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Living World Paywall

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2 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

we quiet literally have in this thread alone 2 accounts of this happening (more if you count each of of boogiepop's friends separately) its the very reason the threads like this exists. 

This proves nothing.  For all we know, in the time Anet "lost" those two accounts, they gained dozens.  See, it works both ways when no one has actual facts.

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I spend a fair amount of time playing this game. I enjoy it very much. If I did not want to pay for anything, I would still be able to do a lot. I don't mind paying though. Here is why:


I go to the Pub and spend around 40$ easy for like 3 hours, while watching a Premier League game. That happens at least once a week and sometimes twice. For less than 20hrs a month of entertainment I might spend $300+.


If you compare what alternative entertainment cost verses what you spend on this game and do a cost/hr, calculation, it is probably cheaper than most things you can go spend your time doing.


So, buying DLC, which if you fully play will provide you with plenty of hours of playtime, plus will enhance your current game (ie new materials and gear you can use elsewhere) and is serviced live by dedicated staff to ensure the game functions as intended, seems like a pretty good value. It is certainly cheaper than a night at the pub.

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Why there isn't at least a new player targeted bundle containing ALL Living World stories so far for a fixed priced of gems is beyond me.

Also, hi! I bought the game when it came out and recently bought ultimate edition to come back to the game after a decade away. I used some gems to buy one quality of life item, thinking I'd have enough left over for Living World but I don't. That's on me. (I wouldn't have had enough even if I'd used NONE of the gems)

I'm logging into the forums for the first time ever to say that once I get fully leveled and through LW1 I will probably quit again until a sale or bundle lets me actually play through the story in a linear, coherent way.

Living World system is a barrier to entry for so many reasons, I really hope it's addressed.


((Edit to mention my two friends I played with 10 years ago were considering coming back with me but when they researched and learned they would have to pay extra for Living World they just decided to stay gone. We can all afford the content with our wallets, it's more the principle of the thing and feeling put off by the "hidden" pay wall. Living World will absolutely make Steam users cry foul about pay to win. Lost Ark and Diablo Immortal already have people on edge about that.))

Edited by Psi Yamaneko.4265
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23 minutes ago, Psi Yamaneko.4265 said:

((Edit to mention my two friends I played with 10 years ago were considering coming back with me but when they researched and learned they would have to pay extra for Living World they just decided to stay gone. We can all afford the content with our wallets, it's more the principle of the thing and feeling put off by the "hidden" pay wall. Living World will absolutely make Steam users cry foul about pay to win. Lost Ark and Diablo Immortal already have people on edge about that.))

This mentality makes no sense to me.  For a B2P game with no subscription, your friends decided that paying for LW content is beyond the pale for them?  How much do they pay for other games that they play?

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2 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

this comment already shows me you do not  really care about story related arguments as there is more to it than that so no point arguing with you

story what? sry but silverwastes counts as central tyria man, and all youll see is a huge meta event with strange plant enemies, are you realy saying thats spoilers? i mean wtf lions arch is a literal spoiler of lw1 being also the main city what are you gonna ask anet to do make lions arch go back in time to the people that havent played lw1? stop being a crybaby, play the game or pay to get the content, if you cry for lw seasons i cant imagine you on raid or fractals XD

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This mentality makes no sense to me.  For a B2P game with no subscription, your friends decided that paying for LW content is beyond the pale for them?  How much do they pay for other games that they play?


I don't know, a bit. But understand they were already invested in their other games and they didn't feel like other games were "tricking" them.


I didn't really dig deep into the issue but I think for them it came down to them being curious, looking at what it would take to return, then deciding what it would take wasn't worth it based on the price tag being twice what the website said it was to get a complete experience.

