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Warrior absent in MAT... Again.

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41 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I believe this is the approach warrior feedback posts have in the subforum years now. Of course the ideas were used for Willbender traits and mechanics! 

Maybe change the warr sub into "Skills and Traits Creative Department"

Sad but true... At least all our hard work went to good use right?

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18 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Srsly, they have no excuse. It’s pure negligence and we all know it 

Pretty mad about it, not because it's my thread, but because so many warrior mains and warrior alt players that care about warrior put a lot of effort into it and we're seeing those ideas getting used on other professions.

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56 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Maybe change the warr sub into "Skills and Traits Creative Department"


Yeah no doubt, I lurk at the warrior sub often. When the willbender got the buffs, part of me was happy for its inclusion in matches. But when I started playing it, I felt a bit baffled because the game style felt warrior-ish


I mentioned in previous comments weeks before the recent MAT that the WB is strong but it does have a higher skill cap (relative to other guard specs)  which I like. In order to fully maximize its potential, you have to land as many consecutives hits in short period of time. Not a bad trade off and though I didn't like the playstyle of the guard, the WB, I liked a lot


During the most recent MAT, Teapot gave away "freebies" on specs that hard counter WB. Also, if you noticed that once the WB got targeted, it goes down pretty fast. Despite all that, it always got the highest damage output and it's indirectly proportional to my screaming bladesworn that would do 250K dmg and 300K heals. Feels like a role reversal. 


Warrior  class needs a recalibration between its weapon skills, utilities and traitlines - not a band aid solution. 

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7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Do you know what it's called when a spec is playable but is outperformed by something else in every respect?




And that has been the state of Warrior--not just Bladesworn--in PvP for many months. 

correction, many years

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8 hours ago, tunococman.7324 said:

it's because of bad thread starters like this is why Warrior isn't getting the changes that it needs


Literally, people crying about a class with telegraphed attacks in 2022


#stillbronzein2022 #TURTLEreactiontime

the idea that a skill (and a specs sustain) should be broken cuz the class has big telegraphs elsewhere is the DUMBEST LOGIC EVER LOL. how about all of it gets fixed? is that too much to ask? or would you rather keep bladesworn where it is?

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9 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

the idea that a skill (and a specs sustain) should be broken cuz the class has big telegraphs elsewhere is the DUMBEST LOGIC EVER LOL. how about all of it gets fixed? is that too much to ask? or would you rather keep bladesworn where it is?

When the mains talk about it tho, there is radio silence from anet years now and people seem to enjoy shoutspam. 

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55 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

the idea that a skill (and a specs sustain) should be broken cuz the class has big telegraphs elsewhere is the DUMBEST LOGIC EVER LOL. how about all of it gets fixed? is that too much to ask? or would you rather keep bladesworn where it is?

We have no track record for Arenanet fixing warrior via reworks. 

Once they prove they can do that, yes (because we'd have something else to play). Until then, no (because we'd have nothing to play).  

What do you propose for bladesworn balancing, though? Where is -fixed- for you personally? The alternative for bladesworn sustain as it is, is when that Dragon trigger hits you it hits you for beyond 10k on full charge, but I'm sure people are going to be upset if that starts happening too. Theyre not going to redesign the entire spec from the ground up.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

What do you propose for bladesworn balancing, though?

reduce combat stim healing (reduce the delay as well) and reduce dragon slash cast time. triggerguard and flicker step seem like too high cd and unfortunately as with alot of expac specs the utilities are bad.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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48 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

reduce combat stim healing (reduce the delay as well) and reduce dragon slash cast time. triggerguard and flicker step seem like too high cd and unfortunately as with alot of expac specs the utilities are bad.

The enabler to even the stim state healing is Tactical Reload. Although I do like your idea of a quicker but lesser heal on the skill.


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55 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

reduce combat stim healing (reduce the delay as well) and reduce dragon slash cast time. triggerguard and flicker step seem like too high cd and unfortunately as with alot of expac specs the utilities are bad.

I'd play it if, somehow via rework, it was able to exist both without easy sustain buttons -and- without being a caricature of the entire warrior experience (omega animation locking, omega telegraphs, omega weak to kiting), but I have no frame of reference for this ever being done in a way that was pleasant for any warrior denomination.

So, while ideally I agree with you... 

Dragon slash cast time reductions might be nice, though that could easily be a covert nerf by reducing the active window of boost. There's going to need to be something else around rewarding wars for landing dragon slash, particularly in the higher charge ranges. 

It's designed in the smallest corner, just like mechanist

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Ya bladesworn is hands down our weakest spec even as great axe you can desamate them by just pressing 3 on greatsword then they try to dragon slash at you. For an ability that takes a whole 2 seconds to cast at max power it scales like a intensity of a wet noodle.

Edited by gideon.6492
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7 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

is that too much to ask? or would you rather keep bladesworn where it is?

Yeah but if they fix it there will be a precedent. Suddenly all players will start expecting... balance. Surely we cant have that going on. Like where would it end, with fixing OP crap, if allegedly spb is the balance role model...

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5 hours ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

MAT class representation is not enough of an argument to mindlessly buff things.

the fact that warrior isnt represented in MAT for basically years now

or maybe the fact that warrior has the lowest recent playtime over all game mode

or maybe the fact that you can barely see any warrior outside of instanced fights that require banner slave.

or the fact that i can count the number of warrior i saw with 1 hand in 3 weeks in wvw when i grinded for conflux


i don't know whats enough?


bladesworn just another spellbreaker with the same annoying CC, but super beefed up healings and lesser damage.

you give spellbreaker the same healing and they may as well just be the same class.

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10 hours ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

MAT class representation is not enough of an argument to mindlessly buff things.


Lol. Hi. 


1. Warrior mains be like, what's a buff?

2. MAT class representation, to me, means Optimized Game play at the highest level 

Sure with the right skill set, you can reach platinum on ranked play on the class you're gifted playing. Some even take a shortcut by purchasing their way thru. 


However, some people are very very very passionate about their favored class and its absence in the MAT can be disheartening. Psychology and human nature - nothing wrong with expressing concern about how warriors are neglected and skipped at the highest level of competition. 


I play many, if not all classes but I do have preferences and the warrior class is one of them. I still play SpellBreaker if I'm in a playful mood and to coax the enemy team to tunnel vision. 

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Warrior needs massive rework from a to z. Its 2022 and hundren meme blades still exists with 3.5 sec selfroot state. This class is a joke and has no middle ground. Buff it numbers and it be broken, nerf and its garbage. The overall design was never good to begin with and as more fancy stuff is beind added they get left behind futher and futher. In general warriors are one of the most played class in games yet its reverse in gw2. Class for masochists in current state

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1 hour ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Anet please give this thread a consideration. 


Not a single warrior main or sympathizer on here, thus far,  asked for a low-blow nerf to any other class or spec even if their ideas were plagiarized in favor of another class. 


Masochistic yet socially adept and civilized, these supposed blood thirsty brutes. 

Frankly, the warrior mains don't want the rest of the classes tuned down to their level, they just want to brought up to the same level.

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This is ENTIRELY related to the OP's concern during the last MAT... Cohen was there and stated this.....


CMC cry cry, poor core guard not as good anymore - coz willbender got buffs. 


Meanwhile, no one gave a ratsasss about the state of the warrior class. I'm not here to start shittttt, I'm just here to remind the devs to do their jobs and not neglect an entire class. 

Edited by greedywholesome.9081
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