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Anniversary sale 2022 [Merged]

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1 hour ago, PancakeMix.9604 said:

All content WoW you can currently get for $15 a month, all expansions currently free, 50 character slots (each of which comes with the ability to have 450 item storage slots not including material storage). WoW doesn't charge for old expansions and neither has FF. And this is not even mentioning WoW gets more raid bosses and dungeons in a single expansion that GW has ever had over the entire 10 year period....

Is there no box cost for WoW at all? I honestly did not know that one could play the game without any cost beyond the sub fee. If so that is a nice touch.

Still, I have played GW2 for ten years. Just to play wow, just to be able to even log in at all, assuming that there was no box price at all, for as long as I have played GW2 would cost $1,800.00, ten times the cost, and then some, of GW2....and again, this is assuming that your assertion that you do not need to pay for the game at all for WoW. 

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$100 is a hard sell for a 10 year old game when other 10 year old games on steam go for $2.99, idk what were they thinking

back on topic, there hasn't been any announced sales so it's safe to assume we're not getting any. Here's a $25 mount skin for your 10 year "celebration", and a checklist quest with a bunch of run-of-the-mill boring armor skins we already have 5000 of in the game. Lame.

Edited by rune.9572
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15 minutes ago, rune.9572 said:

$100 is a hard sell for a 10 year old game when other 10 year old games on steam go for $2.99, idk what were they thinking

back on topic, there hasn't been any announced sales so it's safe to assume we're not getting any. Here's a $25 mount skin for your 10 year "celebration".

In the blog post they did announce sales through the end of August.  Some years the anniversary sales start with mostly cosmetics and hit the highly desired convenience items later, though that’s not always the case.

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32 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

In the blog post they did announce sales through the end of August.  Some years the anniversary sales start with mostly cosmetics and hit the highly desired convenience items later, though that’s not always the case.

It is end of August.

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33 minutes ago, rune.9572 said:

This forum will never surprise me with its ability to argue with simple things, like in this case a calendar.

Anyway, peace out.

If it was the other way around and an announcement said "you have until the end of the month to claim this offer" would you consider it reasonable to end the offer 6 days before the end of the calendar month, on the basis that the last week or so counts as the end of the month? Or would you expect it to run until the last day?

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I was hoping to return and buy Collections Ultimate on , mind you ANNIVERSARY, sale but there is no sale on any multi-sets!


This is not a good sign as it seems company is not looking forward to expand it's player base and want to grab as much money from players as they want, right NOW!


That can only mean future is not promising for the company...so I'll stay out from this game for that reason only.

Edited by Azure Galaxy.5380
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9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Is there no box cost for WoW at all? I honestly did not know that one could play the game without any cost beyond the sub fee. If so that is a nice touch.

Still, I have played GW2 for ten years. Just to play wow, just to be able to even log in at all, assuming that there was no box price at all, for as long as I have played GW2 would cost $1,800.00, ten times the cost, and then some, of GW2....and again, this is assuming that your assertion that you do not need to pay for the game at all for WoW. 

There is a box price of sorts. You can play for free up to level 20 then you need to subscribe. Subscription gets you all old content. When you hit the current expansion you need to upgrade into it and the current expansion has the box price of a new AAA game. Dragonflight is $50 at the cheapest.

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Honestly for Wow a lot of people don't spend subbed for the months they aren't playing so its more like paying for the months that were worth it. But I think ff14 raised It's trial to lvl 60 of 80. 30/80 in wow is literally only the first 4-8 hours of the game with chat disabled and the starter 60% speed mount.


It's not there to give you a major experience and you can't even talk to other players first unless they specifically have a third party addon to talk to other f2p players with same addon. Which is niche at best. 


That said, I think playing multiple games both lets you know what are strengths in one game and weaknesses in the other. Gw2 for instance has smooth to use instant mounts, but kinda choppy lag and horrible cpu/raid lag optimization where leaving players on lags or heats the game. While WoW you could have like 200 people in gear and nameplates at 120 fps and 0 heat or input lag but it'd hardly matter since wow has 1.6 sec gcds to gw2's 0.5 gcds. 


Gw2 shines on open worlds and hearts and metals attracting big swarms without kill 20 spider quests. But WoW for better or worse usually has those quests with big flashy +23000 exp flashes per turn in and has you stack 3-9 at once. So its more like kill 20 spiders, collect 15 guts, loot 12 field rations, throw 6 buckets of water to put out a fire, rescue and escort a npc, play a sudoku chest mini game to unlock it. Look for hidden chests for xp rewards, etc. All goes well until the 14/15th spider guts drops all 14 in the first 20 and the last leg never drops. 

I think all games have their perks and pros and cons, but it's up to someone if they want to spend 15$ for the months they play and lapse or 50-500$ on 5 to 9/9 or 50 character slots, 30$ unbreakable volatile tools, 5-50$ bag space per character, etc.

We could beat it to death.

But f2p 20 in f2p wow is a trial to make sure the game runs. 1-80 gw2 f2p is potentially a full game with chat but second class experience without mounts, only 2 bag slots. And not much ability to trade for the first 4 days. And you lose the mount after 10 hours which is a #feelsbad moment for f2ps as I listen in-game and on map chat. Maybe at least 2-4 weeks of use per year for the trial might be great and a 50% off pof sale or a 50$ eod + pof bundle for players on steam perhaps? 

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I came to love this game BECAUSE I play a lot of WoW, FFXIV, ESO and dabbled in New World until end game grind loomed over me.

