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The Zhaitan Variants

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1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

You’ll only need to forge each weapon once, then you’ll go on a journey with it to attune it to the magic of the other Elder Dragons. So all those amazing greatswords Chelsea showed us are really just the same greatsword attuned to different magics, and you won’t have to worry about spending tons of resources making and remaking these weapons.

On this statement:

1. You need to forge each weapon once (craft gen 3 leg). Attune that weapon (each separately).

2. You don't need to spend tons of resources, compared to the legendary weapon crafting (no remaking the gen 3 required).

In my opinion, this statement is still accurate with the current acquisition route. I'd like to highlight that contrary to Antique Summoning Stones (tied to DE, which for some reason ppl consider a problem), Jade Runestones and Memories of Aurene are very easy to acquire.

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3 hours ago, Hellissane.3041 said:

Yes, that would had been valid if Anet never made statements about the cost of the skins. But they did. This is not overblowing an issue, its a backlash to their statement.

Well it depends on your interpretation. From the start I thought it meant that you'd have to unlock the skins weapon per weapon. And the original (Aurene's) has reduced costs when it comes to mystic coins and clovers. The way I interpreted the cost factor is that you don't have to pay the full amount of a legendary weapon for each skin.

What makes Aurene's stuff more expensive is the 100 ambergris and 100 Antique Something Somethings in particular. The latter being more expensive because you can get them cheaply,  at a rate of 5 per week.  Cause the time-gating artificially inflates the price of them. 

I actually got a precursor for gen3 (return chapters) but now am going for a gen1 axe after all. I don't really care for the skin of the gen1 axe, but then I also don't really care for the gen3 skins.

I just want it cause I have a lot of characters with an axe. But a gen1 ends up being a LOT cheaper than gen3 Aurene. Especially because mystic coins more than halved in price on the TP. I can make the gen1 axe for less than 1000 gold and that's including buying the per-cursor. Selling my Antique Something Somethings already makes up for more than half of that. Go figure...

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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29 minutes ago, Hellissane.3041 said:

Yes, that would had been valid if Anet never made statements about the cost of the skins. But they did. This is not overblowing an issue, its a backlash to their statement.

Exactly the point Really, Anet told us, when they were showing off these weapons, that they wouldn't be hard or costly to make. To go back on that is such a bad move. They better update this. 

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1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

They did actually stated that: "You’ll only need to forge each weapon once, then you’ll go on a journey with it to attune it to the magic of the other Elder Dragons. So all those amazing greatswords Chelsea showed us are really just the same greatsword attuned to different magics, and you won’t have to worry about spending tons of resources making and remaking these weapons." 
Thats literary from their news post : https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-closer-look-at-the-guild-wars-2-end-of-dragons-legendary-weapons/

And sure there is a difference between "for free" as in doing nothing to get it, and "for free" as in doing an achiev, but without spending gold worth half of a gen1 legendary. I dont mind doing events etc to get the achiev done, but cmon a gold price on a skin thats equal to 1/2 of a gen1 legendary to get a skin (and particulary not a very good one too) is too much.

And yet again the major selling point of gen3 legendaries was that it will have 7 skin variants with one initial payment (to craft it). The skins itself (both base version and dragon themed ones) by quality are close to BLC skin sets. And i havent seen a single BLC skin that cost that much to get (usually they are around 50-100g). 

They really should either lower the prices per skin to a reasonable amount of 50-70g (like BLC skins) or make this collection a one time thing to unlock all of the skins of particular dragon. 

This is the perfect answer.

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16 minutes ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

2. You don't need to spend tons of resources, compared to the legendary weapon crafting (no remaking the gen 3 required).

Thats the problem, you do need to spend tons of resources. The price of these resources like people mentioned above are something from 350-500g. And that is half of price of gen1 legendary (and for 2 of these skins you pay like for 1 gen1 legendary), which is considered "tons of resources". And some of these resources are have to be farmed specificaly, like karma/spirit shards/research notes, u cant just go and buy them (well kinda with research notes u can, but its tedious). 


