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Please sell me on HoT

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I want to complete the story but the idea of starting HoT content makes me want to uninstall. I read nothing but horror stories about it, even after the supposed nerfs.

Break bars, verticality, BS cc, increased aggro range, thick mob placement, pocket raptors, having to solo group content/HPs because it's old now or wait for a train, teleporting/invisible/both enemies, huge hits, etc.

I am not an elite player, I play alone, my gear is basic-kitten sub-1g Exotics off the AH like Shiro's Coat because I'm poor and everything before endiest-endgame is practically vendor trash, I'm not interesting is some optimal build or being forced to play a specific class/elite, I'm here for fun not another job, only mount is a raptor that I got because the benefit outweighed the spoilers, etc

Edited by Vulture.9351
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If just reading other people's opinions is making you not want to play, why do you want other people to convince you to play?

You could just actually try playing HoT to form a opinion for yourself rather than waiting for others.

This thread is pointless.


Edited by kokocabana.8153
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32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:


Break bars,

Spend a sec looking over your skills. You'll find the CC needed. ArenaNet has even made it easier recently by including breakbar damage in the tooltips.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:


Do you have access to PoF and mounts?

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

BS cc,

I admit, I avoid mushrooms. I don't like fighting them. Thankfully, they're pretty avoidable.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

increased aggro range, thick mob placement,

Aggro range is usually the complaint about PoF, but thick mob placement does make HoT challenging. Due to the aforementioned verticality, though, you can usually get up to a spot where mobs won't reach you, so there are definitely places where you can catch your breath.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

pocket raptors,

These are really overrated. We all laugh about them because they caught us unaware at some point. If you have cleave or AoE, though, you can take them out easily.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

having to solo group content/HPs because it's old now or wait for a train,

There are guides to the most solo-friendly HPs in HoT.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

, teleporting/invisible/both enemies, huge hits, etc.


These are going to catch you intitially, but you will learn to avoid them. The red trails of snipers are one that got me early on. They do an amazing amount of damage if you stand on them. They're easy to move off once you know. A lot of HoT things are like that. They go from "What in the world?!?" to "I got this" over a short time.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:


I am not an elite player, I play alone, my gear is basic-kitten sub-1g Exotics off the AH like Shiro's Coat because I'm poor and everything before endiest-endgame is practically vendor trash, 

Great thing is that in the very first zone you can play for a little while and get Bladed Armor, a set of stat-selectable exotics. You will need to hang out in VB for longer than is strictly necessary for the story. You'll have to get Itzel Language to buy it with zone currency. The helmet is given to you from a story step. The chest can only be gotten from the night meta.

32 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

I'm here for fun not another job, only mount is a raptor that I got because the benefit outweighed the spoilers, etc

Ah, you do have a Raptor! Head on back to PoF, level Canyon Jumping, or get someone to TP to friend or portal you into Highjump ranch. Get your Springer. Now you've got a way to deal with Verdant Brink verticality even before you get Mushroom Jumping.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Open world pve is great and it has the best story imo. Sounds like you already have a negative outlook so maybe just don’t worry about it. I’m a casual player and have the skyscale and exotic/ascended gear. Sounds like your complaining but your not doing anything productive about it 

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59 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

I want to complete the story but the idea of starting HoT content makes me want to uninstall. I read nothing but horror stories about it, even after the supposed nerfs.

Break bars, verticality, BS cc, increased aggro range, thick mob placement, pocket raptors, having to solo group content/HPs because it's old now or wait for a train, teleporting/invisible/both enemies, huge hits, etc.

I am not an elite player, I play alone, my gear is basic-kitten sub-1g Exotics off the AH like Shiro's Coat because I'm poor and everything before endiest-endgame is practically vendor trash, I'm not interesting is some optimal build or being forced to play a specific class/elite, I'm here for fun not another job, only mount is a raptor that I got because the benefit outweighed the spoilers, etc

Most of the horror stories about it are made completely irrelevant by Celestial gear + Rank 10 Core bot allowing you to have 30k  HP on top of decent damage and sustain on about any classes.

Most of the verticality issues were made irrelevant by mounts.

Sure some Hero Points still requires a handful of people to complete unless you really know what you're doing but that's not worse than doing Bounties in PoF or a lot of Champion mobs in EoD being really hard  to solo as well.

Also story is really good and to this day the metas in HoT are some of the most rewarding in the game bare Bjora Marches and maybe Dragonfall.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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People still visit HoT in droves to this day. It is one of the most active area's in the entire game. No matter what horror stories you have heard, HoT is the games essentially most successful expansion in terms of longevity.

Some people like to play through it once before mounts to see what it was like, myself I went and did the first PoF quest to unlock a mount first. Not needing to spam swiftness is great. 

Essentially, you really want HoT zones unlocked for lootz! 

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It’s an excellent expac. Although I prefer PoF, I spent more time in hot than any post core area. The verticality and maze like maps enhanced it for me and it genuinely felt like a proper freshen up of the game.

