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I don't want to be rude, but the writing...


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54 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Outside of the Charr none of the other major races exist in any known quantities otuside of central Tyria which has already been heavily explored. Humans were the only race to be anywhere near as widespread. Other races are still too much in a tribal state to support large scale civilization.

We know the Asura also set up seemingly large-scale settlements and research outposts outside of Central Tyria, such as those in Draconis Mons and Elona (before they got Awakened). Why can't we have a long-term Asuran settlement elsewhere with a different culture based on their environment/locale (similar to the Olmakhan)? The other races have also had over 200 years since GW1 to expand and explore new areas, the Charr in Eastern Ascalon in particular with multiple other Citadels existing in that region in the lore. I would love to explore some of these other races' homelands, new settlements, and cultures as well.

There could also easily be new (sub)races or previously unknown ones in currently unexplored regions, much like the Itzel and Nuhoch tribes in Maguuma that were not previously there in GW1.

30 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Likewise, the Woodland Cascades is just Centaur lands.... and we've seen tons of centaurs already.

And most companies tend to avoid "bold" because more often then not "bold" doesn't make any sense(like Shiverpeaks Pale Tree) and turns into "lets try to different for the sake of it" which isn't good story telling.

We haven't actually seen any semblance of large-scale civilized Centaur society iirc, only the war camps filled with "Die Two-Legs!!!" types. It would be interesting to explore the other side of their society, which I'm guessing was at least partly planned for the cut IBS Centaur plotline and map. Exploring these and other minor races civilizations would be neat without veering into random "lets try to different for the sake of it" that contrasts with existing lore.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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52 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

We know the Asura also set up seemingly large-scale settlements and research outposts outside of Central Tyria, such as those in Draconis Mons and Elona (before they got Awakened). Why can't we have a long-term Asuran settlement elsewhere with a different culture based on their environment/locale (similar to the Olmakhan)? The other races have also had over 200 years since GW1 to expand and explore new areas, the Charr in Eastern Ascalon in particular with multiple other Citadels existing in that region in the lore. I would love to explore some of these other races' homelands, new settlements, and cultures as well.

Asura are also not most species. Their one of the handful of actual developed species, and arguably the most advanced by far given they have actual teleportation. Comparing what they do to anyone else is the ultimate false comparison fallacy.

And migration over long distances requires a large amount of resources most of these species logically wouldn't have access too. Charr are one of the few races that could likely manage it.

52 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

We haven't actually seen any semblance of large-scale civilized Centaur society iirc, only the war camps filled with "Die Two-Legs!!!" types. It would be interesting to explore the other side of their society, which I'm guessing was at least partly planned for the cut IBS Centaur plotline and map. Exploring these and other minor races civilizations would be neat without veering into random "lets try to different for the sake of it" that contrasts with existing lore.

Centaurs don't have large scale civilization. they only somewhat unified recently due to Ulgoth the Mighty forcing the other two major tribes to bow down to him because of his power, and forced them to spend most of their efforts fighting humans. They're a largely tribal species still living in huts and lean-tos, and we see peaceful centaur society all the way back in the Dry Top map.

And Anet has shown us more of each of the major side species

  • Centaurs: Dry Top
  • Ogres: Orge tribes in the Magumma and northern Crystal Desert
  • Kodan: Bitterfrost and Bjora
  • Quaggan: Bitterfrost, Lake Doric
  • Hyleck: Magumma, Kourna
  • Tengu: Cantha maps

etc. etc. Anet has added various tribes of the "lesser" species throughout the game's expansions and LW episodes, so we can see more of them.

The only ones they really haven't so far are the Largos, which they will probably do whenever we get around to fighting the Deep Sea Monster.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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3 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i guess you're most likely referring to the trend of featuring progressive characters in media. if you missed the memo, arenanet is a progressive company and many of their employees are lgbtq+, so asking them not to write about themselves because you see them as a trend is a bit unrealistic.

This topic is a minor thing to me despite noticing its presence in GW2 when its around me everywhere else in TV shows, Movies and other games. It's grown exponentially over the past five years as a topic everyone talks about often: it's hard not to notice it.

I know Anet is a progressive company, I've known that for years, but so is Bungie (of who's games I also play) and there are respectable ways to handle that kind of thing in their game narration.

