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Imperial Everbloom Vendor shouldn't be locked behind completion of all 4 CMs

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18 hours ago, Will.9785 said:


It's not that I don't want to.  It's that I literally can't.  My schedule doesn't allow for it and that won't be changing any time soon (i.e. years).

It'd be another thing altogether if it was challenging solo content that I could work on at my own pace but you need 9 other people for this, who are also able to show up and grind it out... and again that's if YOU have time to do it, and can commit to a schedule week in and week out, which I can't.  It's literally like another job.   I say that as someone who joined a static for Dhuum CM after it came out.  It took months and that was when I had time.  It's too much of a long term commitment and what guild out there is going to take me if they've already cleared it?  It doesn't matter how good of a player you are, they won't.

So you want the game altered to fit your personal schedule? 

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4 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

You can buy the container of the infusion on the trading post or continue to play the game without it. Also, if you join an existing group on the LFG and one-shot the encounter in ~10min then Strike Missions rewards are pretty decent.

Why wait for groups sellings clears when you can buy the thing you want directly on the TP now?

You don't get to have this one infusion (unless you buy it from the TP) and that means that you are not allowed to have nice things? Period? Hyperboles are usually an ineffective way of convincing people.

Very altruistic of you to take the meaningfulness of the CM title into consideration.

To be honest I would like to see the group who can beat HT CM in 10 minutes. 😄

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20 hours ago, Will.9785 said:

I say that as someone who joined a static for Dhuum CM after it came out.  It took months and that was when I had time.  It's too much of a long term commitment and what guild out there is going to take me if they've already cleared it?  It doesn't matter how good of a player you are, they won't.

This is false. I see groups of players still clearing Dhuum CM in the most popular NA raid discord like every week. There were always omega exp players willing to help out those groups for free too. 

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On 7/24/2022 at 1:16 AM, Will.9785 said:

Because I'd rather not have to, to be honest.  It's gatekeeping that doesn't serve any real purpose at the end of the day.  And I'd like a reason to do regular strikes every now and then but the vanilla rewards are terrible.  It's probably why LFG is dead.  I see people doing IBS strikes way more often every time I check.  It's like 5 IBS groups for every 1 EOD group if there are any groups at all.

There might be another reason why you see way more IBS than EoD strikes in lfg (something I observe aswell)- IBS strikes are quick and easy. Jump in, burst the boss, profit.

EoD strikes on the other hand always feel very dragged out. They easily take as long or even longer than most raid bosses, while being less entertaining, at least that's how I feel about them. I can only speak for myself, but I always seek to get one EoD strike fullrun a week to get the green crystals (to convert into mystic coins) and that's about it. Maybe a CM every now and then, but I prefer no to pug them (there's always that one clueless person completly messing up mechanics....). IBS strikes however are a nice filler whenever you have a few minutes of spare time and multiple clears/week feel more rewarding (haven't done any maths on it though).

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1 hour ago, Nash.2681 said:

There might be another reason why you see way more IBS than EoD strikes in lfg (something I observe aswell)- IBS strikes are quick and easy. Jump in, burst the boss, profit.

EoD strikes on the other hand always feel very dragged out. They easily take as long or even longer than most raid bosses, while being less entertaining, at least that's how I feel about them. I can only speak for myself, but I always seek to get one EoD strike fullrun a week to get the green crystals (to convert into mystic coins) and that's about it. Maybe a CM every now and then, but I prefer no to pug them (there's always that one clueless person completly messing up mechanics....). IBS strikes however are a nice filler whenever you have a few minutes of spare time and multiple clears/week feel more rewarding (haven't done any maths on it though).

That and also... EOD strike rewards you can get only once per week while IBS strike rewards you can get every day. Thats maybe also the reason why there are more IBS strike groups than EOD. 

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On 7/23/2022 at 11:21 PM, Will.9785 said:

 So just cut out the middle man (i.e. me paying someone else to do the work for me) and give me access to the vendor.

And yeah, I know full well people aren't going to be happy about this... but some of us have lives/responsibilities.  Are we not allowed to have nice things?

Just buy the infusion from the trading post then... it's not completely inaccessible, you just don't want to pay the price.

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I would not be against giving access to the Everbloom infusion to a wider net of players, mostly due to two reasons:

1. Strike currency BADLY needs more profitable sinks. As it currently stands, once you've unlocked all of the skins you want, the only things left you can trade green crystals for are Mystic Coins, and if the market for those continues to drop, you'll wind up in a situation like what raids and fractals have where the primary currency you get for completing the content is mostly useless once you've been playing it for a while. Allowing players to sell their copies of the Everbloom (to prevent players from flooding the market, a fairly chunky gold cost like 500g can be added to the price) would provide them with another way to monetize their currency, thereby rewarding them for playing the mode they most enjoy.

2. While there is the option to buy the Everbloom from the super rare drops from CM strikes, its extremely small supply rate means that it's an easy target for market manipulators. I suspect the only reason it hasn't yet been 10k gold locked out of the standard TP is that the infusion itself is appealing to a more restricted audience. (AKA it's not one of the typical big, flashy, blinding supernova infusions that tends to be popular among regular players. It's much more subtle, and that usually doesn't interest players who want to show off.)

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I think locking it behind the CMs is fine.


But the HT CM is rediculous, its ten times harder than any other content in the game, and required dedicated guilds who have been doing this for years to go through weeks of gruelling progressions.


I know some players who are okay with this, but to me its so anti-Guild Wars it might as well be another game, and I'm the type who thinks players who complain about the difficulty of strikes, etc. are being silly. Its just that this single edge case isn't just off to the side, its off the map completely.


Disclaimer: I'm in favor of adding more content like this, but it needs to be properly tiered. This should've been a new type of mote entirely, while the rest of us got a normal CM to do.


Remember the bad design decisions of other MMOs instead of reproducing them.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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26 minutes ago, Wolfb.7025 said:

It's prestige for hard working people, leave it like that.


If you want the shiny thing in your character then invest gold and give it to the people who work hard to get it in exchange of it.

"Hard work" is a relative and very vague term. Basically a plausible-sounding hocus pocus type of statement.

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On 8/3/2022 at 6:40 PM, Valisha.8650 said:

"Hard work" is a relative and very vague term. Basically a plausible-sounding hocus pocus type of statement.


hard work


a great deal of effort or endurance

- https://www.lexico.com/definition/hard_work


It's not vague at all if you go by the definition. Succeeding at HT CM takes a lot of effort, endurance as well as many other qualities which can be associated with those previous 2. I'd say calling it hard work fits pretty well. How you personally "feel" about what qualifies or does not qualify as work seems irrelevant.

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On 8/3/2022 at 7:12 PM, Wolfb.7025 said:

It's prestige for hard working people, leave it like that.


If you want the shiny thing in your character then invest gold and give it to the people who work hard to get it in exchange of it.

Also, it can be obtained as drop from any other CM, I'd say keep it as it is. People who manage to complete HT CM deserve prestige item, that they can buy en masse if they wanted

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