Edited by Psi Yamaneko.4265
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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Either you're taking your analogy really far or you're getting topics mixed up. This is the one about not making it clear the LW isn't included in the 'collection' version of the game which claims to include everything, not the one about DPS meters.

the colection includes the expansions wich are only pay to play, living world is either free if you are lucky to play when released, you buy it with gold or you use real money, again people complaining about having to play the game, would you rather they make you pay triple the price to get all lw inside the expansions? because theres 5 lw right now man

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1 hour ago, zaswer.5246 said:

story what? sry but silverwastes counts as central tyria man, and all youll see is a huge meta event with strange plant enemies, are you realy saying thats spoilers? i mean wtf lions arch is a literal spoiler of lw1 being also the main city what are you gonna ask anet to do make lions arch go back in time to the people that havent played lw1? stop being a crybaby, play the game or pay to get the content, if you cry for lw seasons i cant imagine you on raid or fractals XD

proving my point

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

This proves nothing.  For all we know, in the time Anet "lost" those two accounts, they gained dozens.  See, it works both ways when no one has actual facts.

then please provide any posts where people go like "OH BOY i need to grind and buy the next story portion with it ? WHAT A JOY"

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1 hour ago, zaswer.5246 said:

the colection includes the expansions wich are only pay to play, living world is either free if you are lucky to play when released, you buy it with gold or you use real money, again people complaining about having to play the game, would you rather they make you pay triple the price to get all lw inside the expansions? because theres 5 lw right now man

I'm not complaining about anything (and I've already got all the LW unlocked, though a combination of logging in when it first released and buying episodes I missed). I was just responding to a post which appeared to be in the wrong topic to clarify what this discussion is about.

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23 hours ago, Tchuvan.4251 said:

I am sure this has been voice numerous times, but I just want to reiterate as a new player: the paywall to unlock the Living World content is complete @#$%@#$%.  I just dropped $75 thinking I unlocked all content in this game, got to Lv 80, played Living World Season 1, and then found out that Season 2 was behind a paywall.  Learned the rest were too.


Look, this company needs to be up front with the costs to play it.  I'm not talking about side stuff that isn't necessary like trinkets or quality of life stuff.   I'm talking about CORE STORYLINE content. 


I'm gonna be honest, had I known this would have cost more on top of the $75 already, I wouldn't have bought the game.  Even the $75 was pushing my budget.  Now I am stuck either forking over even more money or watching a YouTube video?  Who watches YouTube videos instead of playing the story?


Just feeling a bit deceived.  No other game handles expansions/new content like this, and certainly not for THE CORE STORYLINE!!



Or.... Play the game, earn some gold and exchange it for gems and buy it that way. But how many other games let you use in game currency in the real money stores? 

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23 hours ago, Tchuvan.4251 said:

played Living World Season 1, and then found out that Season 2 was behind a paywall.


If the OP was going to skip around with the Living World Seasons (states he wanted to play Season Two after only 2 Episodes of Season One), why can't he move on to Expansion 1, 2 and 3 to earn Gold to exchange for Gems for Living World Season Two?  I mean, it is evident that playing the 'Story' in order is not a priority. 

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

This mentality makes no sense to me.  For a B2P game with no subscription, your friends decided that paying for LW content is beyond the pale for them?  How much do they pay for other games that they play?

If they consider spending money on a game they are playing to be somehow awful then there is no loss for GW2 in their decision to not return.

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13 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:


If the OP was going to skip around with the Living World Seasons (states he wanted to play Season Two after only 2 Episodes of Season One), why can't he move on to Expansion 1, 2 and 3 to earn Gold to exchange for Gems for Living World Season Two?  I mean, it is evident that playing the 'Story' in order is not a priority. 

cause thats literally a technical limitation that not even swiping a credit card can change. like what was your point here? "HAHA you are willing to skip season 1 which i literally not available in its entirety for everyone, hypocrite." ? this is not the gotcha moment you think it is.

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On 6/7/2022 at 12:42 AM, Tchuvan.4251 said:

I am sure this has been voice numerous times, but I just want to reiterate as a new player: the paywall to unlock the Living World content is complete @#$%@#$%.  I just dropped $75 thinking I unlocked all content in this game, got to Lv 80, played Living World Season 1, and then found out that Season 2 was behind a paywall.  Learned the rest were too.


Look, this company needs to be up front with the costs to play it.  I'm not talking about side stuff that isn't necessary like trinkets or quality of life stuff.   I'm talking about CORE STORYLINE content. 


I'm gonna be honest, had I known this would have cost more on top of the $75 already, I wouldn't have bought the game.  Even the $75 was pushing my budget.  Now I am stuck either forking over even more money or watching a YouTube video?  Who watches YouTube videos instead of playing the story?


