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August 23 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, that Iboga change is BAD.  It's also one of the few things that seemingly applies over all game modes, which is going to hurt a hell of a lot in competitive modes, because it's literally a straight nerf.  Or actually double nerf, as base damage is nerf, and also per condition.

And just a bizarre and cruel way to even consider addressing the problem.  So there are special cases where its multiplier gets "too big"... You limit the multiplier to address the special case, not just gut the base so it's way worse in every case.

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Once again: we have to see how those changes play out. And it's great that you at Anet recognize that there's issues and that you put out patches a LOT more frequently.

But from a Necro standpoint I am extremely disappointed. Will those changes raise power reaper to over 30k Benchmark? Yes. Will it be in 35-37k DPS range? We will see, but I don't think so.

-> so it will probably still only do as much dps as supporters do, but actually doesn't bring anything to the group because there were no boons added to core weapons!

Also some professions get insane aftercast reductions, reaper doesn't get even one, even if there are: axe auto attack, shroud auto attack, gravedigger (gs2), grasping darkness (gs5), dagger Autoattack.

I do absolutely not get it.

At this point I'm kinda hoping that we will get a rework for scourge, that heal-scourge gets viable in good endgame PvE groups, but at the same time, I hope that anet just doesn't do anything to it because over the last few patches, there wasn't really much done. I know that it has two strong builds, but those are both condition dmg builds (condiscourge, condi(quickness)harbinger) but it seems like little to nothing gets done for heal and power Necro. 

The only power Necro  change that we got was the death perception change, which should be a dmg increase, but at the same time left Necro with the "warrior problem", being: you now have to squeeze out 15% critchance of your gear, else you won't be critcapped, even worse in wvw you even have to squeeze out 20% because the increased critchance from fury didn't make it there.

Edited by Nimon.7840
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Feels too reactionary then a clear idea of what classes are and should be. Adjustments like this I think would work if a base plan existed first. There's too many broken or just plain useless traitlines out there still. Take a month and go over all these things first. Then start playing with these adjustments. 

Seems like some criticisms are getting thru finally which is good, but still not addressing major issues like the AA-Mechanist. 

Again I genuinely wonder does someone on the dev team have an issue with Mesmers? I don't play Mirage but they get nerfed while Mechanist doesn't? What? How does this make any sense in current game state? This is the area I'd magnify because if you can figure out why these sorts of weird changes are made you can stop frustrating your players needlessly.

Happy for the people who got buffs, I respect that effort is being made, appreciate the politeness by the staff member who made the post, happy to offer feedback & glad its wanted....

But all n all this seems like its going to further magnify how different a class feels in the various game modes & introduce more issues due to the lack of a bigger picture. 

Its gonna be really hard to fix what was broken in the June 28th balance because you all massively tipped the scales while never fixing the foundation. 

Short version:

Fix things from a fundamental perspective to move towards healthy balanced unique identity that encourage players to get good at their class because its fun. Anything else is just gonna be shifting problems around plugging holes while making new ones. 

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1 hour ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

Is this supposed to be the rework?

I'm assuming that this is all to compensate for the loss of Banners, Empower Allies, Assassin's Presence, Pinpoint Distribution, etc. and so on.  This patch is only a step in the right direction insomuch as they're trying to compensate for several wrong steps.

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I feel like those changes are fondamentally wrong. It's basically powercreeping what's fine and keeping in game the long standing issues. Ah... Well, I guess ranger at least have a list of changes that go in the right direction. I'll give the devs 1/9 on this patch note.

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I'm curious about how the warrior changes will shape up. Spellbreaker has a good power increase. Berserker changes are kind of all over the place. The condi weapons and skill get power increase, which doesn't help the condi build too much, but the Furious buff is a saving grace (though that talent relies on warrior aiming skills, and at some encounters is hard to manage). Power berserker will mostly enjoy the extra 5% during berserk mode. The greatsword buffs are minor compared to how much axes are used. Would still be interesting to see what the experts make of it and the other weapon changes though.