15 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

What makes Aurene's stuff expensive is the 250 ambergris and 100 Antique Something Something. The latter being expensive because you can get them cheaply but only at a rate of 5 per week. This sort of artificial time-gating, is what makes them especially expensive, particularly if you want to collect all skins. Cause the time-gating artificially inflates the price of them. 

It doesnt actually matter why these resources are high priced. Anet made them that way by timegating them. Not the players. And the prices are settled now cause EoD launched like 3 months ago, so we cant say that the market is still adjusting. Sure maybe in couple of years the prices will drop, but not anytime soon and we have to deal with what we have now.  When judging on prices we have to look at the actual market and at the moment gen3 legendaries are THE most expensive (besides that gen1 greatsword) ones out there. 

And people who buy Antique Summoning Stones to craft gen3 legendaries to sell them off (aka tp barons) will keep the prices as high as they are now for quite some time, cause it provide them with loads of profit.

The problem is here and now, why would i want to take into consideration how the market "could" change in 2-3 years from now on? We can make argument like "if prices went down these legendaries would be the cheapest ones out there" all we want, but the sad truth is that the prices are set and we have to deal with these prices, and not the "future prices". 

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It's actually shocking that the antique summoning stones are locked behind only 1 meta (and a limited weekly vendor) when you look back and see amalgamated gemstones dropped from every meta chest. It is unlikely they will change it to match but if they did, a lot of players would be happier with additional acquisition methods. It likely wouldn't hurt the playerbase for DE because the weekly vendor already did that. I love the difficulty of DE but I refuse to sit and wait for over an hour spamming "join" on a meta that is not guaranteed.

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1 minute ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Thats the problem, you do need to spend tons of resources. The price of these resources like people mentioned above are something from 350-500g. And that is half of price of gen1 legendary (and for 2 of these skins you pay like for 1 gen1 legendary), which is considered "tons of resources". And some of these resources are have to be farmed specificaly, like karma/spirit shards/research notes, u cant just go and buy them (well kinda with research notes u can, but its tedious). 

This pricing is not accurate as well. Taking for example Bolt which is currently 1700-2200 G. So in fact, you can get 4-5 Zhaitan variants for the price of gen 1 legendary weapon.
On farming, would you prefer to throw more gold at the "problem" (if any1 considers it to be a problem)? Wouldn't that inflate the 'not so steep' price of skin variants?
Not to attack anyone but do people log into the game just to stand in Lion's Arch or they are doing any kind of content throughout the week?

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1 hour ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

This pricing is not accurate as well. Taking for example Bolt which is currently 1700-2200 G. So in fact, you can get 4-5 Zhaitan variants for the price of gen 1 legendary weapon.

Thats not accurate.

If we chose to craft bolt it would roughly cost us: 1108-1204g depending on wheather u use buy or sell prices on tp + some gifts with no price.

If we chose to craft Aurenes fang its: 1800-1915g+some gifts with no price. 


If we go for prices on tp thats:

1) Bolt - Sell price: 2169g, Buy price: 1750g.

2) Aurenes Fang - Sell price: 3188g, Buy price: 2506g. 

So thats roughly 1.5x cost of gen1 legendary.  

It is not a good way to compare a crafted Aurene weap + skins with a "buy/sell" order of gen1 from tp. We need to compare similar things. So if we compare the acquisition by crafting we get that 1 gen1 legendary is roughly worth 2-3 zhaitan skins (depending on the margin of the cost of zhaitan skin we are taking into account since it varies from 350 to 500g.). 

All of the prices are taken from gw2efficiency which is a reliable source of info on lege crafting and pricing. 

About the "farming" thing. The rough prices of these materials are calculated in that price that was shown above. Its a different discussion on what is better farming or just throw some gold at it. But since u can converth these currencies and mats to gold any time u want, it is not relevant to the "pricing" of skins, but rather makes it more tedious to get them  if you have none of these resources.


