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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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So I haven't dabbled in this yet because like to many it looks suspicious.

But I am curious to know if you can get doubles? Because 400 for a mount skin that you wouldn't double up on doesn't seem so bad. At an in gold exchange that will hover around 100-150g ea. You get 2 mount skins for 10 bucks (wish there was regional equivalents but oh well) and while RNG sucks, considering the currently limited pool I don't think it's so awful? Although as there will be more stupid filler skins over time this will become much more problematic.

2000 for the one freaking warhound alone is pretty gross unless it can be used in all mount channels or something.Should have been at most 1000, but 800 would be more accurate if this just happens to be a shiny special you wont get from the RNG rolls.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:I have, never, in my life seen a community do this kind of thing for SKINS.


There are games that sell mounts for 40 freaking dollars with gambling and you all have the nerve to complain.

No this community is doomed, because no you wouldn't last in a game where things are WAY worse.

I can understand if it's pay to wing, but this is optional stuff people are protesting about. Anyone on an outside perspective would see all of you as absolutely crazy. I hope you know that.

No U!

Who cares about what other games do? If other games chopped your arms off whilst GW2 only nips a testicle, would you have the nerve to say "Lads, lads! Look at KoreanMMO2018! It rips your noodles right off, GW2 procreation adjuster is tame in comparison!"

The practice is predatory, and throwing up the 2000 gem mount alongside to make it seem like a better deal is in extremely poor taste.

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Buying permium content I am completely fine with.

Gambling for premium content I am vehemently against.

This is a kitten and greedy move Anet, and you know it. You thought you could get away with it because of Shadow of War and the new CoD game doing it in their AAA-games right? Well no siree, you get no such pass from me. You're now on the level of those scummy developers, or rather publishers - you're just as bad as them.

I'm extremely saddened and disappointed.

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but guys, 'it's just cosmetic!' :)

yea I think a lot of people forgot their relative deprivation from ages ago and seem to justify this by saying 'well, it's so much worse in other games,' as if that is supposed to pacify us.

See that guy over there punches you a lot harder, but this guy only punches you softly and a little bit. Be thankful you aren't punched from that other guy!

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@TwilightSoul.9048 said:If this was a f2p game I would not mind this but I paid for the core game, hot and pof, I don't see any reason why I should GAMBLE for cash shop cosmetics!I mean come on, I'm paying for cash shop cosmetics either way, at least give me the ones that I actually wanted and not some random skin...

When you bought the core game, you also knew there was a store that is 100% optional nothing pay to win in it.This is just another item being added to a 100% optional store. Besides the whole I paid for 2 expansion and the core game excuse is a bit ..... as they support the game with regular patches for years. With not asking for anything from us, as a customer we can express our feelings, but as a company they have to make money and sadly lootboxes are a good way to cash in. Another option would be to go the ESO route (put in the extreme), every patch with content they do ... charge us .... let's say how many people would complain then.

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@KingAsh.4570 said:like people skins do not affect gameplay okay stop crying plus they are not duplicates so stop crying

Yes they aren't duplicates but they are also not tradable, so what do I do, I pay 400gems for a random skin, I only care about 1 skin per mount and I get some stupid glittering pink bunny and am forced to keep it? If they were tradable then I wouldn't be here complaining :)


@Halbarz.3854 said:

@TwilightSoul.9048 said:If this was a f2p game I would not mind this but I paid for the core game, hot and pof, I don't see any reason why I should GAMBLE for cash shop cosmetics!I mean come on, I'm paying for cash shop cosmetics either way, at least give me the ones that I actually wanted and not some random skin...

When you bought the core game, you also knew there was a store that is 100% optional nothing pay to win in it.This is just another item being added to a 100% optional store. Besides the whole I paid for 2 expansion and the core game excuse is a bit ..... as they support the game with regular patches for years. With not asking for anything from us, as a customer we can express our feelings, but as a company they have to make money and sadly lootboxes are a good way to cash in. Another option would be to go the ESO route (put in the extreme), every patch with content they do ... charge us .... let's say how many people would complain then.

It's not an excuse, it's a statement that I WANT to play the game, that I am willing to pay for this game. I am however not willing to pay for a random skin. There are skins in that Box which I am interested in, but I will not pay for a RANDOM skin. I wouldn't buy a random expansion either...Make them tradable (The Skin, not the Box) and I'm sure they'd sell more of them that way.

