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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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On 3/8/2023 at 11:38 PM, jcH.7109 said:

I did the collection slowly over time, focusing mainly on doing T4 fractal dailies, doing HoT metas, and playing PvP. I don't really get what people are crying about.

People just look at the total and not at the parts. The total doesn't fit in a couple of hours and that upsets people. A lot of the steps can just be done in between other stuff and after a little while presto, you have the Skyscale. 

Sure, some of the collections can be boring. But even if you do a few items at a time, you will get there in the end. The key is just advancing it, no matter how small the advance. You clearly got that, others not so much. They just stare themselves blind on the total amount of stuff to do instead of breaking it up in small parts and just go.

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On 3/8/2023 at 6:33 PM, eutha six.5647 said:

after trying the derelict delve for 3 hours I decided I am not going to pursue the skyscale- it wouldnt be so hard if there were other players- but I am soloing rooms- near instant respawns-I spent 40 minutes in the spider room because it was respawning almost instantly-if I wasnt on my scourge it would have gone badly-and then when I left the room, got jumped and fell into lava pit when I dodged- so lost all progress on that door.  All the videos make it look easy because there are lots of people around. It is always a ghost town because people have already done this content and moved on-- low population must be addressed when considering older grinds- I dont mind collections, just make them reasonable because this game has become a mostly solo game these days and I am on Gate of madness- a very high server-no one returns to derelict delve on purpose. tbh my griffon is crazy fun and skyscale is just a tool to explore more-okay /rant off 

Just ask for help. I can get you through the stuff you need from the delve in about 15 minutes if you're on a US server.

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You can easily play this game skipping timegated content.  I did it for quite a while, and only pursued unlocking this stuff when i was bored and decided to hammer out some extra achievement points.  The griffon is much more valuable imo, and fun.

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You know, for people that were born a generation before me, y'all do a lot of whining when things like Runescape, Everquest, DnD Online, and Wow existed back in your prime time era. Like it's almost baffling that people can even go nuts about this when the grandfathers of mmos are still around and doing WORSE things, yet still retain popularity (mostly talking about WoW and Runescape since they still are carrying healthy communities.) I can understand the younger ones because their brains go BRRR, but what's your guys' excuse?

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55 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

You know, for people that were born a generation before me, y'all do a lot of whining when things like Runescape, Everquest, DnD Online, and Wow existed back in your prime time era. Like it's almost baffling that people can even go nuts about this when the grandfathers of mmos are still around and doing WORSE things, yet still retain popularity (mostly talking about WoW and Runescape since they still are carrying healthy communities.) I can understand the younger ones because their brains go BRRR, but what's your guys' excuse?

Sunk cost fallacy is what's keeping those old boats afloat.  Trust me when I say if any game tried what those games did at the start today in the current market, they'd flop in the west.

Still, the "grind" for the skyscale is hardly a grind at all.  It's just a few days on each season 4 map, a few jumping puzzles, a bit of exploration, and you're done.  It's more akin towards a quest than a grind. Grind is what you do in fractals here when optimizing your characters for it with stat infusions.

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43 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Sunk cost fallacy is what's keeping those old boats afloat.  Trust me when I say if any game tried what those games did at the start today in the current market, they'd flop in the west.

Still, the "grind" for the skyscale is hardly a grind at all.  It's just a few days on each season 4 map, a few jumping puzzles, a bit of exploration, and you're done.  It's more akin towards a quest than a grind. Grind is what you do in fractals here when optimizing your characters for it with stat infusions.

I can believe that. Things such as Maplestory that have been around since like 2004 have thrice the amount of grinding compared to the Skyscale while SWTOR has somehow made it through its roughest water to still somehow put out newer content that keeps bringing their fans right on back.

But you're right. That grind was pretty much nothing compared to my grind for legendaries or my friend taking kitten near a year just to finish Nevermore. Skyscale was more of something to simply relax with when you had no other dailies to attend to.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Back after a couple years. Been doing the SOTO storyline and having fun.

Just saw this how-to-video and I just quit the SOTO/Skyscale quest. Just too complicated to be required to research up all these details to get a mount - Griffon is  it.