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2 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

It doesnt actually matter why these resources are high priced. Anet made them that way by timegating them. Not the players. And the prices are settled now cause EoD launched like 3 months ago, so we cant say that the market is still adjusting. Sure maybe in couple of years the prices will drop, but not anytime soon and we have to deal with what we have now.  When judging on prices we have to look at the actual market and at the moment gen3 legendaries are THE most expensive (besides that gen1 greatsword) ones out there. 

I only explained why because I wanted to clarify the cause. Not defend Anet, nor was I arguing that the prices will go down and we should just wait for that to happen. In other words you completely misunderstood what I was saying by making a whole lot of assumptions I might add.

You say it's a problem now and you're right. But by looking at the causes or the why, you know where to look for solutions. As such my idea would be to make more Ancient Summoning Stones and Ambergris available per week, for example. That increases supply, which will cause the prices to go down.

However, you got me thinking about how Gen 3 compares to the other Gen's. Gen2 legendary weapons are a lot more expensive than Gen1 legendaries after all. But Gen2 can't be put on the TP, and I wonder what they would've cost if they were able to be put on the TP. 

When I go to GW2efficiency, I take the example of Pharus, Kudzu and Aurene's Flight. So all longbows. Please also note that this website uses the price on the buying side of the TP for their calculations and not the selling side, so we're lowballing the material cost. (I did round off some of the numbers but we're talking silvers, a few golds at most).

Kudzu: 1920 gold in material cost + 240 gold at old mystic coin prices

Pharus: 3500 gold in material cost +500 gold at old mystic coin prices

Aurene's Flight: 3600 in material cost

There's more involved in the creation of each of the generations of legendary weapons but it sets a nice comparison and Gen3 are the least involved in Collections and Gifts. The mystic coin prices dropped in value since it became known that gen3 weapons didn't take as many clovers as the previous gen's and also didn't require a stack of mystic coins on top of that. So when gen3 came out the cost of mystic coins dropped significantly because the demand decreased significantly, because people had been hoarding them expecting that gen3 weapons would also take a lot of mystic coins.

So if Gen2 weapons had been allowed to be put on the TP at the time, they would've settled at a price that would've been much higher than Gen1 and higher than Gen3 because of the effort involved. Pharus probably would've cost 4K gold easily. People often forget that because they can't be sold on the TP but the cost is there and we're lowballing the material cost here. And that's a price that would've been settled down.

So the Gen2 weapons are harder to make than the Gen3, whereas Gen2 weapons were a lot harder to get than Gen1. So I get the frustration but at the same time Gen3 is a lot easier than Gen2.

And yeah, the reskins for them apparently cost between 350-500g, but then they are legendary skins. There are more skins in the game that cost that much and aren't legendary.

So I still hate the time-gating of things and the research notes never made me happy, even for the jade bots. But the cost of these gen3 weapons and reskins aren't that unexpected tbh.

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54 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

And yeah, the reskins for them apparently cost between 350-500g, but then they are legendary skins.

No. They are a black lion skin set. The only reason why people stopped complaining about those skins not being legendary enough was because Anet said there will be variants available. So, it's not the single skin that is legendary, but a full set of them. So, having us pay a lot for each additional variant brings us back to the original issue of it being a mere BL weapon set.

Hint: new black lion weapon skins are significantly cheaper, and do not require so many hoops to jump through to obtain.

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1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Thats not accurate.

If we chose to craft bolt it would roughly cost us: 1108-1204g depending on wheather u use buy or sell prices on tp + some gifts with no price.

If we chose to craft Aurenes fang its: 1800-1915g+some gifts with no price. 


If we go for prices on tp thats:

1) Bolt - Sell price: 2169g, Buy price: 1750g.

2) Aurenes Fang - Sell price: 3188g, Buy price: 2506g. 

So thats roughly 1.5x cost of gen1 legendary.  

