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2 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Have you seriously tried to hear audio cues when there are hundreds of people spamming skills, explosions and yelling odd remarks all over each other..

Serious question? even about 10 characters make seeing and hearing anything really hard.

Yes.  It's very distinctive, so I actually rely on it more when the visual noise is higher (i.e. when there are more players present).  Instead of arguing against it, why not try to familiarize yourself with it?  You clearly never noticed it before, likely because you weren't aware of it.  Now that you are, try to listen up for it and see if you can recognize it and use that information to improve your chances of avoiding the attack.  You might find it helpful, especially since you have higher ping.  It gives you more time to react and you don't necessarily have to be watching for an attack animation to know it's coming.

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On 5/22/2022 at 12:16 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

What does it have to do with anything? Your faulty hardware is not the game's issue.

Just a friendly note. Ping isn't due to hardware. Ping is mainly dependant on how physically far away one is from the server. If you're in the same room as the server you're playing on it should in theory be extremely low (like under 10).

Just like it takes light, heat and electricity time to travel, so too does the internet. This can be measured as ping.

I live in Australia and the average ping I have here fluctuates between 250 and 300. This has nothing to do with my gear and everything to do with me living on the other side of the planet from the server I'm playing on.

That being said, I personally have solo'd the champs that the OP has complained about, even on 300 ping.

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11 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

In this case he's talking about the little torch thingy Ezal the Quick tosses, leaving circles beneath your feet that deal damage and apply confusion.  Those do happen pretty quickly, so you really have to be watching for them (dodging will cause the torch to miss so you won't have to deal with the circle).  However, if you have high ping another strategy for avoiding these is to stay in motion. They strike upon the initial hit that spawns the circle, but if you're moving you should be out of harm's way so that you don't take additional strikes from the ground effect.

Also note that Ezal tosses additional torches with more players present and stacked circles can kill you VERY quickly!

Back when I used to solo the bandit champs, I remember keeping track of how many times the champ had attacked. I think I remember champs like Varre the Underhanded and Ezal the Quick throwing that torch thing after three other attacks which allowed me to anticipate its appearance. Doing all that while staying in a specific range of Varre or running behind trees around Ezal while avoiding their minions was a task to be sure though. Fun times.

Edited by DaFishBob.6518
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5 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

I do enjoy skills/traits that focus on reviving players, specially ones that pull.

But it's rare I get to use them in the open world so I can rarely justify taking them on my skill bar.

The Executioner is one boss that does let me play around with those abilities, specially when the people around me are your typical super DPS glass canon's who seem to be allergic to dodging lol

As someone who mostly plays healer when doing bounties that is mostly false.

Those sorts of skills get plenty of use.

Actual DPS players will also outdamage people even if they get downed for several seconds. There are others who try to pretend to be but I don't know what you would call those.

3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’m surprised anyone even wants to fight bandit champs. At some point in the recent past I got tired of the bounty thingamajigs stacking up in my inventory and went to see what they were about. Soloed and duoed a few, saw the rewards, and felt free to just delete the rest and any future ones that show up.

For me it is mostly a checklist thing. There are some achievements for killing one of each.

Their skill sets aren't particularly interesting. Hit fast, hit hard and maybe with a dose of dashing around. Admittedly I haven't spent much time studying but there doesn't really seem to be much to them.

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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8 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Have you seriously tried to hear audio cues when there are hundreds of people spamming skills, explosions and yelling odd remarks all over each other..

Serious question? even about 10 characters make seeing and hearing anything really hard.

No I have not but playing with 40 ping I dont really have to.

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8 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’m surprised anyone even wants to fight bandit champs. At some point in the recent past I got tired of the bounty thingamajigs stacking up in my inventory and went to see what they were about. Soloed and duoed a few, saw the rewards, and felt free to just delete the rest and any future ones that show up.

I really only fight them when someone in chat asks for help with one. I dont want people to become disillusioned with the idea of open world "difficult" content and its accessibility so I repond any time I see the ask.

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13 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

As someone who mostly plays healer when doing bounties that is mostly false.

Those sorts of skills get plenty of use.

Actual DPS players will also outdamage people even if they get downed for several seconds. There are others who try to pretend to be but I don't know what you would call those.

Can't say the same from my experience.

Those skills do get plenty of use in other content for sure but I don't see it much in open world PvE.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've actually been revived by one of these skills as well.. and it's almost always been a Warrior Banner that's done it.. and maybe once or twice a Necro.

In all the years i've played the game I have never been revived by Search and Rescue, though.. outside of myself I don't even know any players that take that skill in OW PvE.

If by "actual DPS" players I assume you mean people who are very familiar with the game and can hit top tier DPS numbers then yeah they probably do out DPS the majority despite going down.

Although the bulk of glassy players I see that go down in the open world tend to do so repeatedly and spend most of  their combat time on their behinds lol

Kinda funny when you revive a bunch of people and they just charge right back at the boss and go down again within seconds.

Personally I prefer to not go down at all myself which is why I will only play glass cannon builds that can sustain themselves somehow or also possess some kind of survivability factor.

DPS should always take a backseat to survival, and support is by far the king in this game not DPS.

Which is something I am glad to see people are recognising these days.


Edited by Teratus.2859
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On 5/21/2022 at 2:17 PM, Aphex.9782 said:

lmao how are you supposed to see anything when i was just in a dungeon and there was one payer with ridiculous glowing mtx, wings, sword effects that obscured the entire screen. now imagine 10 of those. he looked like a clown and i couldn't see anything. i just ended up walking along and doing nothing....such fun. dungeons are complete trash as well lol. if there is not a high level player doing it solo it's just a chaotic wipefest. oneshot traps everywhere. no healers when you clearly need healers since one mob hits you for 50% of your hp. of all the mmos i played this is the worst expierience i had in any of them.

Ahh yes, every MMO must be a WoW clone. 

Can't have actually good combat that isnt trivialize by a tank and healer. 

Imagine to actually have to use your classes skills, movement and dodging. 

This is probably the biggest ged gud problem I have seen in a long time. 


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