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Took a break and came back to play some WvW.... holy kitten what happened.


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on Ioj to date you have 60,000 between dead and killings we in EU T5 to date we do not get to 25,000 at least you have twice our population and our activity.

we are in the lowest part of the barrel. but if I have to tell you the truth I still see many players, I still see team spirit, I still see initiatives and content.

so when I read someone who writes dead game, I answer that now at this point after all this time, this game and this mode is practically indestructible. I'm sorry but you have to make a reason for it.

That said, the real question is are you still competitive? is it still a balanced game down the bottom of the barrel? no. clearly not. we don't have the numbers.

can we add more fun to the mode? is there room to improve the mode? definitely yes, a lot of space and opportunity.

I would start by giving the opportunity to be competitive in a competitive mode to all teams.😉

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

IoJ is currently 2nd place with highest KDR and the most even spread to 1st/3rd out of all US matchups (with the highest scoring 3rd).

What a horrible place to be in.

Could very well have been the time I was playing at. 

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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

IoJ is currently 2nd place with highest KDR and the most even spread to 1st/3rd out of all US matchups (with the highest scoring 3rd).

What a horrible place to be in.

IoJ is absent most of the day.  When they do go outside, it's never a group smaller than 50, which is what is fueling the KDR.  The fights vs them are usually a few guys who run before you can engage or we are outnumbered facing a full squad of them plus pugs.

Edited by Ubi.4136
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I’ve never had the pleasure of playing on a t1 server. 

Used to run in an Omni squad for a short time and had loads of fun. 


Though I get what you mean if you solo roam. Was roaming last night and decided to take a sentry and was responded to by a 20 man mini Zerg lol. 

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1 minute ago, Ubi.4136 said:

IoJ is absent most of the day.  When they do go outside, it's never a group smaller than 50, which is what is fueling the KDR.  The fights vs them are usually a few guys who run before you can engage or we are outnumbered facing a full squad of them plus pugs.

Kinda wish anet could change how KDR was calculated. We could get a better count of how many players are actually playing the game mode. 

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But kdr is only calculated from the players actually playing the game mode. 🤭

If you want actual number of players, well I'm sure anet has those numbers, just not much point for them to reveal it, they don't even reveal their pve numbers to brag other than they have 16 million accounts.

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anet keeps on making changes that support the casuals and the boonblobs and not the guilds. they'll probably never realize who holds this mode up even after the game shuts down. other then that, commanders need incentives to tag up. nothing is quite killing the mode like porting thru all the maps and not seeing a single tag.

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Well it isn't just neglect but Anet did make some big mistakes that were terrible for longetivity of WvW:

  1.  Relinking system: Any system that equalizes playerbase and resets any progression your server made every 2 months actually punishes you for playing a lot or doing good. Example: Look at the 2 most popular servers in EU being punished to last 14th and 15th places because no link. Also if there total of 6 enjoyable servers amongst 15, highest tiers can only fit 40% of player population, when in the past they would have held higher percentage of players. Note: Alliance system will have same problems deincentiving people/guilds from playing too much, randomized matchmaking would be better.
  2. Visible KDR: Well, while it seems like a great QoL feature but it also gave people transparency when their server is doing well. Ultimately following commanders, guilds and servers that give high KDR is attractive. So usually servers and commanders that can muster more players than enemies. There were outside sources to check for it but now it is mainstream
  3. Objective changes: Right now fighting inside objectives isn't competitive. Difference between being offensing or defending side has  at least 12%+ damage and 20%+ defences difference, essentially giving "defending" extra 2-3 runesets (3 in keeps). Guilds used to face each other inside keeps and towers, now only time guilds go near anything is to farm pugs. Upgrade time were also made at least 3-4 times faster for everything, meaning everything is T3. There are literally 3 servers on EU covering 3 tiers that have SM T3 everyday daytime and just stay there all day
  4. Siege changes: Siege was pretty welltuned but at some they halved siege damage to siege, made guild golems more available, nerfed wall hp and added shield gens. This means most defensive siege can't kill offensive siege in their designed timeframe. There is 1 viable strategy for defending: Killing enemies (need numbers) and 1 unstoppable one for attacking: Shield gens and anything else (guild golems most potent). This means defending without numbers is a lost case unless against bad commanders and due to point 3, attacking isn't fun either.

These are some of the definite ones, there are quite many others that are either less impactful or do not affect longetivity at all. Examples: Desert map (unfair scoring), squad system (no communication, 1 person centered system), superspeed (more speed == less range), minstrel stats (super supports) and nerf of EotM rewards (noob lobby removed)

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What Wvw is:


A stray dead bush rolls across a dust road and a dry outcropping a lone figure approaches his long clock blowing in the wind. You draw your weapon as large pulsing target appears above your you have a bad feeling about this a sinking dread deep down in your gut. BANG BANG BANG.

Where did he go? Your heart drops farther in your shoes as you wish you had called you non-existent friends. BANG flash. BANG BANG BANG. He then calmly walks over and finishes you. Didn't even have a chance.

Edited by Infinity.2876
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41 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

anet keeps on making changes that support the casuals and the boonblobs and not the guilds. they'll probably never realize who holds this mode up even after the game shuts down. other then that, commanders need incentives to tag up. nothing is quite killing the mode like porting thru all the maps and not seeing a single tag.


Boon blobs are run by guilds. Anet is catering to both the boon spamming and those guilds.

Commanders have incentives, an extra pip, and a focus for their players on attacks or defense of objectives.

But what happens when a guild, especially a boon ball on lands on a map?

