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One Shot Soulbeast


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1 minute ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

It depends on where you start the combat at. If you start at range, you have quickness from marksmanship, if you start in melee, you get it from live fast. You need both, because you can't always start the combat from where you want.

You don’t need lead the wind nor do you need quickness to “one shot” players, but what would I know hey, I mean I’ve only got a few thousand hours on my 3 soulbeasts at wvw/pvp since hot release and played hundreds of possible builds for them in both power and condi configurations so you do you, you “clearly” know what you are talking about… lol

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9 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

You don’t need lead the wind nor do you need quickness to “one shot” players, but what would I know hey, I mean I’ve only got a few thousand hours on my 3 soulbeasts at wvw/pvp since hot release and played hundreds of possible builds for them in both power and condi configurations so you do you, you “clearly” know what you are talking about… lol

Yet you revert to "lol I know more" instead of talking about the problem. You yourself brought up how 4 seconds is not a "one shot" build, but when I brought up quickness you just diverted the conversation to some place else. You are terrible at this lol.

With quickness, its 20k+ damage in 2 seconds and you know this. Therefore the build is a problem. If you disagree with this, you are part of the problem, period.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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18 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

in WvW this build is very opressive because you only have half the cooldown on Dolyakstance and 3 times the cleanse from Cleansing sigil, essentiall filling all the holes this build has to make it viable. But this is spvp.... so it melts to condis.

So if Dollie’s stance and cleansing sigil is what’s making it oppressive in wvw then why are you here in the pvp section advocating nerfs on the damage? 

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11 minutes ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

Yet you revert to "lol I know more" instead of talking about the problem. You yourself brought up how 4 seconds is not a "one shot" build, but when I brought up quickness you just diverted the conversation to some place else. You are terrible at this lol.

With quickness, its 20k+ damage in 2 seconds and you know this. Therefore the build is a problem. If you disagree with this, you are part of the problem, period.

I replied to your post originally explaining the build listed in the original post. You then start derailing this thread with a different build… perhaps create your own thread so we can discuss how you are wrong there instead of in this thread which isn’t even about longbow… lol

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2 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

I replied to your post originally explaining the build listed in the original post. You then start derailing this thread with a different build… perhaps create your own thread so we can discuss how you are wrong there instead of in this thread which isn’t even about longbow… lol

There is no need to create a new thread. I already know you are wrong. I am also tried of your mental gymnastics arounds defending an unhealthy mechanic in the game, not worth my time.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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10 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

dont forget that he spams confused on everything:D its even more fun speaking to him if he does this.

I haven’t touched those thingys. But I can if you want another emoji lol


edit, I’m the crying face one lol

Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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Ranger is never going to have a "skillful" build


Ranger has always been an EASY DODGE BAITER since the beginning of the game


What do you dodge? The ranger or the pet? Screwed either way because pet does damage and knockdown, and the ranger does reasonable damage too. Only way to win is by playing a more broken class like Necro or w/e is meta right now.


Soulbeast, while a little more limited on the pet, is another easy dodge baiter by itself. And evades while attacking baiting dodges from 1200 range and finishing with fast bursty melee.


Assuming that ranger is "mid-tier" this season, when the broken stuff is nerfed people will have this class as a back up.


If you want to win without knowing how the game works, you literally just play either ranger or guardian. Necro and Mesmer becomes easy once you know how stun breaks and dodges baiting works, but ranger or guard? You don't care about that and can still win because brain damage classes.

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23 hours ago, tunococman.7324 said:

Ranger is never going to have a "skillful" build


Ranger has always been an EASY DODGE BAITER since the beginning of the game


What do you dodge? The ranger or the pet? Screwed either way because pet does damage and knockdown, and the ranger does reasonable damage too. Only way to win is by playing a more broken class like Necro or w/e is meta right now.


Soulbeast, while a little more limited on the pet, is another easy dodge baiter by itself. And evades while attacking baiting dodges from 1200 range and finishing with fast bursty melee.


Assuming that ranger is "mid-tier" this season, when the broken stuff is nerfed people will have this class as a back up.


If you want to win without knowing how the game works, you literally just play either ranger or guardian. Necro and Mesmer becomes easy once you know how stun breaks and dodges baiting works, but ranger or guard? You don't care about that and can still win because brain damage classes.

