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Regarding the August 23 balance preview....power creep is not good .


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If you're going to make almost everyone hit harder across the board, you should also buff enemies to maintain dare I say....balance. these sweeping power creep updates are making the game more and more dull to play. 99.9% of content is too easy already. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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Hundreds of nerf patches over the years and many of them are very high handed ones, I am talking about like 70% to 80% kind of nerfs. One buff patch and you cried power creep 🙄 Dull for you maybe but not the rest of the 99.9999%.

Equip yourself with lvl10 gears and weapons. There's your challenge.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
No worries though. Whatever little buffs you get, they will be nerfed back down in the follow-up patches. History tells.
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1 minute ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Hundreds of nerf patches over the years and many of them are very high handed ones, I am talking about like 70% to 80% kind of nerfs. One buff patch and you cried power creep 🙄 Dull for you maybe but not the rest of the 99.9999%.

Equip yourself with lvl10 gears and weapons. There's your challenge.

if you dont think powercreep is real then you are either new or just not payint attention. 

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If the majority don't care about dps addons , then they wont notice any major difference  😛

(normaly i would say that people can indentify skills that do more dps , like in pvp , thus this balance patch is helping them , rather be forced to memorize a rotation (which a rotation works only in stay-still bosses) , but i would wasting my time trying to persuade old people that play raids like they where taught 20 years ago)


In CM strike we reblancin it with more HP.

People love big numbers + tight timers (why not make the fight RNG like soo won old gg ? Poeple loved that fight:P)


Now that the PvE balanced is almost finilized , lets move to thing that matter like PvP +WvW , rather than silly addons !



Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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The balance changes were done to help underperforming weapons aka previous 'traps', while GW2 has a high skill ceiling. Outside of mechanists autoattacking to 28k and pressing 4 lit buttons on cd to 35k for 1200 range self regeneration + teleportation signet + barriers + self might + pet immunity to cc, etc.

Most of the intended changes with this patch was to buff the underperforming specs as Mechanists were often taking 7-9 spots of 10 in raids while being stacked, providing most boons, as well as other alacity options struggling to output just spec situational 50-100% alacity while the mechanists also did 25 stacks of might + fury + 100% alacity uptime. 

The patch's main buffs were to buff underperforming specs or classes who can often have a 2% benchmark edge on paper, often eaten up by the requirements to hit the "pianist snowcrow rotations anyone should hit", often involve stuff like say. memorized 34 part step rotations repeating every 20 seconds, with a memorized 14 part opener with 75 -> 0 energy management while having to periodically cancel and enable a dynamic rotation to deal with energy consumption and 14-20 sec alacity cast loops or not, while also needing to stutter mallyx pulses 1 s apart to trigger torment but not eat, while other classes also had autoattack chain series they had to take series to not interupt, Etc. While another class could argue they could both do the same dps.

Their rotation order was just pressing 4 buttons that lit up in order, or whenever they felt like it while passively regenerating as much hp as half a healer while barriering and not needing to move with the usual mechanics melee was assumed to move towards (like switching adds, vs tab 1200 range targeting), or moving (teleportation signet), or having health while afking be a dangerous concern (melee cleave) vs self regen signets and a 40k hp tank, etc. 

The patch is mostly buffs to the underperforming weapons or specs on classes that could lose 10-40% of their dps on practice vs paper to dots clipping, rotation and movement loss, 1 part in a 34 part rotation losing the 2% dps edge to -3% or being taxed 10-40% of your dps on misperformed rotation / mallyx pulses, etc. And some of the buffed weapons seemed previously terrible dps even if fun before tbh.

It's not a buff to the overperforming, it's a buff to the underperforming specs to help class diversity when people announced, "Don't nerf mech, make every class better to compete with them so everyone can eventually afk raid content too. I want to afk raid content and make the game simpler. Who wants to play a pianist and get carpal tunnel for the same (Or often 98% effectively less Average joe) rewards?" 

Edited by Sunchaser.9854
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I mean in pve who cares. But it is kind of funny that their balance patches are always just damage coefficients and slapping boons onto everything. 

