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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

The argument often is that they can't keep up without the skyscale. My point is that with my skyscale I can't keep up with people using griffons and beetles. That's the truth of it. If they believe something else that's fine but I won't go along with it.

Well that's a load of crock if I ever saw one. If it sounds to you like that, then I feel sorry for you. Besides it's not even the most expensive mount. It's the effort that people have to do that makes it oh so hard. So it's not about rich vs poor. It's about patient vs impatient.


Guess I haven’t been clear. I have the skyscale. I agree with you. I’ve said the same thing on the forums, probably even earlier in this very long thread.

I was just talking about how sometimes things have to be experienced to be understood, no matter how much experienced people tell it to you.

As a parent, there are things I’ve told my kids repeatedly over the years, and it sounded like blahblahblahblah until the day they said, “Huh, you’re right about that.”

From endless forum conversations, I expect the truth about skyscale fits into this category.

Im definitely not saying anyone should stop explaining it. I’ve posted it many times myself. Just musing about why it often seems to fall on deaf ears.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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I think the new meta from this most recent update has started to see a lot more people defaulting to Raptors again, which I'm all about to be honest. Skyscale is essentially just a shiny at this point. I mostly just see them when waiting for specific events to pop because people like to hover on them showcasing their shiny skins. When it comes to actually moving after the target, the beetles start coming out.

I also feel bad for the people who default to Skyscale for all aerial movement and haven't experienced swooping through New Kaineng at top speed on a Griffon. I genuinely spent about an hour the first time I went to that map just blasting through the skies, diving between the buildings on my Griffon.

Edited by RegnieRiku.4102
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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

True, but I find it helpful to realize that sometimes what I know to be true is difficult to receive without actually experiencing it firsthand.

I expect "it's a jack of all trades mount, but the rest of the mounts do what they do better" sounds like wealthy people trying to convince poor people it's miserable to be wealthy.

This is pretty astute. How are you going to convince a bunch of people that the cool mount everyone is hovering around on is not the best mount in the game.  I mean it is the best mount by coolness factor anyway.  It's just better at doing a little of everything than being the best at any one thing. It's a convenience mount for the most part.  

But it doesn't matter what you say because humans are programmed to want what they don't have.  It's just human nature. It's how advertising works.

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2 hours ago, RegnieRiku.4102 said:

I think the new meta from this most recent update has started to see a lot more people defaulting to Raptors again, which I'm all about to be honest. Skyscale is essentially just a shiny at this point. I mostly just see them when waiting for specific events to pop because people like to hover on them showcasing their shiny skins. When it comes to actually moving after the target, the beetles start coming out.

I also feel bad for the people who default to Skyscale for all aerial movement and haven't experienced swooping through New Kaineng at top speed on a Griffon. I genuinely spent about an hour the first time I went to that map just blasting through the skies, diving between the buildings on my Griffon.

     It's more I don't care for the other mounts as much. I spent a long time on my Griffon, and frankly, I am kind of done with it. I also don't switch to other mounts because I don't see a need too. I am in no rush to be as fast as possible getting places even with the metas and such, so I barely even touch the beetle or the raptor anymore because I don't see a need too. I am fine just being on my skyscale for almost anything. Being speedy and optimizing that much just makes me hate the game even more making it feel like a job if I optimize how I travel about.

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This is only my opinion, but I didn't think it was a grind at all. Sure, there were many steps, but each can be done in a relatively short period of time, and all were different. I actually enjoyed it. For me, it was far more enjoyable than doing some meta event countless times to get whatever you might get from that.

It was kind of like a mini game doing various things to achieve goal.

If you want to talk about grinds. Try to get "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" from GW1....that's a grind....:)

Edited by Tom.6478
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12 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Guess I haven’t been clear. I have the skyscale. I agree with you. I’ve said the same thing on the forums, probably even earlier in this very long thread.

I was just talking about how sometimes things have to be experienced to be understood, no matter how much experienced people tell it to you.

As a parent, there are things I’ve told my kids repeatedly over the years, and it sounded like blahblahblahblah until the day they said, “Huh, you’re right about that.”

fair enough

12 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

From endless forum conversations, I expect the truth about skyscale fits into this category.

Im definitely not saying anyone should stop explaining it. I’ve posted it many times myself. Just musing about why it often seems to fall on deaf ears.

Well the reason why it falls on deaf ears is a combination of a lack of knowledge combined with joining the bandwagon. People either don't have the facts or they don't care about them...or  more likely a combination of those two. People often see opinion on an equal footing with facts. And on top of that they can maintain opinions that are contradictory because it suits their narrative.

People who are upset about the Skyscale are just impatient and so they'll use any argument they can to "prove" the validity of their complaint and give it a higher status. But in the end the only valid point about it is that they don't like it. Which is actually a  more valid point than all the others they bring to the table.

But the point that they don't like it, doesn't feel very convincing towards Anet. They probably feel that that's not gonna do it. So they bring in all the things they can to give it more importance...except all of those points are easily debunked. So they just persist and move from one thing to another.

