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Wishlist for next expansion

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I just want more character creation options. Maybe a total upgrade.  Probably not expansion worthy.

So let's go with multi person flying mount. I want to take a passenger on my Griffon. Be able to swoop down and shower the people below in my passengers vomit

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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17 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

It'd be neat if there was special areas around the world that are like jumping puzzles but for mounts and they have timed gates that close so you can get the rewards from getting past the gates in time. 

I'd like some kind of excavating/ archeology / game mode with sea caves to explore in all the maps thing. end game content. explore at your own pace. cool loots/ skins kinda stuff. or even in new maps and crevases behind a wall of vines and don't mark it on the map. Let people go spelunking down into caves systems and find a whole new map underground that you don't notice from world map view until you find the entrance. Some things like this already exist but it would be wonderful to find a huge new area to explore that wasn't marked on the map.

Edit: Hmm someone is confused. let me explain a bit more by showing you a video of how ESO does it:


and here is a text guide on my 1st introduction to a system like this years ago back in 2010? with Archaeology in World of Warcraft: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Archaeology and if you don't wish to read the full text here i found this lil video

which honestly i don't totally remember all this. I remember getting a cool dino skeleton mount maybe some pets and loots to sell on TP in WoW.  It was fun & I enjoyed it a lot.  While i prefer the ESO method, and they have cool decorations you can get from this profession, I kind of see it in comparrison to raids with unique, purdy decs/weps/ loots only obtainable here. Plus it was a nice gold farm the 1st time through per character which might be nice for the people that don't want the loots. I'm sure anet would think up some original way to do it themselves.

double edit: Now you might be thinking woah, woah woah, i'm a competitive player i don't need a house.  I prefer pvp/ raid/  hardmode content How is this going to help me? Well for those that don't have a 300g com tag  that you need to test your dps in the aerodome it might be cool to be able to dig up target dummies in the archaeology field and place them as decorations into your house. That is only simple way I see all these things working together. I'm sure this can be expanded upon quite easily and be of benefit to all.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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so i guess...

1) New Housing System/ loots/ rewards/ decs/ community involvement / = end game content

2) Archeology system/ game mode/ activity/ loots/ rewards/ decs = end game content

3) Tengu Race 😄

4) ingame personal easy to read dps meter that you can toggle on/off

5) gw1 dual specs?

6) dual shield specs might be fun where the main hand acts like a bladed frisbee boomerang 🙂 (i can dream)

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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

I just want more character creation options. Maybe a total upgrade.  Probably not expansion worthy.

So let's go with multi person flying mount. I want to take a passenger on my Griffon. Be able to swoop down and shower the people below in my passengers vomit

now that would be fun because some people have mad skillz at griffon flying. and to see the world thru their eyes would be awesome. Though it would become a different mount probably like the Turtle mount is and that probs wouldn't happen but we can dream about it. 😄 your 2 person flying griffon mount could be a reward from the Archeology system like in that WoW video above @ 3:25

Edited by Kelly.7019
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1 hour ago, Kelly.7019 said:

I'd like some kind of excavating/ archeology / game mode with sea caves to explore in all the maps thing. end game content. explore at your own pace. cool loots/ skins kinda stuff. or even in new maps and crevases behind a wall of vines and don't mark it on the map. Let people go spelunking down into caves systems and find a whole new map underground that you don't notice from world map view until you find the entrance. Some things like this already exist but it would be wonderful to find a huge new area to explore that wasn't marked on the map.

Edit: Hmm someone is confused. let me explain a bit more by showing you a video of how ESO does it:


and here is a text guide on my 1st introduction to a system like this years ago back in 2010? with Archaeology in World of Warcraft: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Archaeology and if you don't wish to read the full text here i found this lil video

which honestly i don't totally remember all this. I remember getting a cool dino skeleton mount maybe some pets and loots to sell on TP in WoW.  It was fun & I enjoyed it a lot.  While i prefer the ESO method, and they have cool decorations you can get from this profession, I kind of see it in comparrison to raids with unique, purdy decs/weps/ loots only obtainable here. Plus it was a nice gold farm the 1st time through per character which might be nice for the people that don't want the loots. I'm sure anet would think up some original way to do it themselves.

double edit: Now you might be thinking woah, woah woah, i'm a competitive player i don't need a house.  I prefer pvp/ raid/  hardmode content How is this going to help me? Well for those that don't have a 300g com tag  that you need to test your dps in the aerodome it might be cool to be able to dig up target dummies in the archaeology field and place them as decorations into your house. That is only simple way I see all these things working together. I'm sure this can be expanded upon quite easily and be of benefit to all.

I used to play ESO and antiquities really makes all the core game zones come back to life. People looking for antiquity leads and going on digs. It brings so much life back to the non-DLC world. Every time a new DLC adds a new antiquity and one of the leads is found in a core zone, the whole zone is packed with players. 😂

A great system for sure. 😲

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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I never wanted Cantha and new playable races are a waste of resources.

For the next expansion I'd really like ANet to go somewhere new, but I guess there isn't much GW1 left to """revisit""". Most of all I'd like it to have solid systems instead of the filler stuff we got his time(fishing, skiffs, turtle). Maybe new game modes for PvP along with some new maps would be nice. Other than that, not much is missing for my taste so I'd say expand on what's there. Maybe rework UW-combat and dungeons while adding new stuff to it. Don't waste rsources on housing, new weapons orplayable races and focus on quality over flashyness.

