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Decade of the Dragons achievement


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@OP, it's just a cosmetic, and there are a great many more to choose from. I likewise don't do all the game has to offer, so therefore I likely won't ever get some of the cosmetics. But that's okay, because there are way too many choices already. It's not worth stressing over it.

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I've never done any PvP or WvW nor have I ever really had any interest in them. But I wanted my cape, so I went and wandered around WvW for a bit, and I did my unranked matches (and won half of them with a squishy open world DPS build!), and enjoyed my time doing so.


The point of the collection is to give you a light tour through the different types of content the game has offered over the years, and get you to try out play modes you might not have tried before. And for me, it worked, and I got my cape. And until now it didn't even require me to post on a forum about it 🤷🏼‍♂️

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6 hours ago, Stadsport.8714 said:

I've never done any PvP or WvW nor have I ever really had any interest in them. But I wanted my cape, so I went and wandered around WvW for a bit, and I did my unranked matches (and won half of them with a squishy open world DPS build!), and enjoyed my time doing so.


The point of the collection is to give you a light tour through the different types of content the game has offered over the years, and get you to try out play modes you might not have tried before. And for me, it worked, and I got my cape. And until now it didn't even require me to post on a forum about it 🤷🏼‍♂️

You see, that's the issue. It is a decade commemoration achievement set, not a "new player tour" one. You may not have seen SpvP before, but for me it's not the first (or second) such a "SPvP introduction tour" case. So, unlike you, i am not a new player, and, like most veterans, have been through such tours and done SPvP before. More than once. As such, i already know all too well that for me it's not only not fun, but something i actively and strongly dislike. Expecting me to change my mind about it eventually by constantly pushing at me another of the "just try it one more time, this time you wil surely like it" events is not just naive. It's highly disrespectful.

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12 hours ago, Shazzyz.8721 said:

I am a new player, and had never played PvP before. Did my 10 matches easily and had fun. You don't even need to do well or anything if you hate it that much just don't do it...

The problem is, if you stuck around, you'd find out why most of us hate pvp in gw2. You are low ranked, if you did ranked, or you got lucky in unranked. Most matches are 4-3v5, most matches are 500-0, wins and losses. The game forces a 50% win rate if you played long enough and always got wins, it will try to force you into matches that are meant to be losses. The balance is really, really bad as well. Win trading is the main way people break the system. 

I usually do one a day just to get the daily done, but as I am not new, I don't get to experience pvp being "fun". Being forced to do it as part of "celebrating ten years" is such a bad idea. 

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25 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You see, that's the issue. It is a decade commemoration achievement set, not a "new player tour" one. You may not have seen SpvP before, but for me it's not the first (or second) such a "SPvP introduction tour" case. So, unlike you, i am not a new player, and, like most veterans, have been through such tours and done SPvP before. More than once. As such, i already know all too well that for me it's not only not fun, but something i actively and strongly dislike. Expecting me to change my mind about it eventually by constantly pushing at me another of the "just try it one more time, this time you wil surely like it" events is not just naive. It's highly disrespectful.

My main is 8 years old. I just haven't done PvP in the past. Thanks for condescendingly trying to assume you had a high horse for playing longer, though.


Also, it can be unranked. You don't even have to win. Plus, if you read my post, I hypothesized that part of the design goal was likely to introduce people to game modes they may not have tried. The other part was likely to tour the types of content the game provides for new players and veterans alike. It's a victory lap.


It's a game mode, they're not asking you to slap your grandmother. All this drama about how it's "disrespectful" to ask you to complete a few challenges for an OPTIONAL achievement. You could have already had your cape. 


Edited by Stadsport.8714
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You see, that's the issue. It is a decade commemoration achievement set, not a "new player tour" one. You may not have seen SpvP before, but for me it's not the first (or second) such a "SPvP introduction tour" case. So, unlike you, i am not a new player, and, like most veterans, have been through such tours and done SPvP before. More than once. As such, i already know all too well that for me it's not only not fun, but something i actively and strongly dislike. Expecting me to change my mind about it eventually by constantly pushing at me another of the "just try it one more time, this time you wil surely like it" events is not just naive. It's highly disrespectful.

It’s a decade commemoration achievement so it should involve all three game modes. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Very simple.
Highly disrespectful? Wow so much drama. 

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Anet wants to encourage all players to delve into all sorts of different content of flexibility with this achievement path. I think it's pretty fair what it asks for, considering most of the requirements are PvE oriented.


I feel like there's this area of belief which players think they require a huge array of knowledge to do PvP content. You don't. The game is very much so filled with plenty of players that will guide you and help you if you are willing to listen, so why not ask?


And the best part, is that it requires you to COMPLETE games, not win them. There is no negative reinforcement other than maybe seeing "Your team lost", but you still get credit for the achievement.


