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The energy system is a limitation, not an extention. And it needs a rework.

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So I've been maining reverent for about a year now, and  out of all the issues I have with it, The energy system is the biggest contribute as to why it severely limits a Rev's ability to do anything. Can you make it work? of course you can. but it honestly feels like, especially more than ever, that the energy system in place, is a hindrance more than it helps you.

If you look at other classes, Their major mechanics doesn't remotely limits them like it does Rev, in fact, Most, if not all classes beside rev have a major mechanic that is a extension to their ability. A warrior can use adren that allow them to use burst skills, go berserk, use full counter, ect ect. A Necro can use life force to go into shroud which makes them more tankier and have access to unique weapon skills. Mesmer have access to clones or dagger that they can use as resources. In no way shape or forum do most of these major mechanic hinders their ability to perform well.

The only major mechanic rev has, when you boil down to it, is being able to swap between two full bar of utility skills at will. That's it. That's the only benefit you have as a reverent. And sure, it might sound good on paper, but the reality is more grim then you realize that your utility are fixed. So even when you have a skill you don't want for the situation? You're stuck with it until you swap to your other fixed set of skills. It doesn't help that the energy management practically forces you to constantly swap between legends just to be at your best. It's especally damning when a skill gets nerfed into oblivion, and you have no choice but to have it on your utility bar.

As far as the energy system go? It does absolutely nothing but limit your ability to do anything. When it comes to a upkeep skills like embrace the darkness? Then the energy system make sense. Outside of that? It does kitten all but to hurt you at every turn. Why does your weapon skill cost energy? I don't know. It doesn't even remotely make sense. It exist purely to hurt you, and it's stupid. The energy system doesn't empower your attacks or utilities, it doesn't achieve anything. It's fodder.

Maybe this has already been talked about, but I really think the energy system just hurts the player experience, and I implore Anet to at least make changes to it so it will allow the energy system to be an extension to what Rev can do instead of a limitation.

Hell, make the energy system be a way to reduce your cooldown. Like a personal Alac or something like that. Idk, I'm no expert, but I just don't enjoy the limitations.

Edited by Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267
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The energy system’s intention when introduced was to allow revenant to have access to low CD skills that would be gate kept primarily by how much energy it cost (that’s why certain skills have obscene energy costs with barely any CD; Jade winds best example of this).  The intention was to pick and choose the skills as you needed them, similar to thief’s weapon skills, instead of just spamming skills off CD. 

The problem with the system isn’t so much that it’s a bad system, just that Anet’s 7 years of nerfs have left many of the skills with much higher CDs and/or energy costs and/or reduced functionality than they initially had, making the energy costs not feel great in certain circumstances. In some cases these nerfs have been totally valid. In others, not so much.

Phase traversal is a good example; totally busted on release in PvP/wvw (had extremely low CD and only cost 20energy). It was perfectly fine to nerf phase traversal in the early days. Rev was inescapable; it could literally hunt anyone down with a 1200 range teleport every 4s back then. Fast forward to now and the nerfs on the skill are absurd. It now has a 12s CD in PvP on top of its much higher energy cost. This is similar to how they neutered Thief SB#5. With their attempts to slow the game down and achieve balance, in the process they’ve murdered skills and left the energy system harder to play around and also less purposeful. Gone are the days of nearly no CD skills on many Rev legends, therefore much of the choice of “what do I do with my energy” is somewhat gone; the choices are more or less made for you in many situations now. 

As a Rev main since HoT release 7 years ago  though, I still appreciate the energy system and don’t think it’s all bad. It still works well with skills that have low CDs. I feel Rev tends to be more flexible in combat than most heavy CD based classes and many of the CDs on Rev’s skills are still lower than other class’s skills that do the same or similar things. I still feel like I have a lot of active choice with Rev in moment to moment combat, which isn’t something I feel with a lot of other classes. 

i don’t think Anet will adjust the system, but it would behoove them to not continue haphazardly nerfing Rev skills by increasing CDs ; it defeats the purpose of the energy system for them to balance in that manner 

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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14 minutes ago, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

The energy system’s intention when introduced was to allow revenant to have access to low CD skills that would be gate kept primarily by how much energy it cost (that’s why certain skills have obscene energy costs with barely any CD; Jade winds best example of this).  The intention was to pick and choose the skills as you needed them, similar to thief’s weapon skills, instead of just spamming skills off CD. 

