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Why is harbinger shroud reducing damage?

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15 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

It doesn't take them long to get into pistol range.

Wait until they pop spectral walk and run at you.


I mean sure its 900 range. I dont really get your argument as an objective reader. And why is popping spectral walk and running at a ranger a problem? I mean sure you get swiftness but whats the problem with running towards your target? Also cant the ranger not just run away? Whats the point of this answer? I seriously dont understand.

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3 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:


I mean sure its 900 range. I dont really get your argument as an objective reader. And why is popping spectral walk and running at a ranger a problem? I mean sure you get swiftness but whats the problem with running towards your target? Also cant the ranger not just run away? Whats the point of this answer? I seriously dont understand.

If you can out range some body it gives you advantage over them however to kill them you have stay out of range of them meaning you can't cap points and such if your trying to put range between both of you and go snipe snipe also when they respawn they will just come back to the point and you will have to run away lest they come and strike you with a curse


Thus ranger is a side noder not a person that goes mid (necros disadvantage was that they couldn't be healed in shroud but anet made harbinger.....) so chances are you'll never even meet a necro on your (power) ranger.


harbinger is a bigger problem in 3v3 or 2v2 death match because you cannot simply out range them and stealth does less if you play thief mostly the only counters For this are in necro (core, scourge, or reaper)


For those who want to counter this mass of torment:

I find a can use engineer elixer c (engineer) to combat the elixer of ambition which doesn't counter the rest of the condi vomit but it helps. contemplation of purity (guardian) does the same however it doesn't have the extra tool belt skill to combat more conditions. nefarious favor (scourge) does the same but that is is a necro elite spec. These don't fully counter but it reduces the damage. A little.


My (biased) perspective: 

Personally my little annoyance about necro is the shroud itself it gives sustain to reaper, core, and scourge giving an extra health bar+ then they made harbinger and they have to make up for lost extra health by throwing dozens of conditions on attacks, along with the already existing necro conditions, to make the most condi uptime in the game.


Thanks for reading my convoluted inaccurate ted talk

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16 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Thief is 100% immune to damage if he is not logged in. Thats OP.

This is the fact. 

We should nerf thief.

Do you agree?


Awe, I'm fine with it.

I've expanded my horizons of play long ago, lol.

I'm not fine with 2-4 or more of one class per game, no matter what it is...except maybe different roles.

Still, don't want a game of only necros and guards.

But, I do play guardian.

I actually play all classes.

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14 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:


I mean sure its 900 range. I dont really get your argument as an objective reader. And why is popping spectral walk and running at a ranger a problem? I mean sure you get swiftness but whats the problem with running towards your target? Also cant the ranger not just run away? Whats the point of this answer? I seriously dont understand.

You are not one shotting a one and done on a harbiner lol.

Stop the cap.

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On 6/4/2022 at 6:12 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:



10 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:



You two were arguing so hard... when in reality we are all fighting the same demons. I just want to repost what i posted in a diffren Thread. We should all unite and finally Nuke Harbinger... Just have a good read and think about it. This needs to be adressed.



Till this weekend i was completly against buying EoD, because i felt that most classes were poorly designed and just a straightup powercreep. But after a long duell session against a harbinger in pvplobby.... i had enough. This guy was SO BAD! He was just mindlessly standing in my AoE´s, he was eating every CC skill that i had and i swear to god he did not dodge anything.... Yet i got completly clapped when playing my... id say pretty good Fireweaver......  i just had no chance... he could make 15 mistakes and i do 0 and still loose.

So i threw all my honor out of the window... bought EoD and created a Necro!

i NEVER....NEVER NEVER ever played Necro before.... well guess what.

People that were HUGE obstacles for me (after a while you know your few people that duell there alot) were suddenly freekills. No challenge whatsoever. Just PEW PEW PEW -> Dead. Guess who Queued Ranked right after this experience and got 12 Wins in a row... Yeah! How can anyone defend this?! When almost 5 years of exclusively playing Elementalis followed by 5 more Years of playing Ranger and Ele.... will not even bring me close to the level of performance that i will have when playing Necor/Harbinger for the literal first time... THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING OFF WITH THE BALANCING!

Imagine you putting YEARS into a profession... you feel yourself getting better and better.. you feel really good about your skillevel by now....        you then create a necro out of frustration and right in your first hour of playing it, not even fully sure what your diffrent skills do, just pressing everything offcooldown, will greatly exceed the level of performance that you grew over the last 10 years maining your profession.... thats DISGUSTING! 

You have so many people claiming Gw2 is about Skill.... when in reality it is all about playing the "Flavor of the Month". I think there is nothing that shows this clearer than this example.

#Please dont nerf Harbinger, as i just paid 30 Bucks to gain free elo in spvp. Thanks.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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8 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

^ This is the kind of thing Im talking about right here.

Not once did I state anything even remotely argumentative in this thread.

But yet you have forum users like this that see literally anything posted as argumentative.

