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POLL - What is the most important aspect of WvW for you?


What is the most important aspect of WvW for you?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the most important aspect of WvW for you?

    • Class Balance - Roaming/Small group/Zerg metas
    • Population Balance - Hello? anyone else in this time zone?
    • WvW Gameplay - PPT, playing the mode as intended! playing with objectives(defending/attacking/upgrading/ktrain).
    • WvW Gameplay - Fights, just here for the boom. /pops on Feel Invincible song.
    • Rewards - Bling bling jade bot scraps are back jack!
    • Community - Guilds, server, friends, I just need a place to rant and blow off steam after work!
    • Other - I will write you an essay on why I don't like your answers!
  2. 2. What do you think should be the number one immediate priority of Anet to look into?

    • Class Balance - 36 specs... tldr
    • Population Balance - World Restructuring
    • WvW Gameplay - PPT, too stale?
    • WvW Gameplay - Fights, work on boon meta?
    • Rewards - We need more bling for the blingity bling bling to make the pve blingers jealous
    • Community - Making sure Alliances is for everyone (extra guild slot would go a long way)
    • That queue bug duh!
    • Do a sweeping update of all the maps, fix the bugs, update graphics, update flow and tactics of the map.
    • Update guild claims, add some bling, update the tactivators.
    • Outnumbered pips - I need my empty seat in the corner back
    • Other - I will write you an essay on my amazing answer to fix WvW

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What is the single most important thing for you in wvw every time you step into it?

The thing that anet needs to make sure gets the most attention, because if it isn't you'd probably leave the game...

Feel free to do a quick 1-6 priority ordered list if you want, or add more categories if I missed something.

Also what do you think they should work on immediately.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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I have a bit of a mix, I like fights(large and small scale like roaming) but I also like the more tactical gameplay imagined for ppt. 

Could class balance help with this? Sure maybe a little but that's something I see as an matter for the game as a whole. So as to what to address I'd look at the specifically wvw things. While alliances are already in the works. I still have mixed feelings about those but a fresh update to all the maps would be the most noticeable and impactful change in my opinion. It would help wvw look less dated compared to its pve counterpart and who knows might encourage more people to give it a try.

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Well, technically, it´s all of the above, but that answer would miss the point. 

In order to "fix" WvW, we need to address the fundamental issues first. So, what are those?

WvW is a mode completely driven by the players, within a sandbox-environment on competetive scale. So the first thing would be, to "fix" the sandbox itself. Since the players are what keeps the mode alive, we need to make sure to give an even playground for everyone. World Restructuring in particular is the current thing we can refer to as "solution", or at least part of the "solution" for that topic. 

Another thing that needs to be adressed is the "incentive" for people to even play WvW. yes, a lot of players that currently play WvW actively (not the average "1-time-a-week-pug-zergling", but more like those that actually get their repeating diamond-chest every week), but there´s still not much value (in terms of in-game gain) you really gain through WvW. To clarify: i don´t mean stuff like the "value" of reward tracks, loot, even gold gain in general. I mean a "real" reason to not only play WvW, but to actually WIN a matchup. Currently, winning or losing a matchup means nothing besides who your next enemy will be. This must change. However: we must be careful here not to drift back into scenarios, where players will literally exhaust themselves because of that (thinking back to tournaments). 

Another fundamental issue that existed since release, is the game performance. DX11 seems to have fixed FPS-issues for many players (even though it doesn´t work for everybody), but the server-sided issues still persist (aka high-ping/lag, skill-lag etc). There´s a lot room for improvement still. 

The next thing is one everyone already knows too well. We desperately need an improve of communication between ArenaNet/the devs, and the players. To clarify a bit more: this is not an issue i see one-sided (as most of players in the forums imply). The players are also part of the problem here.
So on the one  hand, ArenaNet/devs need to put out their thoughts more frequently, while delivering more than just "hot air". The first step would be actual regular scheduled balance updates, with reasoning why they decided for their changes. A realistic roadmap on what is on "the list", what the current priority is, and how far development for all of this progressed so far. 
On the other hand, the players need to stop giving destructive feedback and learn to look at the topic from different sides. There´s no point in threads like "mimimi nerf xy too stronk i always get farmed by xy". We (the players) need to address not only the problems existing, but also provide a realistic (!!!) solution to it. 
The issue we could have with that: we don´t really know what resources (in terms of dev-/balance-teams) ANet has available, and how they are assigned. For every player this ofc brings up the thing "well, then ANet needs to stock up their team", and while i totally aggree on that thought, i think it´s not that easy (from a company pov). 