It's ok to lose. This is a game, we are all having fun. You can too.


And who knows, maybe you'll actually enjoy the content which you so dread. However if not, that's ok too.





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9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You see, that's the issue. It is a decade commemoration achievement set, not a "new player tour" one.

Not a problem since the point of decade commemoration achievements is "looking back at what it was/is", not "keep repeating same world boss for additional rewards".

If you want an example of "new player tour" achievements, look at the recently swapped in tutorial ones.

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You may not have seen SpvP before, but for me it's not the first (or second) such a "SPvP introduction tour" case. So, unlike you, i am not a new player, and, like most veterans, have been through such tours and done SPvP before. More than once. As such, i already know all too well that for me it's not only not fun, but something i actively and strongly dislike. Expecting me to change my mind about it eventually by constantly pushing at me another of the "just try it one more time, this time you wil surely like it" events is not just naive. It's highly disrespectful.

You don't need that push, cool. Many people clearly do, literally just to try it out. If you're a long time player knowing what spvp is then you know participating in 10 matches isn't a problem. No need to rush it all at once either. Nothing "disrespectful" about giving cosmetic rewards for playing slightly broader content of the game, huh.

Edited by Sobx.1758
play -> player
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6 hours ago, GreyFox.8046 said:

Anet wants to encourage all players to delve into all sorts of different content of flexibility with this achievement path.

Which, honestly, is a very bad thing to do. its never ever worked in gw2. Never once. It only costs the game players. Why do we want less people playing gw2? Explain that one, explain why you want players to quit the game forever cause they are forced to play content they don't want to. 

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7 hours ago, GreyFox.8046 said:

Anet wants to encourage all players to delve into all sorts of different content of flexibility with this achievement path. I think it's pretty fair what it asks for, considering most of the requirements are PvE oriented.


I feel like there's this area of belief which players think they require a huge array of knowledge to do PvP content. You don't. The game is very much so filled with plenty of players that will guide you and help you if you are willing to listen, so why not ask?


And the best part, is that it requires you to COMPLETE games, not win them. There is no negative reinforcement other than maybe seeing "Your team lost", but you still get credit for the achievement.


It's ok to lose. This is a game, we are all having fun. You can too.


And who knows, maybe you'll actually enjoy the content which you so dread. However if not, that's ok too.






No, you just have to hate yourself to play the game mode.


Literally every MOBA pvp game out there understands basic concepts like: range characters shouldn't be super mobile and able to keep melee at distance.They should be vulnerable.


Does Guild Wars 2 understand this? Of course not. Since weapons aren't bound to your skills you can run around with swiftness, you can blink 500000 feet away from a melee character, you can cripple them. Oh and if that's not enough invisibility, block, invulnerability, blinds and many other fun little parts to the game.


This game is poorly designed and does not create a fun pvp experience. Almost every pvp interaction in this game is going to come out unsatisfying for one of the players involved.


And for the new players that's usually going to be them. And from there it gets worse. Lets say that new player gets the upper-hand. Mr experienced just runs away. Another unfun experience. The new player did something right and they're not having fun. Amazing system. Just 10/10 game design. And pvpers wonder why their modes are dying, lmao.


Players voted with their feet. They voted again with their feet after this stupid achievement. Nobody stuck around for the awful experience that is pvp. The problem isn't willingness to learn. The problem is the pvp system is bad. It's REALLY bad. 


It's complex. It's frustrating to learn. And it's not even well put together once you learn it. It's all about pressing the correct skill rotations.


It's a horrible, horrible system. It works for casual PvE and with scaling you can make it sort-of work in fractals, strikes and raids. But it has never and will never work in PvP which is why the queue is literally always dead. I mean they launched it by having that DJ starcraft guy announce games. Everyone quit anyways and went back to League of Legends. The system is bad. This isn't the fault of new players. This isn't the fault of the balance team at Arena Net.


The core systems of this game suck for PvP. They create unfun experiences. Sure, I'll get those stupid confused emotes next to my post by a bunch of people upset their scene is dying and they can't press their rotation as easily as before. Those people if they were any good would be playing a MOBA and showing us how good they are instead of sitting on here complaining that PVE players might not want to spend 1-3 hours doing pvp content for what is supposed to be a 10 year anniversary celebration and reward.

Edited by Leger.3724
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30 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Which, honestly, is a very bad thing to do. its never ever worked in gw2. Never once. It only costs the game players. Why do we want less people playing gw2? Explain that one, explain why you want players to quit the game forever cause they are forced to play content they don't want to. 

I started pvping when they added the legendary amulet. Just because it did not work for you doesn't mean it didn't work for someone. 

There also a old video with pvp devs at a conference showing the pvp population with hardcore and "lean" players, and their population did spike after they did reward updates. 