It's just going to keep snowballing until eventually everything presses 1 button and has all boons instead of just necro.

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20 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

I mean in pve who cares. But it is kind of funny that their balance patches are always just damage coefficients and slapping boons onto everything. 

It's just going to keep snowballing until eventually everything presses 1 button and has all boons instead of just necro.

Exactly! It's super lazy. Old school anet was so much better at this. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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The choices people in the professions wanted was either nerf mech, or raise underperforming all other classes to be the level of the afk one.


They opted to raise other classes underperforming weapons like 5-10%, but they're the sucky ones. What's wrong with that? They were the specs that were underperforming, the core weapons that were 2-8k noob traps, the downstate rotation eles, the pure dps that couldn't find spots or found themselves often 10-40% mobility taxed in raids in practice the mechanists were eating burritos and outdpsing to the top spot of 98% of pug raids for eating a burrito with like only 1 person per 10x 10 man groups doing like over 30k non mech dps and the other 99/100 being like anywhere from 2-12k chunkers or 10k-17k decents. With a few odd sprinkling of whatever the crap the "Boons? no. I dps" 0.5k-2k dps people were doing. 


Sure, snowcrows will probably make the benches even higher, but 98% of joe Schmoes, them doing 6-10% more dps than 2k is still 10% of a mech's afk rotation dps. Who cares if mister random build assembled from random green or yellow garbage goes from 2k dps to +6% up to 2.1k dps in his randomly assembled healing gear without power for a power warrior? Or if someone is using a healing spec as a dps class with the wrong talents or a pvp build or core build in pve. most of the specs that were buffed were underperforming weapons or classes that could often lose 10-40% of dps in practice just from 98% of pugs only doing 10-50% of the dps the snowcrow bench was supposed to be in practice despite well.. literally being like 1-5 year vets or 5 year players of their class who played 5 years but never installed arc, or just did open world content etc. People kinda have to realize the snowcrow 40k benches are the top 0.1% and over 30k is like top 2% for most players. The damage a mechanist achieves by autoattacking was tuned to above 98% of players and a 4 button rotation of pressing things off cd to get to 35k while being 1200 ranged with teleportation and self heal signets and barriers and self quickness/might often allowed them to routinely top 90% of pug charts while admitting they ate a burrito to 30k and pressed lit buttons and the elementalist who slammed 20-40 buttons and died for tunnel visioning their rotation on some Bonegnasher to 18k-24k died. Or the person who spent 5 years playing gw2 and still did 4k dps on their warrior.

Most people are way under the average, ESPECIALLY if they don't have arc to see their dps than most people take for granted. The reason engi was kinda complained about was with arc you could see it outperforming 98% of players for 2% of effort kinda like a legal aimbot or tas program levels of performance. it was like trying to expect the average pug to compete with a 1200 range aimbot while even interactions of auto attack chains losing the 2% edge of snowcrow dps, a 34 part rotation order to minimalize 75 to 0 per 10 second energy loss with weapon swaps every 10 that had to be adjusted dynamically to stuns messing up energy flows the jade mech was immune to, etc.

Or just players in general telling like eles and non Firebrand guardians and willbenders and dragon hunters to quit and change spec if they didn't provide alacity or 15k pug Ele players to quit playing their class to be siege tank taxis for the new player boosted 30k mechanists who were jumping off cliffs in droves to be babysat and taxied.

The level of skill requirement to autoattack a mechanist to the level of damage only 2% were reaching while it still had a 37k snowcrows bench, with the classes above it warning of high apm or "situational build, relies on a cd resetting talent to provide alacity and can be entirely nullified against bosses with stability" were things. 


Tl;dr: The patch just buffed underperforming specs /abilities instead of nerfing mechanist. Players in the fourms were mainly going for 2 options. 1: Nerf mechanist or 2: Buff underperforming specs to be closer to it's level. People adamantly insisted on not nerfing mechanist. So they buffed underperforming specs. It's not power creep if they buffed the classes people thought 98% were to weak to be used.. A +20% mech buff on the other hand. 