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On 8/11/2022 at 3:59 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Med Kit

  • Med Blaster: (PvE only) Healing power multiplier reduced from 0.2 to 0.1, matching PvP and WvW.

Elixir Gun

  • Super Elixir: (PvE only) Duration reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.


Don't get me wrong - the Support Mechanist nerfs were entirely well needed, but nerfing core is not the way to fix that.


As it stands, a nerf to the core coefficients is a nerf to Support Scrapper (which also uses medkit and elixir gun), and that was actually already underperforming in PvE. This change just makes Support Scrapper even worse, which is a bad change for a patch that was supposed to make more underpowered builds viable.


In terms of what to do to fix it - either make it so that these changes only take effect in PvE with the Mechanist traitline equipped, or nerf another aspect of the mechanist support (Reducing the improved regeneration healing from Exigency Protocols for example).


Overall, while this patch is a step in the right direction, I can't help but feel as if some of the changes are... restrained.

This patch is undeniably a buff to the DPS of builds like power Berserker, power Holo, power Reaper, etc: but it's not much of a buff. For most of these builds, the damage buff looks to be just enough to cancel out the damage nerf that every class got when banners and unique modifiers were removed. There also seem to be very few trait changes addressing systemic issues with how supports work (i.e. Tempest having to choose between massive healing and alac whereas other classes not making the choice), but that might be beyond the scope of this patch.

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7 hours ago, Mike.7983 said:

Disappointing Vindicator changes that will make little to no changes to it being literaly uninstall tier,  got to ask does arena net play there own game anymore?  Vindicator needs least 15-20% damage buff across the board, heal/elite looked at as they heal to low or elite spear is a joke as power build.  Selfish power dps sacrifices utility to do more dps but vind lacks damage or utility making it a troll pick atm.  Dodge jump being interupted often sucks to.  If your gonna keep rev permanently low tier then I ask that you finaly destroy firebrands meta for years and nerf mechs 30k auto down.  Mech's everywhere since super overtuned.

They buffed invocation tho and vindicator uses it aswell and i thiink the bench should be around 35-36k rn or probably more which means it would be at range where most meta power specs are, and about rifle afk mech, i think they are doing it one step at the time, cuz remember people were complaining about heal mech a lot and now they did nerf it, so the same will happen to the rifle afk mech build and my guess they gonna nerf it in a big balance patch which is in the folowing months after this one, and all they need to do is to put mech damage Into some active skills so they finally need to do and actual rotation, or if anet wont figure out how there is always more straight up dps nerfs as an option.

I think they still need to have a look at the devastation traits however because rn after all the nerfs there for example battle scars or ap its at rly bad spot and also i rly would need to see the new benchmarks to tell if vindicator needs some more buffs or is it at ok spot after these changes because rn people see gs small buffs and ignore that they did other buffs aswell indirectly

Edited by soul.9651
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A Warrior faces down their foe in pve, berserker geared to the teeth. Adrenaline rising the warrior leaps at their foe and crits it for a 25,000 critical Earthshaker.  The Warrior chuckles in gleeful bloodlust. One day the warrior finds themselves in World versus world ready to take upon a new challenge. Improved their gear and testing runes time and time again. A warrior notices a enemy player from a different server and starts to gain adrenaline with all the fury and anger they can muster they leap at their foe with their trusty earth shaker. The foe popped stability before it hit the warrior crits for 10 damage. Dumbfounded the warrior continues the onslaught against their foe until another earthshaker is ready. Carefully they make their enemy waste their stability and launch into the air with another earthshaker to crush the fool before them. The hammer stuns their foe, this time it crits for 20 damage as the hammer nearly falls out of the warriors hands from the force behind the hammer. The warrior then realizes all the work they did and everything they had ever done learning the ways of the fabled earthshaker warriors of old had told them about. Their dreams of the fights ,the glory, turned to broken dreams as they look upon their hammer that was once a deadly weapon. Now it became unrecognizable, what once was a hammer looked like a skritt that had fell into a stream. The deldrimor ingots now turned to mush. Reluctantly the warrior left the mists, the glory of the battle was not what they hoped for,carrying their hammer with their pride. They returned to pve, to feel the power they dreamed of against unmoving opponents, the challenge of world versus world and the tales of glory caused their own downfall. As the warriors before them lived in the days when hammers meant the dawn of a new age. Now hammers in world versus world for the once mighty warrior finds it's place on a undusted mantle. Waiting patiently to be swung upon the field of battle and make it's presence known. Then the mighty warrior finds a mace which then with a eager grin return to world versus world just to leave once more again.

