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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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2 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

If you need a gift of dedication for each piece of the raid armour, you will need a gift of exploration for each piece of the OW armour. No repeats on the same character.

Why? It's not like you can't do multiple gifts of dedication on single character. No idea either why would you want to exchange gift of dedication for Exploration if Dedication would be fine already.

One would think that you're not really trying to find a solution that might work, but trying to make up something you know is ridiculous...

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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There is one way I would agree to an open world only legendary armor set.


Take a look at the raid armor. Keep all the requirements (provisioner tokens, HoT metas, mystic clovers)  the same except for the raid part. The raid part consists of doing an achievement collection that involves mastery of raid wings 1-4 and completing 25 raid encounters per armor piece. For subsequent legendary armor set, it requires completing 50 raid encounters per armor piece.


So instead of having to complete 50 raid encounters per armor piece, Anet can replace that with core tyria map and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles. But there's a catch. Anet would need to introduce a mode that can be selected upon character creation. This mode will not allow this new character mount up. This new character will not be able to use any type of portals or use the teleport to friends. This new character cannot access the material storage, bank, or guild bank or use stuff from your other characters. They cannot receive mails from other characters/players. Upon completing core tyria map and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles with this new character, the player is awarded a precursor for one armor piece.


This means you will need to create this new type of character 6 times and do all the core tyria and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles 6 times over with no portal or mount cheese and starting from scratch with no access to your bank or other characters for one full armor set.


I think that would be a fair substitute for having to master W1-W4 raid wings and completing 50 raid encounters per armor piece. This might sound overwhelming, but you can do this solo and take it step by step (~30min per day for example). I myself would find this fun and go for it.


I would also not mind if they give a unique skin for this armor set. I would see anyone that can do the above feat as dedicated and legendary.

Edited by A Hamster.2580
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15 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I suppose with 1 hour/day concentrated on a specific task, one could make some progress - one could get around 500-700 wvw pips in that time (varies based on your worlds placement) - that gets you through gold (lowside) or platinum (high side) chests.  Gold gets you 132 claim tickets, platinum 192 - so somewhere between 6 and 8 weeks/piece (this presuming all of my math is correct).  However, that presumes 100% focus on that, which may not be very realistic.


That's pretty much where is lands for me. Spending 100% of my time tinking away at WvW for weeks/months on end is the only real viable format. And while playing WvW is fun at times. That long sounds miserable and would lead to me just putting the game down. So I don't bother.
I've perfectly accepted that with the current formats, Legendary armor isn't accessible to me/my playstyle. That's just how it is. That is the main driver for supporting a more open world idea, whether or not is eventually happens. No one wants a hand out or for it to be easy. I have legendary runes before I have armor. That seems a bit ridiculous to me.
And it's also worth pointing out that (again) I play pretty much every day. I play more than any of the other 4-5 RL people I know that play the game. For them, it is literally impossible to ever get access to it. Personally, I think that's kid of a sad state. I think anyone willing to put in the time and effort should eventually have access to the best QoL items in the game. And that's really it. 

Also, from the research I've done (and this game does take actual research), raid armor is the best looking and has the shortest timegate. Given that, I even more don't understand the raiders in these forums being so negative on the idea of other players (again, eventually) having access to the nice things in game.

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5 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

They wouldn’t. They would be the first to complain about the implementation. 

Yup, quick reminder that person who made a thread like this (not current OP) about a year ago said in that same thread it's not about time or effort and they have no issue with substituting with time for effort. Recently they've created a new thread about going for wvw armor, but it takes too long and started comparing the time to pve set with full raid/CM SM clears from the start. So it's not as much about "not being about time or effort", as it is about saying whatever he thinks will bring him closer to gradually moving the line into easier/faster acquisition despite initially saying otherwise.

Similarly with the "I only(?) play an hour a day, so my schedule doesn't allow me to raid".

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9 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I think anyone willing to put in the time and effort should eventually have access to the best QoL items in the game. And that's really it. 

I totally agree and everyone who is willing to get the legendary armor can get it. It is not that some are excluded from getting it. Everyone has access to legendary armor. 

