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last patch removed my key mapping. [Merged]

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My account is also from original launch.  My A/D got moved to Q/E, but I don't believe anything else changed.  I didn't check my mount bindings yet other than to note that mount action 1/2 are still B/V.

Q did not get removed from my special action binding even though it was set as turn left.  I have rebound turning to A/D, but not confirmed special action is working as it should as I have to head out for an appointment.

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Please stop breaking the game via your "improvements".


Changing key mappings, graphics settings, and core basic game settings for all seasoned players to what you ***think*** a random new player might like better is NOT an improvement.

PLEASE Anet, tell us the previously set settings can be restored to each player's "normal" settings they had in place before you rolled out your broken patch!

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I'm not sure what's going on but for some reason when I enter combat my utility skills drop their keybinds. Outside of combat they're fine. 

I also had to correct my left and right keys. Haven't even checked special action. Maybe there's some setting I need to recheck to prevent my utility skill keybinds from disappearing in combat? Or a relog or something? I obviously can't play if I have to drag the mouse to my heal skill. >_> 

Unless this is an undocumented nerf to catalysts where we now have to cycle through 4 attunements 4 times before we gain access to utilities again. Gonna try relogging...

Edit - 
To anyone experiencing this - the keybinds showed up out of combat, not in for utilities. The control options menu showed them bound but clicking them to reset them showed them empty. I just resaved them to what the display values were and they're working again. 

Edited by Bast.7253
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2 minutes ago, cutiedanger.6302 said:

THESE NEW CHANGES ARE FRUSTRATING MY LEFT RIGHT KEYS THEY ARE NOT WORKING I HAVE TO USE MY MOUSE TO TURN MY TOON NOW COMPLETELY......and now you are making the achievements easier to complete for new players???? And all the work and money that I have put into the game?! ....who's making all these changes?!....not fair .....very disappointed. 

What achievements are made easier?

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27 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

Was probably referring to the free raptor, but Queen's Gauntlet was indirectly nerfed again (due to EoD) and Season 2 can now be done on the first play through.

Well not spoil story is a good reason to give the raptor both that and the season 2 were good quality of life changes and would not say it was made easier because it was not hard at all before.

+ they already did the same with the raptor if you ought EoD anyway.

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Isn't someone supposed to be assigned to QA the changes in each patch?  Especially the ones that involve interface and functionality that affect large portions of the player base?  Last patch it was the smaller size TP interface bug (which remains uncorrected after two weeks, I might add), now this.  Seems like these sorts of basic, common use things should not be slipping through.

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19 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

You need to swap the following pairs ...

Q + E -> A + D and vice versa.

And note that your SAC (Special Action Key) may have also changed.

Quick way to make the player base grumpy, IMHO.

Thank heavens for that (and thanks for the note on the SAC - hadn't spotted that one). I thought I was going senile.

Edited by Doghouse.1562
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For whatever reason this morning one of my key bindings was changed. The special actions skills key was changed from - (dash) to N, N is probably the (new?) default for this key. - (dash) is now used for the Information Dialog (whatever that is). No idea why this change only happened now and not immediately after Aug 2th. Did the last bug fixes, Posted Thursday at 11:51 PM, do this and did I only noticed it after one day?

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