Also "not asking them to write about themselves because I see them as a trend as unrealistic"? You're looking into what I said too much.

3 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its also very strange to say it destroys art when the art represents the artists.

You clearly haven't seen the likes of the Cleopatra documentary and the general backlash received by the MCU and Disney with their films within recent years because of the angle they've been trying to push, let alone the backlash of these past couple of LW episodes (even though the mental health thing is not the core reason why people are upset): bad productions get bad reception. It's not science.

Edited by Darkness.3942
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I think the worse offender with the anet writting team is they are in the awful subvert expectations school of story telling. 

What I expected from 10 week of reseaching the demon, a back story connecting the demon to kanaxai in gw1 and possible reason it is still alive after being killed. What we got was dripple about feelings and chul moo. So the wander ravenger is now just saterday morning villian of the week throw away character. Compare this to Deimos in w4.

I am now at the point i know the anet writing team is not going to be internal consistent with their story, and will drop plot points at the drop of a hat.  Too many storyline have been abandoned for pointless dripple. The septer of orr, Zoija, Blish, Eirs Bow, Rangar, the frozen, and the tengu mail carrier in the DoW will never have pay offs.

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14 hours ago, Darkness.3942 said:

People loved the Sylvari with the introduction of GW2. Give us the resolution of the NMC as an example-- or even Malyck. The supposed second pale tree they hinted towards with the vanilla Sylvari story as well. How about the Asura now that Primordus has been defeated? An expansion where we go back underground to help them reclaim their lost civilisations would be really neat. Let the Skritt go back too. Poor sods, been on the surface and hunted for too long now. Skritt deserve some love, damnit!


The second tree/Malyck was going to be in HoT, but was cut due to pacing concerns and other reasons. The NMC are now headed by an individual who purposefully restricts their actions and movements as to not bring down the wrath of the other Government/races. 

Primordus hasn't been defeated that very long, but the Asura also aren't going to include the other races unless something goes incredibly wrong, due to their biases and arrogance. Though it's unlikely anything of their underground cities truly remains thanks to Primordus wiping those places out and devouring the magic.

Skritt aren't loved by all groups true, but they aren't being actively hunted down. Their major camps are intact and skrittsburg is thriving.

11 hours ago, Darkness.3942 said:

You clearly haven't seen the likes of the Cleopatra documentary and the general backlash received by the MCU and Disney with their films within recent years

Cleopatra documentary backlash is because they are actively trying to stamp history into a certain way.

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On 6/16/2023 at 9:08 AM, Darkness.3942 said:

This topic is a minor thing to me despite noticing its presence in GW2 when its around me everywhere else in TV shows, Movies and other games. It's grown exponentially over the past five years as a topic everyone talks about often: it's hard not to notice it.

I know Anet is a progressive company, I've known that for years, but so is Bungie (of who's games I also play) and there are respectable ways to handle that kind of thing in their game narration.

Also "not asking them to write about themselves because I see them as a trend as unrealistic"? You're looking into what I said too much.

You clearly haven't seen the likes of the Cleopatra documentary and the general backlash received by the MCU and Disney with their films within recent years because of the angle they've been trying to push, let alone the backlash of these past couple of LW episodes (even though the mental health thing is not the core reason why people are upset): bad productions get bad reception. It's not science.

LOL comparing race-bending a real life, historical figure to doing it to a fictional character. 😂😂 Whoever thinks those two are one in the same needs to seriously evaluate their maturity and even mental health LOL. 🤣


Edited by BloodyVampyra.3741
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On 6/16/2023 at 3:08 AM, Darkness.3942 said:

You clearly haven't seen the likes of the Cleopatra documentary and the general backlash received by the MCU and Disney with their films within recent years because of the angle they've been trying to push, let alone the backlash of these past couple of LW episodes (even though the mental health thing is not the core reason why people are upset): bad productions get bad reception. It's not science.

Disney's problems seem to stem from the pressure to complete projects quickly for maximum profit, which has nothing to do with whatever "angle" you think they are writing their stories from. When they take the time and effort to make something good, it tends to be good and to succeed monetarily as well, regardless of the "angles" or lack thereof. They just have infinite projects running simultaneously and too many arms of the company dealing with art are focused more so on the business side of things, which is why a lot of their projects don't always pass muster.