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5 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

Those who advocate for OW legendary armour- be careful what you wish for. Would you feel comfortable if you had to do a Prismatic Champions' Regalia-type quest (for the precursor) as well as 1 gift of exploration (in place of the gift of dedication) and the other normal parts of each piece?

I think it would be perfectly acceptable to requite a Gift of Exploration for each piece. That's world completion 3 times. That's a time sink that can't be shortcut (too much). Throw in the requirements from the various expansions if wanted. Some combination of the mats that go into the various Gifts of Mastery (Maguma/Desert and Jade). That's a decent cost and a huge time sink. 
Have the collection before you can start include the world bosses and jumping puzzles. Then if it doesn't hinge on them for the legendary currency it matters less if they can be short-cutted.  Several legendary collections already have things like that.
Really, the Legendary armors are just time sink+gold/mats=armor. So just find a way to recreate that formula in OP that keeps the timesink.

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15 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I suppose with 1 hour/day concentrated on a specific task, one could make some progress - one could get around 500-700 wvw pips in that time (varies based on your worlds placement) - that gets you through gold (lowside) or platinum (high side) chests.  Gold gets you 132 claim tickets, platinum 192 - so somewhere between 6 and 8 weeks/piece (this presuming all of my math is correct).  However, that presumes 100% focus on that, which may not be very realistic.

17 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

That's pretty much where is lands for me. Spending 100% of my time tinking away at WvW for weeks/months on end is the only real viable format. And while playing WvW is fun at times. That long sounds miserable and would lead to me just putting the game down. So I don't bother.
I've perfectly accepted that with the current formats, Legendary armor isn't accessible to me/my playstyle. That's just how it is. That is the main driver for supporting a more open world idea, whether or not is eventually happens. No one wants a hand out or for it to be easy. I have legendary runes before I have armor. That seems a bit ridiculous to me.
And it's also worth pointing out that (again) I play pretty much every day. I play more than any of the other 4-5 RL people I know that play the game. For them, it is literally impossible to ever get access to it. Personally, I think that's kid of a sad state. I think anyone willing to put in the time and effort should eventually have access to the best QoL items in the game. And that's really it. 

Also, from the research I've done (and this game does take actual research), raid armor is the best looking and has the shortest timegate. Given that, I even more don't understand the raiders in these forums being so negative on the idea of other players (again, eventually) having access to the nice things in game.

You can mix up content and get different parts from different paths. No need to camp one all the time.

Don't mix "I don't want to do it" with "it's not accessible". The armor is accessible to you, you just don't want to do any of the pve/wvw/pvp paths -and due to what legendaries are in this game, it is a perfectly valid choice to make while still playing whatever and however you want to play .

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You can mix up content and get different parts from different paths. No need to camp one all the time.

The armor is accessible to you, you just don't want to do any of the pve/wvw/pvp paths and due to what legendaries are in this game, it is a perfectly valid choice to make while still playing whatever and however you want to play .

And that's how I currently enjoy the game.
I've spent plenty of hours in WvW to get my Gifts of Battle. I am nowhere close to getting even 1 piece or armor. It is what it is.
I am perfectly fine with how the game is now. I enjoy it. I know there is various things in game I will never have.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't happily support additional paths to these sorts of QoL items in game, if and when they open up. That's it.
The only reason I chimed in in this thread is to throw an additional voice behind opening up the possibility. I think the chances of it happening are slim, but it would be a good things if it did happen.

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8 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

And that's how I currently enjoy the game.

Great, absolutely nothing wrong about that.

8 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I am perfectly fine with how the game is now. I enjoy it. I know there is various things in game I will never have.

Ok, until now it didn't look like that to me at all, but glad you understand it.

8 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

That doesn't mean I wouldn't happily support additional paths to these sorts of QoL items in game, if and when they open up. That's it.
The only reason I chimed in in this thread is to throw an additional voice behind opening up the possibility. I think the chances of it happening are slim, but it would be a good things if it did happen.

