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I would play WvW, but...


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2 hours ago, Sylvia.4870 said:

... A long time ago - in the World versus World gamemode, somewhere in the Desert Borderlands, South of the map...

The Enemy Zerg: *enters the area of the south camp,looks at the roamer, capturing it , tries  to stomp the roamer with the fangs  and the claws of the Warclaws*

Me: *captures  the camp, encounters with the enemy zerg, feels excited, confused, afraid, heads to the east for luring them away from the area, starts to counterattack them*

The Enemy Zerg: Target acquired. Let the Hunt begin! *chases  the roamer with no second thoughts*

Me: By the Gods of Tyria! *kites  around, plays  around the Enemy Zerg, tries to fight them back with every inches of abilities available*

The Enemy Zerg: *continues on catching the roamer with the sharpened projectiles of Rangers, the fire magic, combined with the skills of Necromancers', of Guardians' and of Elementalists', the Spears of Justice from the Dragonhunters, the Confusion damage from the Mesmers, the damage from the claws of the Warclaws, the deathly marks  from the Deadeyes, the smashing from the front fighters*

Me: *enters  the downstate status  and the last breathe leaves from the body* Ack!

Also me: Report.There is an  enemy zerg in the south of the map. Be careful out there. 

Teammates: Understood.

One of the moments  in the World versus World gamemode.   >_<



One more reason to love DBL. 5 peep havoc can lead a zerg around by breaking sight so the zerg doesn't realize your only 5 versus a tail of an enemy zerg. Keep those doggies rollin. All the more fun when you can run them all the way back to their own spawn before you port port port. 🙂 

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On 10/3/2022 at 11:30 PM, Gorani.7205 said:

I am in a good mood, so I do not assume the OP to be completely trolling. Here are some hints for you next venture into WvW:

  • If you are alone and nobody else is around, go for "small targets", like shrines, sentries and dolyaks not in your own colour.
  • If you are alone, be aware of enemy players that might intercept you, because after all, this is a competitive game mode. This means you can't just cruise around, but you have to look behind you and to your mini map frequently.
  • If you are alone and uncomfortable with that, try to tag along with either a commander tag or another allied player roaming around. Should you follow the other player, stick to what he/she is doing, so participate in a fight and don't run away (or teleport to spawn) if you are attacked and "shave off" the enemy on your ally.
  • To get rewards via pips, you need to have created a certain amount of participation by completing events in WvW. That one does not go down, when you leave WvW, but does decline, if you just idle away at a safe spot on a WvW map.
On 10/3/2022 at 11:34 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

I didnt see reference to asking questions about the game mode or looking anything up for yourself. If I were to just join a Raid LFG listing without knowing what any of the listing terminology meant, or a HP train for that matter, I would be just as lost. If you are joining a multi-year old game mode for the first time it is an excellent idea to do some research, including asking veterans for pointers. You even posted this thread in a forum that includes frequently asked questions threads and the like.


Edit: I do find it odd that you played long enough to get your warclaw without picking up anything else about the game mode.

I think he was joking some...  😂

On 10/3/2022 at 11:57 PM, Squeesidhe.4761 said:


I'm glad you're in a good mood, that's important for your mental health. I'm not trolling. I'm completely casual to the WvW game mode. I don't want to study 10 dissertations on how to be able to effectively engage with a video game. What I want is:


1. To enter WvW, and quickly find fun battles to engage in for a while. 

2. Leave


Do you guys ever step back and read some of the posts in this WvW forum? You sound like engineers discussing fluid dynamics or something. This seems less like a fun game mode for people to engage in, and more like a closed fart-sniffing chamber. 


I'll say it differently for the slow ones: it is hard for casual players to engage with WvW in any fun and enjoyable way. It is hard to locate where the action is happening. It is hard to feel engaged enough to want to bother learning more and investing time and energy to get better. Anet could do a much better job with a few simple communication prompts to help newbies get in the fight and have fun, and want to come back. 


You guys are so in the weeds you don't even see it. YOU know what to do, exactly how to link up with others, exactly where to go. New players don't know any of this. The game mode needs to support new players getting involved. If the expectation is that they need to study offline guides, then it's just going to be you folks alone in your little dead world, yelling at one another. 







