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Protocol for tips

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  I am wondering what is considered polite & proper for tips for help with JP ports, HP, MP, & Champ/Legndary Trains,

and assistabnce with story parts like "Hearts & Minds". I always do tip, unless I am told please not to (some people

refuse tips, enjoying just to be helpful-thank you for that help; I am still willing to give you a tip for the kindness!)

  Last night I joined an HP train, where the description listed tips as welcomed, yet throughout the run, the squad

was reminded not to leave squad without tipping. I am happy to tip because someone has dedicated time to help

others, in some cases considerable amounts of time & that means alot to me. As a player who is older & has disabilities,

sometimes many do not realize HOW MUCH the kindnesses are appreciated!

  I was a little confused when our HP train was over & the Commander continued to go on & on in chat how many people had

not tipped, or not tipped enough. I have never seen that before. And yes I DID tip.

  Going forward, what is recognized as a polite & proper tip for the different squads & help I listed in my first sentence?

  And thanks again to all of the very kind & helpful players in this game 🙂

Edited by Crunchbone.7341
Format on forums shows double spaced sentences, but my text is single-spaced.
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1 hour ago, Crunchbone.7341 said:

  I am wondering what is considered polite & proper for tips for help with JP ports, HP, MP, & Champ/Legndary Trains,

and assistabnce with story parts like "Hearts & Minds". I always do tip, unless I am told please not to (some people

refuse tips, enjoying just to be helpful-thank you for that help; I am still willing to give you a tip for the kindness!)

  Last night I joined an HP train, where the description listed tips as welcomed, yet throughout the run, the squad

was reminded not to leave squad without tipping. I am happy to tip because someone has dedicated time to help

others, in some cases considerable amounts of time & that means alot to me. As a player who is older & has disabilities,

sometimes many do not realize HOW MUCH the kindnesses are appreciated!

  I was a little confused when our HP train was over & the Commander continued to go on & on in chat how many people had

not tipped, or not tipped enough. I have never seen that before. And yes I DID tip.

  Going forward, what is recognized as a polite & proper tip for the different squads & help I listed in my first sentence?

  And thanks again to all of the very kind & helpful players in this game 🙂

I am lucky in that the HP trains I have used, and the JP mesmers I have used for the longer JPs, have all had the message "tips appreciated", and the squad wasn't flamed for not giving tips. 


I have no idea of the "going rate" for tips for HP trains and JPs (Chalice of Tears is well-named). All the ones I have used have left it at "tips appreciated". I tip on the basis of convenience (yes I could eventually do all the HPs on this map with the help of other players, but the HP train makes it faster) and also on the basis of how much hair-pulling would I do if I had no mesmer help (Chalice of Tears, etc). Thus, for some JPs I will tip more than I would for a single map of HPs. 


I don't think there is an informal menu of which things are tipped at a greater price than others. I don't even know if the majority of players tip and, if so, the average tip.


But complaining that players hadn't "tipped enough" is really rude.


I am in a country where tipping isn't used. Service workers are paid their wages at an hourly rate, with a minimum wage present, that doesn't assume anything about tips. Perhaps this is a cultural difference and I fundamentally misunderstand what it means when someone from the USA is "tips appreciated". In the USA does that mean "I expect you to tip me"?

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  I have lived in the USA all my life. I waitressed for many years, & tips are generally considered to be part of the wage. I also owned a computer building & service business & NEVER expected tips.

  To me, "tips appreciated" means tips are welcome burt not demanded. I believe that to be the norm in the USA as a geneal rule as well, unless tips are considered part of the wage such as is usually the case in food service.

  Due to the attitude of our squad leader last night, I began to question the tipping protocol uniqe to GW2. It seems that we just had a squad leader who did not make it clear that tips were expected/demanded for the run, & yes, that felt rude at the end.

  In view of the responses, I feel also that the LFG description should have been worded to reflect the necessity to tip. I appreciated the responses. I do not like to feel like a jerk for not tipping, or not tipping enough. I will still continue to offer though as most of the squads I join help me complete things that I could not manage on my own :) Thanks!


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48 minutes ago, Crunchbone.7341 said:

  I have lived in the USA all my life. I waitressed for many years, & tips are generally considered to be part of the wage. I also owned a computer building & service business & NEVER expected tips.

  To me, "tips appreciated" means tips are welcome burt not demanded. I believe that to be the norm in the USA as a geneal rule as well, unless tips are considered part of the wage such as is usually the case in food service.

  Due to the attitude of our squad leader last night, I began to question the tipping protocol uniqe to GW2. It seems that we just had a squad leader who did not make it clear that tips were expected/demanded for the run, & yes, that felt rude at the end.

  In view of the responses, I feel also that the LFG description should have been worded to reflect the necessity to tip. I appreciated the responses. I do not like to feel like a jerk for not tipping, or not tipping enough. I will still continue to offer though as most of the squads I join help me complete things that I could not manage on my own 🙂 Thanks!


Yea but do know that the commander most likely would not be able to do it alone.

So you are paying him for the other surfs he train around the map.

I dont see why they feel entitled to it at all do they split it with the rest of the people contributing in the squad?

I assume the commander got arkdps and can see who contributed to hps getting done in boons heals and dps and sent them their cuts right.