Ok, then maybe it would help to not use -what still looks to me like- false reasoning, by either calling it somehow not accessible or trying to say you can't play raids when you play 1h a day.

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9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, then maybe it would help to not use -what still looks to me like- false reasoning, by either calling it somehow not accessible or trying to say you can't play raids when you play 1h a day.

So I acknowledge it's technically accessible. To be fair though, I don't realistically think I get to. My schedule isn't terribly set. I'd need to find a group that was willing to train at a steady but somewhat inconsistent schedule. Simply having an hour doesn't help much when you need to have 9 other people. That point, along with the attitudes I've seen on the forums, make the prospect seem inaccessible. So why bother running headfirst into a brick wall when I can just pursue my other interests in game.

So far, I have a few weapons. I'm working on Vision. I have the necklace. I have 2 runes. In the next week or 2 I should be completing a gen 3 for my wife. Armor is just seemingly not in my future with the current setup. Again, it is what it is 🙂

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21 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

So I acknowledge it's technically accessible. To be fair though, I don't realistically think I get to. My schedule isn't terribly set. I'd need to find a group that was willing to train at a steady but somewhat inconsistent schedule. Simply having an hour doesn't help much when you need to have 9 other people. That point, along with the attitudes I've seen on the forums, make the prospect seem inaccessible. So why bother running headfirst into a brick wall when I can just pursue my other interests in game.


Why are you saying it's "technically" accessible? It just is. You migth not get it in an optimal time (and barely anyone did/will), but it just is an accessible optional long term goal.

You don't need to play in some constant group, I never wanted to join a static so I didn't and I didn't play in training groups on some schedule or within a guild. Some people on this forum consistently think it's anywhere near needed, either due to actual lack of understanding or in an attempt to bring up "scheduling issues!", but it isn't needed and never was.

21 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

So far, I have a few weapons. I'm working on Vision. I have the necklace. I have 2 runes. In the next week or 2 I should be completing a gen 3 for my wife. Armor is just seemingly not in my future with the current setup. Again, it is what it is 🙂

Yup, you set your own priorities and it's ok.

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1 hour ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

So instead of having to complete 50 raid encounters per armor piece, Anet can replace that with core tyria map and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles. But there's a catch. Anet would need to introduce a mode that can be selected upon character creation. This mode will not allow this new character to glide or mount up. This new character will not be able to use any type of portals or use the teleport to friends. This new character cannot access the material storage, bank, or guild bank or use stuff from your other characters. They cannot receive mails from other characters/players. Upon completing core tyria map and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles with this new character, the player is awarded a precursor for one armor piece.


This means you will need to create this new type of character 6 times and do all the core tyria and HoT map completion + all core tyria and HoT jumping puzzles 6 times over with no portal or mount cheese and starting from scratch with no access to your bank or other characters for one full armor set.

I support making a very hard alternative to the current methods of acquiring Legendary armors but do find your suggestion bordering on the absurd. So, essentially a new player will have to be knowledgeable about Legendary armors from the get-go. Have to do all those first before even doing anything else unless they want to delete their main character and any soulbound items over and over again. Getting Raid armors won't even come anywhere close to the difficulties and restrictions in your suggestions.

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Players will continue to ask for open world legendary armor, as they can get legendary weapons and some trinkets that way, but it’s complicated because fractals, dungeons and strikes get left out. They would need to standardize the mats across all PVE content, which is long overdue.

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23 hours ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Ah well that's nice to know at least. I assume it's just a cosmetic grind in that case. The time it can take for things I have just not experienced elsewhere! It's a bit shocking to hear at times. 

Legendaries are extremely cost and time inefficient. They're basically meant for when you have done everything else and want to show off but in most cases a  weapon is better for that.

 For gear progression, you should be aiming for ascended accessories and weapons because they make the biggest difference. Then armor and backpieces as their relative stat contribution is rather small.

The only real advantage of legendaries is their ability to stat change but there aren't usually many stats to use. It's also cheaper to use multiple sets of ascended equipment. In fact you can make about 10 sets of ascended armor with the cost of 1 legendary set and also does not require running specific content.  So in reality the cost difference is even higher if you include the other tasks required for legendary armor.