The MCU project is just too huge and has too many interconnected parts and "cooks in the kitchen" for it to be sustainable. It's still incredible what they have managed to accomplish from a scale perspective even if it falls apart in the coming years. 

And from what I've seen, EoD has been the most positively-reviewed expansion so far in the important circles of the gaming sphere, so I'm not sure what "angles" have to do with Gw2 here.

It would perhaps help us understand what you mean if you could clarify what these "angles" are specifically and how you believe they make the story worse? The subterfuge as to specific details of your criticism are harming its value, imo.

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On 6/18/2023 at 12:23 PM, mandala.8507 said:

Disney's problems seem to stem from the pressure to complete projects quickly for maximum profit, which has nothing to do with whatever "angle" you think they are writing their stories from. When they take the time and effort to make something good, it tends to be good and to succeed monetarily as well, regardless of the "angles" or lack thereof. They just have infinite projects running simultaneously and too many arms of the company dealing with art are focused more so on the business side of things, which is why a lot of their projects don't always pass muster.

The MCU project is just too huge and has too many interconnected parts and "cooks in the kitchen" for it to be sustainable. It's still incredible what they have managed to accomplish from a scale perspective even if it falls apart in the coming years. 

And from what I've seen, EoD has been the most positively-reviewed expansion so far in the important circles of the gaming sphere, so I'm not sure what "angles" have to do with Gw2 here.

It would perhaps help us understand what you mean if you could clarify what these "angles" are specifically and how you believe they make the story worse? The subterfuge as to specific details of your criticism are harming its value, imo.

The big backlash i can remember was during the brief period when Disney kept hyping up certain things only to turn around and barely deliver. "Look how accepting we are!" *edited out character in the background*.

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On 8/1/2022 at 2:17 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

Firstly, there is no such thing as set fantasy dialogue. It doesn’t exist and never has done. I read a lot genre stuff and there’s so many different voices and actually a lot of the best these days use a lot of what many deem to be modern slang or colloquialisms. Plus.. this is not traditional fantasy. It’s a mesh of genres and styles. For better or worse it never tries to carve itself a unique sense of identity.

People also forget GW1 was poorly written too. Factions writing and dialogue is just as cringy as anything in this game and I say that as a lover of GW1.

Guild wars is written by a team that constantly  changes, rather than single writer forever writing the story with their own unique voice. The dialogue needs to be at a level which can flow seamlessly between writers, easily translated and accessible to millions of different people and contain only what is needed between gameplay. This is not the same medium as a book and cannot be compared so.(just like book and films are not easily comparable)

It’s very rare to see an mmo with exceptional and unique dialogue. Secret World is the only one I can think of, but that game sadly bombed twice.

tldr: the dialogue is fine for what it is doing



Right but you just said it yourself "People also forget GW1 was poorly written too. Factions writing and dialogue is just as cringy as anything in this game" That's exactly the problem, its not fine and for a game focusing so much on dialogue, it actually makes it hard to feel like being invested in the characters and story, I clocked out after HoT when it comes to that. Secret World's writing still felt more mature and less amateurish.

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On 8/1/2022 at 8:58 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

Have you tried the dragon storm meta yet? It is possibly the most frustrating dialogue in the game.

The end of IBS was scrapped due to the EoD expansion comming early, so naturally it is a very cheap version of the original lore plot ending, as Anet does not have endless resources. Which is a pitty, but a truth non the less.

Edited by Lord Korag.8439
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One thing that annoys me to no end about GW2's dialogue writing is that characters often don't finish sentences. They often just stop mid-sentence and drift off, hesitate, or get interrupted, and I get that people often do talk like that in real life, but it just gets annoying. I also don't think I've ever read or heard a beautifully written or thought-provoking line in GW2; the dialogue is either just all purely utilitarian, or wisecracks, with no in-betweens. 

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8 hours ago, Lord Korag.8439 said:

The end of IBS was scrapped due to the EoD expansion comming early, so naturally it is a very cheap version of the original lore plot ending, as Anet does not have endless resources. Which is a pitty, but a truth non the less.

I'm referring to the dialogue more, but yes you're right. About the plot being rushed too. 

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