Those are imo the biggest issues with WvW at the moment, while not invalidating the other points on the list. In fact, everything in the list OP made is a valid point and needs to be addressed somehow. It´s just a matter of priority imo.


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Delete south camp and place two NPC commanders there. Those NPCs provide u with copy-paste build templates, and give u random commands “move left, dodge right, big bomb” etc.


The third team then can K-train their home map.


At the end of the week, the team with the most gank kills is crowned “winner”.


PS: and more boons, we need more boons, and buff the boons ofc, and a new rune "Boon Boom: Everytime you get a boon, copy that boon to 5 teammates."

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6 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

Well, technically, it´s all of the above, but that answer would miss the point. 

In order to "fix" WvW, we need to address the fundamental issues first. So, what are those?

WvW is a mode completely driven by the players, within a sandbox-environment on competetive scale. So the first thing would be, to "fix" the sandbox itself. Since the players are what keeps the mode alive, we need to make sure to give an even playground for everyone. World Restructuring in particular is the current thing we can refer to as "solution", or at least part of the "solution" for that topic. 

So you are the one that did not choose the "Other" option above 😁

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  • Xenesis.6389 changed the title to POLL - What is the most important aspect of WvW for you?

This poll isn't up well. First off the game mode needs more people and a healthy population as #1. That isn't an easy task but any of the other options would help that immensely. For example, if classes were better balanced(read: sic em 1 shots, invincible bunkers and perma stealth deleted) the population would grow instead of new players trying WvW, getting 1 shot / perma stealth trolled / bunker sustain trolled until they quit in a day.  If the mode gave actual rewards, more PvErs would do it, etc.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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8 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

This poll isn't up well. 



First off the game mode needs more people and a healthy population as #1

So choose population balance option?

Class balance in second question?

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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13 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

I explained my thoughts why I think the poll isn't set up well. The highest priority needs to be more people. However, if you fix rewards and class balance you get that.

1. What is the most important aspect of WvW for you?

Population Balance


2. What do you think should be the number one immediate priority of Anet to look into?

Class Balance


Dunno seems pretty straight forward to me.



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There is no simple solution.  alliance is not going to fix it, nor is this poll.

first of all players have got to want to be like this 
"The Bloodbath of B-R5RB" 

What I think can most likely fix our "problem" is Reward and Community. 

I've put problem in " " because it's not actually a problem. How players are playing in WvW is what the game mode "wants" us to play it. Its the best option to zerg and ppt since it brings in the most reward.

WvW players have nothing to fight for but themselves and for the bags, hence, to attract more players, better reward may bring in more players.  That's 1

As for #2,  Community, Often I've been told that I should let people play how they like. One time someone show me a whisper which said : how is it their problem loosing a t3 keep (when they have a 50 men squad on another map and refused to come help.)  Because the community is scattered, there is no common goal., in order to fix this "problem",  Anet need to fix the community by  giving us a common goal. 

first we fixed the rewards, with secure rewards, the community can focus on achieving that common goal.


The above video is that, players from everywhere with a single goal in mind, coming together.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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8 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

There is no simple solution.  alliance is not going to fix it, nor is this poll.

Who said this poll was suppose to fix something? It's pointing out the areas that players are interested in.

Also eve is a much harsher game, so players come together, work together, fight together, protect each other and what they own, with their corporations(guilds) and alliances, because dying/losing actually means something and can be pretty harsh so players will protect what they've built. Not to mention this wasn't some 2 minute battle, this was a 21 hour battle, with the estimated loss of 300k usd going by the market value of the games real money currency(gw2 gems). There's a whole giant economic system in that game that doesn't exist in wvw.

You want people to jump maps to protect a t3 keep? give it more value for them to try and fit their 50 man blob into a map, or get half of the supposed "scouts" off the map to make room for them. That keep could be back capped in 5 mins and upgraded to full again in 2 hours, which is probably how long it would even take you to fly to a battle in eve. The loss of a t3 keep is not even comparable, they're a galaxy size apart in value.

Funny enough... eve online has alliances.... that controls entire systems... something this person doesn't want... 🤭


Edited by Xenesis.6389
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On 4/15/2022 at 3:57 PM, Abyssisis.3971 said:

I only pvp/wvw for the skirmish tickets and shards to complete sets of legendary armour now, once they are done, I’m going back to the quit corner. Class balance and zero dev support has ruined both game modes.

Am almost like you. I just have to get my Leg Heavy armor and am probably done with WvW - unless there are some fundamental changes.

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