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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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1 hour ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

So raids, fractals, pvp and wvw should all have their own versions of legendary weapons to obtain Again without needing to do open world PVE or the story. 

Umm we already have to do wvw to make leggy weapons too. i see nothing wrong with an open world leg armor set , we are talking armor not weapons every mode in the game has an armor set except the one that played the most. 

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2 hours ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Pretty sure that if Anet were to hold a poll asking if OW legendary armor should be added, the majority would vote yes. A lot of people would definitely be excited for it, while most people would simply not mind it or care, as it brings nothing negative to the game.

Yes anyone would be happy for more free stuff if Anet asked would you like 250 gold a week majority would vote yes.

If Anet made a poll would you like 2 free gemstore items each month a majority would vote yes.

Dont mean that your example or mine are good for the game tho.

2 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Umm we already have to do wvw to make leggy weapons too. i see nothing wrong with an open world leg armor set , we are talking armor not weapons every mode in the game has an armor set except the one that played the most. 

But Pve that is played the most do have legendary armor you just have to do everything pve got to offer.

Openworld and instanced  pve content.

Edited by Linken.6345
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There is a bit of a difference of Anet providing a new path to legendary items and given everyone 250 gems.  The first, other than the dev effort, costs Anet nothing - the second would likely mean fewer gem sales.  Now the amount of effort Anet needs to do OW legendary armor has lots of variables - one reason I originally suggested world bosses is that is probably simplest to update their drops to include such (or an achievement for that) compared to other potential changes.

Arguably, things like legendary items are good for the game, because they pull a lot of materials out of the economy to make them.

At this point, there is a group of people who think this is a terrible idea, and will never change there mind, a group that thinks it is a good idea and won't change their mind, and maybe a small group between those who are less sure, and more willing to discuss possible ideas.

I am curious though, for those that don't think there should be an OW legendary armor - a few months ago, Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing?  Suppose Anet continued this path, and made raids even easier (or maybe you get some credit even for failed raids) - at what point is that no longer acceptable?

An interesting data point is that last night when I was playing, I decided to look at the LFG for raids.  There was none under the training raid category, and under the hard (or expert of whatever mode it is called), there were 3 groups, all selling completion for gold.

I don't know what to really make from that, but those selling raids must be able to do so (otherwise they wouldn't try).  It doesn't seem to be a good look for the game IMO.


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32 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

There is a bit of a difference of Anet providing a new path to legendary items and given everyone 250 gems.  The first, other than the dev effort, costs Anet nothing - the second would likely mean fewer gem sales.  Now the amount of effort Anet needs to do OW legendary armor has lots of variables - one reason I originally suggested world bosses is that is probably simplest to update their drops to include such (or an achievement for that) compared to other potential changes.

Arguably, things like legendary items are good for the game, because they pull a lot of materials out of the economy to make them.

At this point, there is a group of people who think this is a terrible idea, and will never change there mind, a group that thinks it is a good idea and won't change their mind, and maybe a small group between those who are less sure, and more willing to discuss possible ideas.

I am curious though, for those that don't think there should be an OW legendary armor - a few months ago, Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing?  Suppose Anet continued this path, and made raids even easier (or maybe you get some credit even for failed raids) - at what point is that no longer acceptable?

An interesting data point is that last night when I was playing, I decided to look at the LFG for raids.  There was none under the training raid category, and under the hard (or expert of whatever mode it is called), there were 3 groups, all selling completion for gold.

I don't know what to really make from that, but those selling raids must be able to do so (otherwise they wouldn't try).  It doesn't seem to be a good look for the game IMO.


I find it good that it bring more people into the content.

It is kinda heavy handed with the implementation tho.

Like for example it is on by default so everyone have to get inside isntance and deactivate it at the start.

if someone crashes you have to deactive it again since they get it back when they reenter.

You cant leave it on if your going for challenge mode because it can get screwed up and give not give rewards for said challenge mode.