The short story, lack of environmental variety and grindy masteries are going to be a drag after later improvements, but it was never as bad as some made out. I never needed elite builds or anything like that, but it isn’t face roll either and did make me think about my skills and traits more than I did.

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5 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

People still visit HoT in droves to this day. It is one of the most active area's in the entire game. No matter what horror stories you have heard, HoT is the games essentially most successful expansion in terms of longevity.

Kinda have to when you NEED to do so to make gen 2 legendaries (who are the best ones imo) and the legendary armor from raids.


Been hammering at them for the past week to finish my gen 2 dagger. It is annoying that stuff like Dragon's Stand Meta is really hard to make happen outside prime time though.

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Pocket raptors are there to welcome all new players and embrace them with hugs of death. We’ve all been there. It’s quite the leap from core tyria, but you’ll get used to it rather fast and it gets easy to deal with them. One swipe with raptor and they are dead. 

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Please don't let the "horror stories" deter you from these wonderful maps.  The story is good, the metas rewarding, and you'll love stomping on pocket raptors.  Lol seriously, it's more challenging than core Tyria, the maps add vertical play in to them which is different but it's fun, the maps are beautiful and have unique features.  

What happens is that many players, including myself, rolled through Tyria, got to 80, thought hey I'm epic and roamed into there.  Promptly to discover it is more challenging, that gear needs improvement, and the builds might need tweaking.  We all look back and laugh now, lesson learned and all in good fun.  You should experience it for yourself, you will enjoy it if you give it a chance.  Don't let others make up your mind before you even try.  

There are regular mastery point trains, daily meta groups, and people on maps are typically more than willing to help if you are lost, confused, need some guidance, or some help with killing something.  Follow your personal story, take a deep breath, and kill some jungle dragon!

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13 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

Hearing a lot of "git gud", sucking up to anet, and ignoring my issues, but not a lot of "No, Vulture, it isn't a hellscape that we only hang around in because we kinda have to."



It's most likely the most consistently populated expac, even beyond newer stuff like PoF. I also see HP runs there daily (EU server at least) and personally mesmer portal escorted a guy around just two days ago to fill an entire elite spec. I don't know what else you want to or expect to hear that will "make" you want to play if you decided you don't. 

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Just now, civokenes.3284 said:

Play through the story. It isn't hard, is easily solable and unlocks the important parts of the maps. Then if you don't like it, move on and revisit it after you finish the whole story.

As for the selling point: you bought it, so you might as well try it.

Good point also, go back later if you are just overwhelmed.  The best pre-practice is Silverwastes and Dry Top, join a group and farm them.  Run around beat down mobs, gives you a sample of what's to come...but with pocket raptors!

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Just to give context, I'm a player that left the game and took a long break shortly after HoT launch. I'm by no means a "Wooo, HoT is the most awesome thing evah!!!!"

But upon return many years later, I enjoyed it. I did get my raptor and springer first. Yes, the changes they've made did make a difference.

I'm definitely not a blind fanboy. But the rumors of HoT hellscape are greatly overstated.

And that feeling I described of making the journey from "What in the world just happened to me!?!" to "Yeah, I got this" is actually a great feeling.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Yeah I wouldn't go into HoT maps without a mount.  Sure, you 'can' glide everywhere but I always found it awful and left HoT after Tangled Depths. 

Went back lately to make a gen 2 legendary, but now have skyscale and every other mount--it isn't so bad.  

About mob difficulty, always thought that is strictly a L2P issue.  No one can help you learn what CC or breakbars are, or to stop mashing 1 on every event and not reading what you're supposed to do.  

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A note back on getting your springer. Since you've already got your raptor you won't have to spoil any more story getting it, too. Once you're in the zones, you can travel to all of them without doing any more story.

This also means you're free to grab HPs there as wel if the jungle is to daunting, and you won't spoil any more story.

I know you said you don't want to do some meta build, but especs are stronger than core on most professions. It takes an hour or two to train through HPs in the desert, most of which are soloable, and often you won't even have to solo them because that's where other players go to get their first especs. I took my daughter through the desert HPs a little while after EoD launch and on quite a few of them we had another player show up.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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27 minutes ago, kokocabana.8153 said:

Players are doing exactly what you asked for and Gibson literally addressed every part of your original post.


Please close this thread and move on.

Gibson was who I meant when I said I'm being ignored. Ok, guess I'll reply.


58 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Spend a sec looking over your skills. You'll find the CC needed. ArenaNet has even made it easier recently by including breakbar damage in the tooltips.

Do you have access to PoF and mounts?

I admit, I avoid mushrooms. I don't like fighting them. Thankfully, they're pretty avoidable.

Aggro range is usually the complaint about PoF, but thick mob placement does make HoT challenging. Due to the aforementioned verticality, though, you can usually get up to a spot where mobs won't reach you, so there are definitely places where you can catch your breath.