I think FFXIV and GW2 make excellent partners, though. Both respect your time. FFXIV is an elegant, highly curated experience while GW2 is chaotic and the player is free to self direct. FFXIV has a lot of instanced content but barely any open world content, GW2 is tons of open world content and not as much instanced content. They kinda serve as palate cleansers for each other.

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2 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

FFXIV has a lot of instanced content but barely any open world content

This may be why I couldnt stick with it. The early game, leveling, experience in what seemed like a rudimentary at best open world was mindnumbingly boring. Friends kept tellimg that it would get better but Ive never felt as if a good game experience is an appropriate reward for a bad game experience. Maybe I will give it another shot though.

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There was one mentioned in the Anniversary announcement, but no dates set and still no news on it.  We're basically at the end of the month, the big Steam launch was a few days ago, and still....? nothing.  We usually always get an August sale, but it seems like thats not going to be a thing this year.  If it was, they would have said something by now right?

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On 8/25/2022 at 11:22 PM, PancakeMix.9604 said:

All content WoW you can currently get for $15 a month, all expansions currently free, 50 character slots (each of which comes with the ability to have 450 item storage slots not including material storage). WoW doesn't charge for old expansions and neither has FF. And this is not even mentioning WoW gets more raid bosses and dungeons in a single expansion that GW has ever had over the entire 10 year period....

I think you are missing a pretty important part of the equation here, which is that both FF14 and WoW have a monthly subscription. GW2 does not. FF14 and WoW can get away with waiving the price for old expansions because of it. You buy GW2 expansions because you do not have to pay $15+ a month (it is more for me as I am Canadian) forever to access the content. You really cannot compare these two business models because they are fundamentally different. 

I've been playing GW2 since 2012. $100 is an utter pittance lol. If it had a subscription I would have paid thousands of dollars for the game by now, so I'm personally okay with buying the expansions considering it's saved me a ton of money. Sucks that it's a larger cost upfront but I mean, I had to spend $60 to buy FF14 and then pay monthly sub on top of that. 

Edited by kettering.6823
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30 minutes ago, kettering.6823 said:

I think you are missing a pretty important part of the equation here, which is that both FF14 and WoW have a monthly subscription. GW2 does not. FF14 and WoW can get away with waiving the price for old expansions because of it. You buy GW2 expansions because you do not have to pay $15+ a month (it is more for me as I am Canadian) forever to access the content. You really cannot compare these two business models because they are fundamentally different. 

I've been playing GW2 since 2012. $100 is an utter pittance lol. If it had a subscription I would have paid thousands of dollars for the game by now, so I'm personally okay with buying the expansions considering it's saved me a ton of money. Sucks that it's a larger cost upfront but I mean, I had to spend $60 to buy FF14 and then pay monthly sub on top of that. 

in WoW you only have to pay the sub fee once then you can buy a monthly sub with in game gold though if you know how to get it or have friends in game to give you sub time for free. Also, you made the mistake of assuming other people know that 100 usd is a bargain (when its not) Remember to market to new people, they have no idea about gw2. You cannot assume they know its worth it. Especially as in some countries that 100 usd is more then they earn over months. $100 is not an utter pittance at all. 

What I found in Rift, the game was cheaper when it was a sub based game compared to when it went free with microtransactions. You don't "pay thousands" because sub. Besides, its already too late, we talking about it as if Anet could fix this marketing mistake. If they reduced the prices now, they would need to reimburse anyone whose already spent. 

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14 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:

Love that people pretend the B2P model is without negative effects and that the subscription fee isn't replaced with the cash shop.

People think it's cheap because they can spend almost nothing and get almost everything from gold to gems, while people with compulsive spending issues and the like pay for their cheaper experience. That's the hidden part they are either unaware of or don't want to think about.

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The sale could be a timing issue, they might be allowing the new people being introduced to the game via Steam time to settle into the game. As opposed to saying, "Welcome to the game. Oh yeah, you should have seen the sales we had last week.... you know... before you were able to join the game."

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On 8/26/2022 at 5:36 AM, rune.9572 said:

$100 is a hard sell for a 10 year old game when other 10 year old games on steam go for $2.99, idk what were they thinking

Huge difference between a game that's still ongoing that just released an expansion and games that no longer offer any new contents

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1 hour ago, Miragen.6127 said:

Love that people pretend the B2P model is without negative effects and that the subscription fee isn't replaced with the cash shop.

In GW2 the subscription fee is not replaced, for me.  There is pretty much nothing I want in the gem shop.  I buy the expansions in the most expensive option, because it is the only money I spend on this game.  They give me like 4,000 gems and it takes until the next expansion to spend them.  I rarely use the skins that I get for free, I certainly am not paying for any. Other than shared inventory slots, or the occasional bank tab, what would I buy?  

For me, this game has no fee.  😎

(I assume B2P is a pay to play or pay to win type thing? Mr Google failed me)

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14 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

In GW2 the subscription fee is not replaced, for me.  There is pretty much nothing I want in the gem shop.  I buy the expansions in the most expensive option, because it is the only money I spend on this game.  They give me like 4,000 gems and it takes until the next expansion to spend them.  I rarely use the skins that I get for free, I certainly am not paying for any. Other than shared inventory slots, or the occasional bank tab, what would I buy?  

For me, this game has no fee.  😎

(I assume B2P is a pay to play or pay to win type thing? Mr Google failed me)


I mean you already paid extra through the gems then and used those to purchase what you wanted it sounds like.

And B2P just as in Buy to Play opposed to Free to Play or Subscription based.


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