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70+ Gold for Revive Orb


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Don't buy them, it's a waste of money that you can use to buy some nice skin instead for exapmle. Revive Orbs will came to you by themselves eventually, belive me. Also you don't even need them. In OW you have waypoint at every corner, and they are just not worth to waste them in dungeons/easy fractals. Only situations I use them is on some fractals CM's when I die very stupidly, or whole group is dying when boss have few % hp.


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Quite the opposite actually, make them too common and you can ress infinitly during Fractal encounters or some events. Game is easy enough as it is, no need to dumping it even more in my opinion. Besides, with EoD there is personal waypoint mastery, so there is already something that makes things easier.

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6 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

You never ever need to play guild wars 2.

If the goal is to play guild wars 2 then you indeed need to play guild wars 2, while you still don't need to spam revive orbs to achieve the same goal.

If the goal is to spam revive orbs in order to try and bruteforce your way through content (I guess? Because why else?) then these are some pretty weird goals. Still achievable, but you better start farming now, because it's an expensive one.

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Why do they cost gold now? I thought they cost gems. Or is this about the rate for converting gold to the amount of gems needed to buy a revive orb? There are tons of other similar items that might cost a lot - that you also can accumulat for free over the time (if you use them barely).

I think I have almost 100 now. About 89 or so? From the login rewards. The trading post access at least is useful for guild upgrades for my 1-man guild. 😄

Revive orb ... I think I used them ... but only in a super small amount of occasions. (One was at the Sunqua fractal finale boss where we almost got it ... but some people including me died ... and it was about to fail in the last third ... where the bug happened that you had to restart the whole fractal if it failed at the last phase.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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The purpose of the gem store is to sell stuff for cash, giving people an option to grind for gold to get stuff they want, if they so want it. Revive Orbs are like anything else. Their price is measured in gems (thus cash) not gold.  Anyone who posts the gold price for something is missing the point.

If the price of revive orbs was one gold, people would never buy them for cash, which is what the gem store is about. That's the whole point of having an exchange. It gives people who can't spend money access, while still encouraging people to spend money. I'm pretty sure someone most buy revive orbs for cash  (though I'm not one of them).

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Revive orbs are probably the gem store consumable I use most often and I've still never bought any. If I run low I'm more wary of using them, but even if I ran out completely I don't think I'd buy them.

The only time I can remember "needing" one is when I found a way to break out of the Arah map by falling into the water below the airships but it killed you in the process. I couldn't use a waypoint because that would put me back on the ship and no one else could revive me because to get to me they had to use the same 'trick'. (As far as we knew, there might have been another way.) But that's because we were doing something Anet didn't intend, so obviously they weren't supporting it.

Other than that I use them either because I've fallen to my death somewhere I think I'm unlikely to be found (and at least once I was wrong about that and someone came down to help just after I used the orb) or in Fractals where I either don't want to wait for the fight to finish or I think it's important for me to get back up and join in.

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