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Why is there still no salvage all option for Research Kits? WHY!?!?

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4 minutes ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

I don't know why they keep nerfing the easy to get notes, the yield isn't all that great and all this manual clicking is actually kinda painful. I'm not old but maybe my fingers are just delicate lol 

I AM old, have painful arthritis, and can't believe they still haven't fixed this.  Plus they keep taking away things we can salvage.

This is why we can't have nice things.  😔

Edited by Witch of Doom.5739
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I was actually waiting for this update to see if they would add at least a "salvage stack" to the Research Kits.  As someone who has restricted hand use, this would be so useful.  I get that "salvage all" might end up with people salvaging stuff they want to keep, but a salvage stack would be safe

It's code that is in the game already, there has to be an intern somewhere they can give the job to.

So yea, not only do they keep removing the cheap stuff  that allows some of us that are still crafting ascended gear or legendaries to keep our more needed materials (even though that takes MORE clicking), we still don't have a batch process on the research notes.

Yet, we are required to have cores and modules for every alt if we want all of them to use the jade bot.

This makes no sense.  It should be standard with ANY new type of salvage kit added to the game.

**dumps out her bags of coffee**

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51 minutes ago, Hellbore.1473 said:

Since I don't believe they will address this anytime soon, can some one suggest a program that will bind scroll for clicks?

Most mouse software can do this.


Also rip coffee for no kitten good reason.


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2 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

Most important missing feature. Jade bot system is unusable for people with hand issues because they physically cannot get research notes without this.

Just make an autoclicker, seriously. It's not breaking any rules. I made one with my logitech keyboard software that I can toggle on/off by pressing it, all it does is left click every 100ms (ten times per second).


I will not destroy my mouse or tendons due to poor design.

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Hello. As we have 'Salvage all the rare items' from the 'basic' salvager kits, I think (hope) Devs could add this for the Research Kit with something like 'Salvage all the crafted item' with restriction of our own stuff, of course. Some objects really useful to everyone need a lot of Research Notes, so yes, I'm not crafting them just one time, I sell them to the TP, and it's my choice, but a Salvage All option on Research Kits could be really useful and appreciated. Thanks in advance !

Edited by Larxene.7165
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On 3/29/2022 at 2:23 PM, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

Most important missing feature. Jade bot system is unusable for people with hand issues because they physically cannot get research notes without this.

Cores, sensory arrays and service chips are all tradeable so they can be purchased on the TP.

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The clicking is indeed horrible. I too have arthritis in my fingers and prefer to use my mouse clicks as less as possible.
It is why I always use Consume All, Salvage All, Open All, you name it. 

Anything that requires me constantly clicking simply won't happen. 

I did macro my mouse to make 1 set for my own bot use, then deleted ANY of the salvage kits I had left. That garbage will not enter my inventory anymore unless you a: give us the option to salvage it with out BOUGHT QoL items like the silverfed and b: Have at LEAST a "salvage stack" options.

Consider how many research notes you need to kit out 1 character to max, times 10 characters...

If I do that, you owe me 2 things.

A healthy dose of inflamatory medicine and a new mouse.


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6 hours ago, Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

I don't think "Salvage all [rarity]" is a wise decision for research kits, as that would inevitably lead to players salvaging things they want to use.  But there is no reason whatsoever we can't have "salvage stack."

Normal salvage kits can already do that so it isn't any sort of new problem

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