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Why are we banking on Steam?

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2 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

False. It means they're diverting resources to "polish up" the core game instead of using them to deliver actual new content.

'We' are fine with ANet polishing up the core game and making it a better experience for new players and new characters.

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1 minute ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

'We' are fine with ANet polishing up the core game and making it a better experience for new players and new characters.

Your new characters will gain nothing from this. It is simply ANet finally abandoning GW1 vets and targeting the next generation of GW2 players.

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1 minute ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Your new characters will gain nothing from this. It is simply ANet finally abandoning GW1 vets and targeting the next generation of GW2 players.

Oh come on, that’s nonsense. I don’t feel abandoned. 

Edited by vares.8457
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6 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

False. It means they're diverting resources to "polish up" the core game instead of using them to deliver actual new content.

This doesn't answer why the topic says 'WE'. As the players part of 'WE' is sitting here playing the game.  What are the players banking on here, what is their stake and involvement?

As others have pointed out, LW1 is absolutely new for anyone who didn't play it, and I'd wager that the time and developer investment into re-launching LW1 is in line with adding brand new content anyway.  

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4 minutes ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

'We' are fine with ANet polishing up the core game and making it a better experience for new players and new characters.

And it was requested over and over again that they make LW1 playable again. Now they do that and still people like OP are complaining … 

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1 minute ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Your new characters will gain nothing from this. It is simply ANet finally abandoning GW1 vets and targeting the next generation of GW2 players.

My new characters actually gain quite a bit, since I level them organically instead of just throwing times at them.

How, exactly are they abandoning Gw1 veterans, again? By making a whole new game? Oh, wait...

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3 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

As others have pointed out, LW1 is absolutely new for anyone who didn't play it, and I'd wager that the time and developer investment into re-launching LW1 is in line with adding brand new content anyway.  

It may be 'new' to you, but it is still 8 year old content of a story we already know. Those resources are better spent making NEW content. Cantha wasn't enough. They are handing you crumbs so you don't complain.

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4 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

It may be 'new' to you, but it is still 8 year old content of a story we already know. Those resources are better spent making NEW content. Cantha wasn't enough. They are handing you crumbs so you don't complain.

They are adding new strike mission CMs, new legendary variants and they stated in the Studio Update that they are working on the next story update that includes a new map in Cantha. You would know that if you read the Studio Update from March. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

They are adding new strike mission CMs and they stated in the Studio Update that they are working in the next story update that includes a new map in Cantha. 

And just when is that story update slated to release? After this return to another living world story ends?

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3 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Instead of giving us more content, they are banking on Steam. Why?

Because it attracts new player. A Massive multiplayer online Game needs massive numbers. That is directly beneficial to YOU. In time, sooner or later the game will die. All your title and achievements will crumble to dust. All your items will exist only in your memory as the last server shuts down. Delay the inevitable by a couple of years with a steam release or get the next LW season 30% quicker?

A simple choice really.

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4 hours ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

It sounds like the OP doesn't consider a confirmed fourth expansion to be new content. This amuses me.


When you release information on that less then a month after a release OF AN EXPANSION it is concerning to be sure, and just telling how EoD failed as an expansion on all fronts. From Badly designed E-specs that needed another year of tweaks, to a badly designed end meta that has the first story push towards it in the game, no other story has told you to do a meta, before this one. And yet, it was and still is the games worst meta that rewards essentially nothing for hours of work. To a badly designed story.

Them confirming a fourth expansion was a last ditch effort to obviously try and stop the tide of people leaving, look at what just happened with both new world and lost arc, they both show there is still an untapped market of over a million mmo players out there waiting for a good game, and obviously gw2 is not that. It could be that if they made it good but instead they appear to be pushing out bad patches due to their bad balancing team and pushing out lw1, which seems to have rather mixed feelings with the people who did play it years ago. 
The problems GW2 seem to face, is we have no new players at all. Every single person I talk to says they have played before they quit. 