If anyone says it's not hard because of reason x and y, people will defend and say yeah but it's expensive. Then someone explains it's not actually expensive because of reason a and b...and guess what? They'll say but it takes a long time... etc etc. And once they run out of argumenst, they'll go back to the first ones. You'll also see a lot of the times when you take on multiple points in one post, they'll only respond to one of them.

It falls on deaf ears because they don't WANT to listen. You can disprove their points, but they will just keep going. I think I'm explaining things just for the benefit of other people that might get the wrong impression. 

As has been said various times before...if people just put as much effort into the skyscale collection as they do here complaining, they would've already finished doing it. But it's not instant gratification and so they complain about it instead of just doing it.

At least that's my take on it.

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some metas used to have a lot of skyscales- but as someone pointed out- faster mounts are needed now because of the power creep and the new classes-champions are dying too fast to tag if you are slow--example is Bitterfrost- pre and post- meta skyscales are around- they are they ones pulling half the map with them by flying too low-but when the meta starts- its beetles and raptors or you will miss out-and some people who port all over instantly-not sure what class that is-

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4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

But it's not instant gratification and so they complain about it instead of just doing it.

It’s not about duration. I’ve done griffin, multiple legendaries, long achieves in WvW / PvP. 

none of those were instant gratification. 

skyscale’s collections are so painfully boring that after 10 minutes of looking at a guide to see where they are, I lose all interest. 

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39 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

 I’ve done griffin

Griffon was mainly a gold sink.

39 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

multiple legendaries,

Which ones? The ones that are... also mostly gold sinks or require currencies you get passively throughout your gameplay? Or some other ones?

39 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

long achieves in WvW / PvP.

Which ones? The ones that also basically compelte themselves passively through your regular gameplay? 😄 

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The ones that also basically compelte themselves passively through your regular gameplay? 😄 

Why is that relevant? The argument he was making was that people who complain are doing so because they want “instant gratification.” 

100hrs is 100hrs. Whether it’s playing group content, things you enjoy, or things you don’t enjoy.


maybe my issue with the skyscale is that it makes the game feel like a solo RPG, vs earning it while also doing group content. 

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14 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

Why is that relevant?

Pure curiousity, what's wrong with that?

(also because if you actually answer those questions, you'll rather clearly see the relevancy about your claim of it "not being about duration")

14 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

100hrs is 100hrs.

It's not when in one case you need to do specific things (like going through a chain questline), while the other is basically building up to the reward (in case of pvp/wvw it's... just some ap you probably weren't even aiming for that much, if at all?) PASSIVELY.

So sure, "100hrs is 100 hrs" as a simple way to measure the time, but in this context one is clearly not the same as the other.


14 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

maybe my issue with the skyscale is that it makes the game feel like a solo RPG, vs earning it while also doing group content. 

Sure. So when you wrote things like these:

On 1/26/2023 at 1:44 PM, Zenfooki.2034 said:

There is nothing “hard” about unlocking it. It’s time consuming for the sake of being time consuming. 

[just a complaint about the time it takes]

On 3/5/2023 at 7:28 PM, Zenfooki.2034 said:

I haven’t played since Oct. I’ll just stop on the forum every few months. I’ll come back once the Mount is more accessible. 

[claim that the mount is somehow not accessible?]

On 1/26/2023 at 5:26 PM, Zenfooki.2034 said:

I can’t bring myself to play it, knowing that I still need to unlock skyscale.

[claim that you somehow need to unlock the skyscale in the first place?]

...you didn't really mean it and it was just about "playing ow with/alongside other players somehow feeling like a single player rpg" for you?


Btw a small bonus quote from this thread directly related to you bringing up griffon as some kind of long term goal and a proof "it's not about time":

On 1/21/2023 at 7:36 PM, Zenfooki.2034 said:

Griffon took a day. I'm not dedicated weeks to that mount and until those requirements are changed, I will continue to pump money into other games. 250G is pennies compared to the value of time

Overally at this point you're just saying random things, contradicting your earlier posts.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Overally at this point you're just saying random things, contradicting your earlier posts.

You can pick it apart all you want. Locking skyscale behind this anwful quest line/collection is a turn off for people. Blizzard not only made a better version, but also made it accessible within the first two hours of the expansion. Locking mobility/utility away is never a good move. Enjoy your sinking ship of a game. Defending A-net constantly seems to be paying off. You can really see how well they’re doing as a studio with their new content patch that took  a year. 


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4 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

You can pick it apart all you want. Locking skyscale behind this anwful quest line/collection is a turn off for people. Blizzard not only made a better version, but also made it accessible within the first two hours of the expansion. Locking mobility/utility away is never a good move. Enjoy your sinking ship of a game. Defending A-net constantly seems to be paying off. You can really see how well they’re doing as a studio with their new content patch that took  a year. 


The collection wasn’t awful. 
Isn’t the blizzard mount more like the griffon and while the mount in wow plays a huge part in the expansion, the skyscale is purely optional. You can do everything in the game without having the skyscale. 

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30 minutes ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

Enjoy your sinking ship of a game.