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7 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I started pvping when they added the legendary amulet. Just because it did not work for you doesn't mean it didn't work for someone. 

There also a old video with pvp devs at a conference showing the pvp population with hardcore and "lean" players, and their population did spike after they did reward updates. 


Yes, when you gate a reward behind something, people will do that mode to get the reward and then leave.

I played my 10 matches. I haven't played since. Before that my last games were in 2014.

I played League of Legends for years. I peaked in Diamond 3. I tried GW2. It's an awful system. After the expansion packs, it's worse and not better. I'm not interested.

Arena Net needs to ask themselves: is pissing off your largest group of players by forcing them into content they do not want to feed a tiny group of players worth it? The obvious answer is no.

Edited by Leger.3724
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4 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:


Yes, when you gate a reward behind something, people will do that mode to get the reward and then leave.

I played my 10 matches. I haven't played since. Before that my last games were in 2014.

I played League of Legends for years. I peaked in Diamond 3. I tried GW2. It's an awful system. After the expansion packs, it's worse and not better. I'm not interested.

Arena Net needs to ask themselves: is pissing off your largest group of players by forcing them into content they do not want to feed a tiny group of players worth it? The obvious answer is no.

Obviously it is yes since there is only a tiny minority of that largest group that even have a problem with doing 10 matches.

Even you did it but then must complain anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Arena Net needs to ask themselves: does pissing off your largest group of players by forcing them into content they do not want to feed a tiny group of players worth it? The obvious answer is no.

Did they really kitten of their largest group or just some forum regulars who cry and complain about everything? Not every PvE player is so narrow minded and limits himself like some here seem to suggest. 
Playing the ten games is really not a big deal and you are not forced to do it, it’s just one skin. 

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

Did they really kitten of their largest group or just some forum regulars who cry and complain about everything? Not every PvE player is so narrow minded and limits himself like some here seem to suggest. 
Playing the ten games is really not a big deal and you are not forced to do it, it’s just one skin. 


Forum regular? You have 1.7K posts. So you're right in a sense. They should stop listening to the people on the forums. People like you, not me.


1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

Obviously it is yes since there is only a tiny minority of that largest group that even have a problem with doing 10 matches.

Even you did it but then must complain anyway.


Yeah well it's about time there's some dissent on here so they can understand how people who don't have 10.4K posts on this forum feel. I've played since beta. I played Guild Wars 1 (mostly PvP btw) since it launched in 2005.



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3 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:


Forum regular? You have 1.7K posts. So you're right in a sense. They should stop listening to the people on the forums. People like you, not me.


Yeah they should really listen to your crying. 
You have now complained about these ten matches for the last two weeks. And you seem to have done nothing else here, good job. 

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On 9/6/2022 at 11:43 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Ah, but did your teammates have a good time and look forward to playing with you again?

On 9/6/2022 at 2:16 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

The person i described strongly suggested they played badly enough to cause their team to lose every time.

 Wow. Your interpretation of what "the person" wrote, especially the part were you believe that their team lost because of one "bad" player, really tells more about what kind of player you are than what kind of player they are.

Everyone else probably read the same into that post that I did, namely that they are new to PvP (which we all were at some point) and that the game mode intrigued them enough for them to play it more often (and, naturally, become better with practice).

Your response, however, is possibly going to discourage them, because this kind of attitude is an epitome of the toxicity encountered in PvP.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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49 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Which, honestly, is a very bad thing to do. its never ever worked in gw2. Never once. It only costs the game players. Why do we want less people playing gw2? Explain that one, explain why you want players to quit the game forever cause they are forced to play content they don't want to. 



This is something that I can't seem to get my head around. The idea that this will cause players to quite the game in rage and protest because they are required to play a game mode, which again, win or lose it counts towards progress, is such a hyperbole. Anet isn't punishing you for losing, or even attempting a game mode out of your comfort zone. They are simply encouraging every player to go through all activities of fair entry points.


Another perspective, unless if I am wrong and there is an alternative, PvP players are required to go out of their zone for a much farther reach. Where PvE players are required to play a few games, PvP players are required to do almost all kind of PvE content. Could it have been made to suit both PvE and PvP players in their own respective tracks? Maybe, but personally, I think it's way to dramatized, and the system at hand is very fair. However, this isn't really the point of this point you brought up, so I digress.


Overall, a cape, a single cosmetic item, is put behind all easy to enter activities throughout the game. It Is very much so doable and I highly doubt majority of players find this as worth leaving the game over.


Anet isn't punishing you, they're encouraging you.





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2 minutes ago, GreyFox.8046 said:



This is something that I can't seem to get my head around. The idea that this will cause players to quite the game in rage and protest because they are required to play a game mode, which again, win or lose it counts towards progress, is such a hyperbole. Anet isn't punishing you for losing, or even attempting a game mode out of your comfort zone. They are simply encouraging every player to go through all activities of fair entry points.