Golden words

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   One-shot Soulbeast? Isn't it a combination of utility skills, the Elite one with a certain skill weapon to burst someone from 100% of the health points to 0% of its within 5 or 7 seconds? No. Not necessary to delete it. If one can react to him fast enough, the combo will be naught. After that, the rest is up to the fighters.


Edited by Sylvia.4870
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On 3/28/2022 at 7:46 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

i opened a thread like this almost a year ago aswell:D

i copied that build (with GS+LB) and jumped into wvw... This was the first 10 minutes... no death inbetween. Just watch it and tell me if you think this is okay.

disclaimer: Video was recorded on a microwave back then.  I didnt know how to properly cut videos at that time so i did some goofy recording xD  Watch at your own risk!

Bonk     <- Getting someone off the Warclaw and intodownstate with just 1 Rapidfire... NO SICEM...NO OWP... Just pressing Rapidfire....  idk man 😄

And this one aswell...

People have told me that this is okay and balanced... and if we look at what the new EoD specs can do... i actually think its okay too... but it still looks hilarious hitting 15k+ on skill with 9 Seconds of cooldown and a 1 second daze...




Other ranged attacks that dismount Warclaw riders in less than 2 seconds:

  1. Killshot - Warrior
  2. Gunflame - Berserker
  3. 7-shot - Renegade
  4. True-shot - Dragonhunter
  5. Grenades - Engi, Scrapper, Holo, Mechanist
  6. Death's Judgement or PD condi bursts - Deadeye & all condi Thief builds
  7. Druid Staff with a single use of Sharp Stone - To example how easy it is to dismount Warclaw riders in general
  8. Power Shatters - Mesmer, Chrono, Mirage, Viruoso
  9. Fresh Air channels - Ele, Tempest, Weaver, Catalyst
  10. Harbinger Shroud or any ranged combo attack from the plethora of ranged AoEs the Necromancer has
  11. Literally any teleport in melee burst which for all intents & purposes has as much range as ranged projectiles 

Also, something important to note:

Ranger is the only class left that does not have ground target/disengage teleports. Even Bladesworn now has ground target teleportation as well as Mechanist. Consider that maybe Ranger needs to have ranged attacks if it is the only class that doesn't have ground target teleports that can be used for instant disengagement.

Furthermore, for any of you who are having sooooo much trouble with Soulbeast Longbows, let me explain to you what you are doing wrong, by explaining how to deal with it class to class and build to build:

  1. First and foremost, understand that LOSing is a real thing and it is intended to be used so start using it.
  2. Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker/Bladesworn - They counter Soulbeast DPS, just get aggressive and stop trying to kite a ranged class with a melee class. What did you expect would happen when you do this? You have to utilize the reveals on Magebane and Shouts, chase the Soulbeast and be aggressive with CCs. This is not difficult to do.
  3. Heralds & Vindicators - You counter Soulbeasts if you stay aggressive with teleport bursting. If you can land the first burst on the Soulbeast before it bursts you, you should win unless the Soulbeast is such a good player that it can outskill you and make a comeback in this situation where it should be getting countered.
  4. Renegade - Use Dwarf Taunt - Lightning Reflex is bugged and doesn't work vs Taunt CC. This is easy to exploit vs any Ranger.
  5. Guardians Firebrands - STAY AWAY from Soulbeasts. Everything about your archetype gets countered by anything with ranged pressure that can kite.
  6. DH - Abuse LOS in conjunction with trap stacks to block the Soulbeast's movement. Don't go ham on the Soulbeast, it wins easily if you over extend cool-downs. But if you play the long-game and face it very defensively and counter-offensively, it is extremely difficult for the Soulbeast to get at you and it can easily get one-burst by a pull into traps just as easily as it can one-burst you. 
  7. Willbender - This is strong vs Soulbeasts actually. It has enough teleports to stay on top of the Soulbeast so it has no breathing room for reposition or offensive cycles without taking a lot of DPS while performing the offense. If you stay aggressive with Willbender, it forces the Soulbeast to play nearly 100% defensively or it dies, which will discontinue his DPSing. It's the same reason why Power Herald should always counter DPS Soulbeast.
  8. Engineer - It's in a bad place in general. Don't plan on countering anything with a Core Engi.
  9. Scrapper - If it uses Flame Thrower and stays on top of the Soulbeast, the Soulbeast will lose unless the Soulbeast is an exceptionally better player than the Scrapper. When the Soulbeast is unable to use CCs to stop up the Scrapper, due to Juggernaut, the Soulbeast can't do what it needs to do to set up for bursts or survive.
  10. Holosmith - It counters Soulbeast if it stays aggressive. However, if the Holo is a mediocre player and dawdles his actions wasting time and isn't aggressive enough, the Soulbeast will win.
  11. Thief Daredevil Deadeye Specter - Sic Em One Wolf Pack Soulbeast is your ultimate counter. Stay away from Soulbeasts. You're own fault if you don't.
  12. Ranger Druid Soulbeast Untamed - Tanky Ranger variants counter DPS Ranger variants. It's always been this way and it always will for certain reasons of how the class is designed. IF you want hard counter Soulbeast DPS, run tanky Ranger variants, especially condi. If the Soulbeast DPS is still beating you, he is outskilling you.
  13. Mes Chrono Mirage Virtuoso - Any sustainy Mesmer build counters Soulbeast DPS, eventually. If you are dying to Soulbeast DPS as any Mesmer variant, you are seriously misunderstanding how to correctly play the Mesmer class.
  14. Ele Tempest Weaver Cata - If you are not able to routinely kill Rangers or at least survive against them as any Ele build, you are doing something very wrong. Everything about the Ele class is designed to completely counter Ranger longbow DPS.
  15. Necro Reaper Scourge - Sic Em One Wolf Pack Soulbeast is your ultimate counter. Stay away from them. You're own fault if you don't.
  16. Harbinger - Right now it slightly counters Soulbeast IF it can get in close and stay on the Soulbeast. Don't approach the Soulbeast unless you know it is unaware of the approach and you can get in on him first, and then the Harbinger can statistically bully it.
Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I don't begrudge ranger their extreme ranged weapon. What I don't like is that the CC arrow looks like every other pewpew and that...extra range the weapon has, can't remember if the arrow arc was changed. 99% of them use the CC first anyway, but it'd still be nice. Otherwise if they want to spend their elite, two utility skills and their spec skill to do it, more power to 'em.