These are really overrated. We all laugh about them because they caught us unaware at some point. If you have cleave or AoE, though, you can take them out easily.

There are guides to the most solo-friendly HPs in HoT.

These are going to catch you intitially, but you will learn to avoid them. The red trails of snipers are one that got me early on. They do an amazing amount of damage if you stand on them. They're easy to move off once you know. A lot of HoT things are like that. They go from "What in the world?!?" to "I got this" over a short time.

Great thing is that in the very first zone you can play for a little while and get Bladed Armor, a set of stat-selectable exotics. You will need to hang out in VB for longer than is strictly necessary for the story. You'll have to get Itzel Language to buy it with zone currency. The helmet is given to you from a story step. The chest can only be gotten from the night meta.

Ah, you do have a Raptor! Head on back to PoF, level Canyon Jumping, or get someone to TP to friend or portal you into Highjump ranch. Get your Springer. Now you've got a way to deal with Verdant Brink verticality even before you get Mushroom Jumping.

In order:

* They're still a thing though and all over the place.

* PoF comes after HoT, I'm doing this for story and it's my first time though. Sure I'll probably do PoF first on my Alts. Only got the raptor because it's immediate so I could "lalalalalalala can't hear you! esc esc esc esc" through the spoilers on an alt I don't play.

* From what I understand there's also buttloads of ranged and I don't have a Springer so no hiding in a tree or something so enemies bug and leave.

* Does everybody also laugh at Mordrem Guard Snipers, Smokescales, Chak Lobbers, Itzel Shadowleapers, and Bristlebacks?

* Didn't say none of them were soloable

* That's just snipers and so you do know about the other mobs.

* I guess? they're still just Exotics and "you're going to have to spend extra time here" doesn't sound awesome.

* Springer costs 50 Trade Contracts so yeah gonna have to play a bunch of PoF. Like I said before I really don't want to play the expansions out of order:

Guy I've Never Met: "Hey Vulture, I haven't seen you since thing-that-hasn't-happened! Man, it sure was hard taking down guy-I-never-fought at place-I've-never-been! It was so luck that massive-spoiler happened or we'd be screwed"

Edited by Vulture.9351
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41 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

Hearing a lot of "git gud", sucking up to anet, and ignoring my issues, but not a lot of "No, Vulture, it isn't a hellscape that we only hang around in because we kinda have to."

I'm not sure what you want to hear. "please sell me on x" threads are just weird -even moreso when you apparently know what you want to get out of playing that expansion anyways (story). Want to complete the story? Then go play the story. Don't want to? Then don't.

You're saying here "the idea of starting HoT content makes me want to uninstall", but 15 hours ago you've already claimed (in a completely unrelated thread, where you're asking about some spec's survivability) "it doesn't matter because you've uninstalled anyways". To make it even funnier, you've... blamed HoT for it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/115620-specter-survivability/?tab=comments#comment-1670401 . So something you apparently didn't even play, based on this thread? 🙄 


And nothing about that is "sucking up to anet". This action mmorpg has certain mechanics, this is completely expected. You can complain about cc, breakbars, aggro or mob placement all day, but it doesn't change the fact that these ""problems"" are solved simply by understanding the game's mechanics and improving at their usage. People telling you to take a second to read through your skills isn't sucking up to anyone or an equivalent of telling you to "git gut", it's an actual advice for how to solve your problems (or someone elses problems that apparently you're just repeating here?).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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19 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Good point also, go back later if you are just overwhelmed.  The best pre-practice is Silverwastes and Dry Top, join a group and farm them.  Run around beat down mobs, gives you a sample of what's to come...but with pocket raptors!

Not as comforting as you think. I go though Silverwastes on my characters for the HPs and if I didn't have the raptor to just run by all those Mordrem instead of fighting? Ugh. As for Dry Top? Is that the verticality of HoT? I grabbed a couple of the HPs and immediately decided, nope, not coming back until I can fly.

4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Even moreso you're saying here "the idea of starting HoT content makes me want to uninstall", but 15 hours ago you've already claimed (in a completely unrelated thread, where you're asking about some spec's survivability) it doesn't matter because you've uninstalled anyways.

I have uninstalled but I decided maybe I'm worrying about nothing and could re-install. Looking like it wasn't nothing.

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2 minutes ago, Vulture.9351 said:

Not as comforting as you think. I go though Silverwastes on my characters for the HPs and if I didn't have the raptor to just run by all those Mordrem instead of fighting? Ugh. As for Dry Top? Is that the verticality of HoT? I grabbed a couple of the HPs and immediately decided, nope, not coming back until I can fly.

I have uninstalled but I decided maybe I'm worrying about nothing and could re-install. Looking like it wasn't nothing.

Plenty of people told you it's nothing, but you'll repeat whatever you want anyways. Just another proof how pointless this thread was. Clearly, it's not like you actually wanted to be convinced about anything here, so good luck playing whatever you want to.

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