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Is it worth first buying HoT/PoF collection and then EoD standard to get 2 lvl 80 character boosts ?

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33 minutes ago, Sewedir.3027 said:

I am wondering is it better to buy first PoF collection and then EoD standard to get 2 LVL 80 boosts or just buy EoD collection?
If I buy EoD collection I only get one character boost but i pay less money.
Thanks for the info,

Best to buy the collections which includes all the expansions. It will be cheaper than buying PoF/HoT and EoD separately.  Level 80 boost are nice to have when making new alts but lots of ways to level up alts very fast.

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What would you do with the second boost? Unless you want to do something right away which requires 2 different professions at level 80 I don't think it's worth it.

It doesn't take that long to get to level 80 and there's ways to speed it up, like levelling crafts (which gives a lot of XP). You'll also get Tomes of Knowledge from login rewards, playing WvW or PvP and other places in-game which give 1 level each, and scrolls from birthdays which can be used to jump a character to level 20 - 60 (depending on the birthday). Unless you've been using them for spirit shards anyone who has been playing for a while probably has enough between the two to get a character to level 80, or close to it, for free.

If you're considering this because, for example, you're doing a lot of raids and want to be able to switch to whatever profession the group needs to fill gaps then it might be worth it. If you just think another boost would be a nice thing to have for whenever you feel like making a new character I suggest buying the Collection and saving up Tomes in the bank.

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45 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Two Shared Inventory Slots vs. one.  It's not only L80 Boosts you receive. 

Would you equate the price difference of Full Collections with that of PoF/Hot & EoD to a Shared Inventory Slot + a L80 Boost?

Edited by Silent.6137
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I remember buying the 50-100$ collection and it came with both 2 inventory slots and 2 lvl 80 boosters, and I think only +1 char slot from eod, but I think buying those separately is cheaper. So you should be fine on sale but technically you can get it 5$ cheaper by buying pof on sale for 15$ + 30$ vs 50$ collection and 20% off gems on a 20% off sale for like 1300-1500 more worth.

But I think the deluxe still comes with a.. Kinda meh raptor(0-400/1200) character slot (500-800), And a makeover kit (0-300). It's up to you but as mentioned you only need like one lvl 80 boost for a main and you get 14-20 tomes of levels a month of logins. 

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Keep in mind you can get the shared slots for gold (just one of them is quite easy), and you can get 80 Tomes of Knowledge in less than a week to max a second character, (via competitive modes) so unless you specifically need to spend real money on it, I honestly wouldn't bother.


If you absolutely dislike PvP, then maybe consider it.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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2 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

It's $10 difference for an extra shared slot and level 80 booster (2700 gem value). If you're willing to buy a booster or want to max out your shared slots (you can only get it this way), it's worth it.

You can just buy shared slots individually or in sets.

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Shared inventory slots are incredibly useful. Boosting a character to 80, though? The game gives you ample ways to do that for free, via Tomes of Knowledge and such. I have a thousand Tomes just sitting in my bank. I would never spend money just to speed-level.

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3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Considering the cost of a Shared Inventory Slot (700 Gems) and the cost of a L80 Boost (2000 Gems), I would say it's a deal. 

I should have been clearer in my question. Although the boost is valued at 2k gems, I do not value them very much at all.

As mentioned, it is incredibly easy to reach max level. Tomes of Knowledge are easy to obtain for instant boost. Or fast leveling through crafting. In additions, the new Adventure Guide rewards a huge amount of XP for each task performed (supposedly 18% of current level).

So in essence, it is down to the value of Shared Inventory slot only in comparison. Personally, I would value the price differences to be worth more than those items included.

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11 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know, would have to ask the OP what he/she values.  Some players may value the gear and other goodies that comes with the L80 Boost.  For newer players, they may not have the stock of items saved up that 'vets' do. 

I do think the gear is a bigger deal than a lot of people recognize for newer players. It saves a considerable amount of gold and grinding just to get started.    

That said, if you're not opposed to buying the gold outright instead of the leveling boost, you can use that money to get gear more exactly tailored to the character and role you want to play once you hit 80 anyway. The boost is 2k gems, but 250 gold is ~1.2k or so right now I think and you'd have full exotic gear that was good for more than just getting started for most specs with plenty to spare afterward. That's usually a better option than using the boost if you're willing to use gems to do any of this, unless you really hate leveling.

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That's great...if new players know which gear and other 'goodies' to buy.  I know I didn't know about such things for some time when I started.  There's bags, dyes, food, utility items, gold, harvesting tools, booster, waypoints, salvage kit, etc. 

Still, it's each person's own choice what to spend (or not spend) money on.

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While most veteran players would consider the boost to be junk (might-as-well-collect if it were free or on 99% discount, but absolutely not 2k gems), an extra lvl 80 char is potentially worth a lot more to a new player (first 3 weeks of hitting lvl 80) than to a seasoned one, specifically for daily harvest limits for ascended trinket ingredients and for parking at strategic areas.


And while a seasoned player might consider those stacks of unused tomes built up over the years an eyesore, it could still be a boon to the type of player that wants to get a set of functional gear within a month or 2.


But not for 2k gems. That's like saying a transmutation charge is worth 30 gems. Besides, the 2k price point was to ensure serious players would not complain about p2w - available, but generally not spammable.

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