The problem with the system isn’t so much that it’s a bad system, just that Anet’s 7 years of nerfs have left many of the skills with much higher CDs and/or energy costs and/or reduced functionality than they initially had, making the energy costs not feel great in certain circumstances. In some cases these nerfs have been totally valid. In others, not so much.

Phase traversal is a good example; totally busted on release in PvP/wvw (had extremely low CD and only cost 20energy). It was perfectly fine to nerf phase traversal in the early days. Rev was inescapable; it could literally hunt anyone down with a 1200 range teleport every 4s back then. Fast forward to now and the nerfs on the skill are absurd. It now has a 12s CD in PvP on top of its much higher energy cost. This is similar to how they neutered Thief SB#5. With their attempts to slow the game down and achieve balance, in the process they’ve murdered skills and left the energy system harder to play around and also less purposeful. Gone are the days of nearly no CD skills on many Rev legends, therefore much of the choice of “what do I do with my energy” is somewhat gone; the choices are more or less made for you in many situations now. 

As a Rev main since HoT release 7 years ago  though, I still appreciate the energy system and don’t think it’s all bad. It still works well with skills that have low CDs. I feel Rev tends to be more flexible in combat than most heavy CD based classes and many of the CDs on Rev’s skills are still lower than other class’s skills that do the same or similar things. I still feel like I have a lot of active choice with Rev in moment to moment combat, which isn’t something I feel with a lot of other classes. 

i don’t think Anet will adjust the system, but it would behoove them to not continue haphazardly nerfing Rev skills by increasing CDs ; it defeats the purpose of the energy system for them to balance in that manner 

Anet would have to do a metric kitten ton of unnerfing to make me want to play hammer rev ever again. Their "reworks" were just omega nerfs in disguise that fooled nobody.

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Personally I love having energy being the primary factor into the class' limitations as well as potential. That's the main reason I have mained it for so long. More often than not it feels like an advantage than a hindrance.  I think that @LucianTheAngelic.7054is correct in that ANet has had a tendency to take away what sets Revenant apart from the rest of the classes. Between Rev getting continually increased CDs in competitive modes, and more and more classes getting access to short CD charge-based skills/utility skills, the lines have absolutely been blurred over time. Nevertheless, I don't consider it to be an issue of the class design, but rather their approach to balancing skills. I'm not in the camp of them outright removing CDs from all skills by any means whatsoever, but it seems that ANet takes a very aggressive approach with both Rev and Thief that actively take away from what makes them such unique classes. I guess that impact is felt most distinctly in sPvP, which is why I only play WvW.

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Thats cuz energy system does nothing to what it meant to do. Most of the benefitd are gone, only drawbacks remains still

Weapon skills cost energy cuz rev was meant to have lower cds than other classes as tradeoff. Now they have same or even higher than other classes. Benefit gone yet system stays in place

Same for utility skills meant to have 0 cd and yet over time they put cd on nearly everything destroying the user choice. No longer theres a point holding up and keeping energy to spam utility cuz its locked behind cd on top of. This created new braindead playstyle where you spam ur stuff like a monkey to get rid of energy before swapping else you lose it without any benefit. Imagine if necro lost all it life force once they leave shroud even if they used it to just tank one hit.. this is basically rev in current state but with legends instead.

At least current energy level should be transfered and added on top of 50% from swap and yet in the end it wont change much anyway

Edited by Scoobaniec.9561
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So...? Revenant skills + CDs are extremely strong and therefore they need limitations, if you were to rework the energy system you would end with one of these:

1. Revenant overnerfed, which seems to be the current path giving that we receive more and more nerfs each patch since the resistance changes.

2. Revenant being an Elementalist-like clusterkitten of skills that is insanely unfun to play against because it has resources to do anything it wants.

We Revenant mains and enjoyers have been in a very good spot for a lot of time in all gamemodes, and while we keep receiving nerfs is far from being unplayable/unfun to play (unless you want to play DPS in fractals/raids).