Do you think that same commander running around with pugs has any chance of beating them?

When you have even "zerg busting" guilds that will lose one fight to a boon ball/blob and then skip maps, what chance does a pug commander have? Only pugs that had a chance against any of that was the mag cloud lol.

Problem isn't the incentives, it's the fighting environment they have to play in.

WvW has basically turned into raiding, you need the numbers and perfect comp to compete with those balls, or go hide in a corner and backcap ppt, or look for some casual guild also hiding away to ppt lol.

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5 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


Boon blobs are run by guilds. Anet is catering to both the boon spamming and those guilds.

Commanders have incentives, an extra pip, and a focus for their players on attacks or defense of objectives.

But what happens when a guild, especially a boon ball on lands on a map?

Do you think that same commander running around with pugs has any chance of beating them?

When you have even "zerg busting" guilds that will lose one fight to a boon ball/blob and then skip maps, what chance does a pug commander have? Only pugs that had a chance against any of that was the mag cloud lol.

Problem isn't the incentives, it's the fighting environment they have to play in.

WvW has basically turned into raiding, you need the numbers and perfect comp to compete with those balls, or go hide in a corner and backcap ppt, or look for some casual guild also hiding away to ppt lol.

a guild stops being a guild when its a blob. hasn't this always been the case? i thought it was unanimously understood that when someone says guild they don't mean a blob, or has something changed and the casuals have won the info war? anyway what i mean is improve skills to better handle bigger numbers in a way that isn't brain dead easy and takes some team coordination.

the current extra pip incentive for commanders is really bad and should be improved imo.


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7 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

a guild stops being a guild when its a blob.

Lmao, sure, tell that to Dusk. 😏


7 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

hasn't this always been the case? i thought it was unanimously understood that when someone says guild they don't mean a blob, or has something changed and the casuals have won the info war? anyway what i mean is improve skills to better handle bigger numbers in a way that isn't brain dead easy and takes some team coordination.

the current extra pip incentive for commanders is really bad and should be improved imo.

Every boon blobs that exist has a boon ball guild at the core of it. There isn't casual boon blobs of pugs.

I dunno what to tell you if you think anet doesn't support guilds, as the boon spam meta mostly benefits them, as they are more organized to abuse it than pugs.

You could hand out 10 pips to commanders for all I care, all you will end up with is pve commanders ppting in empty corners of the map, or getting one pushed by actual wvw guilds and then skip maps to find another quiet corner to ppt.

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3 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

IoJ is absent most of the day.  When they do go outside, it's never a group smaller than 50, which is what is fueling the KDR.  The fights vs them are usually a few guys who run before you can engage or we are outnumbered facing a full squad of them plus pugs.

The higher overall KDR of IoJ is actually "fueled" by their home border where they have a *massive* advantage in kills, outpacing both enemies almost 2:1 while having almost as high death count. The other borders + EBG is almost equal in KDR. 

So yeah. You're feeding to absent enemies on their own HBL, I guess.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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7 hours ago, Klypto.1703 said:

Yeah, most of what was left of the wvw population died the moment they put the warclaw in.  I highly doubt there are even any decent players left in this game mode.

Ha... No.  Most of the WvW population died the moment they made tags private.  Hardcores may have rejoiced, but there is Little reason for the casual pug to stick around when they log in and the map looks devoid of activity.

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15 hours ago, Odin.6487 said:

The game mode is just straight up boring now. most of the servers are dead and you have to run around forever just to find a person who runs away. 

Yeah, this is my exact experience with WvW too.


3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

WvW has basically turned into raiding, you need the numbers and perfect comp to compete with those balls, or go hide in a corner and backcap ppt, or look for some casual guild also hiding away to ppt lol.

The only way to have fun in WvW now is to join a guild that "raids" on x y z day, Meanwhile I can load up f2p moba #363631115, press queue, and instantly get matches..

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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5 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Lmao, sure, tell that to Dusk. 😏


Every boon blobs that exist has a boon ball guild at the core of it. There isn't casual boon blobs of pugs.

I dunno what to tell you if you think anet doesn't support guilds, as the boon spam meta mostly benefits them, as they are more organized to abuse it than pugs.

You could hand out 10 pips to commanders for all I care, all you will end up with is pve commanders ppting in empty corners of the map, or getting one pushed by actual wvw guilds and then skip maps to find another quiet corner to ppt.

idk what sort of logic you're using if you think guilds = boonblob. do guilds boonblob? ofc. does that mean all guilds boonblob? what do you think? i guess you can't imagine anything other then boonblobs as support for guilds, which is sad. no lol, the strawman about giving 10 pips is obviously dumb and won't work. idk how to do it but there is obviously not enough support or incentive for commanders atm.

wvw would be a better place without so much spam of everything but the idea that guilds (again i don't mean guild blobs, guilds with pugzergs around them, whatever nonsense you want to conjure up) would be worse off with less boonspam then map queues is false. 

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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2 hours ago, Hexalot.8194 said:

Ha... No.  Most of the WvW population died the moment they made tags private.  Hardcores may have rejoiced, but there is Little reason for the casual pug to stick around when they log in and the map looks devoid of activity.

dude ppl just ran tagless before, and before that squadless. there aren't enough pugmanders cuz no one wants to do it, so the solution is to make ppl want to do it.

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9 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

dude ppl just ran tagless before, and before that squadless. there aren't enough pugmanders cuz no one wants to do it, so the solution is to make ppl want to do it.

Or maybe players should learn to not rely on commanders ...

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