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Acquiring Gift of Battle Is Hell

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WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

Why forcing players to do a pvp game mode? 

Anet made MC and clovers much more spread out through the game modes on the base of "if u dont like X go do Y", why not with that horrible gift of battle?


Don't give that stupid answer of "just afk for 5h" or "just go with a zerg for 4h" or "just do dailies for 15min over 1-2weeks" the game mode is not for everyone, especially player who do not have the warclaw mount and besides, don't u prefer to PLAY the game and not afk for 5h?


I and others want to play game mode we ENJOY doing or at least are close to what we are doing, aka, PvE players can go do PvE stuff (OW, strikes, dead raids, fracs)  and PvP players can go do PvP and WvW.


It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs, is it to force ppl to play WvW or just for saying "f the PvE players, they can go run on foot for hours and die to a random zerg hahaha"


SALT 🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂

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4 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

For the same reason WvW players have to explore the core map: because there is time and resources invested in said content and they want you to give it tries.

6 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

Why forcing players to do a pvp game mode? 

You can get GoB by taking camps and killing dolyaks. Weird PvP requirement.

7 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs

Check back answer #1.

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4 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:



Don't give that stupid answer of "just afk for 5h" or "just go with a zerg for 4h" or "just do dailies for 15min over 1-2weeks" the game mode is not for everyone, especially player who do not have the warclaw mount and besides, don't u prefer to PLAY the game and not afk for 5h?




Big Spender, Master of Monuments, Caravan Disruptor, and Veteran Creature Slayer are all things you can do in WvW that don't involve killing other players.  None of these need a warclaw, either.

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Watch out, you're just begging for WvW players to come here to talk about how they themselves have to avoid PvE even though it's the main game, it's what most of the game is, and it's what the regular joe thinks of when they hear about GW2.

Can't have another way to obtain the GoB, nope, gotta go through a gamemode you dislike to obtain it, no alternatives allowed, even if they take longer, after all, how else are WvW players supposed to get easy kills? Gotta farm PvE players going for the GoB, obviously!

Also, inb4 this gets confused/crying/laugh reactions because god forbid you have a different opinion.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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14 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

You can get GoB by taking camps and killing dolyaks. Weird PvP requirement.


Seems like u dont understand that why a player needs do to 99% of the legy in PvE (assuming it's a weapon) and only for this tiny tiny part of hell, he needs to step into a completely different game mode that involves PvP. WvW is still a PvP zone which you are susceptible to being jumped by a random passing player/zerg.


14 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

For the same reason WvW players have to explore the core map: because there is time and resources invested in said content and they want you to give it tries.

Sure, I can understand it, letting players a gentle push towards new kind of things and mods, I totally agree. 

But once u tried it for the 10 GoB, it becomes a bit sh*t.


13 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Same reason you have to do a strike mission for a turtle.  Same reason you have to do raids or WvW for legendary armor.  Same reason you have to do open world for map completion.  Because.  It's. A. Game.

there is a giant leap of difference. 1-you can get legy armor set from every game mode. 2-you dont need to do 4/5 hours of strike to get that underwhelming mount, you can go in kaineng strike for 10min and u are done.


Edit- the silly turtle is a PvE mount as well. call me crazy but when in WvW you can obtain a WVW mount and when you are in a PvE mode you can obtain a PvE mount, insane no? and before i will get "legy items are also WvW and PvE content unlike the mounts". I 1000% agree, so why not spreading (like legy items) the love and places to obtain GoB to other modes and not gate-keep it in WvW?

Edited by Hellion.2360
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21 minutes ago, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

Big Spender, Master of Monuments, Caravan Disruptor, and Veteran Creature Slayer are all things you can do in WvW that don't involve killing other players.  None of these need a warclaw, either.

Also killing guards.  It's pretty fast.  Use some boosters, reward tracks goes faster.  No, it's not an mode everyone enjoys, but unlike PvP there is a PvE element to it to work around. 

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1 minute ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Also killing guards.  It's pretty fast.  Use some boosters, reward tracks goes faster.  No, it's not an mode everyone enjoys, but unlike PvP there is a PvE element to it to work around. 

ty for trying to help me out and give/suggest me ways of obtaining this silly thing. 


unluckily im very very very familiar with that reward track and ways. just seeing that the new gen3 are ALSO under the umbrella of GoB terror just fried my brain out.

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6 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No one is forcing you. You want a legendary weapon? Do what is required.

This argument again. Let me give an example of how dumb this is.

Say, a new game you want came out. You really want it, and are willing to pay as much money as needed for it.

You go to gamestop or whatever, go the cashier, and say that you're willing to pay for it.

But he's not actually selling it, the way you obtain the game is by staring at a drywall for 8 hours.

Whats better? Paying for something with money (gold), or staring at a drywall (playing wvw)?
People really should respect the fact that not everyone enjoys wvw, and it feels more like a job to them than playing a game. There are multiple ways to farm things in this game, there should be an alternative, even if it takes longer, to get a GoB.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No one is forcing you. You want a legendary weapon? Do what is required.

Just bowing my head down upon a defected game design isn't my jam and one way to let the game designers know is to say/write something.