And there is no incentive to raid normaly without it since it give no downside to useing it at all. ( so kinda not the training wheels that I felt was needed)

Oh and they took away 1 weekly wing of double gold to implement it but it looks like they shuffled that to their new golden child EoD strike rewards.

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I agree, as I said, I didn't have ANY legendary part of equipment as a goal set for myself and it didn't get in the way of me still enjoying whatever I wanted to enjoy in the game. Suddenly when someone logs in for some minutes to tag a world boss in OW (not a strawman, literal example from this thread), it's "either this will get me leggies or why am I even playing?!" 🙄

Yeah , but it's up to people to enjoy that qol effect and choose if want to get it from the OW or from other modes . They can strive to collect skins/armors from other nodes or collect other modes Legendary for the skin effect .

If people can play only a few min then they would need even more time to unlock the gear, because as many have said ,  it would still need different open world areas to unlock . Or they can try the WvW one

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2 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

am curious though, for those that don't think there should be an OW legendary armor - a few months ago, Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing? 

It's a good thing because they think people will be more likely to do them.

While in theory they could keep reducing the difficulty to the point where it becomes trivialized and no longer recognizable as the raids we do today, then that is another issue and subject to discussion. Content should be improved and it should be given the assumption that people who got it first may have had it harder.

Skyscale had its timegates nerfed and map currency made easier to get, and map compleition is easier pre-PoF with mounts, but it would be absurd to say that people do not deserve these things just because they played the game later and may have had an easier time.

However, too much value is being put on the concept of "difficulty" when it comes to legendaries. Legendaries are not about a player being better or more skilled, but rather they have dedicated the time to complete some content.


There is a huge difference between doing the content that is perceived as having its difficulty retuned , and not doing it at all.

At the end of the day the deciding of what content is needed for a legendary is indeed arbitrary, but there are no substitutions allowed for the most part.

In other words when I see someone with raid armor, what I see is someone wearing a t-shirt that says "I did all these raids and all I got was this lousy t-shirt". Any further judgement is highly subjective and also completely meaningless. The same applies to the WvW armor as well.


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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes anyone would be happy for more free stuff if Anet asked would you like 250 gold a week majority would vote yes.

If Anet made a poll would you like 2 free gemstore items each month a majority would vote yes.

Dont mean that your example or mine are good for the game tho.

But Pve that is played the most do have legendary armor you just have to do everything pve got to offer.

Openworld and instanced  pve content.

Your example assumes Anet has no clue what is good or bad for the game. Or that they'd troll the players with something like that. And also, assume majority of players can't discern what is good or bad for the game either. Your example will be devastating for the game so it's not even a close comparison.

Again, you're trying to muddled up the issue. The topic (and OP did said he meant OpenWorld by saying Pure PvE) is about having OpenWorld Legendary armor, not talking about PvE this or PvE that.

2 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:


Note to OP: You can edit the title by editing your original post if the title is in error.

Edited by Silent.6137
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6 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I am curious though, for those that don't think there should be an OW legendary armor - a few months ago, Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing? 

It was a good thing. It makes raids more accessible. I know some players that always thought they wouldn’t feel comfortable in raids. When the emboldened raid mode got in the game they tried raids and are doing pretty well now and working on their legendary armor. 

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9 hours ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

Why when everytime we've tried the pve crowd poo poo's on it? Tired of giving feedback when a vocal minority of a silent majority makes outlandish claims.

It's not actually the "pve crowd". A lot of the people against giving anything to WvW are the same people that would deny stuff to majority of PvErs as well. Some people just think that giving anything to people that are not them would "devalue" their effort somehow.

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7 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing?

It was a good thing if not only to get some people to just make a group, get in there, try it out, realize that it's not the toxic warzone that people make it out to be, and realize that legendary armor isn't as out of reach as they thought.

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On 9/13/2022 at 8:00 AM, disco.9302 said:

"Pure" pve armour? Can you explain where in raids you are fighting other players?

