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19 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

From what I gather its down to three people/groups:


CmC - The nerf father, very quiet and humble.

Likes: Hydration, world peace

Dislikes: Buffs


Solar - The one who will knowingly release controversial patches with the full intention of ignoring the blowback that comes with.

Analysis: Based


And then finally you have the secret discord conglomerate(but not actually secret) full of former wintraders, influencers, and other real lizard people that are able to provide feedback and propose minor adjustments to at least one of the two formerly mentioned developers.

Don't worry though, i'm sure they all have our best interests in mind. 😁

I feel like cmc's life is like


ok you're the pvp dev, but before you touch anything pvp related you gotta do this other 50 tasks. After all done he has average 2 hours/month to look at pvp


You say another thing that I agree, only after willbender meta they nerfed rune of the trapper, which prolly mean some guardian main was influencing the decision, even if that rune was one of the most kittenous things in game, and before that they gutted core burning just to not touch the rune, which has proved a wrong steb since trapper builds were still overperforming in ranked.

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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you should check out the tempest build i have been advertising! REALLY REALLY underrated.


I can't find your "advertisement" but since I know that you played fire weaver before, I'm guessing it's a hard condi node build w/ sustain. Don't share to too many ppl without saying its weaknesses and hard counters coz you know how most ppl are. I'm sure it's a great build with good trait synergies but definitely have hard counters like Mes, Specter, a necro with the right traits spellbreaker and so on

So nice of you to share though I Havent found it yet

Edited by greedywholesome.9081
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On 7/24/2022 at 5:15 PM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

TFor me, the direction anet is taking the game and the lack of interaction with the pvp community has caused me to lose trust in them.

I still get the feeling they dont know what they want for this game and they implement changes without thinking about the long term effects it has on gameplay and player interaction.

I also think they will never back track on bad ideas such as allowing every profession to access every boon. I think it ruins class diversity. In fact, they need to be removing boon share to vanilla gw2 levels. The difference between having boons and not having them should not dictate effectiveness of your team. In fact, boons have ruined the integrity of the game and made old mechanics like fields obsolete. It also creates a false skill ceiling.

I recognize they are focused on the new player experience, but they wont be sticking around if you cant provide good gameplay and transparency. Contrary to popular belief, anet is not transparent at all and their communication is just PR. Grouch really needs to establish a balance philosphy of do's and do not's. A big do not for me is degrade core mechanics and homogenize professions. Thats probably why I am so salty lately tbh.

Anyhow, how are you all feeling?

People like you, absolutely crack me up....posts numbered 1 through 8,342,731 regarding the decline of pvp and the available resources that this company isn't using to fix pvp...IGNORED, but now that when YOU posted it, it all of a sudden really really really matters.  


It's not a surprise, nor should it have been, for those actually paying attention.  This company was not and is not going to do anything more for the pvp in this game.  If this is what it takes for you to understand, then so be it.  Play the game for what it is, or don't...those are your options.  Imagine thinking that a company who released ZERO unique pvp content in an EXPANSION had any intention of bettering the pvp experience.  That's crazy...

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7 minutes ago, Pyrial.2917 said:

People like you, absolutely crack me up....posts numbered 1 through 8,342,731 regarding the decline of pvp and the available resources that this company isn't using to fix pvp...IGNORED, but now that when YOU posted it, it all of a sudden really really really matters.  


It's not a surprise, nor should it have been, for those actually paying attention.  This company was not and is not going to do anything more for the pvp in this game.  If this is what it takes for you to understand, then so be it.  Play the game for what it is, or don't...those are your options.  Imagine thinking that a company who released ZERO unique pvp content in an EXPANSION had any intention of bettering the pvp experience.  That's crazy...


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1 hour ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I feel like cmc's life is like


ok you're the pvp dev, but before you touch anything pvp related you gotta do this other 50 tasks. After all done he has average 2 hours/month to look at pvp

Probably, yeah. Unless 2 hours is too generous for us PvPeople.

Its not a position I envy tbh. Being 100% real here; of the 3 major entities behind PvP balance/content, CmC is definitely the most innocent and good-intentioned.


Nothing short of a miracle that he's yet to be corrupted by the people in that Discord.

Its filled to the brim with people that would dedicate their lives to hunt you down and queue snipe you in a video game just because your guild on said game happens to be named: "I suck on my own so I [DuoQ]"

1 hour ago, Khalisto.5780 said:


You say another thing that I agree, only after willbender meta they nerfed rune of the trapper, which prolly mean some guardian main was influencing the decision, even if that rune was one of the most kittenous things in game, and before that they gutted core burning just to not touch the rune, which has proved a wrong steb since trapper builds were still overperforming in ranked.