The energy system doesn't need a rework. If any, add another core legend and rework Mallyx/Corruption.

On 7/23/2022 at 11:08 AM, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

when you boil down to it, is being able to swap between two full bar of utility skills at will.

Warrior mechanic is pressing F1 to unload a bar, and Guardian is three passives and actives. Revenant has two legends that proc effects when swapped if properly traited, and they come well to adapt your gameplay if you want to tank, deal damage, move, boonstrip, heal, etc. If you want complexity or deeper mechanics there are another classes, no need to change Revenant.

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9 hours ago, Telgum.6071 said:

Revenant has two legends that proc effects when swapped if properly traited, and they come well to adapt your gameplay if you want to tank, deal damage, move, boonstrip, heal, etc. 

Not at will like he said. You might get stuck with skillset u do not desire at x moment due to energy system in place which i also had an issue with for long time and there is simply no point holding on legend with no energy and cripping your gameplay compared to switching and get not so desireable utility set.
Besides the talk about double utility skills also sounded funny to me as argument. Most classes have as many or close to skills in combat as rev. Necro has basically 3rd weapon swap putting it on 20skills total like rev for example or mesmer with 19 skills due to f1-4 etc. But they are fixed right? Well so are rev utilities. Rev is predictable and youll never get surprised by some different utility on their skill bar.

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3 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Not at will like he said. You might get stuck with skillset u do not desire at x moment due to energy system in place which i also had an issue with for long time and there is simply no point holding on legend with no energy and cripping your gameplay compared to switching and get not so desireable utility set.(snip)

That's called lack of energy management   or e-management as we call it,  and lack of energy management is a l2p issue since the beggining of times even the mmo era.


EDIT: hybrid condi and condi builds have better e-management possibility due a deamon trait that gives  +1 pip regen  when using a keep utility , m8 work well for plaguedoctor/Rt or similiar Renegades/deamon.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

That's called lack of energy management   or e-management as we call it,  and lack of energy management is a l2p issue since the beggining of times even the mmo era.


EDIT: hybrid condi and condi builds have better e-management possibility due a deamon trait that gives  +1 pip regen  when using a keep utility , m8 work well for plaguedoctor/Rt or similiar Renegades/deamon.

This is not lack of energy management especially given current energy cost. Pressing one stunbreak from Shiro nearly depletes your entire energy bar. Realistic scenarion from pvp point; you PT to someone, use 1 maybe 2 skills and now you have to swap legend for energy or wait eternity to regen up while you cant really do anything. Which part of it is lack of energy management? It is forced legend swap by design and in such case if im refusing to swap cuz i wanna keep Shiro utilities i am basically cripping hard my performance. Often there were times when i had above 50% energy and yet i had to swap for second heal skill losing all energy i gathered in progress.

The so called "energy management" as you call it is to hang on a bit of energy for emergercy case, dump it all a moment before swap becomes avaidable rinse repeat every 10sec. Camping one legend is not optimal as you do not gain energy boost the way you do by swapping. This is not adapting to situation kind of playstyle, game literally punish you for not doing so. And that apply in all game modes. You aint gonna hang out in Mallyx after you below 10% crippling your dps in pve when you can simply swap for 10second and gain 50/75% energy back right? Everyone knows how hard it would tank your dps.

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43 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

you PT to someone, use 1 maybe 2 skills and now you have to swap legend for energy or wait eternity to regen up while you cant really do anything. Which part of it is lack of energy management?

The part where you didn't save up enough Energy in advance to follow up the PT with enough damage (while seemingly not being able to continue your assault within the other Legend). Some skills indeed became extremly expensive. Aeolus is still right anyway. 


55 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Camping one legend is not optimal as you do not gain energy boost the way you do by swapping. This is not adapting to situation kind of playstyle, game literally punish you for not doing so.

It never was designed to camp Legendaries so not sure where this came from. This might have been an issue at HoT launch when some roles didn't have a second suitable Legendary. But that is hardly the case anymore.