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Why nerfing Mirage Anet? Its so unjustified! Mirage is actually doing ok in PvE, so why not let it be as it is? Staff Mirage is already a stressful build since you need to keep up Might at any cost, so your condi DPS stays effective. This patch will just make this build so much more tedious to play. Nerfing our Staff ambush and axe doesnt justify the CD reductions that you made on staff skills 3+4.

This isnt a small nerf for mirage, this is a massive nerf which will make Mirage even worse as a espec. If you truly want our feedback for each patch preview post, then let our feedback count for something. Because releasing this patch as it is right now, will not improve my trust in you as a gaming corp. You have to be able to cancel parts of a patch if you see that your playerbase is strongly against the changes you want to make?

Your patch preview posts just becomes superficial when you never actually listen to our feedbacks and aren't willing to change parts of a patch before releasing it.

Here comes even more feedback regarding the Mirage changes. Players are strongly against these changes, please reconsider and dont nerf Mirage:


Edited by AshkyLicious.4729
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Huge nerf to venoms. The changes to weapons don't nearly compensate for that.

Edit: should also point out that specters don't rely on autos that much. It's mostly scepter 3, then swap back into shroud while initiative regenerates. So specter is actually getting a huge nerf here. The Scepter 3 dual skills need a significant buff to offset the venoms nerf.

Edited by Fizz.9384
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I like that you are going to increase the value of other supports, but binding Druids Stability to Celestial Avatar, or decreasing the duration of the 1 Stack Stability that Mechanist has, not sure about that one.
Especially, Guardian / Firebrand has a lot of Stability, I would maybe add either a higher duration or more Stacks to Druid, Tempest and Mechanist. Because on some Encounter, you need a few Stacks of Stability during X amount of time, so all other supports still don't stand a chance against having a Guardian in the group. 

Scrapper also provides 3 Stacks Stability for 11 1/2 seconds. I would wish for all other classes it would be the same, so not one Stack for 5-6 Seconds, but more like that. It would improve the Stability uptime and need, so there doesn't have to be a Guardian on such Encounter. 
A good example for Guardian Aegis / Stability would be Deimos CM. You need Aegis there to block it (or any skill that blocks) and for the "Pizza"-Mechanic, you would either dodge or use Stability. So you want to bring at least two Firebrands that can take "Stand your Ground" and "Advance" for each Subgroup. 

Improve Stability stacks & duration on Druid, Tempest, Mechanist, maybe also give them more Aegis for some Encounter (for swapping a skill), aaand maybe don't put Stability on Druid's Avatar Form, because now for Stability you need to go into the Avatar Form just get keep that Stability

Otherwise, I like the higher DPS changes for some (core-) classes / weapons.
And good job for writing it 10 days before :) 

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I do think these are some excellent patch notes - especially from an Ele perspective so there's nothing but respect from me here. 
That being said I do feel as if this patch doesn't quite fix some of the major issues Elementalist has as a profession. Namely, I find it strange that still to this day, elemental attunements are focused on specifically one type of function. This seems to be part of the core philosophy that the elementalist needs to cycle through different attunements unlike in GW2 where elementalists usually specialised. This is at odds then with builds that are of a specific function such as DPS where attuning to Water in most cases represents a sizeable DPS loss (and removes a class fantasy where a water elementalist is just as equally capable of damaging foes as fire elementalists but I digress).  Or consider Heal Support builds which currently only Tempest contains viable endgame builds where there is a natural pressure to stay within Water attunement to benefit from sustained healing yet Elementalists are punished for camping the Water attunement. 