Time and time again this topic resurfaces with different iterations "I want legendary armour but not make any effort to get it"

In all honesty I would be in favour of your proposed method just to stop the whining but I completely disagree with the numbers.

900 world bosses? Which you can afk to complete? Seems rather simple. What would be more in line is about 2k world bosses per armour piece (as well as other materials obviously). Since you can just port in for the last 2 mins of a world boss and AA for a few hit to tag it, the value of your token should reflect this.

5x token per day should give you a nice round 400 days per armour piece which seems perfect. Anyone who thinks it should be quicker is clinically insane.

Mm I can't comment on too much here but as a new player hearing 400 days for a legendary armour piece is rather eye watering ^^" 

Certainly very off-putting to say the least, I would never get some of my friends to join if I quote such a time to get legendary pieces! I can only assume long time players find this very acceptable since you already have so much invested but to someone new it's quite disheartening to think that playing casually for years won't really amount to much. I maybe put in a few hours a week, this game overall seems very casual friendly so it just confuses me why I hear such large grinds for some things I suppose. 

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11 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Mm I can't comment on too much here but as a new player hearing 400 days for a legendary armour piece is rather eye watering ^^" 

Certainly very off-putting to say the least, I would never get some of my friends to join if I quote such a time to get legendary pieces! I can only assume long time players find this very acceptable since you already have so much invested but to someone new it's quite disheartening to think that playing casually for years won't really amount to much. I maybe put in a few hours a week, this game overall seems very casual friendly so it just confuses me why I hear such large grinds for some things I suppose. 

Luckily the legendary gear is not needed for anything here, it has the same stats as ascended. You can completely reliably and normally play everything in the game without getting any legendary tier gear ever if you don't wish to do it. Long time players can be ok with it because it's supposed to be an optional long term goal, kind of the point. 😄  

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Luckily the legendary gear is not needed for anything here, it has the same stats as ascended. You can completely reliably and normally play everything in the game without getting any legendary tier gear ever if you don't wish to do it. Long time players can be ok with it because it's supposed to be an optional long term goal.

Ah well that's nice to know at least. I assume it's just a cosmetic grind in that case. The time it can take for things I have just not experienced elsewhere! It's a bit shocking to hear at times. 

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19 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Mm I can't comment on too much here but as a new player hearing 400 days for a legendary armour piece is rather eye watering ^^" 

Certainly very off-putting to say the least, I would never get some of my friends to join if I quote such a time to get legendary pieces! I can only assume long time players find this very acceptable since you already have so much invested but to someone new it's quite disheartening to think that playing casually for years won't really amount to much. I maybe put in a few hours a week, this game overall seems very casual friendly so it just confuses me why I hear such large grinds for some things I suppose. 

Yeah, that's literally over 6 years for one set. I know it should be grindy but that's just ridiculous.

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13 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Ah well that's nice to know at least. I assume it's just a cosmetic grind in that case. The time it can take for things I have just not experienced elsewhere! It's a bit shocking to hear at times. 

It doesn’t take 400 days to get legendary armor, don’t worry 🙂 the 400 days in the quote was an idea. 

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43 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Mm I can't comment on too much here but as a new player hearing 400 days for a legendary armour piece is rather eye watering ^^" 

Certainly very off-putting to say the least, I would never get some of my friends to join if I quote such a time to get legendary pieces! I can only assume long time players find this very acceptable since you already have so much invested but to someone new it's quite disheartening to think that playing casually for years won't really amount to much. I maybe put in a few hours a week, this game overall seems very casual friendly so it just confuses me why I hear such large grinds for some things I suppose. 

Don't worry too much , it's simply an  attempt  by some members that have already have the legendary armor , to create un-resonable demands for an open world set .

Welcome to GW2 btw

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1 hour ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Yeah, that's literally over 6 years for one set. I know it should be grindy but that's just ridiculous.

Oh, i bet it is supposed to be ridiculously high. So high noone in the right mind would ever try that. If you look through legendary armor threads, they are full of such "helpful" suggestions that pretend to be reasonable but in reality are aimed at killing the idea with extreme prejudice.