Disagree on the second part. It's like saying "the game punishes me for not using all my skills on CD". The task at hand is not to use all Energy available possible but to use it most efficiently based on the situation at hand. And this might include "wasting" Energy if this means gaining access to a skill set more suitable to the current situation or opting for less efficient actions as long as they are sufficient. Like, for example, a Necromancer or Druid exiting Shroud/CA without using some skills but then being locked out of their respective form or a Mesmer shattering without having 3 Illusions up. Heck, even a non tier-3 burst on Warrior could be considered wasted resources. It is not a design flaw and it's not exclusive to Revenant. It's cost of opportunity. 

The only issue I personally have with Energy: Considering weapon skills have cooldowns, they shouldn't cost Energy. Even if this means slight increases in CDs. It's like Thief Utilities costing Initiative. It just doesn't feel good.

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rev energy is most similar with thief initiative, but the problem is implementation.

thief only uses init for weapons, and weapons usually work with a set of skills, staff for example, the dmg comes from 2, 5 for movement and utility, blinds, and so on, but its a weapon and thief has enought dmg on autos and the dmg skills to work around it.

rev needs energy for everything, even the elites, yeah we have 2 but theyre not all powerfull, jade winds could be a 25 energy skill and itd be the same, heck archemorus has a mini jade winds that is a thousand times better XD

I think rev could be the oposite of thief, weapons dont use energy and you have the legends as if they were weapon sets, but that would need sigils activate on legends, after all theyre like weapons, a set of skills we cant choose and we rotate between 2 sets.

also thief has pasives, the thieving skill and other things to get init back, but rev only has it on core, bad idea, and a trait that only works on swap under 10%, energy should be 100 by default, or maybe 75 and the trait gives you a 100 on swap under 10%, with the spend we have now making it default 100 energy woudnt overpower.


Ok new idea, default 100 energy, a trait that on swap you use the remaining energy to charge the next weapon skill, just a number increase like, per each 10% energy remaining, weapon dmg/healing increased by 3%. (condis maybe 1 sec duration or 1 stack  more per 10% spend? dunno) we would need a rework on shiro maybe, jalis would be good, ventary is already reworked, and mallynx is strong already, herald is decent, renegade id like a rework to take off its alac for something else, and aliance, vick needs boons and arche would be good with just this trait change and a bit more utility ( cof cof, gs3 puuuulllllll).


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3 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

This is not lack of energy management especially given current energy cost. Pressing one stunbreak from Shiro nearly depletes your entire energy bar. Realistic scenarion from pvp point; you PT to someone, use 1 maybe 2 skills and now you have to swap legend for energy or wait eternity to regen up while you cant really do anything. Which part of it is lack of energy management? It is forced legend swap by design and in such case if im refusing to swap cuz i wanna keep Shiro utilities i am basically cripping hard my performance. Often there were times when i had above 50% energy and yet i had to swap for second heal skill losing all energy i gathered in progress.

The so called "energy management" as you call it is to hang on a bit of energy for emergercy case, dump it all a moment before swap becomes avaidable rinse repeat every 10sec. Camping one legend is not optimal as you do not gain energy boost the way you do by swapping. This is not adapting to situation kind of playstyle, game literally punish you for not doing so. And that apply in all game modes. You aint gonna hang out in Mallyx after you below 10% crippling your dps in pve when you can simply swap for 10second and gain 50/75% energy back right? Everyone knows how hard it would tank your dps.

Well deppens maybe it is, for example i am awfull using in a pvp enviroment shiro( im actually worse then bad Ç_Ç ) ill blow all my energy everytime i do my rotation with just 2 utils, yet there are players that keep using skills after util after utils dash, roll back etc etc, someitmes feels they have more regen than i do.

Should i blame the legend energy consuption and blame the class design? OFC not.

Btw Elite spec use less energy than core, Anet made core to be extremelly heavy e-management compared with the elites legends, i could see one or other skill in shiro having a energy update, but if stacked with  Alliance would be to much dash back and forth.

EDIT: I think Anet forgot a Super rune and a sigil for Revenant energy,  or maybe shiro high e-management should be a good boost, i ment the class does already decent damage.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

The part where you didn't save up enough Energy in advance to follow up the PT with enough damage (while seemingly not being able to continue your assault within the other Legend). Some skills indeed became extremly expensive. Aeolus is still right anyway. 