Another perspective, unless if I am wrong and there is an alternative, PvP players are required to go out of their zone for a much farther reach. Where PvE players are required to play a few games, PvP players are required to do almost all kind of PvE content. Could it have been made to suit both PvE and PvP players in their own respective tracks? Maybe, but personally, I think it's way to dramatized, and the system at hand is very fair. However, this isn't really the point of this point you brought up, so I digress.


Overall, a cape, a single cosmetic item, is put behind all easy to enter activities throughout the game. It Is very much so doable and I highly doubt majority of players find this as worth leaving the game over.


Anet isn't punishing you, they're encouraging you.






No, they're subsidizing a dying mode by forcing players from another mode to participate if they want a reward.


That's all this was. Nobody wanted to play sPvP. Arena Net naively though "maybe if we force people to do it, enough will stick around". And they're wrong. Unsurprisingly. 


The problem is not that this one singular event will cause people to quit. That's disingenuous nonsense but par for the course in this thread where people will argue the strawman and not the reality. The problem is this is a pattern. It's a consistent pattern of Arena Net locking PVE content behind PVP. They need to stop doing this.


It's time to make a decision. There is a reason WvW is so afkable. There is a reason you can buy memories of battle and shard of glory. There is a reason Seasons of the Dragons was added to give a legendary amulet. Arena Net looked at their internal numbers and understood what was going on.


And despite these lessons, here we are again where the best things you can say about the 10th year anniversary are: free mount skin and the achievement  for a cape skin involved a2  hour grind of content I did not want to do and have not touched since finishing it.


Why are they shooting themselves in the foot here? Why have they once again locked content behind PvP? I guess the grind isn't as bad as it was with the legendary stuff. But players have already voted Arena Net. They didn't want to do PVP. Force feeding it in smaller doses than you did 6 years ago is not going to help a kitten thing.

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7 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

No, they're subsidizing a dying mode by forcing players from another mode to participate if they want a reward.


That's all this was. Nobody wanted to play sPvP. Arena Net naively though "maybe if we force people to do it, enough will stick around". And they're wrong. Unsurprisingly. 

I think you are reading to much into it. They made an achievement for the decade armor and included all three game modes. That’s it. There is no conspiracy or plan to get PvE players to become PvP players. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 hour ago, Leger.3724 said:


No, they're subsidizing a dying mode by forcing players from another mode to participate if they want a reward.


That's all this was. Nobody wanted to play sPvP. Arena Net naively though "maybe if we force people to do it, enough will stick around". And they're wrong. Unsurprisingly. 


The problem is not that this one singular event will cause people to quit. That's disingenuous nonsense but par for the course in this thread where people will argue the strawman and not the reality. The problem is this is a pattern. It's a consistent pattern of Arena Net locking PVE content behind PVP. They need to stop doing this.


It's time to make a decision. There is a reason WvW is so afkable. There is a reason you can buy memories of battle and shard of glory. There is a reason Seasons of the Dragons was added to give a legendary amulet. Arena Net looked at their internal numbers and understood what was going on.


And despite these lessons, here we are again where the best things you can say about the 10th year anniversary are: free mount skin and the achievement  for a cape skin involved a2  hour grind of content I did not want to do and have not touched since finishing it.


Why are they shooting themselves in the foot here? Why have they once again locked content behind PvP? I guess the grind isn't as bad as it was with the legendary stuff. But players have already voted Arena Net. They didn't want to do PVP. Force feeding it in smaller doses than you did 6 years ago is not going to help a kitten thing.

This is a laughably bad post.

This was neither exclusively PvP, PvE, or WvW content. It was GAME CONTENT (ie 'all of the above'). It was meant for players to explore the game that is Guild Wars 2 by participating in a broad spectrum of things that are available to celebrate.

Please, I implore you, get over yourself.



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As someone who rarely wvws and who never pvps I had little issue queuing for unranked matches. I won 8 out of 10 by some miracle, and it really wasn't that bad. WVW was the bigger frustration because enemy blobs were everywhere and allied blobs where MIA lol. Half my attempts to do events ended with me as some blob's roadkill. Even then, I got it done, and I got my snazzy cape.

It might be unfun for you, but sometimes it pays to just rip the bandaid off early and git 'er done. Once you do your 10 matches, win or loss, you'll never have to do it again.

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17 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Notice the common theme here - no one can actually dispute the arguments being put forward. They can only attack me and finish with "stop complaining".


Actually, the majority of people here are disputing your (rather thin) arguments. I (and numerous others) have explained why you are wrong at length.




Please tell me that you are not really this obtuse.



Edited by pallas.8150
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