It is not a good way to compare a crafted Aurene weap + skins with a "buy/sell" order of gen1 from tp. We need to compare similar things. So if we compare the acquisition by crafting we get that 1 gen1 legendary is roughly worth 2-3 zhaitan skins (depending on the margin of the cost of zhaitan skin we are taking into account since it varies from 350 to 500g.). 

All of the prices are taken from gw2efficiency which is a reliable source of info on lege crafting and pricing. 

About the "farming" thing. The rough prices of these materials are calculated in that price that was shown above. Its a different discussion on what is better farming or just throw some gold at it. But since u can converth these currencies and mats to gold any time u want, it is not relevant to the "pricing" of skins, but rather makes it more tedious to get them  if you have none of these resources.


The comparison is misleading because you compare prices immediately after release with prices almost a decade after release. Bolt has found its equilibrium long ago. Where supply and demand are in balance and you can even quite directly correlate cost of an individual item with time spent playing.

This is extremely not true for the G3 legendaries. You can see Runestones and Memories of Aurene having 4-10% flip profit. Meaning, if you manage to buy some and then list them for sale you make profit. This means there is an extreme lack of supply that not even flippers, TP barons, gold sellers & co can fill (because, you know. They would love to. This is an extreme profit opportunity).

Use GW2 efficiency to recalculate those prices based on the value of items two weeks ago and it looks entirely different.

Edit: Same with Ancient Summoning Stone. I doubt more than a literal handful earned 100 yet. The theoretical maximum that are possible to own are 130. Assuming daily dragon's end since the rewards were released and 5 arborstone starting week 1. The only people listing them for sale are people with no interest in crafting the legendary or who speculate on price drops in the near future. With new variants and demand increasing every few months. I'd expect a lack of supply for another year or so. At which point prices of aurene weapons should come down by about 800 - 1k gold. Both crafting and TP buying. And variants will over time come down to ~200 gold if the trends from similar, past materials replicate and ANet doesn't keep pushing the mat utility. 

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I came here expecting to see at least ONE post about how these legendaries are predatory "P2W" impulse gem conversion strategies.  Not a single person?  You guys do see what's going on with these legendaries, right?  Your answer to why is right there.  Not sure why you're surprised.

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On 5/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Keep your head up, here's the silver lining, just imagine when you're finished collecting these, you'll probably be in the rarest group of collectors in the game, maybe even the only one this particular group.... cuz I can't imagine why anyone would want to collect all these skins...


Would take forever unless you have 40 accounts x)

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1 hour ago, Erise.5614 said:

The comparison is misleading because you compare prices immediately after release with prices almost a decade after release.

The comparison is accurate, because we dont have to wait 10 years to calculate the "true cost" of items that we can attain today. And to that extent today we have a choice of getting gen1 or gen3 legendary at set prices. Otherwise i would have also mentioned that gen1 legendaries dropped down in prices as EoD launched and MC became twice as cheap as before. But there is no point in looking at gen1 legendaries at their former prices because today we have different prices and to get a gen1 legendary today we have to pay this price not the former one. Same goes for gen3 leggies, we have to pay the current price, not the future one. 

And its not "immediately after release", its 3 months after release. The chaotic part of the market was somewhere between 1-3 weeks after release, now prices are pretty much settled (to some extent ofc since market always changes a bit).


@Gehenna.3625 i didnt compare it to gen2 legendaries for two reasons - they are not a part of the market and that gen2 actually have nice skins worthy of a legendary status (Each one of them is unique in a way and do not look like a line of BLC skins). Their price is mostly static, because the only way u can get them is to craft them while using specific currencies (or collections for some like nevermore for example). There are less possibilities to "cut" or "inflate" their costs.

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28 minutes ago, Borked.6824 said:

I came here expecting to see at least ONE post about how these legendaries are predatory "P2W" impulse gem conversion strategies.  Not a single person?  You guys do see what's going on with these legendaries, right?  Your answer to why is right there.  Not sure why you're surprised.

Legendaries are QoL. Not power.