I think each attunement should have clear DPS and support skills in each of the attunements if the philosophy of Elementalists being forced to switch between all the attunements is to stay. Or there needs to be a fundamental change in the trait lines (which all mostly provide their benefits only within respective attunements) to allow for for universally enjoyable play around attunement swapping or camping. 


I just want me kitten water mage using Mirror of Ice, Shatterstone, Glowing Ice and Mind Freeze. So many fond memories of being a specialised Elementalist!

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I haved played the game for soon 7 years. And found some favorites classes and elite spec. But the rescent updates have got me dissopotied. I got 4 faovorite classes and their elite spec. Sadly this the rescent time it just 2 build and 1 class feel statifying to play.

If you don´t play mec, spector or harbringer you havent mutch choose for raidsbuilds  atm. just a handfull of elit spec and build to choose from.


You have realsed 27 elite spec over the years och just a few of theam are viable to play, in end game modes like raids and fractals. 
i hope and i will see at least every elite spec got one damage build and one support build minum and some spec got more opportunity like the mec spec.

Today my ónly build i like to play are mesmer build condi virtu.  Then i really like, rengegade, ranger och guardain and thier elit specs are now adays really medicore to play. 

Hopefully i will see a more wide opporinty in builds for the other spec in this balance pathes.        

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While I welcome the changes on the whole, I would still like to note a few things that I would have liked to see added.


Improved quickness access through Draconic Echo that doesn't act against the herad's playstyle by using upkeep skills, but harmonizes with it.


I would like to see an adjustment of the +Healing effect of Saint of to Heltzer that matches the + Dmg effect of Forerunner of Death, so at least 10s if not 15s duration.


I would very much like to see the Frost Spirit allowed to pulse at least 2 Might stacks.
I like the idea of giving the Druid Stability via Glyph of Equality, but why only in Avatar mode? =(
Is ist possible to increase Alacrity duration in natures vengance from 4s to 5s? 😛


Deathblossom - While I like the idea of increasing condition damage, I think the implementation is lacking. My recommendation would be to dercrease the bleed duration from 10s to 8s, but increase the bleeding stacks per attack from 1 to 2. This would have basically +- the same effect as an increase to 1 stack with 15s and be more reliable for shorter fights.

Some kind of cleave to the scepter skills, especially the AA would be very helpful to have the possibility to deal damage a bit better in enemy groups as well.

Edited by Kydar Schattendolch.6879
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Mantra of Liberation: Ammunition reduced from 3 to 2 in PvE and WvW. Recharge increased from 25 seconds to 45 seconds.

This is an awful idea, especially for wvw. This would restrict FB's further regarding sustainability and stability. Either for group fights or roaming. 

I am not sure who came up with this idea or what they are basing it on exactly. But this is going to be counter productive and should reconsider this change to MoL. Might get away with it in PvE, but WvW it will be bad. Not every guardian player relies on "renewed focus."

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11 hours ago, Vova.2640 said:

Hey Anet, what about other game modes?? I get that you only care about PVE... but come on.............

well, think that were in a wvw reatructuring beta right now, i hope getting no changes in wvw is because they want to see how it goes before doing anything, also.... pve needed those changes a lot and i prefer less changes well directed, than a lot of changes over all the game modes and then activating apocalipsis mode.

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Absolutely needed and in my eyes, well done patch 🙂

I can feel the people that would like to have a neat patch for pvp/wvw too, so hope they'll get one soon.

All in all, i really like this one since it enables some "dead" classes in pve content again, making them competitive.

Really nice imho.



Edited by theCypher.9406
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