1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


One more reason to love DBL. 5 peep havoc can lead a zerg around by breaking sight so the zerg doesn't realize your only 5 versus a tail of an enemy zerg. Keep those doggies rollin. All the more fun when you can run them all the way back to their own spawn before you port port port. 🙂 

Maybe you might want to read some discord, wiki or whatnot to help you.  NO smart guild or squad would follow you around ... to funny, thanks for the laugh. 😅

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1 minute ago, Soupeod.5714 said:

I think he was joking some...  😂


Maybe you might want to read some discord, wiki or whatnot to help you.  NO smart guild or squad would follow you around ... to funny, thanks for the laugh. 😅


You be amazed at how many zergs have chased the merry chase since they assumed there were more ahead. 🙂 

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Depending on your server and who you are linked with chances are you may be playing on the down time and not prime time. One thing that may help you is to find a wvw guild weather it is a zerge busting guild or a small roaming guild. By joining one of these they can help you learn more about wvw and you will also have a group to run with. Most wvw guilds will have rally days and times set up for everyone to play together. If you don't want to join a wvw guild that is ok just ask in team chat if anyone is currently running a group and can you join them. Chances are people are running tagless I hope this helps make you have a better wvw experience.

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The tutorial NPCs haven't been updated since they appeared, I think.  I haven't checked them in a while...and there never was one on DBL to begin with.

I think Anet knows that the new player experience is awful, but they plan to first update everything else and then hit the new player stuff so they only have to do it once.  Typically, that's how WvW development goes.  Grand schemes that take years to accomplish with promises of QoL basics once that's finished.  At this point, it may be the only path forward so I can't even knock them for that particular thing anymore.

That said, I do think that WvW has a dedicated fart-sniffing crew.  It's a 24/7 game mode with extremely open possibilities--naturally, there will be people that spend embarrassing amounts of time fiddling with the details.  I know I do.  It follows that such people are over-represented on the forums, but a casual player can pretty safely ignore all of that.

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1 hour ago, Sviel.7493 said:

The tutorial NPCs haven't been updated since they appeared, I think.  I haven't checked them in a while...and there never was one on DBL to begin with.

Yea, seemed that way when I checked.

I think it's worth understanding what the OP thinks the game should be providing that it doesn't already since that would be constructive in the discussion, but the question hasn't been answered.  No one needs to read 10 dissertations on the subject.  Most of the newer players I come across these days in WvW are pretty good at asking questions.

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Yeah, don't have the free time I used to and mostly from what I can see when I have some motivation to play again aren't the kind of players that are seriously trying to play the game.  Plus, I don't really know anyone who still plays this game much less the game mode so the motivation to play this game mode is mostly short lived and I just find something better to do.  I'm sure there are decent people to play with but I'm not really here looking to socialize just mainly to play the game.

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3 minutes ago, Klypto.1703 said:

Yeah, don't have the free time I used to and mostly from what I can see when I have some motivation to play again aren't the kind of players that are seriously trying to play the game.  Plus, I don't really know anyone who still plays this game much less the game mode so the motivation to play this game mode is mostly short lived and I just find something better to do.  I'm sure there are decent people to play with but I'm not really here looking to socialize just mainly to play the game.


WvW is more about the active sandbox. Players create the games minute by minute. WvW is kind of like that bar you hit to banter and game with friends and see what's new since the players are adjusting the content pending their actions. Socializing with people is a way to the content. You see a friendly being jumped you assist. Next time it might be you in need. You start an attack on an objective they see you and pitch in. All the while nothing may have been said. Next time you might banter and joke.  Next you know they are stealing your emote popcorn. Enjoy your server mates, meet your server links and enjoy single serving encounters. Hell dance with that random Charr enemy when two roamers cross in the middle of no where.  WvW is more about you don't know what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes and that's what's fun about it. Forget the reward, broken spoons reign supreme, and enjoy the encounters and banter.  Its about the unknown of where the night is going to lead. Till you find the fun in that, your right WvW might not be the place that you were looking for.

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15 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


WvW is more about the active sandbox. Players create the games minute by minute. WvW is kind of like that bar you hit to banter and game with friends and see what's new since the players are adjusting the content pending their actions. Socializing with people is a way to the content. You see a friendly being jumped you assist. Next time it might be you in need. You start an attack on an objective they see you and pitch in. All the while nothing may have been said. Next time you might banter and joke.  Next you know they are stealing your emote popcorn. Enjoy your server mates, meet your server links and enjoy single serving encounters. Hell dance with that random Charr enemy when two roamers cross in the middle of no where.  WvW is more about you don't know what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes and that's what's fun about it. Forget the reward, broken spoons reign supreme, and enjoy the encounters and banter.  Its about the unknown of where the night is going to lead. Till you find the fun in that, your right WvW might not be the place that you were looking for.