And we are talking skins for that legendary. Not even the QoL. Not sure what you are on about here^^

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1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

The comparison is accurate, because we dont have to wait 10 years to calculate the "true cost" of items that we can attain today. And to that extent today we have a choice of getting gen1 or gen3 legendary at set prices. Otherwise i would have also mentioned that gen1 legendaries dropped down in prices as EoD launched and MC became twice as cheap as before. But there is no point in looking at gen1 legendaries at their former prices because today we have different prices and to get a gen1 legendary today we have to pay this price not the former one. Same goes for gen3 leggies, we have to pay the current price, not the future one. 

And its not "immediately after release", its 3 months after release. The chaotic part of the market was somewhere between 1-3 weeks after release, now prices are pretty much settled (to some extent ofc since market always changes a bit).

It's really not about time. Or rather, the duration can vary. And so can the extent of the resulting market behavior. But the market dynamics around it are very predictable. 

These become understandable when you try to look into what determines price. Which is supply and demand. Everything is always about how much of the object exists, how much do people need it and how much liquidity do they have (aka currency to actually hold transactions).

Gen 1 and 2 had plenty of time to settle. Items like Gemstones have continuously decreased in price as both demand went down (the bulk of people who want certain Gen 2s own them by now) and supply went up (Gemstones are still freely distributed in tons of events. The number even increased over time. So now the people who own all Gen 2s they want have an oversupply of Gemstones and will probably sell of most of the new ones they acquire. As the material has 0 value to them).

EoD on the other hand is still in the process of releasing content. The variants require more Memories of Aurene than the weapon itself. They suddenly became more relevant. The demand increased. However, almost no one has an abundance of memories stacked up in their mat storage. No one happens to have a thousand lying around and can just sell them. There is not enough supply. Most importantly, not even TP barons have that kind of supply. Players who actively play the trading post like a stock market. They usually keep prices semi stable as any opportunity for profit will be used. Though despite a massive opportunity to profit, they don't simply because there's just not enough items available in game to make these kinds of trades. 

Similar with Antique Summoning Stones. No one has an abundance of those around. Next to no one will have farmed enough of them by themselves to build a single Aurene legendary. There's just not been enough time. At the same time, the new variants increased demand for crafting the legendary as people decide they'd like to get that. This will continue to keep prices stable as a lot of players will keep their stones for their own crafting limiting supply (or may not even know they exist or where to buy them)

I mean. Just take one look at the TP history of memories of aurene. Those prices are everything but settled. 

We can expect A.S.S. prices to continuously decrease over time as Gemstones have. With fewer sudden drops now than in the first weeks. There'll be like one or two once a lot of people crafted their own weapon and start selling their weekly ones from then on. But even the rest of the time they will mostly go downwards week over week.

And we can expect similar of Runestones and Memories. Though here it is more dependent on how many players enjoy the associated events (the more people enjoy them, the lower the prices will drop) and how many are required by ANet for crafting the other variants and possibly future recipes (as that would increase demand and increase prices). 

To make a meaningful comment about the state of the economy you really must consider the dynamics at play and what predictable things will happen in the near to mid term future. Obviously the materials for a variant will spike the first day it released as a ton of supply on the TP will be bought up. In part by people trying to make a profit, and in bulk by people who will use it for crafting. Destroying these items, removing them out of the economy and decreasing the total available supply of the item in the game.

You can be annoyed that it's expensive now. But since we know prices will come down it's really not something ANet should change in the near term future. That's how they design a healthy economy. Any fix right now would make them ridiculously cheap soon.

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20 hours ago, Hellissane.3041 said:

Completed my first.

I don't see an indication that this is weekly in any way. You HAVE to pay the 10K research notes for each weapon, plus all the other stuff like 200 jade runestones and 250 memories of aurene.

I disagree. The indication I see is on another of Leivas's menus -- the summoning stones. You can choose to buy only 4 of those each week. This is precisely what some of my guildies do because they refuse to do strikes and don't have any green prophet shards to spend. They don't have to do strikes to stock up on them. I don't see why scale splinters will be any different.