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3 hours ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

The balance changes were done to help underperforming weapons aka previous 'traps', while GW2 has a high skill ceiling. Outside of mechanists autoattacking to 28k and pressing 4 lit buttons on cd to 35k for 1200 range self regeneration + teleportation signet + barriers + self might + pet immunity to cc, etc.

Most of the intended changes with this patch was to buff the underperforming specs as Mechanists were often taking 7-9 spots of 10 in raids while being stacked, providing most boons, as well as other alacity options struggling to output just spec situational 50-100% alacity while the mechanists also did 25 stacks of might + fury + 100% alacity uptime. 

The patch's main buffs were to buff underperforming specs or classes who can often have a 2% benchmark edge on paper, often eaten up by the requirements to hit the "pianist snowcrow rotations anyone should hit", often involve stuff like say. memorized 34 part step rotations repeating every 20 seconds, with a memorized 14 part opener with 75 -> 0 energy management while having to periodically cancel and enable a dynamic rotation to deal with energy consumption and 14-20 sec alacity cast loops or not, while also needing to stutter mallyx pulses 1 s apart to trigger torment but not eat, while other classes also had autoattack chain series they had to take series to not interupt, Etc. While another class could argue they could both do the same dps.

Their rotation order was just pressing 4 buttons that lit up in order, or whenever they felt like it while passively regenerating as much hp as half a healer while barriering and not needing to move with the usual mechanics melee was assumed to move towards (like switching adds, vs tab 1200 range targeting), or moving (teleportation signet), or having health while afking be a dangerous concern (melee cleave) vs self regen signets and a 40k hp tank, etc. 

The patch is mostly buffs to the underperforming weapons or specs on classes that could lose 10-40% of their dps on practice vs paper to dots clipping, rotation and movement loss, 1 part in a 34 part rotation losing the 2% dps edge to -3% or being taxed 10-40% of your dps on misperformed rotation / mallyx pulses, etc. And some of the buffed weapons seemed previously terrible dps even if fun before tbh.

It's not a buff to the overperforming, it's a buff to the underperforming specs to help class diversity when people announced, "Don't nerf mech, make every class better to compete with them so everyone can eventually afk raid content too. I want to afk raid content and make the game simpler. Who wants to play a pianist and get carpal tunnel for the same (Or often 98% effectively less Average joe) rewards?" 

This is was one of the most intelligent/useful post I’ve seen. 

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8 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Exactly! It's super lazy. Old school anet was so much better at this. 

Old school Anet was all about "we feel guardian is in a good place, so no changes to it this patch", "necro is a selfish profession, so won't get any boon capability" "necro has shroud, so can't do good damage", "ranger has a pet, so its weapons must be weaker by 20% on average compared to other classes, but we won't buff pets to be actually useful, because that would be OP" "you say weapon X is so bad noone is using it anymore, and averyone feels forced to use weapon Y. We heard you, and so this patch we will nerf weapon Y into the ground", and "oh, that build is actually used by players in harder content, so we decided to nerf it".

Did you mean this kind of old school Anet?

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if you all just talking about dps numbers: NONE OF THAT WILL EVER MATTER. it's a design issue. Not a numbers issue. If a weaver would do 50Dps nobody would take it anyway because it does not provide utility. just to name an example.

And the only way FB and mech get some competition its fundamentally change them in ways that doesn't make them "boons/heal/any support by merely existing" machines.
and just for the record, heal tempest even with only 5 man does MORE flat out healing then FB, but FB is taken because it does EVERYTHING ELSE as well

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13 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

99.9% of content is too easy

Given your post history, seems the 0.1% thats too hard is opening your eyes and realising its time to quit because you're far off the target audience.

And I don't mean this as a burn, but as an advice. Move on my man

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It's already sad enough that most mechanics in boss encounters or metas get skipped or missed entirely due to the power creep. Interesting mechanics and whatnot will rarely be seen. There's no risk. I ran Chak Gerant the other day for the first time in ages and I was astounded that he never even got to the second phase just a one burn and done for every lane.

