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Can we stop talking about 'balance'?

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more pvp content like 2v2 and 3v3 ranked perma. Or Capture the flag maybe xD

or about to change the system more to the player and away from the whole grp. 
A lot of player know what they are doing and getting hold back cause of the bad rating system.

that are things we could talk about xD

Balance is not easy to maintain. But imo its doable if anet would do more updates like every 2 weeks.
Just small changes every time and then listen to the community what worked and what not. 

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13 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's a MMO with a pvp section.....not a competitive multiplayer game...that's a MOBA or similar, people should stop confusing the two

A PvP section of a MMO can still be competetiv.

The Game is Not competetiv because of the Balance, its because of the Lack of Players (which is a result of Bad Balance in the past).


This PvP section alone could be its own game

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21 hours ago, verysaltysnackk.3916 said:

Firebrand has been griefing tier for literally 3 years. 


Clearly 'balance' cannot be the goal.  


But then what is? I really don't know.

Maybe it's a "special balancing operation" but the real goal is to cycle the meta through different weapon sets to boost gem store sales?

And new elite specs. This is nothing new to realise this. Some people still think passion for game development > money   , which is untrue in this case

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22 hours ago, verysaltysnackk.3916 said:

Firebrand has been griefing tier for literally 3 years. 


Clearly 'balance' cannot be the goal.  


But then what is? I really don't know.

Maybe it's a "special balancing operation" but the real goal is to cycle the meta through different weapon sets to boost gem store sales?

Everybody gangsta until 30k burning.

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