In my opinion it's more likely that the scale splinters work the same way than not, but we will all know after weekly reset next Monday.

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10 minutes ago, JeffJeth.9518 said:

I disagree. The indication I see is on another of Leivas's menus -- the summoning stones. You can choose to buy only 4 of those each week. This is precisely what some of my guildies do because they refuse to do strikes and don't have any green prophet shards to spend. They don't have to do strikes to stock up on them. I don't see why scale splinters will be any different.


In my opinion it's more likely that the scale splinters work the same way than not, but we will all know after weekly reset next Monday.

Because you can buy more splinters after you complete the collection, without waiting for weekly reset. They don't work the same way.
I like to think that you might be right, but its hard to hope for such a thing considering what we see.

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6 minutes ago, Emberfoot.6847 said:

I always think of Guild Wars 2 as pay 2 skin.

Fair. But there's like 4 monetization models in all of multiplayer online gaming.

1. Buy once, play forever. But they release regularly to make the old game obsolete (e.g. Fifa, CoD, etc. They just assume you won't play more than X hours and buy their next game too)

2. Microtransactions to buy power (pay 2 win)

3. Microtransactions for cosmetics (e.g. GW2)

4. Monthly subscription

In my humble opinion. GW2 is one of the best monetization models for a long term game that we got out there. Subscription is a bit more "pure" in the sense that the game is primarily built around making me play and enjoy my time. But that just constantly pressures me into "getting my money worth". 

With Guild Wars 2 I can drop in an out as convenient while having a pretty good game that I'm quite sure I can still enjoy if I take a break for a year or so. Because the monetization model is solid enough for that. Without being abusive and actually pressuring into constant purchases. 

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4 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Fair. But there's like 4 monetization models in all of multiplayer online gaming.

1. Buy once, play forever. But they release regularly to make the old game obsolete (e.g. Fifa, CoD, etc. They just assume you won't play more than X hours and buy their next game too)

2. Microtransactions to buy power (pay 2 win)

3. Microtransactions for cosmetics (e.g. GW2)

4. Monthly subscription

In my humble opinion. GW2 is one of the best monetization models for a long term game that we got out there. Subscription is a bit more "pure" in the sense that the game is primarily built around making me play and enjoy my time. But that just constantly pressures me into "getting my money worth". 

With Guild Wars 2 I can drop in an out as convenient while having a pretty good game that I'm quite sure I can still enjoy if I take a break for a year or so. Because the monetization model is solid enough for that. Without being abusive and actually pressuring into constant purchases. 

I agree 100% pay2skin is one of the best models there is. Much as I would like a couple of earnable glider/mount skins, it still beats a sub.

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I was fairly motivated to "get them all".

So far, I've crafted ~16 gen 3, binding 10 and selling the rest.

But the requirements for variants just made me laugh and puke at the same time. It's not only about additional gold required to complete the collection, but also about "fun" of crafting 10k of research notes, mindlessly camping Orr events without fixed timers.

They've lost me completely.

After 70 minutes at Cathedral of Zephyrs waiting for the event to trigger, I put together I'd need to repeat it 16 times... I rage-quitted immediately. Not a kind of adventure I want to venture. 😅🤮

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15 minutes ago, Erroi.3426 said:

I was fairly motivated to "get them all".

So far, I've crafted ~16 gen 3, binding 10 and selling the rest.

But the requirements for variants just made me laugh and puke at the same time. It's not only about additional gold required to complete the collection, but also about "fun" of crafting 10k of research notes, mindlessly camping Orr events without fixed timers.

They've lost me completely.

After 70 minutes at Cathedral of Zephyrs waiting for the event to trigger, I put together I'd need to repeat it 16 times... I rage-quitted immediately. Not a kind of adventure I want to venture. 😅🤮

I hear you. The cost was making the legendaries. Putting another steep cost per skin puts Anet back into a distrustful position.

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