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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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Just now, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

If open-world being too easy that adding a viable path to legendary armor from it sounds rediculous, have you thought that maybe the answer is to make open-world.. not easy?

They tried it with the DE meta and there was huge crying from the open world only faction that it is too difficult. Many of them also advocates for an open world legendary armor set. 

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Just now, The Boz.2038 said:

Yeah, we are well aware of that.

PvE aka raid legendary armor already requires *a lot* of non-raid PvE content. On a per-hour basis, the raid component is fairly minor.

Adapt. Decide if the thing you want is worth the effort, and if so, what type of effort. And then act accordingly.

I think it is very telling that I said a lot of things, none of which were "Gimme", and you still quoted me as if I hadn't.  No one has said "gimme", and even the very first post of this thread specifically attempts to align the time investment with other modes.


Yet here, despite all of that, you read "Gimme".  Fascinating.

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4 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I think it is very telling that I said a lot of things, none of which were "Gimme", and you still quoted me as if I hadn't.  No one has said "gimme", and even the very first post of this thread specifically attempts to align the time investment with other modes.


Yet here, despite all of that, you read "Gimme".  Fascinating.

But every time someone proposes an open world legendary armor it all comes down to “gimme” 

The OP suggested that you have to kill 150 world bosses and you get a piece of legendary armor. No crafting involved, no material sink, nothing. 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

But every time someone proposes an open world legendary armor it all comes down to “gimme” 

The OP suggested that you have to kill 150 world bosses and you get a piece of legendary armor. No crafting involved, no material sink, nothing. 

I'm not sure that's a charitable reading of the OP, but I can't read minds.  I think the obvious implementation would be that these "tokens" would replace skirmish tickets in what would otherwise be a similar recipe to the WvW one.

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3 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I think it is very telling that I said a lot of things, none of which were "Gimme", and you still quoted me as if I hadn't.  No one has said "gimme", and even the very first post of this thread specifically attempts to align the time investment with other modes.


Yet here, despite all of that, you read "Gimme".  Fascinating.

Don't bother, the same people say the same things without even reading what people have to say on each and every thread regarding this subject (and others) until it gets closed. This is why I bothered reacting to this one because I'm tired of these gatekeepers with no reading comprehension but I'd rather not waste my time anymore, nothing good will come out of conversations like these.

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Just now, vanfrano.1325 said:

Don't bother, the same people say the same things without even reading what people have to say on each and every thread regarding this subject (and others) until it gets closed. This is why I bothered reacting to this one because I'm tired of these gatekeepers with no reading comprehension but I'd rather not waste my time anymore, nothing good will come out of conversations like these.

Indeed.  I have allowed myself to get baited and derail the thread.  Hopefully the mere repetition of these threads will draw dev attention.  Though I am sad it wasn't implemented with the decade armour set, which would have been perfect and aligned with the advertised idea of doing lots of content all over the world 😞 

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2 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I'm not sure that's a charitable reading of the OP, but I can't read minds.  I think the obvious implementation would be that these "tokens" would replace skirmish tickets in what would otherwise be a similar recipe to the WvW one.

9 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

- With 150 (or some other reasonable) number of tokens, you get a piece of legendary armor.

It's right there in the first post


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4 hours ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

lol no leggendary armor is supposed to be a reward for completing hard content and not something you can get by killing a level 1 slime, or afking an open world boss.

True, the idea of legendaries given out for tagging world bosses is pretty ridiculous.


6 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

The legendary raid armor is the pure PvE armor and now with the emboldened mode it’s even easier to get. I see no reason for another PvE armor. 
Also this has been discussed over and over. 

Also true.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

It's right there in the first post


Again, I'm not a mind reader.  Perhaps the OP intended that as you read it, perhaps they simply carelessly typed with the more obvious idea in mind.  I don't know.


Either way, I think 150 bosses with no cost would be a bad idea.  I'd do a calculation that roughly aligned the effort with Skirmish tickets, then use a similar recipe to WvW. 


There you go, no "gimme".

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5 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Indeed.  I have allowed myself to get baited and derail the thread.  Hopefully the mere repetition of these threads will draw dev attention.  Though I am sad it wasn't implemented with the decade armour set, which would have been perfect and aligned with the advertised idea of doing lots of content all over the world 😞 


This tree has been barked up ever since the first mention of raids before legendary armor was even in game. Don't hold your breath.

Even the idea suggested in this thread isn't new. It's come up. 

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


This tree has been barked up ever since the first mention of raids before legendary armor was even in game. Don't hold your breath.

I know, I know.  I'm taking other approaches in game.  But over three sets, that's fairly tedious.  The time investment and optimism remains worthwhile 🙂

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23 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

The OP suggested that you have to kill 150 world bosses and you get a piece of legendary armor. No crafting involved, no material sink, nothing. 

I will probably never have any legendary armor because I don't want to do the content/grind necessary for it, and that's fine. That's my choice.  I don't need it anyway.

However, if the above were the case, then over 9+ years I would have fully outfitted all of my toons by now.  The suggestion of killing a certain amount of world bosses (which, in this case 150 is fairly minimal.  I did the giant slayer before PoF when killing 1000 giants took a commitment and didn't even get a title for my efforts)  isn't what I would consider legendary.  It would devalue the entire concept of what legendary items are.