Edited by RicoZaid.4693
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This is why I don't want them to keep making things easier, there is no end with these people. If they literally made it a straight up 50 gold purchase, in a few months you'd have people complaining about it being too expensive.

They made the new skyscale kitten easy to get and this guy is still complaining.

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1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

This is why I don't want them to keep making things easier, there is no end with these people. If they literally made it a straight up 50 gold purchase, in a few months you'd have people complaining about it being too expensive.

They made the new skyscale kitten easy to get and this guy is still complaining.



Wel atleast i prefer these people , than other that they "quitted" because to "P2W runes" , or the they didnt get free the legendery one and they go in Steam to leave a  review that "GW2 is P2W" , just to come back 1 month later :PP


(rotate the legendaries across modes , ci vu plai , old gg . What they are going to do ? Do another review in Steam or quit ?:PP)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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3 hours ago, RicoZaid.4693 said:

I don't mind game tasks but I have to research the work outside of the "game" to discover the actual work to do. Make check lists, get inventories et al

I do enough research in my real job 😄

Then don't look up outside sources, you're not forced to, the game tells you what to do where or what to look for where. Wiki and guides just pinpoint you where to go, if you don't like it then just use the hints given to you by the game, the exact same things people used to make those guides.

If Soto Skyscale is too complicated then I'm scared to see what your opinion is on the Griffon and Beetle collections, since those are just as ""complicated""

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You do not need to use an outside guide to do the collection. The SotO story points you to the NPC you speak to to start the collection and then the collection itself guides you through all the steps.

That video specifically says it's tips for people who want to do it fast. I haven't watched it but I assume it's highlighting things like steps that are in the same map and so can be done together or quick/cheap ways to get provisioner tokens. (Although that will depend a lot on the player, I mentioned in guild chat that I'd annoyingly wasted materials I need on the other merchants before finding I could get them for charged quartz in the Wizard's Tower, which I have loads of, and was told I'm crazy if I spend charge quartz on anything that's available another way.)

Also it's worth remembering the primary goal for youtubers is getting views on their channel, not what the game or players actually need. I'm sure someone would make a video called "how to walk in GW2" if they thought it would get views and if it's not already obvious you get a pop-up as soon as you start telling you how to do it.

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3 hours ago, RicoZaid.4693 said:

I don't mind game tasks but I have to research the work outside of the "game" to discover the actual work to do. Make check lists, get inventories et al

I do enough research in my real job 😄

Can I have your job then? Sounds like a breeze if "research" consists of literally one wiki page per collection with pictures and a big X on the spot you have to go to.

Using the wiki isn't even required, it just makes it even easier. The collections give you hints where to go.

It's also significantly easier than the original Skyscale collection was. For a start it can be done in a single day if you have gold to buy rather than craft the bits that need charged quartz (if you don't have it already).

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3 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

This is why I don't want them to keep making things easier, there is no end with these people. If they literally made it a straight up 50 gold purchase, in a few months you'd have people complaining about it being too expensive.

They made the new skyscale kitten easy to get and this guy is still complaining.

Yup -at this point it's funny that whenever that's getting pointed out, it's being called slippery slope fallacy.  Too bad it's not a fallacy because it actually keeeps happening 🤷‍♂️ 

5 hours ago, RicoZaid.4693 said:

I don't mind game tasks but I have to research the work outside of the "game" to discover the actual work to do. Make check lists, get inventories et al

I do enough research in my real job 😄

You actually don't have to. You go out of your way to look up outside sources for something you don't need them and then complain that... you need to look up outside sources?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I will admit, I didn't read every post in this thread, but I get the gist of at least some of them.

I went ahead and did the whole thing. I got my shiny new skyscale. Was it worth it in time and money.....short answer no....it's just a slightly different looking skyscale.

Still, I have no regrets. It provided me with many hours of things to do. There were many things to do, but none seemed like a grind. Even the worm egg thing or whatever it was only took maybe an hour or so.

Granted I'm not like many. I don't care for hard to do content. I just like exploring and collecting things even if I don't need them.

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