Just feeling a bit deceived.  No other game handles expansions/new content like this, and certainly not for THE CORE STORYLINE!!

Dude, you can play the expansion without the need to play the Living Worlds. Is it advised to play them, sure but not nessessary like you could enjoy your experience without the living world and it recaps the gap between the living worlds. Also only 2 episodes of living world s1 are you. You played the "CORE STORYLINE!!"

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21 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Ok so new players should pay 60 for core, 60 for hot, 30 for pof and 30 for eod then aswell?

What do you mean, Path of fire and Heart of thorns come with End of Dragons. Also core is free. The living worlds are not too expensive.

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13 minutes ago, Dragonman.1623 said:

What do you mean, Path of fire and Heart of thorns come with End of Dragons. Also core is free. The living worlds are not too expensive.

Well the on I replied to wanted new players to get the living world seasons for free just like when they were released.

So then those new players should have no objections about buying all the expansions and the base game for the same price as when they were released right?

And no path of fir eand heart of thorns dont come with end of dragons.

heart of thorns come with path of fire and then you have to add on end of dragons unless you buy the complete expansion collection.

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All I can say is I agree. I finally purchased all the living worlds I missed, but not happily. It is probably my main gripe with gw2, I think maybe 5 dollars is fair if they will price tag it, but some of them are over 1k gems and that's just silly to me, mainly because they do advertise like you will get all the content buying the expansions.

Now that I have everything though I have the relief that there really isn't anything else I need to buy to enjoy the game, so I guess that's the trade of instead of a  sub fee. Just do 15/mo or something for the stories and it should be fine.

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On 6/7/2022 at 9:42 AM, Tchuvan.4251 said:

I am sure this has been voice numerous times, but I just want to reiterate as a new player: the paywall to unlock the Living World content is complete @#$%@#$%.  I just dropped $75 thinking I unlocked all content in this game, got to Lv 80, played Living World Season 1, and then found out that Season 2 was behind a paywall.  Learned the rest were too.


Look, this company needs to be up front with the costs to play it.  I'm not talking about side stuff that isn't necessary like trinkets or quality of life stuff.   I'm talking about CORE STORYLINE content. 


I'm gonna be honest, had I known this would have cost more on top of the $75 already, I wouldn't have bought the game.  Even the $75 was pushing my budget.  Now I am stuck either forking over even more money or watching a YouTube video?  Who watches YouTube videos instead of playing the story?


Just feeling a bit deceived.  No other game handles expansions/new content like this, and certainly not for THE CORE STORYLINE!!

I agree 100% its a bad decision and very poor design, i wonder how many it drives away more than it keeps.

10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

I don't get any gems when i level up ap? does it stop at some point.

12 hours ago, Dragonman.1623 said:

Dude, you can play the expansion without the need to play the Living Worlds. Is it advised to play them, sure but not nessessary like you could enjoy your experience without the living world and it recaps the gap between the living worlds. Also only 2 episodes of living world s1 are you. You played the "CORE STORYLINE!!"

Yes you can but it doesn't make any sense story wise..

Edited by Dante.1508
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1 minute ago, Dante.1508 said:

How are they earned in game if you weren't playing when they released?

Like everything else, play the game and get the gold, convert the gold to the needed amount of gems. Every single thing that exists in the game can be earned without real money after you bought the expansion that the content is in.

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3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I agree 100% its a bad decision and very poor design, i wonder how many it drives away more than it keeps.

I don't get any gems when i level up ap? does it stop at some point.

Yes you can but it doesn't make any sense story wise..

No it is every 5k.

Abit harder to gain ap when you are above 25k so it just feels like you never get the gems.

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On 6/7/2022 at 3:14 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

You don't see exactly what you get because it's not normal for an MMO to charge for parts of the main story line separately. Also on the page where you get the collection of all 3 expansions (including core), it says that you get all content and can explore without limitations.

That's a lie. That's another reason why people expect to have all content unlocked. Go to this page and go to the section "all content in one collection" (guess what, it's not all content).

I don't mind them asking money for extra content, since there's no subscription involved, but this is not the way to do it. 

What's missing from what's advertised on the store page?

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