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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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I still need 2 more legendary sigils to complete my set. Right now, gw2efficiency shows I'd have to spend 99g on symbols to finish all I need for the next one. If I didn't use my own materials, 485g. They are a legendary, so do have a cost. I don't do anything special, just play the game, so 99g seems reasonable. Other players must be somewhere between the two (99-485g) I suppose.

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They could add a new armor for ow pve actually, like they did for wvw/pvp, because I believe it is about the functionality, not the skin of any of the existing ones. Doesn't need to be overly flashy and prestigious looking either (think along the lines of Dragonstand armorset with the 2 different variants for pre and legy).

They could actually do the achievements in the style of aurora and vision- a collection that gives you the precursorset 6pc of choice for one (light, heavy, medium) and the recipes for the other two armorweights. This collection would instead of lw3 /lw4 be based on Tyria, HOT, POF and EOD Map- and/or Storyachievements, maybe +some specific tasks like JP, worldboss etc.

It doesn't really matter, they could even leave that part out completely if too much work and just add all recipes to a vendor for a goldsink+ accoundbound mats from all areas in a big enough number. Any way they'd even promote sales of the old expansions there so it's a winwin - a pure core tyria one I don't see it sry.

Here's the important part now:

To make the precursor a legendary you would need all 4 gifts (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Maguuma, Gift of the Desert, Gift of Cantha) for each single item, making sure the grind is about equal to wvw/pvp armor while the cost is actually still low because those are the non tradable cheap variants, not the ones with like 250 crystalline ingots baked in.  The other 2 ingredients besides the precursor and the omegagift can be made in line with the cost of the other legendary armors aswell (mystic clovers, gift of might/magic etc).


If they look really nice I might even consider crafting one or two pieces despite having the full raidarmor unlocked. Personally I wouldn't even care too much about the raidskin being accessible to everyone in whatever way, but I also know there are many people that would mind.

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4 hours ago, Minna.7895 said:

They could add a new armor for ow pve actually, like they did for wvw/pvp, because I believe it is about the functionality, not the skin of any of the existing ones. Doesn't need to be overly flashy and prestigious looking either (think along the lines of Dragonstand armorset with the 2 different variants for pre and legy).

They could actually do the achievements in the style of aurora and vision- a collection that gives you the precursorset 6pc of choice for one (light, heavy, medium) and the recipes for the other two armorweights. This collection would instead of lw3 /lw4 be based on Tyria, HOT, POF and EOD Map- and/or Storyachievements, maybe +some specific tasks like JP, worldboss etc.

It doesn't really matter, they could even leave that part out completely if too much work and just add all recipes to a vendor for a goldsink+ accoundbound mats from all areas in a big enough number. Any way they'd even promote sales of the old expansions there so it's a winwin - a pure core tyria one I don't see it sry.

Here's the important part now:

To make the precursor a legendary you would need all 4 gifts (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Maguuma, Gift of the Desert, Gift of Cantha) for each single item, making sure the grind is about equal to wvw/pvp armor while the cost is actually still low because those are the non tradable cheap variants, not the ones with like 250 crystalline ingots baked in.  The other 2 ingredients besides the precursor and the omegagift can be made in line with the cost of the other legendary armors aswell (mystic clovers, gift of might/magic etc).


If they look really nice I might even consider crafting one or two pieces despite having the full raidarmor unlocked. Personally I wouldn't even care too much about the raidskin being accessible to everyone in whatever way, but I also know there are many people that would mind.

If they somehow ever add OW legendary item then they need to be as boring as the PvP and WvW one, just make the ascended one with the little extra flair add to it.

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11 hours ago, civokenes.3284 said:

So an open world set would also have to be heavily time gated in a form simmilar to "Go to all these places and do someting" (Imagine skyscale acheavements on stereoids 😄 ) or "complete meta event X times" or "kill every world boss or champion in zone Y" (just to demonstrate my point, it would probably involve clearing DE meta 10 times XD ). Doubling the numbers for subsequent armor sets.


No it wouldn't have to have time gates. Time gates are dumb and shouldn't exist in this game anyway. 