That sounds more like some kind of RP thing than WvW.  When I go into WvW I don't care about socializing with anyone for me it's all about killing the enemy.  I'd prefer someone seriously playing and whining about their KDR than people who go into the game mode and having no intention of playing it the way it was intended to be played.

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6 minutes ago, Klypto.1703 said:

That sounds more like some kind of RP thing than WvW.  When I go into WvW I don't care about socializing with anyone for me it's all about killing the enemy.  I'd prefer someone seriously playing and whining about their KDR than people who go into the game mode and having no intention of playing it the way it was intended to be played.


As a roamer I will attack groups up to 6 solo to see if I can drop some. That doesn't mean I don't have time to banter laddie. 

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On 10/3/2022 at 4:49 PM, Squeesidhe.4761 said:

...this is my experience every time:


"Where is everyone?"

*vast, empty landscape*

"OK, let me go over here."


"That's OK, it's not like I even know what I'm doing. Let me try again."

*Running, running, running on Warclaw*

"Where is everyone?"

*a silent wind blows over the lonely expanse*

"Let me kill these centaurs then."

*kills centaurs*

"Well, that's done. Where is everyone?"

*nearby event!*

"Where? I don't see any indicator on the map where I'm supposed to go - is something supposed to be happening? Am I supposed to be doing something?"

*incomprehensible technical babble on chat*

"Huh? I have no idea what those acronyms mean. Are they speaking English?"

*Running, running, running on Warclaw*

"Am I achieving anything at all here? Let me check..."

*System message: you are currently tier 2 participation. You need to be tier 3 to start earning pips.*

"Are you kittening kidding me? I'm not even earning any kittening progress? Screw this, I'm wasting my time. I'm going back to PVE."



*inserts "All we had to do, was follow the kitten train, CJ !".jpg *


More seriously, i thought that people from PvE were used to follow random people around. And we still don't have the timestamp, you can't join at 4am & expect the gamemode to be full of life.


Pro tip: Join Eternal Battleground, the only real wvw map

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On 10/3/2022 at 10:49 AM, Squeesidhe.4761 said:

"Where is everyone?"

*vast, empty landscape*

Yes, if you're playing at a bad time it will be empty.  Also, many commanders run invisibly because of spies.




*incomprehensible technical babble on chat*

"Huh? I have no idea what those acronyms mean. Are they speaking English?"



Honestly, this is much more of a PvE complaint.  WvW is mostly just abbreviations that you suss-out once you learn the objectives, e.g. NC = north camp, NWT=northwest tower, wurm gate=north gate at bay that's near the veteran worm.

I grant that it's hard as a beginner, but I find it much easier than the college-level prep courses needed for a fractal/strike/raid.




"Am I achieving anything at all here? Let me check..."

*System message: you are currently tier 2 participation. You need to be tier 3 to start earning pips.*



I have never had this.  I sometimes login, port to various keeps to farm resources, don't find fights, get pips, leave.

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A very simple solution is this:

You enter WvW, don't see a tag or people. 

/team will show on all maps

/map only current map

/team or /map anyone roaming?   


/team or /map LF roaming group


/team or /map New to WvW can someone help me?  

/team or /map Content?  (are there any fights?)


It isn't hard, and doesn't require you to know acronyms or to do any outside research. 


You can also change maps.  EBG (Eternal Battle Grounds) is the fastest map/has the most action generally speaking.  The other 3 are fairly slow depending on the time of day.


If you are looking for instant gratification WvW is not gonna be your happy space.


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9 hours ago, Klypto.1703 said:

That sounds more like some kind of RP thing than WvW.  When I go into WvW I don't care about socializing with anyone for me it's all about killing the enemy.  I'd prefer someone seriously playing and whining about their KDR than people who go into the game mode and having no intention of playing it the way it was intended to be played.

You'd be surprised at how many who play seriously and whine about their KDR are a type of highly social RPer themselves.

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Dear OP, not sure why anyone would think you are trolling, you are describing 'new player experience' quite well and with a bit of much needed humor.  


The first impressions of WvW aren't doing a good job of attracting new players.  For many, the Gift of Battle is the reason they come in the first place, and frankly most (but not all) will leave and never return.   The lure of Legendary Armor through WvW is interesting, but once the penny drops that casual WvW play (about an hour a day, most days of the week) has an expected time of TWO YEARS to earn your armor, that doesn't last long.


Currently WvW does a poor job of attracting new players and retaining them.  In this state it will continue to be a low priority for development.  WvW vets should want other players to want to play WvW and enjoy it -everyone would be better off.  


I'm no where near experienced or knowledgeable enough about WvW to offer any solutions so I won't attempt to. 