I know the majority prefer this mindless farm of every event but does it really not bother people or even the developers that a big chunk of their content is just going unseen because everything is far too easy now? I know people will say well just do fractals, strikes, raids etc. But that misses the point. These events are designed around these things happening else why even code them in? They used to happen and nobody complained then about the events having risk.

For me it felt nice to have a small risk as the effort felt more community based and everyone working together. Like how Soo Won can be failed so everyone works together and helps each other to do their best. That's how most meta events should be, and were when they came out. Yes the other side of the coin can happen but rarely where you get some toxic people reeing at everyone for failing. But generally most people are civil and happy to have been given a chance.





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I did skip to thief and warrior rifle so i may be wrong. All these changes are painfully instanced content focused.

Deatheye buff seems strong, but Premeditation only gets its full effect in a stacked group.
Daredevil are only damage modifier and increased defiance damage.
Venom nerf is uninspired and a needless nerf to OW. Increasing or keeping venom stack and adding the effect "share halve of that with up to 5 people" would have been a better solution for a skill who only overperformance in group play.

Core Thief weapons skill got only looked at if they part of a Rotation, besides dancing dagger. The trend in last year of patches seems to be: If it doesn't gets mention in snowcrow it might as well not exist. The chances are not bad per se, but I don't like the direction of building Professions around Strikes/Raids/fractals.

Also WTF is up with Warrior rifle. Minor damage increase and 1 group might on Auto????

Core weapons needed an update so i'm not to mad. It would have been nice if it would have been a general update and not a Golems number balancing patch.


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20 minutes ago, Shinjiko.1352 said:

It's already sad enough that most mechanics in boss encounters or metas get skipped or missed entirely due to the power creep. Interesting mechanics and whatnot will rarely be seen. There's no risk. I ran Chak Gerant the other day for the first time in ages and I was astounded that he never even got to the second phase just a one burn and done for every lane.

I know the majority prefer this mindless farm of every event but does it really not bother people or even the developers that a big chunk of their content is just going unseen because everything is far too easy now? I know people will say well just do fractals, strikes, raids etc. But that misses the point. These events are designed around these things happening else why even code them in? They used to happen and nobody complained then about the events having risk.

For me it felt nice to have a small risk as the effort felt more community based and everyone working together. Like how Soo Won can be failed so everyone works together and helps each other to do their best. That's how most meta events should be, and were when they came out. Yes the other side of the coin can happen but rarely where you get some toxic people reeing at everyone for failing. But generally most people are civil and happy to have been given a chance.





Aren't people already in raids , stacking the best dps classes to reduce time spent/mechanics from the fights ?


In the other hand i hope , they won't repeat the same mistakes (Soo Won - huge HP pool) and instead promote Trainning Raids Guilds + Discord Raids channels, as an alternative form of LFG (sigh...)

Edited by Luci.7018
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1 hour ago, Taclism.2406 said:

Given your post history, seems the 0.1% thats too hard is opening your eyes and realising its time to quit because you're far off the target audience.

And I don't mean this as a burn, but as an advice. Move on my man

Let me ask, what is wrong with also tuning content to meet the power creep of the professions? If the goal is balance then what is the problem with also tuning content to balance? This is a PvE balance update and all it does is make professions across the board perform better from a mathematical standpoint, while the content (specifically raid/fractal/openworld encounters) remains stagnant. At the very least the HP pools of encounters should go up with the expected additional damage output that this update will bring. This sort of balance is also important. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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With the exception of the extreme top few percent most hardcore content, you don't actually tune in the content to the theoretical capabilities of classes. You tune that content around the players that will be doing it. 

So, if you "tune the content" up to "meet the power creep of professions" that say, 5% of the player population doing that content is running, you actually also be tuning that content away from the remaining 95% of the players there.

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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

With the exception of the extreme top few percent most hardcore content, you don't actually tune in the content to the theoretical capabilities of classes. You tune that content around the players that will be doing it. 

So, if you "tune the content" up to "meet the power creep of professions" that say, 5% of the player population doing that content is running, you actually also be tuning that content away from the remaining 95% of the players there.

That makes zero sense. 

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