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Players who don´t do Strike/Raid/PvP/WvW: What activities do you engage in?

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I collect things, items, mats, achievements and shinies.

Then I make stuff with them and sell them.

Then I collect more stuff, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.

I don't feel the need to be challenged by a game's hard content. I've had a lifetime of challenges. Now I just want to be left alone to my casualness and play the game my way and do what I want to do.

(I do a bit of WvW though because there are things I collect there. )

Each to their own.

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Meta events, dailies, crafting, doing stuff for achievements, like events for treasure Hunter for example.


My time is severely limited during the week, I usually get my dailies done and farm my house and whatever patches of resource I parked my alts at. I do dragonstorm most days as it's easy 2 gold and defense seals. 


At the weekend I might do something longer like dragons stand, I'll do my key farmer, never do some roaming and take part in events. But it all really depends on how much time I have.

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Often I play with my boyfriend and we'll usually do the dragonfall meta, the daily, or some random achievement. I like collecting titles; he likes collecting gold. He has like over 5k in gold now, I think.


Then we go offline sand play other games...

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Map completion, gathering, farming, events, the occasional meta or world boss if I feel like it or I'm in the right place at the right time.

One of the big selling points of GW2 for me was that you no longer needed a group just to go out exploring, and I take full advantage of that.

I might dip into strikes at some point if I can find a casual enough group, but for me freedom and independence is massively important. I want to play my way with my probably suboptimal build, not have to coordinate rigidly with a group of other players and be told what build and gear I have to use.

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I managed to finally complete the Skyscale achievement before EoD came out.

I am still (slowly) working my way through Living World Season 2 and IBS (still haven't finished either of them).

Working on completing "Return to" achievement (this itself is huge!)

Currently leveling up 2 alts - ranger and warrior 

A quick bit of winterberry and blood ruby farming.

Working on the class ascended weapons for my alt's (except HoT since they are too expensive)

Participate in a few metas - VB, AB, and Dragon Fall are probably my favs, the occasional world boss (now I have the portal device) 

Heck, figuring out what achievements I've nearly completed and finishing them off is nearly a full time job.


Given I have about an hour or two at day at most and that time is unpredictable at best, this easily fills my time. I don't bother with any organized content as I simply may have to up and leave. I'm not going to join anything that requires a 'team' - like PvP or fractals and then have to just vanish.   Things like the VB meta are good, if I have to leave, I leave.  I still am getting some rewards along the way I don't feel like I'm 'letting the team down' if/when I have to bail.


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Map completion / hero point runs on alts, material gathering rounds, Drizzlewood if I need gold, mount unlocks, story missions on alts, jumping puzzles, metas of I feel like it - basically whatever I feel like in the moment. My gameplay isn't really super goal-oriented or focused on making money or being efficient, i just like doing something chill without pressure. One day I ran around VB just stomping flocks and flocks of pocket raptors just bc it was satisfying at the time. xD nothing was gained except fun.

Edited by Kaukomieli.6740
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I don't like to do the same content over and over again, so I play through the story, complete the maps, and occasionally fiddle with dress-up. Once I've finished all that content (I do so very slowly to avoid running out) I'll be left with only the treadmill. Occasionally I'll try to get engaged with a treadmill, if I really like the game's vibe. But it's just hard for me to feel like I'm accomplishing anything.

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Basic routine: dailies, guild hall and home instance harvesting, LA advanced skimmer race, a few of parked alts.

Then it depends a lot on the amount and quality of time available: metas, progress story on too many alts, key farming, mastery point hunt, etc.

When I get really lucky in the time I have available, group content: dungeons, fractals. Strikes when I have to, but beside its loot, there is not much I like about that game mode. I'd love to try raiding, but RL constraints on the quality of my free time and my base skill level make it unrealistic.

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On 5/7/2022 at 4:16 AM, Farohna.6247 said:

Meaning that if you're in a guild you probably need to show up at a certain time for raids as a group, and for those with kids or jobs or other commitments it may not work to have to follow a gaming schedule.  So many players are casual in that they need that flexibility to drop in, do something quick, and able to pause or log off without leaving nine other people hanging.  It's often challenging to be able to sit and play for over an hour without interruption.

Agree gone are the days when you have to schedule your entire evening around specific raid times. At this age and with full time job and active social life anothe reasons raids arent for me.

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Fishing, both dailies. 

Doing some open-world events with my guildies

Strike missions and t4 fractals with my guildies (happily pug the t1 relaxed ones if I missed a guild fractal one)

Helping my partner do his return achievements now he's come back to the game

Working towards making legendaries, e.g. working on my WvW legendary armour, 10 down, 8 to go.

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On 5/6/2022 at 12:34 PM, Albi.7250 said:

As someone who plays PvP and does the occasional Strike I was always wondering what people do. I find the harder game modes quite enjoyable and mostly visit the OW map if I want something from them. Personally I feel that any form of OW-"train" quite boring, so I'm quite curios. I would like to know what other Players do in Tyria.




Boss train on reset, chuck most of the [REDACTED] into recycling, sell items of value, log off. Repeat. Or I did before I stopped playing entirely.





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To answer:  I'm still busy farming whatever excessive Collections goals are available in open world. Because ANet can't seem to design reasonable achievements anymore that don't require padding game time or a massive gold sink.  

All while wistfully dreaming of a time and UX that allows me to slip into instanced content without worrying about elitists mucking it up. 

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