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38 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, i bet it is supposed to be ridiculously high. So high noone in the right mind would ever try that. If you look through legendary armor threads, they are full of such "helpful" suggestions that pretend to be reasonable but in reality are aimed at killing the idea with extreme prejudice.

If you look through legendary armor threads, they are full of suggestions that are nothing more than "gimmies", players pretending they need leggies to play (or that without it, they'll somehow not have any long term goals) and claims that it's not about time or effort after which they quickly go back to complaining about time and effort of the current way to acquire the rewards.

So much for your generalizing as if it only works one way.

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21 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I am curious though, for those that don't think there should be an OW legendary armor - a few months ago, Anet made raids easier - what is your opinion on that?  That certainly makes it easier for people to get legendary armor then before then - was that a good thing or a bad thing?  Suppose Anet continued this path, and made raids even easier (or maybe you get some credit even for failed raids) - at what point is that no longer acceptable?

An interesting data point is that last night when I was playing, I decided to look at the LFG for raids.  There was none under the training raid category, and under the hard (or expert of whatever mode it is called), there were 3 groups, all selling completion for gold.

I am one of those against OW legendary armor. I think the new emboldened mode for raids is good. If people are only using that mode to raid (one wing per week) it would take very long to acquire legendary armor. I think even longer than doing WvW but I did not bother with the math. With this new mode, I have seen so many more players raiding for the first time and finally unlocking the path to PVE legendary armor. I know because I help out these groups all the time.


If Anet made raids even easier, I think that would be unacceptable and would simply just go play another game. Maybe FF14?


As for looking under the LFG for raid training, you are looking at the wrong place. Assuming you are in NA, most raid trainings happen in the biggest "Raid training" discord with over 13k members. As of this message, I currently see three groups of new raiders in the discord trying to learn how to raid for the first time with very experienced "instructors" leading them. This discord is like a better "LFG" for raiders because key roles can be assigned in the discord chat before the squad is even set up in game. If there are not enough roles, the raid training will be a no go so people will not waste time setting up the squad in game. It is also easier to teach players how to raid using voice chat. For those interested, just google "raid academy na gw2". Strike CM's are also being taught there now.

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51 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you look through legendary armor threads, they are full of suggestions that are nothing more than "gimmies", players pretending they need leggies to play (or that without it, they'll somehow not have any long term goals) and claims that it's not about time or effort after which they quickly go back to complaining about time and effort of the current way to acquire the rewards.

So much for your generalizing as if it only works one way.

People want to grind for it. No one ever said they want it handed to them for free. They want to put effort into it. Is that hard to understand?

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6 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

People want to grind for it. No one ever said they want it handed to them for free. They want to put effort into it. Is that hard to understand?

"No one ever" is wrong and you're clearly missing the point of what I wrote in the context of what I quoted.

And in case you didn't intentionally skip on it, but just missed it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/121270-pure-pve-idea-for-legendary-armor/page/24/#comment-1757108


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2 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

People want to grind for it. No one ever said they want it handed to them for free. They want to put effort into it. Is that hard to understand?

To be fair, killing 900 world bosses is not really grinding. You can just log in near the end of the fight because you know all the boss timers from the wiki, put in a few auto attacks, and afk for the rest of the "fight". It is equivalent to the daily log in rewards. Log in daily and soon you will have your full set of legendary armor. People will park their alt characters at boss spawn locations to do this.

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26 minutes ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

To be fair, killing 900 world bosses is not really grinding. You can just log in near the end of the fight because you know all the boss timers from the wiki, put in a few auto attacks, and afk for the rest of the "fight". It is equivalent to the daily log in rewards. Log in daily and soon you will have your full set of legendary armor. People will park their alt characters at boss spawn locations to do this.

That's what OP suggested, but people in this thread have suggested adding stuff like map completion, metas, and jumping puzzles to the requirement.

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