(although i will be super surprised if any of the anet employees are cruising this place for feedback anymore. sadly looking at ranger mains)

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14 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Also killing guards.  It's pretty fast.  Use some boosters, reward tracks goes faster.  No, it's not an mode everyone enjoys, but unlike PvP there is a PvE element to it to work around. 

Yep, I forgot about that!  Some dailies for this are the one to kill 5 guards, also Land Claimer.

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47 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

because your otherwise legendary accomplishments (ie whatever you need that gift of battle for) would be ho hum and run of the mill.  one must perform legendary accomplishments in order to achieve legendary items.


be grateful its as simple as it is.  

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2 minutes ago, setdog.1592 said:

because your otherwise legendary accomplishments (ie whatever you need that gift of battle for) would be ho hum and run of the mill.  one must perform legendary accomplishments in order to achieve legendary items.


be grateful its as simple as it is.  

Why are we pretending that flipping camps or farming with a blob for 8 hours is a "legendary accomplishment" again?

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16 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

ty for trying to help me out and give/suggest me ways of obtaining this silly thing. 


unluckily im very very very familiar with that reward track and ways. just seeing that the new gen3 are ALSO under the umbrella of GoB terror just fried my brain out.

Nope, I completely get it.  It's often been addressed, but so far there has been no interest in changing how it's obtained. 

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43 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

For the same reason WvW players have to explore the core map: because there is time and resources invested in said content and they want you to give it tries.

You can get GoB by taking camps and killing dolyaks. Weird PvP requirement.

Check back answer #1.

My only issue with gob is that there is no reason to not be inactive - i hate exploring core maps, but at least i was actively engaged in the progress. WVW reward structure is just not fun - to the point where its better to just afk as active participation / helping your world win just isn't rewarded. GOB overall isnt too horrible as long as i have other reasons to be in wvw ( usually tomes and testimonies for hero points).

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4 minutes ago, setdog.1592 said:

because your otherwise legendary accomplishments (ie whatever you need that gift of battle for) would be ho hum and run of the mill.  one must perform legendary accomplishments in order to achieve legendary items.


be grateful its as simple as it is.  

I honestly prefer to do something much more challenging PvE wise and actually play the game and not afk/kill random mobs on repeat in WvW.

I'm 99% sure there are many who will do the same as me and it could also create more content for dead game modes like dungeons.

Edited by Hellion.2360
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Just now, Caliboom.3218 said:

Why are we pretending that flipping camps or farming with a blob for 8 hours is a "legendary accomplishment" again?

i dont know about you, but i am not pretending.  when i login, its real!  its ALL real!   REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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3 minutes ago, Hellion.2360 said:

I honestly prefer to do something much more challenging PvE wise and actually play the game and not afk/kill random mobs on repeat in WvW.

I'm 99% sure there are many who will do the same as me and it could also create more content for dead game modes like dungeons.

You have to do dungeons for gen1s anyway ( weapon specific gifts use dungeon tokens)

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1 hour ago, Hellion.2360 said:

the game mode is not for everyone

Legendary equipment is also not for everyone.



7 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Why are we pretending that flipping camps or farming with a blob for 8 hours is a "legendary accomplishment" again?

You would think it was with the amount of complaining it makes people do.

Edited by knite.1542
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1 hour ago, Hellion.2360 said:

WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

Why forcing players to do a pvp game mode? 

Anet made MC and clovers much more spread out through the game modes on the base of "if u dont like X go do Y", why not with that horrible gift of battle?


Don't give that stupid answer of "just afk for 5h" or "just go with a zerg for 4h" or "just do dailies for 15min over 1-2weeks" the game mode is not for everyone, especially player who do not have the warclaw mount and besides, don't u prefer to PLAY the game and not afk for 5h?


I and others want to play game mode we ENJOY doing or at least are close to what we are doing, aka, PvE players can go do PvE stuff (OW, strikes, dead raids, fracs)  and PvP players can go do PvP and WvW.


It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs, is it to force ppl to play WvW or just for saying "f the PvE players, they can go run on foot for hours and die to a random zerg hahaha"


SALT 🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂

"I want the thing. I don't want to do the thing to get the thing."

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5 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Oh sheesh, it's like people simply don't enjoy a gamemode at all and are asking for an alternative, even if it's one that takes longer. How surprising...

I definitely understand the frustration, but the last thread complaining about this is barely a week old. This post doesn't even suggest anything, it is just a bunch of complaints.

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Even your signature reveals the problem of obtaining GoB.

i know it's hard but try to think about it, why there are so much ppl complaining about it? maybe it's truly flawed? why in so long ppl are still complaining about it?


plus, why cant other game modes get GoB gaining options? would it outright kill WvW? why ppl care so much about making WvW the only way to obtain it? why ppl defend it? tribalism?...


so many question, so many salt


2 minutes ago, knite.1542 said:

I definitely understand the frustration, but the last thread complaining about this is barely a week old. This post doesn't even suggest anything, it is just a bunch of complaints.

who said i wanna suggest smt?

i just want to dip my brain in salt.


plus, if you dont want to read it, just opt-out of this thread if it hurts you so much reading others complains. shoo, go away, be free to roam the other threads

Edited by Hellion.2360
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