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Anet you need to nerf willbender already!


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I see two willbenders per team now every match! This build is impossible to counter. It does massive damage by porting to you in the blink of an eye! And then when you try to pressure them, they spam blocks, aegis, blinds, condi cleanses, mobility, resolution, resistance and pretty much every defensive boon in the game! Why did it ever occur to you to give a specialization with so much damage, so many defensive boons that make it impossible to to kill? It's like fighting core guard and dragonhunter at once! Every button a willbender presses heals them! And gives allies boons! Everything they do gives boons!


My suggestions for addressing the crime against humanity that is willbender is to:

1. Double the cooldown on virtues.

2. Remove the blocks 

3. Remove the aegis and stability on f3

3. Remove the condi cleanse on f2

4. Remove blind on f1

4. Remove the stunbreaks on f3

5. Reduce the range on its mobility skills 

6. Reduce sword 4 damage

7. Reduce sword 5 immob to 1 sec

8. Make righteous instincts only give 25% critical chance 

9. Lower damage on gs 2

10. Raise cooldown on gs5

11. Make whirling light only hit in a cone

12. Remove the passive healing from its utilities. 

13. increase cooldown on renewed focus (the guardian mains will appreciate having to choose a different elite utility)


Hopefully with just half of my suggestions willbender will finally be balanced, like firebrand. 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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31 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

I see two willbenders per team now every match! This build is impossible to counter. It does massive damage by porting to you in the blink of an eye! And then when you try to pressure them, they spam blocks, aegis, blinds, condi cleanses, mobility, resolution, resistance and pretty much every defensive boon in the game! Why did it ever occur to you to give a specialization with so much damage, so many defensive boons that make it impossible to to kill? It's like fighting core guard and dragonhunter at once! Every button a willbender presses heals them! And gives allies boons! Everything they do gives boons!


My suggestions for addressing the crime against humanity that is willbender is to:

1. Double the cooldown on virtues.

2. Remove the blocks 

3. Remove the aegis and stability on f3

3. Remove the condi cleanse on f2

4. Remove blind on f1

4. Remove the stunbreaks on f3

5. Reduce the range on its mobility skills 

6. Reduce sword 4 damage

7. Reduce sword 5 immob to 1 sec

8. Make righteous instincts only give 25% critical chance 

9. Lower damage on gs 2

10. Raise cooldown on gs5

11. Make whirling light only hit in a cone

12. Remove the passive healing from its utilities. 

13. increase cooldown on renewed focus (the guardian mains will appreciate having to choose a different elite utility)


Hopefully with just half of my suggestions willbender will finally be balanced, like firebrand. 

Please lets not let this thread be too trolly.... REAL suggestions please.

Because THIS is a real problem. Just like alot of people already called it. Willbender is Guardian... and Guardian has a tendency to dodge bullets when it comes to Nerfs.

I have seen numerous posts like: " Willbender is not getting a nerf, because it is Guardian and most people play Guardian. They will not nerf it till the last person has bought EoD. - your heard it here first"

And i was laughing at it, because i thought it is pretty obvious that Willbender is to strong in spvp right now and will receive a nerf. You see 2 of them per team in almost every game....   


WHY ARE THERE NO WILLBENDER NERFS!?    All they have to do is raise the Cooldowns a tiny bit. Somewhere between pre-buff and what we have now.... BUT NOOO!!! WILLBENDER IS FINE!  LETS NERF DRAGONHUNTER, SO THAT EVEN THE LAST REMAINING GUARDIANPLAYER WILL PLAY WILLYBENDER.  

why on earth are you nerfing other Guardianbuilds that are A-S Tier when you have another Guardianbuild that is S+-tier?  OH RIIIGHT!!! Because people need to paying 30 bucks for it and you guys really want the money. got it.

its just sad.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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7 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

why on earth are you nerfing other Guardianbuilds that are A-S Tier when you have another Guardianbuild that is S+-tier?  OH RIIIGHT!!! Because people need to paying 30 bucks for it and you guys really want the money. got it.