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I disagree with you (OP), I feel that legendary armor is there to be legendary for the sole reason that it shows your mastery of the game, in both gold making and skill. Otherwise it may as well just be another ascended or exotic. There's people who may end up using the swipe to get the armor, but even then I'm sure they're not proud of taking that route either.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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On 4/11/2022 at 11:17 PM, disco.9302 said:

why do you think this is incorrect in pve? I think this in entirely the point that you're missing. Stomping ambient mobs for 5 years is not deserving of the same reward as trying and succeeding in beating the most challenging content - it's not like its even locked behind CMs!

But doing the same easy grindy stuff in WvW and PVP is? So you're saying PvP and WvW players can do what they want and get their armor, but PvE for reasons no one has yet adequately explained to me, needs to have something deserving.  If it was true in two of the pillars it should be true in the third pillar.  Anet calls WvW and PvP and PvE the three pillars of the game. This game didn't even launch with raids.

But somehow it's okay for PvP and WvW players to get their legendary armor doing anything they want, but PvE players must jump through hoops unique to PvE. Why? What's the reason, besides what you said so.

Your argument would only hold merit of you couldn't get legendary armor for no skill already, but that's not the case. PvE players who don't raid are being punished by having to jump through hoops. PvP and WvW players are being rewarded for doing the exact same stuff they always do.

I don't know how anyone can say there's fairness here with a straight face.

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On 4/11/2022 at 11:45 PM, Caitmonster.9036 said:

Making an openworld (read: casual) variant of legendary armor just doesn't sit great with me, unless it's literally for the utility of having legendary armor and you get no benefits beyond that. No fancy disco rave skin, just generic t1 armor skin that grants you the functionality and nothing more

I don't see this is a disadvantage personally as there is enough visual clutter already XD.

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But doing the same easy grindy stuff in WvW and PVP is? So you're saying PvP and WvW players can do what they want and get their armor, but PvE for reasons no one has yet adequately explained to me, needs to have something deserving.  If it was true in two of the pillars it should be true in the third pillar.  Anet calls WvW and PvP and PvE the three pillars of the game. This game didn't even launch with raids.

But somehow it's okay for PvP and WvW players to get their legendary armor doing anything they want, but PvE players must jump through hoops unique to PvE. Why? What's the reason, besides what you said so.


The reason is people should have to put in similar Work for similar rewards. Work defined as time x intensity. PvP players generally hit back much harder then OW npc`s. For crying out loud 1 dragon hunter hits harder then most world bosses and I have to face that kitten alone and not with 49 other people. If you are an average PvP players it still takes around 201 hours of somewhat intense gameplay to get the needed shard´s. Now you probably saying but hey you literally can afk in WvW. True. But if you wanna have WvW armor, the not shiny one, we are talking about a 289 Hour commitment over at least 22 Weeks for the claim tickets alone. Way more if you approach it casually and can´t commit to that game mode hard. That is all without the actual gold cost of these item, for what players have to go(funny enough) to the open world even if they not like it all that much. And as long as not enough open world people make it clear they want legendary armor with these kind of strings attached it is not gonna happen.

Edited by Albi.7250
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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

The reason is people should have to put in similar Work for similar rewards. Work defined as time x intensity. PvP players generally hit back much harder then OW npc`s. For crying out loud 1 dragon hunter hits harder then most world bosses and I have to face that kitten alone and not with 49 other people. If you are an average PvP players it still takes around 201 hours of somewhat intense gameplay to get the needed shard´s. Now you probably saying but hey you literally can afk in WvW. True. But if you wanna have WvW armor, the not shiny one, we are talking about a 289 Hour commitment over at least 22 Weeks for the claim tickets alone. Way more if you approach it casually and can´t commit to that game mode hard. That is all without the actual gold cost of these item, for what players have to go(funny enough) to the open world even if they not like it all that much. And as long as not enough open world people make it clear they want legendary armor with these kind of strings attached it is not gonna happen.

No one said that they didn't want a long hard grind for PvE armor though. They said they didn't want to raid. It's very simple.

PvPer - do what you always do, for a long time

WvWer - do what you always do for a long time

PvE'er - Raid or else.

If you don't see this as unfair, that's okay. But any reasonable person would in my opinion.

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15 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

No one said that they didn't want a long hard grind for PvE armor though. They said they didn't want to raid. It's very simple.

PvPer - do what you always do, for a long time

WvWer - do what you always do for a long time

PvE'er - Raid or else.

If you don't see this as unfair, that's okay. But any reasonable person would in my opinion.

