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What day and time should I auction my loot?

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Selling during peak time theoretically means more buyers, but it also means more people selling the same items and undercutting you.

Likewise, offpeak means fewer buyers but also fewer people to undercut you. The nett result may be the same.

What does make a difference is supply and demand. You can see how many listings there are of an item and how many bids and how close to the selling price is the highest bid offer. This gives a better indication of how quickly an item will sell. 

You can also use online tools like gw2spidy that has extensive graphs for this type of thing.

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Some items might sell faster and/or reach higher prices on certain days. For example I suspect more refined crafting materials sell at weekends when players with limited time are more likely to be online, because they're less likely to spend time gathering, but it would be a very small difference, if it happens at all and it will be different days for different items so it would be very hard to keep track of them all. I don't think you could get it down to a time because the Trading Post is game-wide, it's the same for all servers in both EU and NA regions so there's no real peak times. Overall I don't think it's worth worrying about when you sell things.

The one exception is festival materials and new festival items (ones introduced that year). Those will be worth more early on in the festival when there's a lower supply and more demand from people wanting stuff right away. There's been times I've started off selling most my drops at the start of a festival, bought back some of the same stuff later on and actually made a profit (or saved money) by doing that. But again it's not guarenteed and even if it does happen the difference may be too small to be worth worrying about. If you're just waiting to buy stuff it's not a big problem, but selling something you want hoping it will be cheaper later is risky.

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All I know is the time I want to buy stuff, the price is too high; and when I'm selling, the value drops far below my asking price.


I tend to put in orders far in advance for what I need. If I'm working on a Legendary, I'll put in mats orders a month or more out from when I think I may finish the precursor. I have a mule for all my mats I don't want to accidentally use. 


Just don't chase the market; place the order, pull it when it doesn't sell for a couple days, and place it again for the new value. Each time you change, the "taxes" are taken out and the item essentially loses ending value. But you already knew that.

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I would say, put stuff up late Friday night. Weekends see more players for the obvious reason and also people who might be more inclined to pay higher prices. Simply because they want to "advance" their character and just cannot put in the time.

I know I'm one 😜

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If you look up the item on the wiki, you will see some links to external websites on the right hand side. Here is an example of an item that is tradeable - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear


The top link is GW2BLTC, which is the website I use. If you click through, you will find a host of information on the item you wish to sell, including long-term sale and buy prices. In the shorter term, it will give you times. I would use that data to determine when to sell for what price.

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I do not believe there is one right answer, if any. I do have an opinion, but it is largely based of what I normally sell and my experience of what seems to work best. Whatever edge I may or may not get is at best marginal. I will say that I am less wont to set my price higher than the lowest asking price in the daytime than during the night.

Acquire your own first-hand experience is probably the best advice I can give you.

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