If you truly think that's what it is then not sure what's the point of you still complaining about the acquisition of a single mount of this "sinking ship of a game", because the skyscale acquisition rather obviously isn't anything that somehow makes or breaks the whole game, as explained by many people, quite a lot of times already.

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after trying the derelict delve for 3 hours I decided I am not going to pursue the skyscale- it wouldnt be so hard if there were other players- but I am soloing rooms- near instant respawns-I spent 40 minutes in the spider room because it was respawning almost instantly-if I wasnt on my scourge it would have gone badly-and then when I left the room, got jumped and fell into lava pit when I dodged- so lost all progress on that door.  All the videos make it look easy because there are lots of people around. It is always a ghost town because people have already done this content and moved on-- low population must be addressed when considering older grinds- I dont mind collections, just make them reasonable because this game has become a mostly solo game these days and I am on Gate of madness- a very high server-no one returns to derelict delve on purpose. tbh my griffon is crazy fun and skyscale is just a tool to explore more-okay /rant off 

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5 hours ago, eutha six.5647 said:

after trying the derelict delve for 3 hours I decided I am not going to pursue the skyscale- it wouldnt be so hard if there were other players- but I am soloing rooms- near instant respawns-I spent 40 minutes in the spider room because it was respawning almost instantly-if I wasnt on my scourge it would have gone badly-and then when I left the room, got jumped and fell into lava pit when I dodged- so lost all progress on that door.  All the videos make it look easy because there are lots of people around. It is always a ghost town because people have already done this content and moved on-- low population must be addressed when considering older grinds- I dont mind collections, just make them reasonable because this game has become a mostly solo game these days and I am on Gate of madness- a very high server-no one returns to derelict delve on purpose. tbh my griffon is crazy fun and skyscale is just a tool to explore more-okay /rant off 

You know you can use the lfg to search for other people that might need the derelict delve aswell or ask one of the 5 guilds your hopefully part of.

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8 hours ago, eutha six.5647 said:

after trying the derelict delve for 3 hours I decided I am not going to pursue the skyscale- it wouldnt be so hard if there were other players- but I am soloing rooms- near instant respawns-I spent 40 minutes in the spider room because it was respawning almost instantly-if I wasnt on my scourge it would have gone badly-and then when I left the room, got jumped and fell into lava pit when I dodged- so lost all progress on that door.  All the videos make it look easy because there are lots of people around. It is always a ghost town because people have already done this content and moved on-- low population must be addressed when considering older grinds- I dont mind collections, just make them reasonable because this game has become a mostly solo game these days and I am on Gate of madness- a very high server-no one returns to derelict delve on purpose. tbh my griffon is crazy fun and skyscale is just a tool to explore more-okay /rant off 


3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You know you can use the lfg to search for other people that might need the derelict delve aswell or ask one of the 5 guilds your hopefully part of.

One other option is to get the help of one other person who has already done the puzzle. The doors stay unlocked and a Mesmer can port you through or you can TP to friend. And just one other will make it easy to deal with mobs. From your post time, it doesn't look like you play when I do, or I'd offer to escort you.

You may see a bunch of people in videos because they were made when the content was new, but the puzzle isn’t really big group content. Did you have difficulty surviving through Heart of Thorns?

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21 hours ago, Zenfooki.2034 said:

Enjoy your sinking ship of a game. 

Are we suprised the end result is "dying game" when people say that something doesn't need to be made even easier?

If the game is dying then go and play something else instead of whining about something that has been made extremely easy over the years.

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11 hours ago, eutha six.5647 said:

after trying the derelict delve for 3 hours I decided I am not going to pursue the skyscale- it wouldnt be so hard if there were other players- but I am soloing rooms- near instant respawns-I spent 40 minutes in the spider room because it was respawning almost instantly-if I wasnt on my scourge it would have gone badly-and then when I left the room, got jumped and fell into lava pit when I dodged- so lost all progress on that door.  All the videos make it look easy because there are lots of people around. It is always a ghost town because people have already done this content and moved on-- low population must be addressed when considering older grinds- I dont mind collections, just make them reasonable because this game has become a mostly solo game these days and I am on Gate of madness- a very high server-no one returns to derelict delve on purpose. tbh my griffon is crazy fun and skyscale is just a tool to explore more-okay /rant off 

I'm pretty sure I was going through it solo too. The videos make it look easy, because it's not really some hard -or even group oriented- content. Knowing what to do within the rooms helps, so there is some learning included when going through it for the first time (or for the first time after longer period of time). Guides can help, but it is normally soloable.

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32 minutes ago, Godfather.9058 said:

1.7k hours here. Never got my skyscale. I don't think I ever will. I looked at what you have to do in order to get it, rolled my eyes and said "nope".

This makes me so curious. What kind of stuff have you spent your 1.7k hours on?

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19 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

This makes me so curious. What kind of stuff have you spent your 1.7k hours on?

Raids, meta events, fractals, dungeons, jumping puzzles, guild missions, story, map completion.

Even guild missions were more fun than the skyscale grind because of the company.

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