Ah my bad bud! i Quoted the wrong guy^^ wanted to quote @Zero.3871

still no need to be this defensive 😉 we are all here to get Harbinger nerfed, not to be rude to eachother.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 6/7/2022 at 1:39 AM, Poelala.2830 said:

The point of harbinger is it gets its defense from its oppressive offense. No one is afk tanking svanir hits in sPvP. 

Wow your lack of reading comprehension is incredible. You should really stop posting in forums until you fixed this issue.

The OP stated that harbinger shroud reduces damage and I proved him wrong. Svanir is completely irrelevant here.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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2 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Wow your lack of reading comprehension is incredible. You should really stop posting in forums until you fixed this issue.

The OP stated that harbinger shroud reduces damage and I proved him wrong. Svanir is completely irrelevant here.

You didn't prove me wrong.

You proved me right, be even pointing out sources.


You should take your own advice.

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On 6/11/2022 at 2:31 PM, memausz.7264 said:

A battle of numbers.  Would definitely help if CMC just hopped on a Discord meet and went over the numbers with a group of regular PvP players.

So this game balance by discord chatter permanently now? Is that it? Ridiculous.


Edited by JTGuevara.9018
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On 6/4/2022 at 8:14 AM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

I'm cackling like Kamala at this assertion.


OMG these CrabFear posts... upon reading that, I may have cackled louder than Ms Kamala. I laughed so hard, I had to put my mic on mute and the people at the video conference call asked if I was choking. 


Yes, we all (I'm guessing) understand where you're coming from. The shroud iteration for harbinger is supposed to be punitive the longer one stays in it but all that turned 180. I play Harb for fun but more aggressively with Soul Reaping instead of Death Magic. I guess it's the same way I played Mesmer in that I preferred the glassy high damage spec over the tanky condi. 

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2 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

12 more days ladies....lol

I got plenty of pepper, I'm just waiting for you necros....lmao.


Dunno mate dont seem spicy but rather salty. I understand that you are unhappy with the current state of pvp and the neglect of anet but there are like 3 active threads from you about harbinger. Kinda over the top from my perspective. If you put as much engergy in your gameplay as you invest in this forum you could be top 100 with core engi lol. But hey its your life.

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16 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:


Dunno mate dont seem spicy but rather salty. I understand that you are unhappy with the current state of pvp and the neglect of anet but there are like 3 active threads from you about harbinger. Kinda over the top from my perspective. If you put as much engergy in your gameplay as you invest in this forum you could be top 100 with core engi lol. But hey its your life.

Don't worry buddy, the man just knows how to put pressure on Harbringer and this is the main thief.

P. S.  The thief must press on the Harbringer, even on the forum. Harbringer it's just cloth in light armor.

Edited by Tescao.3042
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5 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:


Dunno mate dont seem spicy but rather salty. I understand that you are unhappy with the current state of pvp and the neglect of anet but there are like 3 active threads from you about harbinger. Kinda over the top from my perspective. If you put as much engergy in your gameplay as you invest in this forum you could be top 100 with core engi lol. But hey its your life.


The only thing that is "over the top" is necros.

Of course, pepper and "spice"? No

Just waiting for that NaCl.



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On 6/15/2022 at 10:06 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

So this game balance by discord chatter permanently now? Is that it? Ridiculous.


Better than all of you on the forum who have no idea what you're talking about making the decisions by endlessly whining and not thinking.  Literally every high end player makes fun of the forums

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2 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

Better than all of you on the forum who have no idea what you're talking about making the decisions by endlessly whining and not thinking.  Literally every high end player makes fun of the forums

Hah! ok...

See, unlike Reddit or Discord, the top-end does not automatically get testicular fond-tastic appreciation at the drop of a hat. At least here on the forums, actual arguments and criticism are to be had as opposed to just mere social media, karma-heavy, long-strokes on Reddit. So sorry about that!


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4 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

Better than all of you on the forum who have no idea what you're talking about making the decisions by endlessly whining and not thinking.  Literally every high end player makes fun of the forums

You do know that discord pvp chat is a cesspool of qq, right? Where people still qq about professions that aren't remotely viable. 

Edited by Lincolnbeard.1735
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I don't really have a main but I would like to say that I don't think Harbinger is all that face roll after playing it myself. In saying that, I honestly think the class has been toned down already to a point where it's bearable to fight 1v1. 

I wouldn't want this class to become meme tier like mesmer and thief. The community likes to complain to a point where they make a class they don't play obsolete which is just sad. For instance, when Mirage first came out I knew it was overwhelmingly powerful. I abused that in wvw and pvp playing condi I admit. Then the nerfs started coming which you know I didn't mind since I do admit it was just too good. But then they gave it one dodge only, mirage cloak lost super speed, damage was nerfed to oblivion in a series of patches. (Thief is just sad :c)

Quite sad honestly. Yeah it was OP but it didn't need to be killed. So let's not kill another class haha. Just my 69 cents really. 

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