In the past, Celestial gear was heavily timegated. (You would need 5  for a single piece and could only get 1 a day  so  a month for a set), however that's been cut to 2 a piece  and no longer relevant.


Of course, legendaries do save space.

I didn't have any legendaries for like 7 years. And currently I have the armor sets and 4 weapons with 2 rings. It's nice to play around with new stats but honestly the novelty wears off in about 20 minutes.


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Not being able to afford X != Being excluded from owning X.

Likewise, not being willing to engage with content for reward X != Being excluded from reward X.

Also, I love how every single concrete "but it should at least cost this" idea has been shot down by the Gimmes as "too much". They kinda want it to be kinda comparable, honest! Just not like that. No, or like that, too. No, that way won't work, either.

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12 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Also, I love how every single concrete "but it should at least cost this" idea has been shot down by the Gimmes as "too much". They kinda want it to be kinda comparable, honest! Just not like that. No, or like that, too. No, that way won't work, either.

Maybe because every single example fromthose you mention was intentionally ridiculously overblown, and not in any way "comparable". Notice, btw, that at the same time every example that might be more reasonable was being shot down as "this is way too easy" or "zero effort" even when they really weren't.

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There can be a legendary open world armor when there is a true legendary raid armor. One that is not 80% hot meta events instead of raids.

There is already legendary open world armor. Its the so called raid armor. Time required in those raids is miniscule. But you have to do all hot metas at least 30 times.

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13 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

There can be a legendary open world armor when there is a true legendary raid armor. One that is not 80% hot meta events instead of raids.

There is already legendary open world armor. Its the so called raid armor. Time required in those raids is miniscule. But you have to do all hot metas at least 30 times.

Care to elaborate? Read your comments a few times to try to understand what you're saying but still as confused as ever.

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2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

I support making a very hard alternative to the current methods of acquiring Legendary armors but do find your suggestion bordering on the absurd. So, essentially a new player will have to be knowledgeable about Legendary armors from the get-go. Have to do all those first before even doing anything else unless they want to delete their main character and any soulbound items over and over again. Getting Raid armors won't even come anywhere close to the difficulties and restrictions in your suggestions.

You misunderstood. They cannot do this on their main character in the first place. Anyone that chooses to start working on this new set of legendary armor will have to create a new character with that special mode selected. It's so people can't exploit map completion with mounts and jump puzzles with portals/tp to friends.

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17 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Care to elaborate? Read your comments a few times to try to understand what you're saying but still as confused as ever.

You have to spend more time in open world doing meta events than inside raids for the RAID armor.

Just create a rifle mech, faceroll through w1-4 6 times and you would be done with raids. still have to do all hot metas at least 30 times.

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A reason why Open World legendary armor should not be implemented is because it sets a precedence. Imagine all the "open world only players" that had decided to dedicate their time crafting a full set (or maybe even all three sets) of legendary armor already. Enduring many months through raids/WvW/PvP to achieve their goal. Then Anet decides to implement a much easier path to legendary armor from their perspective since they only enjoy open world. Sure there might be some that are ok with it, but I imagine the silent majority will feel betrayed. There are also the whales that had swiped their credit cards, convert gem to gold, and purchase their legendary armor from raid sellers. I don't think Anet would want to upset the whales. It's generally agreed on that they make up most of the revenue for any games with microtransactions.


The precedence will be why work towards a long term goal when Anet can just create an easier path if enough players constantly complain about it? If they ever do decide to implement Open World legendary armor, it will have to be longer and harder to achieve from the perspective of "open world only players". So my proposal at the top of this page for open world only legendary armor should be fair.

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

You said a single GoE was too much, because other legendary armors do not require GoE.

Sit down.

See? That's the issue i was mentioning. You didn't actually read what i wrote then, did you? You only skimmed it, grabbed the things you were interested in, and ignored everything else.

I'd suggest you should actually go and reread my post again before you start to respond to it.

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