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On 3/24/2022 at 10:58 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Full serk DPS Soulbeasts are one of the lowest representation rates out of any build archetype. There are maybe 3 people in NA who can play this at competitive levels.
  2. The game after EOD now has a ridiculous overabundance of anti-projectile fields, mobility creep, direct teleports that gap close instantly, rendering the idea of "ranged attacks" pretty obsolete in GW2. Start using them.
  3. Any full serk build can deal the damage of a sic em one wolf build, or even higher damage actually. Right now Harbinger actually out-guns Soulbeast by having equal or greater burst to sic em one wolf, but it happens three times as frequently and in half the amount of time.
  4. What you have listed here isn't even the good version of Sic Em One Wolf Soulbeast. Come to NA and I'll show you what a proper clapping looks like.

Get off the Ranger nerf train. It's mediocre at best nowadays.

Sounds like ArenaNet didn't go far enough with the damage nerfs they did across the board. 

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A majority of the one-shot builds are paper af and die if you look at them the wrong way. If you pay attention to them and focus them they're easy to counter. Not only that you can shut down the burst with projectile hate and force them to go melee. Every class has the option to slot projectile hate now and some meta classes have it built in or can share it in the case of tempest support. It's really not that great.

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Other ranged attacks that dismount Warclaw riders in less than 2 seconds:

  1. Killshot - Warrior
  2. Gunflame - Berserker
  3. 7-shot - Renegade
  4. True-shot - Dragonhunter
  5. Grenades - Engi, Scrapper, Holo, Mechanist
  6. Death's Judgement or PD condi bursts - Deadeye & all condi Thief builds
  7. Druid Staff with a single use of Sharp Stone - To example how easy it is to dismount Warclaw riders in general
  8. Power Shatters - Mesmer, Chrono, Mirage, Viruoso
  9. Fresh Air channels - Ele, Tempest, Weaver, Catalyst
  10. Harbinger Shroud or any ranged combo attack from the plethora of ranged AoEs the Necromancer has
  11. Literally any teleport in melee burst which for all intents & purposes has as much range as ranged projectiles 

Also, something important to note:

Ranger is the only class left that does not have ground target/disengage teleports. Even Bladesworn now has ground target teleportation as well as Mechanist. Consider that maybe Ranger needs to have ranged attacks if it is the only class that doesn't have ground target teleports that can be used for instant disengagement.

