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The " Pointed Ears " package is a horror show.

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1 hour ago, Glacial.9516 said:

though they are quite large (as elf ears are)

Wrong. All elf ear designs pre-late-1990s have decent looking pointy ears, not antennas for ears.

The antenna trend started with D&D's 3rd Edition and was then adopted (and grotesquely overdone) by Blizzard's WoW.

It shows the (bad) taste of some of the current GW2 art designers (probably the same that came up with the ugly jade mechs).

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I'm indifferent on the elf ear design. It's decent on some races, not so much on others, and it's a product that people will either buy or not. So my next inquiry should be taken with the full knowledge that I'm not rejecting the fantasy-aspect of elf ears from a fictional game.


That being said: Why, out of the blue, did we get elf ears in Tyria? Elves, apart from their plant counterparts (sylvari, you get the joke), don't particularly have a history in Tyria, and every time I have tried to look for anything significant on elf-presence, I've been met with "sylvari". I haven't seen any other cosmetics that stand apart from the GW2 universe like these do, so seeing these elf ears suddenly take to the shelf seems like an outlier in contrast to how the gem store is typically run. Is this related to Rings of Power in any way, and if so, why? Is this a sign of ANET's support with Amazon, kind of like what Fortnite does by jamming products into their games to advertise?


At the end of the day it's a sale, so the ultimate goal is 'money', so I'm clear on that. And for a business, there's no harm in that either. I'm interested to hear the opinions of others as well, provided they are constructive and aren't intended to cause harm or push drama. This post is not an argument, but rather the byproduct of confusion on my part. If any Guild Wars veterans or players who have played longer than I have can chip in to help explain their take on this to me, that would be greatly appreciated.

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ANet has long been willing to use non-lore/setting appropriate cosmetics as one off means of generating revenue. I think the idea is that there is a certain 'out of character' element to character appearance even when playing story content. It is meant to be kind of handwaved away, or just ignored, for purpose of immersion, in the same way that we dont integrate people chatting about real life matters in chat into our perception of setting and story.

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42 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Exactly. I don't see long, thin, leaf-shaped and outward bent antennas in that image. Those elf ears look pretty, even for their comic book art style.

If you honestly think that the ears in your link and this have anything in common, you need to have your eyes checked. 😄


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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There's a reason almost all of my Charrs wear a variation of eyepatches, goggles and blindfolds.


At least IBS had a few custom fit Charr headpieces too, sucks that its unlikely we'll see any more. I'd throw money at some good ones too :/.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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22 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

People have asked for a long time for elf ears.  They've also asked for swim suits, tattoos, and a hundred other things.  I guess they chose elf ears.  Not my aesthetic but neither are shorts and t-shirts in Tyria.

Some tattoo options on skin/fur patterns at character customization wouldn't be a bad idea, now that I think about it!

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12 minutes ago, WillowFae.9528 said:


Some tattoo options on skin/fur patterns at character customization wouldn't be a bad idea, now that I think about it!

It's not a bad idea, just would be best imo as part of the character creation options.  The elf ears I guess for rp or people who want to look sylvari but not be plant-y?

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27 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Exactly. I don't see long, thin, leaf-shaped and outward bent antennas in that image. Those elf ears look pretty, even for their comic book art style.

If you honestly think that the ears in your link and this have anything in common, you need to have your eyes checked. 😄


Ah well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I've always though the Elfquest ears were absurd, and think of them as the beginning of what you call antennas. Though I think it's probably anime that we really can blame.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wrong. All elf ear designs pre-late-1990s have decent looking pointy ears, not antennas for ears.

The antenna trend started with D&D's 3rd Edition and was then adopted (and grotesquely overdone) by Blizzard's WoW.

It shows the (bad) taste of some of the current GW2 art designers (probably the same that came up with the ugly jade mechs).

This reads a bit too much like my taste good, other tastes bad!

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The chances of me ever noticing another players ear shape are precisely zero. 

I’ve also long since accepted Anet doesn’t want its own identity and prefers to produce a setting which is hybrid to internal lore and beyond its fourth wall. I might have once been annoyed at that, but it’s just a game and a fantasy one at that. As long I can have styles to suit me, I’m good with Guild Wars: The Last Unicorn of Middle Earth.

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Ah well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

Heh heh, well, that is very true, I guess. 😄

2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Though I think it's probably anime that we really can blame.

Yes, let's blame anime! I'm always in for that! 😂


2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This reads a bit too much like my taste good, other tastes bad!

😆 Of course everyone considers their own taste to be "good," otherwise they would have a different taste!

I can only voice my own opinion, based on my own taste. That is why I put the "bad" in parenthesis, because it is my opinion, and I don't expect every individual on this planet to share it. 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Of course everyone considers their own taste to be "good," otherwise they would have a different taste!

Eh. Not everyone. I certainly have a personal taste but I don’t claim my taste is good and others taste is bad or wrong. There is no good or bad when it comes to personal taste as it’s all subjective. I think you missed their point there. 

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Exactly. I don't see long, thin, leaf-shaped and outward bent antennas in that image. Those elf ears look pretty, even for their comic book art style.

If you honestly think that the ears in your link and this have anything in common, you need to have your eyes checked. 😄



The ears I'm previewing in-game look nothing like the ones in that picture. Admittedly I didn't buy the package so I can only preview via BLTC which is not the best view. Then again, the faces look quite exaggerated to me as well.

Edited by Glacial.9516
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I just checked out the other races' variants and have to say that it does look best on humans and norn (regardless of my personal opinion on the aesthetic or lore-breaking aspect). I might even get those for my Elementalist, then I can run across Tyria shouting, "Has anyone seen my noble steed? I lost it when I rode through the portal from Middle Earth!"

The asuran variant reminds me of Dumbo. 😅 The charr variant is okay-ish, I guess.

16 minutes ago, Glacial.9516 said:

The ears I'm previewing in-game look nothing like the ones in that picture.

Yes, the curves of the original auricle are still visible, making it look like the pointy piece was glued onto it. 😄

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wrong. All elf ear designs pre-late-1990s have decent looking pointy ears, not antennas for ears.

The antenna trend started with D&D's 3rd Edition and was then adopted (and grotesquely overdone) by Blizzard's WoW.

It shows the (bad) taste of some of the current GW2 art designers (probably the same that came up with the ugly jade mechs).

Significant amounts of elf art for Warhammer Fantasy and 40k dating back into the 80's had the longer ears. To some degree that was so that matching miniatures had exaggerated features for ease of painting. As WH influenced Blizzard, as well as DnD, you might be able to cast some "blame" their way.

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