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1 minute ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I will probably never have any legendary armor because I don't want to do the content/grind necessary for it, and that's fine. That's my choice.  I don't need it anyway.

However, if the above were the case, then over 9+ years I would have fully outfitted all of my toons by now.  The suggestion of killing a certain amount of world bosses (which, in this case 150 is fairly minimal.  I did the giant slayer before PoF when killing 1000 giants took a commitment and didn't even get a title for my efforts)  isn't what I would consider legendary.  It would devalue the entire concept of what legendary items are.

Again, I suspect the OP intended the 150 kills to replace skirmish tickets, not the full cost (and if they didn't then I'd disagree with them).


I'd say killing 150 world bosses is more "legendary" than flipping camps in WvW, or losing thousands of PvP matches.  Obviously more creative options would be great, but if we're just looking for a token system like WvW/PvP, then world bosses is a logical option.

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34 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Again, I suspect the OP intended the 150 kills to replace skirmish tickets, not the full cost (and if they didn't then I'd disagree with them).


I'd say killing 150 world bosses is more "legendary" than flipping camps in WvW, or losing thousands of PvP matches.  Obviously more creative options would be great, but if we're just looking for a token system like WvW/PvP, then world bosses is a logical option.

Reasons for the difference in reward distrubution between competitive and co-op modes are rather obvious though.

And going back to your argument about "but those players also don't need legendaries!" -I agree, nobody needs legendaries and that's the reason it's perfectly fine to use them as a reward for players that play more of the game's content than the base OW. Don't want to? No problem, you don't need to, playing with exotics/ascended was always -and still is- perfectly fine and reasonable.

For some reason there's that idea from some in here that if the player/new player can't instantly beeline into legendary no matter what, the game becomes somehow unplayable and they quit. I don't see how that's true at all. And that's because it isn't. There was a long time for me in this game where I didn't even aim at any legendary gear and the reason I didn't is what I just said: because I didn't want to bother with it and I absolutely didn't need to. So inb4 the "hypocrite vet player doesn't remember how it was for him!" staple of these threads -no, I do remember exactly how it was and it's as true today as it was then.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I do agree that a legendary OW armor set should be added, however it shouldn't be too easy, it should require you to do all sorts of stuff, world bosses, meta, jumping puzzles, map completions, all that, and of course it should require mystic clovers and other materials so it's pricey to craft them. There we go, now it's no longer easy to get, it's not a "Gimme" kind of thing, it requires effort and time.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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What's people's obsession with new ways of Legendary Armor acquisition?

Ascended armor has the exact same stats and can be easily acquired these days. Why don't you just get that instead? I used ascended sets on all of my characters long before, and while I was working on, acquiring my legendary sets.

That question aside, I wouldn't oppose the idea of adding something to Strike Mission CMs that allows for a Legendary Armor collection. But asking for having anything like that added to super easy content such as world bosses seems to contradict the term "legendary", to be honest.

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10 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

What's people's obsession with new ways of Legendary Armor acquisition?

Ascended armor has the exact same stats and can be easily acquired these days. Why don't you just get that instead? I used ascended sets on all of my characters long before, and while I was working on, acquiring my legendary sets.

That question aside, I wouldn't oppose the idea of adding something to Strike Mission CMs that allows for a Legendary Armor collection. But asking for having anything like that added to super easy content such as world bosses seems to contradict the term "legendary", to be honest.

Wouldn't both PvP and WvW also count as easy since you can get legendary armor in WvW by mostly flipping camps and you can still lose every PvP match and eventually get your legendary armor?

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7 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Wouldn't both PvP and WvW also count as easy since you can get legendary armor in WvW by mostly flipping camps and you can still lose every PvP match and eventually get your legendary armor?

Have you ever tried getting legendary armor by merely flipping camps? 😄 "Frustration. Boredom. Years later..."

As for PvP, you are still investing time and effort into those matches.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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12 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Have you ever tried getting legendary armor by merely flipping camps? 😄 "Frustration. Boredom. Years later..."

As for PvP, you are still investing time and effort into those matches.

Pretty sure flipping camps would still take the same amount of time as hanging in a zerg as long as you keep your participation up, since I'm pretty sure it requires mostly tickets and proofs of heroics. The memories of battle can be bought. I doubt it would take literal years. It'd be more like months if you grind in WvW a lot, not entirely sure though.

And, like I mentioned earlier, you can be a really bad PvP player, but still get the armor eventually, assuming you're really determined to get it. So technically it doesn't require skill.

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10 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Have you ever tried getting legendary armor by merely flipping camps? 😄 "Frustration. Boredom. Years later..."

As for PvP, you are still investing time and effort into those matches.

But that's exactly the format the OP is suggesting.  Time and effort into Open World content, just as exists in PvP and WvW.

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56 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

For some reason there's that idea from some in here that if the player/new player can't instantly beeline into legendary no matter what, the game becomes somehow unplayable and they quit. 

I don't think anyone in this thread, or any thread I've seen on this topic, has ever said anything even remotely resembles this claim.


Obviously I haven't read every post ever, but this just seems wildly inaccurate.

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