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Is the engineer supposed to be that strong ?


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The developer only play engineer bubby, ATTM engi OP as kitten.

Engineer is completely broken .

10 man alac/ top heal/ 200% quick /massive barrier /extreme resurrecting ability/ perma stability / 41k dps ......

Engineer litterally overshadows all class.

When is anet going to nerf the engi... or nobody will play other class.





Holosmith 50k dps raid


10 man alac afk and massive damage

Scrapper super tanky! a better version of Firebrand in groups! 
It provides sustained healing ,perma stability, and extreme resurrecting ability with 200% quick!







Core engi have lot lof CC! 
Spam CC ! Stunlock! ez win ! 



Rifle Scrapper insane, perma quick auto is just through the roof!

A noob rifle scrapper able to chase a thief master while being able to do 10 times the damage of it.





I was in disbelief when a Holo did a third of my health in damage from a single auto-attack.



Mechanist is completely broken, The best duelist in the game right now, tank node from any 1v2 and beats 1 just about anything 1v1.






The best player like hadi can barely catch a noob mechanist, no one stays and fights. As soon as they get low they just kittening run out of combat. 


Mechanist 1 shot everything with autoattack. its completely broken.


Power Scrapper 1 shot everything.


Scrapper is a greatest melee build on zerging.
This is a super easy to play build that pumps out massive burst and sustained damage on top of high CCs, cleanses, and super speed. 



Celestial holosmith has a quite easy combo also has very strong sustain.




Edited by noneHotBuildTest.7251
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Did you just call CORE engi good in PvP, Mech the best duelist in PvP, and mech OP in WvW roaming? 

Did you just call Scrapper a better firebrand? 


Mech is very good right now In PvE, and Holo/Scrapper are still good in WvW, but that's the extent of it's place in the meta. 

Everything else gets outclassed. Claiming otherwise is... hyperbolic at best. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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Is engi a punching bag ? Hater troll it for no reason.

Most of those videos are cherry picking.

Also the game need a lot of developer not just "solar", he just one of balance team member there has no guilt when one of develop don't know all class detail, it's impressive he play engi and firebrand 2k hour.

Edited by freakcoco.4287
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32 minutes ago, freakcoco.4287 said:

Is engi a punching bag ? Hater troll it for no reason.

Most of those videos are cherry picking.

Also the game need a lot of developer not just "solar", he just one of balance team member there has no guilt when one of develop don't know all class detail, it impressive he play engi and firebrand 2k hour.

Then how do u explain that engi was in a rough spot for a long time? Gurdian also isnt the only strong class, theres kinda really on ly the elementalist (unless expert, expert ele is good) that is lacking and latley a bit warrior (banner warrior was hard meta forever).

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My favourite part is when 'invincible' Scrapper video is posted. Outdated videos do not make OP point any more valid. It actually works AGAINST the point the OP is trying to make. That build was trashed by Anet in the Spring 2022. I think this sets the tone quite nicely for the rest of the 'misunderstanding' the OP has about Engineer. 

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Holosmith DPS is so OP that Snowcrows didn't even bother benching it or even listing it as a playable build. /s

Scrapper has been a decent quickness option since over a year now, but goodluck convincing anyone that you should take it instead of Firebrand. Even if it is the superior pDPS option. Not to mention the spring-time barrier nerfs and general state of pDPS in the game right now.

Mechanist is a completely overtuned favourite child of the balance team. 6 meta builds, covering alacrity (in power, condi or heal versions), power damage, condition damage and even a goddamn handkite build. All while being the least intellectually stimulating engineer build in existence (only exception to that being the condi kit versions, which are hardly ever ran anyway since that would require actually knowing what the engineer buttons do, as opposed to pressing them all off cooldown).

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This guy has a hateboner towards engineer lol, 8 out of their 9 posts are engineer complains in general. Feels like their crush ditched them for an engineer main or something and now has a grudge against the class.

Edited by Wolfb.7025
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Scrapper is very good in Open World and Metas right now.  Using Hammer or Rifle they get the job done.

Invincible?  No.  That was nerfed to Oblivion in the spring of this year.

Better Firebrand?  My Firebrand says "No".

Interesting, in Open World Meta groups I am the only Scrapper more times than not.  So if it is really that good, why is it not the only class people play?  Asking for a friend...

Great bait post tho.

Edited by Sticky.2653
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok looks like the one that made the topic was a bit energetic.

Look engi is a great class, mech WAS broken, but even when broken it didnt have 10 man alac, if theres a video then thats some bug or smth, scrapper isnt a better fb, id say theyre on par, in wvw the healers are mainly scrappers while in raids or fractals youll see more fb, the do similar things equally good but have diferences so you prefer one or the other based on the situation, now holo was... decent, i mean it wasnt broken in dmg and wasnt completely dead.

They solved the problems mec had of being too strong and the other 2 are good now too.

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15 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Core Engineer is Overpowered.

You can do ~34k DPS while literally noob mouse clicker.

Is that ok?

It's a power build, that does 35k dps, if it can stay melee for the full fight, I do not see a problem here.

You also called Crone a "noob mouse clicker", which is kind of hilarious.

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