In PvP you have to play ranked. You can think of raids as ranked PvE. You basically do the same thing you do in Open World. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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13 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

I wish there was a series of quests to do to get a legendary sigil. It's the only legendary item I'd like to get. However, the idea of farming so much stuff just for a single upgrade component is impossible to get past. These things should be gated by something more mentally engaging than farming gold and materials.

Do not get a legendary sigil.
Or rune, for that matter.
Those will ~never be worth it, and armors outdo them at their use case anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Let's offer LI in the open world , killing bosses.

None will care for your dps

You can turn off the chat and have fun

None can kick you


Just like PvP

You can’t get the ascended shards in unranked PvP. 

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10 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

You can’t get the ascended shards in unranked PvP. 

In Ranked ofc

You can turn off the chat and be as tank/bersek as you want .


None to breath throught your neck to do moar dps , to skip mehcanics or take less damage .

And then go around and say , that people are not going the extra mile to "master the game"

And then demand more content


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

In Ranked ofc

You can turn off the chat and be as tank/bersek as you want .


None to breath throught your neck to do moar dps , to skip mehcanics or take less damage .


Is it not possible to turn off chat in raids? 

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3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But doing the same easy grindy stuff in WvW and PVP is? So you're saying PvP and WvW players can do what they want and get their armor, but PvE for reasons no one has yet adequately explained to me, needs to have something deserving.  If it was true in two of the pillars it should be true in the third pillar.  Anet calls WvW and PvP and PvE the three pillars of the game. This game didn't even launch with raids.

But somehow it's okay for PvP and WvW players to get their legendary armor doing anything they want, but PvE players must jump through hoops unique to PvE. Why? What's the reason, besides what you said so.

Your argument would only hold merit of you couldn't get legendary armor for no skill already, but that's not the case. PvE players who don't raid are being punished by having to jump through hoops. PvP and WvW players are being rewarded for doing the exact same stuff they always do.

I don't know how anyone can say there's fairness here with a straight face.

For the sake of discussion. Wvw and especially pvp players can't do "anything they want".


Pvp players needs to strictly play ranked. Not unranked, not hotjoin, not stronghold and not even ATs. 


As for wvw players, sure. As long as you keep participation up for around 15-20 hours a week for 22 weeks you can craft the armor. But it's so insanely time gated compared to the pve one that I'm sure many people would trade. 

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3 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

In Ranked ofc

You can turn off the chat and be as tank/bersek as you want .


None to breath throught your neck to do moar dps , to skip mehcanics or take less damage .

And then go around and say , that people are not going the extra mile to "master the game"

And then demand more content

"You can grief your teammates and leech progression, they can't kick you, and this is a feature."  - You


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Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

No .

Because you have to link the LI first thing first

And after that you can’t turn off chat? I never tried it in raids so I am asking. Is the game preventing you from turning off the chat in raids? 

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1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

No .

Because you have to link the LI first thing first

Or you know communicate to succeed. Same in PvP. If you wanna halve kitten the game be my guest. But if you wanna have  the same rewards you have to put in the same work as everybody else. And between all your complaining  you didn't state once how much your are willing to do for legendary armor.

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10 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

And after that you can’t turn off chat? I never tried it in raids so I am asking. Is the game preventing you from turning off the chat in raids? 

No , because you need to look out for which person with do the Mechanics .

And then you have to look out for your dps . If its too low they will kick you


(i swear to god the company created healers and mechanics for 1 player to carry the rest of 7 people and ....)

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Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

No , because you need to look out for which person with do the Mechanics .

And then you have to look out for your dps . If its too low they will kick you


(i swear to god the company created healers and mechanics for 1 player to carry the rest of 7 people and ....)

Maybe do raids with your guild or friends then. Still I am pretty sure that you are able to turn off chat in raids. If it is recommended is another question. 

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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

Or you know communicate to succeed. Same in PvP. If you wanna halve kitten the game be my guest. But if you wanna have  the same rewards you have to put in the same work as everybody else. And between all your complaining  you didn't state once how much your are willing to do for legendary armor.

You cant Alt + left click to target a person .

If you played solo-Ranked  PvP you know , that there is not need to communication . Any1 high enought knows their role . In low rating is whatever 😛


Lets creat the same system as Ranked , where none can blame you for low dps , etc 😛

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