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@calcopiritus.4251 said:Hey we don't know how to advertise our game but our playerbase will do it for us, so we can backstab them with mountskin lootboxes

That just reminded me of that one topic someone made about some potatoes guy or something making a video saying people should go to the social media sites to help advertise and boost GW2 like a few days ago. Not sure if it just disappeared into the nothingness of the pages or if it was taken down or anything.

BUT I do kind of wonder if anyone did advertise and pull people into the game and then they log into the game and see a 2000 gem mount SKIN not even the mount but a SKIN and wonder "What is up with this game...?"

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@Halbarz.3854 said:

@TwilightSoul.9048 said:If this was a f2p game I would not mind this but I paid for the core game, hot and pof, I don't see any reason why I should GAMBLE for cash shop cosmetics!I mean come on, I'm paying for cash shop cosmetics either way, at least give me the ones that I actually wanted and not some random skin...

When you bought the core game, you also knew there was a store that is 100% optional nothing pay to win in it.This is just another item being added to a 100% optional store. Besides the whole I paid for 2 expansion and the core game excuse is a bit ..... as they support the game with regular patches for years. With not asking for anything from us, as a customer we can express our feelings, but as a company they have to make money and sadly lootboxes are a good way to cash in. Another option would be to go the ESO route (put in the extreme), every patch with content they do ... charge us .... let's say how many people would complain then.

I don't mind paying a subscription if they put all the gem store stuff in the game so we can actually get them by playing it.And lets face it PoF as a core exp was way to short.

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Yep. There's at least a good handful of skins I'd buy outright. Ain't touching RNG adoption papers with a 10-foot poll.

As I said in another thread that's eventually going to be deleted for language...

The game has had RNG for years, this is nothing completely new.

However, the big issue here is that these are account-bound and (far as I know) can ONLY be purchased through the gemstore. Almost every other skin that's been RNG has been buyable outright on the TP. And since almost all the RNG stuff in the past has been in BLTC chests, you can also get keys for free and get them that way.

Them being RNG wouldn't be so bad if they weren't entirely restricted in the way to acquire them. Its the fact that they're RNG, store-only, AND account-bound that's the issue. If they were at least not account-bound, then the people who like gambling could buy the contracts, get the skins they want, then sell the skins they don't want to the rest of us. They don't feel so ripped off at getting skin they don't want and having no use for it, the people who don't want to gamble get a way to acquire them that doesn't require the gambling they dislike. That's the way its always worked and its the only reason the majority of players have accepted the RNG up to this point. Taking that away and you end up with a situation like this where most people are disgusted by the whole thing.

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Actually, as I think about this I think I am thankful for this. It was the push I needed. I just took my entertainment budget for the month and bought a book. No threat of what I am going to do, what I might do if they don't change, it is what I have already done. For the last 6 months I have been spending my budget on gems. I think that time has come to a full stop.

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@Niobium.7392 said:

@Sethorus.9231 said:You know you're not obliged to buy those and they won't affect your gameplay right.

That does not even remotely address the point. What you seem to be defending is the idea purchasable content itself, which I have no objections to.

you're missing the point here. It's not creating a thread complaining such content exists that will stop Anet from making those. It's simply not buying them. If you, your friend, and other players don't buy the skin lootboxes, there is no point for their marketing team to push this strategy forward. That's all

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"Your company has poured uncountable hours and funds into its public relations. Tending the garden of your reputation to create an ethos of good will.Here's lies the husk of the forbidden fruit, and yeth there will be weeds."lol of all the whiny complaints I've seen so far since the patch, this one, this one right here from the op, actually made me chuckle. Bravo sir/madam

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@troops.8276 said:

@KingAsh.4570 said:they just cosmetic items does not affect you any way like rofl

How does the business model of a company you are a customer of not effect you?

I honestly think a lot of people who say this don't realize players want to support the game too, but not like this, and they have every right to speak out about it.

Especially recently, the direction feels like prices are going up for less value and there's no respect to their customers. Time is money, in the sense that you spend every minute of your life doing something, so with my greatly limited resource I'm not going to waste it on a game that doesn't value me.

People generally assume that players are just whining children but as far as I'm concerned, I'm an adult, I have my own life and bills to pay. If my local grocery store started spiking its price I'd go elsewhere. There's this weird odd disconnect for people when they associate "value" and digital goods. To say ignore it, is a very dangerous slope to go down, and horrible for the digital industry in general; heck it's why net neutrality is so huge right now.

Overall, if they keep on with this trend people will find something else worth their time and money. It's quite simple really. The problem is, it'll likely be too many to recover from.

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