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A REAL legendary armor

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I suppose the perfected envoy set could be called the HoT legendary armor, since it requires playing content from that expansion to acquire. But then people might think that other expacs have their own sets, which just creates unnecessary confusion.

As far as a new set is concerned: At this point there is a reasonably good chance expac 4 is going to have more armor, since gen1, gen2 and gen3 + all variations means weapons will have a wide range of legendaries to select from and it would probably be pretty easy to market that as a big expansion feature. If it is not part of the next expac then the devs are likely done with legendary armor for good.

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4 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

In the part , where you always say that people don't need an OW legendary , but they should go out in the way to get one provided .

I proved to you that Legendary is not Prestigious , not that Normal Strikes are done becase of the existance of such

No, no, don't run from it and pretend I'm somehow "always telling people". You've pretended that I'm "the one saying that there shouldn't be a Legendary set in OW, because people are not going to try Raids.". Link that post from this thread or stop lying, since this is exactly what you do over and over again: quoting my post, answering with something entirely unrelated and then make a random claim like this one to shift the blame/argument on something false.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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9 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Which i am pointing you , that you are wrong . People do Strikes and there not a carrot . Simply Raids didn't have a easy mode .

Given the account name, I am not surprised why an easy mode seem necessary, even after most of raid contents required for Leg armor has been nerfed to the ground.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, no, don't run from it and pretend I'm somehow "always telling people". You've pretended that I'm "the one saying that there shouldn't be a Legendary set in OW, because people are not going to try Raids.". Link that post or stop lying.

Whose running ?

Who is always saying that they don't  need OW legendary and do the one provided ?

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2 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Whose running ?

Who is always saying that they don't  need OW legendary and do the one provided ?

Link where I said what you're claiming I did or stop lying. Is there anything unclear about what I wrote there (and now here)?

This claim btw: "You are the one saying that there shouldn't be a Legendary set in OW, because people are not going to try Raids." -this is simply not what I said, so stop pretending otherwise.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Anyone can see what you written .

In every thread created , you repeat the same things 😛


If anyone can see it, then you should be able to easly link it. Otherwise, stop lying and now running from it.

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16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, I guess you've missed it:

Pretty sure someone already pointed that out in this thread too.

It would need to be balanced so players who farmed metas for a while don't instantly fulfill all requirements. But that kind of currency is perfectly viable as a time gate.

Edit: In fact, it has been used as such several times already. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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My god. This discussion OVER and OVER. I swear, we must have a competition who is posting a newly "me want Legendary Armory by playing AFK game in Open World meta !!! GIB NOUUUUU". Like for real? Wanna Legendary Armor?

1) Yes I want - Then play Raids, go PvP or WvW

2) No - Then craft Ascended and call it a day.

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14 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

[Ascended gear is already BiS and there's plenty of ways to get it. Want more? Play more of the game's content. Don't want to? Great, stick to the ascended tier, it's not a problem and never was.]


Wait, what? How is what you've quoted even remotely close to the claim you were making up ("You are the one saying that there shouldn't be a Legendary set in OW, because people are not going to try Raids.")? 🤨 

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Wait, what? How is what you've quoted even remotely close to the claim you were making up ("You are the one saying that there shouldn't be a Legendary set in OW, because people are not going to try Raids.")? 🤨 

You are the one saying that they don't need Legendary in OW

"Want more? Play more of the game's content. Don't want to? Great, stick to the ascended tier, it's not a problem and never was. "

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2 hours ago, Xerxez.7361 said:


Legendary Sandstorm Player Achievement would be an equivalent required achievement that would make Overworld Legendary Armor on par with Raid, WvW, & PvP Legendary Armor considering the difficulty in Overworld.

You can fail your way into WvW legendary armor. It is much easier than PvE collections.

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2 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

I'll be interested to see if they actually follow through on their promise for better wvw and pvp legendary skins. The PvP ones are pretty nice, but the wvw ones are blah. 

They never said they would get new skins tho did they?

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2 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

did account for 5 per run in my time calculation.

doesn't make sense at all. I did all 3 sets and never got more than 1 per chest.


2 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

Unless you are talking Envoy II. 
T1 fractals are fine for those, meaning you can get all of the required ones in half an hour. It requires one AB, being on Dragon Stand on an instance that completed the boss and visiting TD once.
Crystalline Ore can be bought with Guild Commodations. So yes, it does require a different kind of gameplay but even this doesn't require OW gameplay. 

lol...of course you need to do multiple Tarir runs for the auricular ingots. you get around 50-100 dust, which isn't nearly enough....so please stop spreading bull kitten and admit you're wrong

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4 minutes ago, Sarius.9285 said:

doesn't make sense at all. I did all 3 sets and never got more than 1 per chest.


lol...of course you need to do multiple Tarir runs for the auricular ingots. you get around 50-100 dust, which isn't nearly enough....so please stop spreading bull kitten and admit you're wrong

I mean they say raiders can just buy the open world material from the trading post.

Well lets turn that around why cant open world players just do what ever in open world get gold buy raid achievement clears then do strike missions for weeks to get their li then?

Edited by Linken.6345
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