I can't say I pay much attention to profession balance, but i'm sure there's some truth to this.

One of the first things CmC said just after the 2/2020 patch dropped was "Dragonhunter technically has the highest winrate, but mostly at lower ratings." Yet trapper runes wouldn't be touched until well and after Willis had arrived.

And of course, most the PvP people who are in that Discord just so happen to be Guardian and also Necro mains. Willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there, but I wouldn't ever trust the secret Discord of super evil.

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52 minutes ago, Pyrial.2917 said:

People like you, absolutely crack me up....posts numbered 1 through 8,342,731 regarding the decline of pvp and the available resources that this company isn't using to fix pvp...IGNORED, but now that when YOU posted it, it all of a sudden really really really matters.  


It's not a surprise, nor should it have been, for those actually paying attention.  This company was not and is not going to do anything more for the pvp in this game.  If this is what it takes for you to understand, then so be it.  Play the game for what it is, or don't...those are your options.  Imagine thinking that a company who released ZERO unique pvp content in an EXPANSION had any intention of bettering the pvp experience.  That's crazy...

Aaaah yes...good ol' hindsight bias. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindsight_bias ) The "I knew it all along!" phenomenon.

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I only log in because I have nothing better to do. If there was something good on Netflix I'd be down. 

If there was any new content in the game beyond struggling to find a group for embolden mode or doing world bosses for 2 rares and a green or living world season 1 I'd probably do that instead of pvp. 

But alas, there is not. So playing the unranked lottery is all there really is.

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I have fun doing WvW roaming with my friends these days. Been branching out to thief so I can learn how to play as and against them. 

Every once in a while, when there isn't enough violence in WvW for our liking, we give into that tiny voice in our heads that says "You can always play PvP. You're guaranteed all the fights you could want". 

We queue for a 5v5 match, remember how much has been stripped away and nerfed in PvP, and how the fun/meme builds we play don't work. Half the fun of the game, theory crafting new/fun builds to play has been stripped away, and has left everything feeling dull and cookie-cutter. 

Despite that, stronghold is fun on occasion, but since it's unranked, the rewards are terrible... which is a problem when you're in the process of crafting legendary armor. 

Ultimately, we haven't touched PvP seriously in months. 

At least PvE is still fun.

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18 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I only log in because I have nothing better to do. If there was something good on Netflix I'd be down. 

theres plenty of hidden gems on netflix. i don't understand all the hate they're getting from youtubers lately, i mean yeah theres the obvious bad shows that you should ignore, but if you spend any time at all looking around on there you will find some decent stuff to watch and kill time.

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On 7/26/2022 at 2:13 PM, Khalisto.5780 said:

I feel like cmc's life is like


ok you're the pvp dev, but before you touch anything pvp related you gotta do this other 50 tasks. After all done he has average 2 hours/month to look at pvp


You say another thing that I agree, only after willbender meta they nerfed rune of the trapper, which prolly mean some guardian main was influencing the decision, even if that rune was one of the most kittenous things in game, and before that they gutted core burning just to not touch the rune, which has proved a wrong steb since trapper builds were still overperforming in ranked.

I've been wondering if he still even works there.


Anyway, if Grouch (former Mr. PVP himself) coming back, getting the keys to the kingdom, and then nothing changing didn't convince people that the mode is dead and buried, I don't know what would.

Edited by VyPR.3412
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20 minutes ago, VyPR.3412 said:

I've been wondering if he still even works there.


Anyway, if Grouch (former Mr. PVP himself) coming back, getting the keys to the kingdom, and then nothing changing didn't convince people that the mode is dead and buried, I don't know what would.

big annoucement that they got their report system to work and ppl are getting punished


this is the most important thing to do in pvp right now


most of new players quit after finding that the report system doesnt work


they play 3 days with the same afker and come to forums just to ppl tell them those ppl arent getting banned and are doing that for year right now


they just quit


also for top 25 would be nice to check how many times a certain acc "dced" while playing against ppl there


removing duo q it would also be nice but not mandatory if afkers/exploiter getting banned and losing titles in case of the top players

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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On 7/24/2022 at 5:15 PM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

I recognize they are focused on the new player experience,

PvP and WvW have an absolute trash new player experience.

I'd argue that any new player trying WvW or PvP will quit the entire game immediately from the terrible experience, honestly.

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