??? How do you save up energy to be above 50% while outside of combat? This is another issue in my opinion as well. The moment you leave combat even for a nanosecond all energy above 50 goes poooof just like that. It doesnt feel good or natural. In case of war adrenaline slowly drops, necro is able to build and keep up his life force. In case of rev? Reset combat and hes back to 50 instantly


2 hours ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

It never was designed to camp Legendaries so not sure where this came from. This might have been an issue at HoT launch when some roles didn't have a second suitable Legendary. But that is hardly the case anymore.

Unless you play core rev and have limited options cuz Kalla is a joke outside of pve for condi rev which is another joke. Anyway while i agree it wasnt designed to be camped back at launch there was no issue building up energy to prolong sitting in one legend as long you did not use upkeeps/spammed so the option was there for pvp at least. Energy costs being much lower allowed for camping the legend to build up energy to use it and separated good from bad revs. Now? Press 1 utility energy depleted/utility is put on huge cd or both. Rev in current state nowhere close to what originally was, its stripped of it user choice. Even if i save up energy i cannot use utilities back to back cuz cd meaning theres no use to even have "energy management" just spam all off cd and swap. Rev is not the class it used to be and i agree that its time to either undo many nerfs or revamp the system as whole cuz benefits are no longer there

Edited by Scoobaniec.9561
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17 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

 Even if i save up energy i cannot use utilities back to back cuz cd meaning theres no use to even have "energy management" just spam all off cd and swap. Rev is not the class it used to be and i agree that its time to either undo many nerfs or revamp the system as whole cuz benefits are no longer there

Thats's the problemm u play to spam....

I understand that mentality, i trully get it, Anet forced that thinking in all gw2 players long time ago, i actually  blame Anet dev's for that, they still to it, the grand scheme of the gameplay is still low effort stack and spam and classes that wont excell at that players will feel it's the class problem.

For example builds with Alliance/shiro with charged mist is really good setup for the energy mangement, for core 100% build u have its f2 with 25e energy and more 25e on legend swap when under 10 energy, this is really a good boost for those who have some problems with the class energy.

@ best i could see Anet reduce both PT and RS energy from 30 to 25.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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3 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


Thats's the problemm u play to spam....

I understand that mentality, i trully get it, Anet forced that thinking in all gw2 players long time ago, i actually  blame Anet dev's for that, they still to it.

I play to spam? Its literally in rev design to spam to burn energy and swap legend to gain 50% back and in fact you are rewarded with extra 25% with charged mists trait. If you do not play in such manner you are not playing rev optimally and waste your energy. This is how this so called "energy management class" is designed in current state and it is what i find braindead about it. If it was up to me rev would start at 100%, be able to switch legend at any moment but there wouldnt be any sort of energy gain from swapping so if you spammed like monkey and left yourself with no energy.. tough luck

I used to play games where you had to manage your stuff and rev cant hold candy to them. Check even vanilla gw2 had more management and you had to count enemy dodges etc. Now its just spam all day by design

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Well that's a more traditional energy bar but the class is ment to rotate the legends as well that would end  workign similiar to how elite spec Alliance works sharing its e-bar.. wich IMO is almost spamfest even @50%.

Revenant is not ment to be played like a warrior, but i would not disagree with u in one thing, shiro is a bit to shafted since Anet had to make other elite spec look better, with that i wont disagree but 5 to 10 energy reduction in one or 2 utils would be suficient.

Gain energy on kill target rune or trait would be interesting.

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1 hour ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


Well that's a more traditional energy bar but the class is ment to rotate the legends as well that would end  workign similiar to how elite spec Alliance works sharing its e-bar.. wich IMO is almost spamfest even @50%.