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Not to borrow too much from eso (and i had these ideas way before i started playing eso) but since dungeons are basically dead and to mix in my idea of sea caves or hidden underground entrances to large areas kinda like those places explorers discovered like the Unfinished JP in Caledon Forest that use to be accessible and maybe even use archeaology to help find these secret areas which are not marked on the world map until you discover it which is more rewarding for explorer types and do something like delves from eso: new content/maps/instances/ group and solo play/mini bosses/ loots to unearth

edit : i'm confused by the confused icon. How is someone confused on this? 😄

Okay here is a video of how you use to be able to gain access to the area i mentioned above. Now obviously if this were active there wouldn't be an invisible wall blocking this off and access would be easier. Now with a new game mode something like Archaeology and using  tech already in game like the triangulating tools you could dig* at a location and little red(far away), yellow(medium distance), or green(really close) arrow markers (sorta like silverwaste shovels) would pop up and you'd follow them to either 1) items to unearth in the open world or 2) a secret entrance to a cave system (or something) that isn't marked on the world map.

There could be mobs in here to fight, mini bosses to clear out. this whole thing might be instanced like a dungeon but not a solo instance rather a public instance (where you don't have to be in a party to see other players in here too), you could dig in here as well and find rare treasures(loot or decorations) to unearth & keep or sell. Just an Idea!

*Now where you get the locations to dig at for Archaeology might be story/ questyish(talking to npcs) based and the maps/excavation notes give you a general target area for dig sites(a dig site might just be something like "western snowden", then you'd still have to dig in the area to find its location), idk brainstorm away! ESO did a mini puzzle game "scrying" to give you targeted areas to dig at. What did WoW do... I don't think they did anything, you just surveyed areas and it pointed you in a direction, hmm i forgets.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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17 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

I guess there isn't much GW1 left to """revisit""".

That's fine. Go somewhere new! There is plenty of unexplored land to explore

Or take us to Xotecha if they want to use more GW1 bait :classic_cool:



26 minutes ago, Kelly.7019 said:

since dungeons are basically dead

Such a shame. I wish they'd have more group instanced content like dungeons. I know we have strikes and raids, fractals too. But dungeons were pretty darn good if you asked me. Having a story and then explorable mode was really great for replayability.

What I'd like to see is more instances in the story that could be LFG'd and rewarded appropriately. We were made to do DRMs in Icebrood and they were fine, weren't they? They were soloable and scaled up to party size. 

I just did the Living World Season 1 story and that instance you run would have been great as a "Dungeon" you could advertise for in LFG. Just needs proper rewards and scaling.



32 minutes ago, Kelly.7019 said:

use archeaology to help find these secret areas which are not marked on the world map until you discover it which is more rewarding for explorer types and do something like delves from eso: new content/maps/instances/ group and solo play/mini bosses/ loots to unearth


ESO delves - were they the public/openworld dungeons? Been a while since I played it. They were cool. 

I definitely would like to see more "mini dungeons" and secret areas. With that said, there are so many I'm only just discovering now, even in core Tyria maps.

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It's really past time for some shift in direction instead of just continuing to get more of the same. I actually hope some of this happens before the next expansion, but this is what I think is most needed:

- more focus on polished instanced content that works to expand the world & story while integrating the different types of instanced content we have today, normalize rewards, and properly scale difficulty. And yes, this includes actually removing some of the fractals we have today like Sunaqua Peak & Molten Facility so they can be refreshed as normal dungeons and FOTM can have its now-diluted theme restored to the original concept. 

- revamps to the new player experience that undo many of the misguided changes made years ago & condense the # of levels to something that feels more appropriate like 40 or 50.

- overhaul of the personal story to make it a more immersive and polished experience like later LW stories. I.e. remove the awkward dialogue cutscenes, consolidate some of the NPCs, retool some of the continuity, and, ideally, make it replayable.

- a new wvw map to replace one of the two alpine borderlands maps.

- some sort of lite companion system for DW and "minor races" - not exactly like GW1 (unneeded and wouldn't be that useful), but something that allows you to invest more in various NPCs, influence how they fight, and set up activities for them.

- depature from the concept of elite specs and finding new ways to expand player/class options  - most likely by adding new core weapons to the game such as polearms, etc,, new categories of utility skills, or interchangeable weapon slot skills

- a more significant expansion of the mastery system, including updates to core Tyria masteries

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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2 hours ago, Einlanzer.1627 said:

- a new wvw map to replace one of the two alpine borderlands maps.

They should add a HoT based map or a Cantha map or have a rotating map system where more maps can be added or keep alpine, ebg and desert as permanent and rotate the 4rth new map with any future ones.

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Spatial audio is great when it's sound effects, ambient sounds, random NPCs talking to your left, right, behind you, in space, etc.

It's a nightmare when you are trying to listen to people talking during the story with the more current 'in game' story scenes (as opposed to the side-by-side method).

I'm sure whoever runs this is really proud of how there is a virtual microphone by a virtual camera when you are in game, but it's really a nightmare when you have to twist the camera around to try and hear when they are saying as the conversation switches from person to person around you.

When someone is saying something, and we need to hear it, it should be blaring in the center channel at us, regardless as to where anyone is standing. If it's some guy saying "my job is better than yours" or "I'm rich, you know", spatial audio is great.

I was reminded of this playing Southsun Survival today. Everyone should sound like the announcer in the story.

Christopher Nolan was a bad influence on sound editing and mixing.

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