. It makes the world feel more cohesive and prevents people from making characters that are visually noisy.  
And don't get me wrong, I totally support people who want to make ridiculous looking characters. All the power to them if the game gives them that option. But GW2 gives players so many options to do that that it's like every other person is brighter than a supernova and is a literal walking assault on my FPS.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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28 minutes ago, Shroud.2307 said:

I so strongly share in that frustration, you have no idea.

Possibly the single biggest issue I have with GW2 is this, 
"A lot of things in GW2 look like someone's art project and don't actually mean anything to the game world."

There are so many things that are flashy for the sake of being flashy. I get it, ANet needs to make money. But a lot of these things make the game so ugly. 

Elder Scrolls Online has some of my favorite fashion. Besides "Apex" Mounts (unique rares), all armors, weapons, and even miniatures make sense in the game world, and a lot of it even has flavor text or is lore related. It makes the world feel more cohesive and prevents people from making characters that are visually noisy.  
And don't get me wrong, I totally support people who want to make ridiculous looking characters. All the power to them if the game gives them that option. But GW2 gives players so many options to do that that it's like every other person is brighter than a supernova and is a literal walking assault on my FPS.

I agree completely.  All the flashiness is very annoying.  I turn as much of it off as I possibly can, even PvE land.  The worst is the Post Processing Affects.  Sorry folks that Bloom they add on is horrid, and that is coming from someone who has had an astigmatism for the better part of 4o years.  I would love to have more control over the graphics within the game.  Sad when LotRO has more graphics options, *and* is using DX11, not to mention have rebuilt the graphics engine for 64-bit.

Like many of us talk about, ANet just does not respond in the WvW forum, and the state of this game is supposed to be the "corner stone" of GW2.  If it is the corner stone, then like many buildings, it will never change.

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3 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

 Yes ! An Omega Golem pet for everyone !

Hmmm... The idea has merit.  You can put points into the Golem branch, with the last one to be able to have it as a automaton, as well as pilot-able.  Only pilot-able by the person who it is a pet of.  250 points for that upgrade 😁.  Would allow me to use those extra points that are just sitting there.

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On 3/20/2022 at 12:49 AM, MysteryDude.1572 said:

forums is not the wvw community btw , noone in wvw cares to read forums


unless you target a specific portion of wvw community , you wont be heard , sadly



Indeed. The devs have made numerous awful decisions based on poor forum feedback. They need proper focus groups and trusted WvW community council of people who actually understand what's going on, and can come to a consensus before being approached by Anet. There are a lot of polarised opinions in the community, ranging from people who just want to PPT, to those who want all kinds of WvW play, to those who just want to stand in a field for one hour a week.  All of these playstyles are completely valid, and those who think otherwise should be kicked off the council!

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1 hour ago, Svarty.8019 said:

Indeed. The devs have made numerous awful decisions based on poor forum feedback. They need proper focus groups and trusted WvW community council of people who actually understand what's going on, and can come to a consensus before being approached by Anet. There are a lot of polarised opinions in the community, ranging from people who just want to PPT, to those who want all kinds of WvW play, to those who just want to stand in a field for one hour a week.  All of these playstyles are completely valid, and those who think otherwise should be kicked off the council!

LMAO which awful decisions came from the forums?

Proper focus groups LMAO who do you think they support with all this garbage boon ball game play? Why, the guilds, that have leaders in those wvw community councils that already exist! Who complained about siege so hard to get nerf? the guilds and their commanders!


Imagine blaming the forums, which hardly has any traffic with wvw players in the first place, there's probably less than 100 active posters in the wvw section, while anet also doesn't read, acknowledge, and certainly doesn't even implement the 1% of the 1000's of ideas posted in the forums over nine years.


Wake up and get a clue on who they listen to, it's not the random roamers in the forums.

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I quote ArenaNet: (this was from last year)

Our communication regarding this feature over the last few years missed the mark. In the past, development priorities shifted away from WvW, and unfortunately both World Restructuring and our players suffered as a result. Our new leadership team views WvW as a cornerstone mode of Guild Wars 2, and it will be a focus of ours going forward.

I wonder @Rubi Bayer.8493 when can we expect an update from the team on the state of WvW?
Since that Studio Update in July 2021 ... not much has changed. A beta doesn't fix the lack of communication about the other issues people have raised related to WvW. I hope someone at Anet can take a hour to give us something. 

Ps: For anyone curious about the post from last year: 
ArenaNet Studio Update: July 2021 | GuildWars2.com 


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On 3/19/2022 at 5:34 PM, Morden Kain.3489 said:

Maybe we need to start using reverse psychology on them.  Start saying the most broken crap is working great, just so they will look at nerfing/fixing the ever living daylights out of the stuff that is actually broken.

This is not a good idea. ArenaNet is actually attempting to use reverse psychology on us; they are neglecting WvW until we, the community, start to boast about how great it is. Once we do that, they have no need to fix anything. At that point, we've fallen into their trap. What we really need to do is complain more than ever. If history has shown one thing, complaining has always gotten us what we wanted.


OP, you have shown a lot of initiative just by making this thread. I think that you should lead the charge.

Edited by knite.1542
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On 3/22/2022 at 4:03 AM, knite.1542 said:

This is not a good idea. ArenaNet is actually attempting to use reverse psychology on us; they are neglecting WvW until we, the community, start to boast about how great it is. Once we do that, they have no need to fix anything. At that point, we've fallen into their trap. What we really need to do is complain more than ever. If history has shown one thing, complaining has always gotten us what we wanted.


OP, you have shown a lot of initiative just by making this thread. I think that you should lead the charge.

I believe you are correct in that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease".  Seems though in the past couple years, I have seen posts:

  • About how there is a single developer working on WvW (if this has changed, fantastic!). 
  • About the lag (I have provided trace route maps of what AWS looks like), and posted on those topics.
  • Lots of ways the game mode can be improved.

When I search the forums, I find that the only times within the past year that ANet, or a Dev, responses on the WvW forum is to update the WvW community on the match ups (outside of the beta posts).  The last time ANet, or a Dev, came to the forum outside of the "Here is the match up" was for

Ironic is what I call the above.  The community has posted many things over the decade this game has been live.  Seems though ANet has lost the ability to listen and speak.

I would love to take up the mantle of the community, however like many here, I have broken my lance, and run out of horses charging the proverbial ANet wall of silence.  I would love to have someone from ANet actually give us information, instead of platitudes.

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