Furthermore, for any of you who are having sooooo much trouble with Soulbeast Longbows, let me explain to you what you are doing wrong, by explaining how to deal with it class to class and build to build:

  1. First and foremost, understand that LOSing is a real thing and it is intended to be used so start using it.
  2. Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker/Bladesworn - They counter Soulbeast DPS, just get aggressive and stop trying to kite a ranged class with a melee class. What did you expect would happen when you do this? You have to utilize the reveals on Magebane and Shouts, chase the Soulbeast and be aggressive with CCs. This is not difficult to do.
  3. Heralds & Vindicators - You counter Soulbeasts if you stay aggressive with teleport bursting. If you can land the first burst on the Soulbeast before it bursts you, you should win unless the Soulbeast is such a good player that it can outskill you and make a comeback in this situation where it should be getting countered.
  4. Renegade - Use Dwarf Taunt - Lightning Reflex is bugged and doesn't work vs Taunt CC. This is easy to exploit vs any Ranger.
  5. Guardians Firebrands - STAY AWAY from Soulbeasts. Everything about your archetype gets countered by anything with ranged pressure that can kite.
  6. DH - Abuse LOS in conjunction with trap stacks to block the Soulbeast's movement. Don't go ham on the Soulbeast, it wins easily if you over extend cool-downs. But if you play the long-game and face it very defensively and counter-offensively, it is extremely difficult for the Soulbeast to get at you and it can easily get one-burst by a pull into traps just as easily as it can one-burst you. 
  7. Willbender - This is strong vs Soulbeasts actually. It has enough teleports to stay on top of the Soulbeast so it has no breathing room for reposition or offensive cycles without taking a lot of DPS while performing the offense. If you stay aggressive with Willbender, it forces the Soulbeast to play nearly 100% defensively or it dies, which will discontinue his DPSing. It's the same reason why Power Herald should always counter DPS Soulbeast.
  8. Engineer - It's in a bad place in general. Don't plan on countering anything with a Core Engi.
  9. Scrapper - If it uses Flame Thrower and stays on top of the Soulbeast, the Soulbeast will lose unless the Soulbeast is an exceptionally better player than the Scrapper. When the Soulbeast is unable to use CCs to stop up the Scrapper, due to Juggernaut, the Soulbeast can't do what it needs to do to set up for bursts or survive.
  10. Holosmith - It counters Soulbeast if it stays aggressive. However, if the Holo is a mediocre player and dawdles his actions wasting time and isn't aggressive enough, the Soulbeast will win.
  11. Thief Daredevil Deadeye Specter - Sic Em One Wolf Pack Soulbeast is your ultimate counter. Stay away from Soulbeasts. You're own fault if you don't.
  12. Ranger Druid Soulbeast Untamed - Tanky Ranger variants counter DPS Ranger variants. It's always been this way and it always will for certain reasons of how the class is designed. IF you want hard counter Soulbeast DPS, run tanky Ranger variants, especially condi. If the Soulbeast DPS is still beating you, he is outskilling you.
  13. Mes Chrono Mirage Virtuoso - Any sustainy Mesmer build counters Soulbeast DPS, eventually. If you are dying to Soulbeast DPS as any Mesmer variant, you are seriously misunderstanding how to correctly play the Mesmer class.
  14. Ele Tempest Weaver Cata - If you are not able to routinely kill Rangers or at least survive against them as any Ele build, you are doing something very wrong. Everything about the Ele class is designed to completely counter Ranger longbow DPS.
  15. Necro Reaper Scourge - Sic Em One Wolf Pack Soulbeast is your ultimate counter. Stay away from them. You're own fault if you don't.
  16. Harbinger - Right now it slightly counters Soulbeast IF it can get in close and stay on the Soulbeast. Don't approach the Soulbeast unless you know it is unaware of the approach and you can get in on him first, and then the Harbinger can statistically bully it.

Where is Rev's ground targeted disengage teleport?

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1 hour ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Where is Rev's ground targeted disengage teleport?

They Phase Traverse away by targeting something in the opposite direction and then they disengage.

Long range, goes through LOS, it's actually better than something like Jaunt when you escape through a wall like this.

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12 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Other ranged attacks that dismount Warclaw riders in less than 2 seconds:

Weird how of all of the listed dismounts I only see ranger LB2 and engi grenade barrage dismount players regularly. And of the 2, the engi is much harder to do (comparing it to the ranger nobrainer). And, the LB2 continues to hit you after the dismount, which is the bigger difference here. You can easily get dismounted and down to half your HP (or even downstate) if you are not paying attention for 1-2 seconds, just from OWP+LB2 (with the ranger being insanely far away, compared to everything you've listed).