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For longer things, like an HP train, I usually figure half the people will tip, and the total tips should work out to about 20 gold an hour, I think that is the most recent number I saw for a reasonable farming expectation (have not looked at the recently, but I also have not joined any long trains).

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6 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I am lucky in that the HP trains I have used, and the JP mesmers I have used for the longer JPs, have all had the message "tips appreciated", and the squad wasn't flamed for not giving tips. 


I have no idea of the "going rate" for tips for HP trains and JPs (Chalice of Tears is well-named). All the ones I have used have left it at "tips appreciated". I tip on the basis of convenience (yes I could eventually do all the HPs on this map with the help of other players, but the HP train makes it faster) and also on the basis of how much hair-pulling would I do if I had no mesmer help (Chalice of Tears, etc). Thus, for some JPs I will tip more than I would for a single map of HPs. 


I don't think there is an informal menu of which things are tipped at a greater price than others. I don't even know if the majority of players tip and, if so, the average tip.


But complaining that players hadn't "tipped enough" is really rude.


I am in a country where tipping isn't used. Service workers are paid their wages at an hourly rate, with a minimum wage present, that doesn't assume anything about tips. Perhaps this is a cultural difference and I fundamentally misunderstand what it means when someone from the USA is "tips appreciated". In the USA does that mean "I expect you to tip me"?

It does not; or, at least, it should not. 

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I asked that question a couple of years ago. The answers ranged from 'do not tip' to '[insert extravagant amount]'. There was no consensus, but a frequent and sensible answer was to tip whatever you can afford, considering how much money you typically make per hour. 'Tips are welcome' is good. Complaining about lack of tipping in /squad is crass.

For HP trains through HoT, I will donate the unidentified rares to a good commander. For a daily, medium-difficulty JP, 10 silver. Searing Ascent? Gold!

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I give 1-2g if it was something simple. JP port, TP to friend etc.
5g if it's nothing too demanding but the person went out of their way to help me.
10g if they helped me with something that would otherwise affect my sanity if i tried to do it myself.

Personally I wouldn't go past 5g for HP run tips. Why? Because you have Taco routes which show you where to go, you don't have to remember the routes. The group stomps anything in their way and the commander gets loot anyway for doing the hero points. Heck, they might even need the hero points themselves and YOU might be the one helping them without knowing 😀

Ofc, if you don't have a lot of gold tip less or don't tip at all. The guy demanding tips is a weirdo tbh.
EDIT: If the commander did a beginner friendly HP run without mounts and with ports I'd make an exception and tip more btw. 

Edited by Friday.7864
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  Thank you all for the input. I did not realize there were TACO routes laid out for the HP trains, just thought the commanders memorized them all :)

  Looking at Friday's post just above, that has been about what I usually tip, so I don't feel like I give too little.

  The responses here have been greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!.


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1 hour ago, Crunchbone.7341 said:

  Thank you all for the input. I did not realize there were TACO routes laid out for the HP trains, just thought the commanders memorized them all 🙂

  Looking at Friday's post just above, that has been about what I usually tip, so I don't feel like I give too little.

  The responses here have been greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!.


I've never used TACO for anything outside of SAB, so, some of us have memorized the maps.  I don't think I've ever done an LFG listed HP run through HoT, but, I have done several that started as guild runs and ended up being larger.  I've never asked for tips, for HP runs, JP ports, or helping people just having trouble finding or defeating something.  I do always accept them and reply with a thanks when they are sent - if they thought it was worth tipping to them, who am I to question their judgement?

I always tip for the daily JP.  Normally, I'll tip 1 gold, but, that's because a) I'm multiboxing and bringing my alt account through dailies at the same time as my main, so really it's 2 character getting ported, and b) I'm not ultra-rich, but I am wealthy enough in-game that I could buy a couple legendaries off the TP and not notice it.

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I usually do mesmer/thief ports for the Daily JP.

I never expect tips and I feel 50 silver maximum is good for a tip.  Even so, I do not expect tips at all.  Just happy to pay it forward and help players for things I've gotten help on long ago.

anyone demanding a tip doesn't understand the nuance of the word.   If it's for something basic, like a daily JP, those demanding service fees should just be ignored.  There's plenty of us willing to do it for free.

Concerning the extremely difficult JP's, like Chalice, I feel it's good to compensate for time spent guiding a group of players through it.  This is because it is extremely time intensive and difficult to do.  When I was guided through Chalice, the player did not demand tips but said it would be appreciated if we did.  We all tipped on average 10 gold.  The bigger point is that even players doing portals for the hardest JP's don't demand fees.  

Essentially, there are enough players who genuinely just want to help others in the game that you can forever ignore all those who demand payment.  The reasonableness of a tip is what you, personally, feel is good.  To my experience, I, nor any others I've encountered, expect any particular amount.  We just appreciate anything, and are still happy to help for free.  


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"any tips are welcome"*

*But do not bother sending me anything below 10silver as it is not worth the hassle of opening mail and retrieving it.

I used to do Jumping puzzle portals and this would be my reaction. Not to sound ungratefully, but tips are really not needed and when the tips are rather small I would prefer no tip at all as I need to open the mail and collect the money.

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