Yes meant to rotoate between legends and being spammy by design cuz theres no benefit only downsited to not blow all your energy before you swap and reset it to 50 regardless of how much energy you had stored prior. But if i had for example 80% and swapped the legend and that energy would transfer over to let me start at 80% in new legend it would also be a different story. Rn like i said its just dump all your existing energy and swap to regain 50%. I do not see any management in it and it is no different from blowing all wep cooldowns (in other classes) and swap to next regardless of situation. Gw2 is all about spam by nature, strategical elements were stripped off long ago. If someone would try to play any moba like gw2 they would end up feeding 24/7

And this is also makes me wonder where all this praise for gw2 combat comes from as whole when its all about facerolling (or lately just holding autoatk) no different from traditional mmos except for dodge feature

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2 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

??? How do you save up energy to be above 50% while outside of combat? This is another issue in my opinion as well. The moment you leave combat even for a nanosecond all energy above 50 goes poooof just like that. It doesnt feel good or natural. In case of war adrenaline slowly drops, necro is able to build and keep up his life force. In case of rev? Reset combat and hes back to 50 instantly

Oh, so you are complaining that you can't burst people from out of combat? Of course, you won't have more than 50% Energy thean. How is this a problem? It is still more than others have. Warriors won't have Adrenaline at all. Nor won't Mesmers have Clones (unless Virtuoso). Heck, non Virtuoso-resources can even be killed and also Lifeforce can be depleted by foes. Again, how is this an issue on Rev? It is a design choice by ANet and not a flaw. Expecting to have 100% Energy at the start of a fight is just not right because ANet doesn't want you to.

As I said earlier, weapon skills having Energy costs is indeed problematic. And some skills might have to high costs overall. But what you describe, the Energy system or regen itself, is not the issue. You just don't like it. And that's fine. It just doesn't make it bad.


2 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Unless you play core rev and have limited options cuz Kalla is a joke outside of pve for condi rev which is another joke. 

Now I'm confused. First, sure... if you play core Rev there is a problem - as I've mentioned. But how is this connected to Kalla? So you're actually complaining about Renegade? Bad news then... don't pick an e-spec for a mode it is not good in...


2 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Energy costs being much lower allowed for camping the legend to build up energy to use it and separated good from bad revs.

How does this playstyle show skill when Energy costs are low? It actually shows way more skill when they are high.

Again, some skills might be to high Energy costs at the moment. If you are not sure whether a skills is powerful, you might want to at 1s CD per Energy cost of CD and then compare it to other classes. Not that comparing skills in a vacuum is a good idea. But it will show you that Revenant skills are actually quite strong.

However, this is totally unrelated to Energy resetting out of combat or having to switch Legendaries to regenerate Energy. You just can't expect to perform well when purposefully ignoring the class mechanic.


2 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Its literally in rev design to spam to burn energy and swap legend to gain 50% back and in fact you are rewarded with extra 25% with charged mists trait. If you do not play in such manner you are not playing rev optimally and waste your energy. This is how this so called "energy management class" is designed in current state and it is what i find braindead about it.

It is not designed to spamm high impact skills back to back. It is how bad players play it. Like good old Heartseaker Thief. It is what I've tried to explain with the cost of opportunity. But I'm not sure how to describe it differently if you still think that always spending all Energy is the best way to play. 😬


57 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

But if i had for example 80% and swapped the legend and that energy would transfer over to let me start at 80% in new legend it would also be a different story. Rn like i said its just dump all your existing energy and swap to regain 50%.

If you swap at 80% you have either been outplayed or made a mistake yourself. But let's just entertain the idea that the surplus was carried over. What would happen if your Energy was below 50%? Would that carry over as well? If not, then you are just basically asking to make Revenant easier.  That's perfectly fine. But from a resource system point of view, there really is no arguement for doing so.

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15 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Not at will like he said. You might get stuck with skillset u do not desire at x moment due to energy system in place which i also had an issue with for long time and there is simply no point holding on legend with no energy and cripping your gameplay compared to switching and get not so desireable utility set.

Yeah, you have to swap legends. That's the idea behind playing Revenant.

15 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Besides the talk about double utility skills also sounded funny to me as argument. Most classes have as many or close to skills in combat as rev. Necro has basically 3rd weapon swap putting it on 20skills total like rev for example or mesmer with 19 skills due to f1-4 etc. But they are fixed right? Well so are rev utilities. Rev is predictable and youll never get surprised by some different utility on their skill bar.

Nah Revenant is cool to play as and against. Something that can't be said about Mesmer and certain Necro builds, the two mentioned by you.

I'll hold it there: Revenant is very good and only needs a very small tweaks to be back on the sweet spot.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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