Now, you could argue there should be at least some specs that can realistically dismount without using a warclaw. And I would agree with this. But instead you go "ranger is the poorest class ever, its even missing that thing that every1 else has". Its really hard to take your ranger posts seriously, after reading a few...

Power SB is the lowest skill floor roamer of all the power wvw roamer builds, period. And that is because it has good tools. To say anything else is nonsense. Is it hard to play well? Yes, same with any other power spec (though way easier compared to the rest). Is it amazing in conquest? So so, but it works on side node (even as power).


Killshot - Warrior

Gunflame - Berserker

Ah yes, I'm very afraid of that 1 rifle war I saw 1 year ago.


7-shot - Renegade

I mean I guess. Its range is kitten and 1 mount dodge is enough to avoid all the damage. I guess if you run into the rev and you are already running away from someone else (and have no dodges left).


True-shot - Dragonhunter

Never seen that one dismount a player without other sources of damage.


Death's Judgement or PD condi bursts - Deadeye & all condi Thief builds

I guess, that does happen from time to time.


Power Shatters - Mesmer, Chrono, Mirage, Viruoso

Just lol. What do you smoke? And even if the mesmer does manage to dismount you, its a power mesmer (that used a setup burst to dismount you). Unless the player is really good they go down in 10 seconds. I guess you could argue, if the mesmer is such a magician that they managed to dismount you with a shatter, they have to be really good. But a good power mesmer is only slightly less rare than a rifle warrior.


Fresh Air channels - Ele, Tempest, Weaver, Catalyst

I've seen like 5 good FA eles in 1 year of roaming (actually 2 were in conquest but I'll be generous). Unless its one of those, the ele dismounts you and then you mop the floor with them.


Harbinger Shroud or any ranged combo attack from the plethora of ranged AoEs the Necromancer has

Never seen this, but the spec is new. Maybe I'll get surprised.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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1 hour ago, Hotride.2187 said:

But instead you go "ranger is the poorest class ever, its even missing that thing that every1 else has". Its really hard to take your ranger posts seriously, after reading a few

That's nothing like what I said.

It's hard to take anyone seriously after they attempt to put words into people's mouths while using logical fallacies so they can win an argument.

At some point you've got to address the actual argument with facts, rather than attacking the reputation of the names of forum users who disagree with you.

Also, stop acting like Warclaw is somehow difficult to dismount. It has 8779 health, no way to make protection, no way to cleanse, no way to block, ect ect. It just face tanks damage. IE: I am sitting here right now looking at a Rabid/Dolyak Druid build that I am using in spvp "where everything is nerfed and deals less damage" and my Splitblade on Axe#2 is dealing 9380 bleed damage. A single hit from my Splitblade Axe#2 would be enough damage wearing Rabid amulet with bad pvp stats, to dismount someone off a Warclaw.

You guys need to chill out on these silver 2 wah wah wah Rapid Fire is so strong complaints. It's ridiculous and embarassing man. If you only knew how mediocre Ranger builds were in p2+ you'd just stop. Even in WvW, the most ABUSIVE Soulbeast builds in roaming aren't even using Longbow. They use Axe and Greatsword while stating for ultimate sustain. Longbow Soulbeasts are strong at range but if another strong roamer engages it, say a p2+ Condi Mirage vs. a p2+ Longbow Soulbeast stated for DPS, both of those players know the Condi Mirage is going to win in time.

The truth that you don't want to see and/or accept, is that Longbow is a noob killer, and any reasonably seasoned veteran knows how to counterplay this. If you are dying to the super stronk Longbow all of the time to the point that you actually think it is the #1 priority first thing that you should complain about in this game's pvp balance, you are experiencing a l2p issue and are unable to see the game's balance past your own reluctance to step up, stop complaining, and learn how to counter play. If you did this, you would realize that the actual overpowered things in this game have nothing to do with normal projectile play. The real abusive attacks in this game are explosions that hit through and around LOS and floors and ceilings, as well as melee attacks and teleports that also do the same thing. What most new or very casual players seem to fail to understand, is that at higher levels of play even around 1500+, players begin to use LOS, and when this happens, normal projectiles become hard to use at all actually.

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