So yes, Steam is their last ditch effort to get new players, and they only have one chance, they are 100% banking on a successful steam release to make up for the thousands that have quit with EoD. We've just had 2 incredibly badly written stories in a row with IBS and now EoD, like a toddler wrote them. I write better stories in my sleep with hands tied behind my back. LW4 to me will always be where the game truly ends. If ibs/eod didn't exist the game would be better. It will be very interesting to see how it goes on steam, cause we can't use our current accounts as our steam accounts, all accounts there, will be new accounts. 

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The thing is steam is a gateway to advertise the game, there's people out there who you can ask if they know what guild wars is and they will have no clue, a large majority of steam really has no idea what the hell guild wars is.

Even on the chance a new player arrives they have at least 3 weeks worth of stuff to go through alone in just the story content if they buy the expansions. And of those players, many a few will stay for raids/wvw (if they find out how to play it correctly)/pvp/ shiny crafting.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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5 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

There's plenty to do in Cantha, I can't believe you've done everything in the short amount of time EoD has been out. 

Yeah, once you've levelled your masteries there really isn't ever a reason to return to Cantha for the rest of the games life, good point. They really should have added in reasons to return to the place, like adventures or a converter or legendary, but for now weekly visits to Arborstone is about the only reason to visit it seems. 

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5 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Yeah, once you've levelled your masteries there really isn't ever a reason to return to Cantha for the rest of the games life, good point. They really should have added in reasons to return to the place, like adventures or a converter or legendary, but for now weekly visits to Arborstone is about the only reason to visit it seems. 

I have plenty reasons to spend time in Cantha. 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Yeah, once you've levelled your masteries there really isn't ever a reason to return to Cantha for the rest of the games life, good point. They really should have added in reasons to return to the place, like adventures or a converter or legendary, but for now weekly visits to Arborstone is about the only reason to visit it seems. 

Not sure if you're trolling or not 🤔 

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7 hours ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

The game is done. The combat system is truly fun and will keep the whole creaky wreck popular but there is nothing left to add. Steam is a smart move at this point.

What makes you say that? I mean sure, I'm not half as hyped for EoD stuff as I was for PoF f.e., but there's still stories totell and places to go, stuff to fight and fishto catch. At least as long as they keep the theme park going and there's not much evidence that Anet is shutting down the game any time soon. I do know these things only come true if they actually happen, but so far, fromwhat has been communicated, there's another expac in the make and in the mean time we have LS1. Yes that's not technically new content, but it's new to many players and for the others, players like me who've been here all the way, it's been nine years since we saved LA or fixed signposts. So again, what gives the impression that "the game is done".

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Sigh. Sorry, the game is complete, nothing else game changing they can add to shake stuff up. They just based a whole xpac around dubious extension of mount tech plus a nostalgia play and loads of scavenger hunts. All thats left is cashing in on its new popularity. In that context, its good to see them pushing the marketing angle and finally expand their freaking reach. 

Thats why we are banking on Steam.

Edited by Hashberry.4510
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We need LW1 to return. It will be a bonus for the Steam launch. When that is all back they will start releasing the next season or two, followed by an expansion.


Steam players will start with all the content in the game and see a release cadence from there on out. If we don't get another IBS, GW2 will be golden.

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On 5/12/2022 at 10:16 AM, Hashberry.4510 said:

The game is done. The combat system is truly fun and will keep the whole creaky wreck popular but there is nothing left to add. Steam is a smart move at this point.

Honestly, yes. As somebody who played since the game was sold in walmarts, i think the game has run its course. Story deteriorated from base game. I miss when we were just an adventurer accompanying trahearne or the order of whispers.. Now we're just the snarky commander...

Eod masteries are pretty useless. Leveling a trading post is content? Why, when i paid for deluxe path of fire and can go right outside crystal oasis? Lol

Edited by vicky.9751
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