Is it time for balancing gem packages / fundraisers? Buy this bundle now! If enough players buy it, we put effort (actual effort, not random changes cause we have no clue what is going on in our game) into balancing competitive modes!

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2 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Is it time for balancing gem packages / fundraisers? Buy this bundle now! If enough players buy it, we put effort (actual effort, not random changes cause we have no clue what is going on in our game) into balancing competitive modes!

10/10. I would buy that any day.

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Poe's law.

This really is the problem with balance forums right now. Nothing is seriously breaking the game, except maybe now double harb since the main counterpick has been nerfed. And the things that are overperforming are only overperforming by a slight amount. Wanting this number of nerfs for WB would be unreal if I didn't suspect this is a troll thread.



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3 minutes ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Poe's law.

This really is the problem with balance forums right now. Nothing is seriously breaking the game, except maybe now double harb since the main counterpick has been nerfed. And the things that are overperforming are only overperforming by a slight amount. Wanting this number of nerfs for WB would be unreal if I didn't suspect this is a troll thread.



what he suggested is just nonsense. All they have to do is raise the Cooldown a tiny bit. Somewhere between what we had before the buffs and now. Its soo easy, yet they refuse to do it.

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23 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

Only for PVP?
IDK how the WB can leap so far with heavy armor. My WB bascially just flying around and quite irritating as she is constantly out of hit box.



If you wanna keep it realistic then heavy armor has to become the most op thing ever here and not only be as mobile as they are but also being damage immune to any sort of thief with his joke knives or staff, ranger doing his pew pew and so on as even sword cant really touch it unless you start bashing with handle like.. they used to



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14 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Is it time for balancing gem packages / fundraisers? Buy this bundle now! If enough players buy it, we put effort (actual effort, not random changes cause we have no clue what is going on in our game) into balancing competitive modes!


Hey I'll help you out. We can start a crowd funding campaign and use funds to hire a more competent outsource developer. The folks they hired off of Fivrr probably lied on their resume. 

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50 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Hey I'll help you out. We can start a crowd funding campaign and use funds to hire a more competent outsource developer. The folks they hired off of Fivrr probably lied on their resume. 

I too had horrible experience with fiverr freelancers so far lol

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22 hours ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

Lets see, there are so few PVP players that Anet can’t justify spending time on that mode, but their diabolical plan is hit the jackpot by herding you all into EoD ….

Supposedly the PVE is so popular, the game could drop pvp and wvw outright an be fine. Like they could just delete them and less than 1% would be affected. No one would notice. That's what I have been reading if you cross over into the PVE forums, and most pvp threads and wvw threads are not gaining much visible interaction. Could be just a rumor.

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14 minutes ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

Supposedly the PVE is so popular, the game could drop pvp and wvw outright an be fine. Like they could just delete them and less than 1% would be affected. No one would notice. That's what I have been reading if you cross over into the PVE forums, and most pvp threads and wvw threads are not gaining much visible interaction. Could be just a rumor.


I'd believe it.  That said, if it makes so little difference, I just wish they'd make more drastic changes more often.  At least just to shake things up.

Edited by thepolishman.2348
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On 5/12/2022 at 5:49 AM, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

I too had horrible experience with fiverr freelancers so far lol


Friend, you gotta do a vid call and look into their eyes to see if they're BSing or not. Intuition is key. Good luck. For what project, if you dont mind me asking? Maybe you and I are both entrepreneurs and can exchange ideas and etc

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12 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Friend, you gotta do a vid call and look into their eyes to see if they're BSing or not. Intuition is key. Good luck. For what project, if you dont mind me asking? Maybe you and I are both entrepreneurs and can exchange ideas and etc

Lightweight action  "mmo". Oh yeah im totally tired of the current market including gw2 and their wonderful "balance". Ive put it on hold for time being due to lack of time but i will be back on the track later this year

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