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1 hour ago, Rokeb.3815 said:

Dear OP, not sure why anyone would think you are trolling, you are describing 'new player experience' quite well and with a bit of much needed humor.  


The first impressions of WvW aren't doing a good job of attracting new players.  For many, the Gift of Battle is the reason they come in the first place, and frankly most (but not all) will leave and never return.   The lure of Legendary Armor through WvW is interesting, but once the penny drops that casual WvW play (about an hour a day, most days of the week) has an expected time of TWO YEARS to earn your armor, that doesn't last long.


Currently WvW does a poor job of attracting new players and retaining them.  In this state it will continue to be a low priority for development.  WvW vets should want other players to want to play WvW and enjoy it -everyone would be better off.  


I'm no where near experienced or knowledgeable enough about WvW to offer any solutions so I won't attempt to. 


The WvW NPC that gives you about a 2-3 minute speech is lacking. But have been pondering this some on options for changes. While doing so I looked back and if I didn't know someone that knew about Fractals, how would I know what I was suppose to do? Since I don't Raid, outside of finding the entry points I don't know of any references there either. I know from forums and wiki there is a currency that is LI though I don't know what that means or what you can do with it outside of references to it when I was trying to research how to make Leggo armor for WvW and saw some references to it. So agree, we do need some new player experience options for WvW, but that doesn't mean other game modes really walk players thru them either. I guess the only thing I would give WvW is at least we got NPCs in the city starters that are at least talking about the Mist War that you can hear and question some. Outside of that yes it does require players to find their way here as and some of the best ways in all the game modes is look for players doing it since GW2 uses its players quite often as guiding factors into how things work. If you think about why would anyone tag up for a World Boss? The answer is because they are hoping to at least visually guide people to areas of interest even if they never say anything. WvW tags are much the same, they are focus points.  So agree more love could be applied to starting experiences but no, the other game modes are also lacking in the same way so people do need to apply the same skills they used to learn them here in WvW and look for more information, be that players in game, wiki, Google, or dare the Forum Wars and come here to see if there is anything that might help. Again after the OP, still trying to look at it with fresh eyes to suggest changes as well. Good hunting!

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OP's statement "You sound like engineers discussing fluid dynamics or something" --- You sound like you've never been in an engineering class or anything that requires quantitative results and prerequisites to understand the material.
Simple amounts of preparation or respectful questions to your server community would have helped you more than insulting everyone that plays the mode.


There's more on the internet if you spent even the most basic effort to look.

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2 hours ago, HARDOFREADING.7298 said:

   LoL  Guy comes in and describes perfectly, what I can only assume, is a somewhat common occurrence and immediately the peanut gallery and their collective 50k posts co-opt his skat to promote their own nonsense.

   Less Peanut Gallery and their experiences. More legit RELEVANT people and their experiences.

More like "guy comes in and talks about his experience which is a valid concern, but when asked more about his concerns and what kind of things he's looking for, disappears quickly".  What would help him?  No one knows!  Nothing constructive can come of such a thread as this.

It's extremely difficult to give any serious attention to such posts.  Veteran WvW players all started as new players sometime.  We've all been the new or casual player at some point.  We know what it's like to be frustrated at first when not knowing anything.

Players who are new generally put some effort into asking questions though.  It's a big waste of time for veterans to try to help those who don't want to be helped.  We want to help players who want to be helped.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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3 minutes ago, HARDOFREADING.7298 said:

   Just for clarification man....You ARE the peanut gallery and the fact you felt the need to come blah blah blah blah with more of what I can only assume is nothing of any real relevance or even being worthy of the time to read is entirely what this post and this forum in particular need desperately.

Doesn't your own posts also put you in that gallery? you offered no relevant experience or advice either. 


Personally I'm not going to offer advice to someone who comes in with an attitude and wants to make no effort in learning, figure it out like that rest of us did.

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we must not blame or misjudge the author of this post, he was honest and also funny in describing his experience in wvw. but the author of the post is wrong to judge this madality and wrong to judge this section of the forum. there are some games that offer everything they have and everything they were designed for in 10 minutes from when you log in. there are other games that are more articulated and a little more complicated,

you have to spend a little more time, you have to put some effort into it, and you have to ask for good advice from many friends that you can easily find here before you get the content that arenanet has designed in this case. some players purposely look for games that are a bit more complicated.

if your expectation is to access and get everything right away, easily this is not the right mode for you. there is no need to judge ourselves badly, it's just that we are different and we look for different things. and I would add fortunately that it is so or it would be a mortal boredom.

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