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Give us a way to acquire legendary weapon skin without crafting legendary weapon


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I already have a legendary staff, but I want the new staff skin.... I am not spending all of that gold to make a new legendary staff I don't need just for a skin....


Please can the devs make it so that once you craft a legendary weapon, a series of achievements will open up so you can acquire all the legendary skins for that weapon without having to craft another weapon?


Completing the achievements for each skin could cost maybe 1/3 of the cost it would be to actually craft the weapon.

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21 minutes ago, chripsy.1027 said:

I already have a legendary staff, but I want the new staff skin.... I am not spending all of that gold to make a new legendary staff I don't need just for a skin....

Here we go again. Except this time, it's too costly.

Would it satisfy you if the requirements are not costly but a quest so long and hard that it'll make your eyes and ears bleed? Or do you just want an easy quest and no cost for each of the skins?

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Unfortunately @OP, the whole point is mostly the skin for everything except armor I would say (WvW and PVP players are done dirty for crafting non-mistforged variants). So you wouldn't save much. The stat selection is nice, but crafting legendaries takes so many resources it makes far more sense to start equipping roles you want to fill in exotics and maybe even the ones you use alot in ascended before you really commit to legendary (if you care about having a coherent build on your journey to legendary). COsmetics like that are the noly real long-term goals anet gives us. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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Besides, there is value to having 2 of the same weapon. Dual Staff Mirage is an example with staves, dual daggers, dual axes, dual swords, lots of options. I only have 1 legendary staff now so have to use an ascended in the swap slot, but plan on getting a 2nd staff sometime down the line.

I have 3 legendary greatswords when all I can ever use are 2 at a time.

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24 minutes ago, chripsy.1027 said:

Have any of you actually read my post in full before giving your knee-jerk reactions?... It seems not. 

I read it a few times, then thought about it and then gave my response. I'll thank you not to assume my response was a knee-jerk reaction, just because I didn't say what you wanted to hear. So let me explain my point in more detail:

Legendary items are about various things like free stat swapping, free reskins, legendary armory and epic skins. If you want any of those, you'll have to do the work for it. Just because you got the utility from another legendary does not matter. You want that look? You'll have to do the effort.

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28 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Ehhh on the other hand; I want legendary rings/accessories that are cheaper and have no visual effects 😛 it's a shame spending all that money for something I dont like the appearance of and only want the stat swap.




A lot of people already use legendary trinkets with turned off visuals, so the fact you dislike the visuals doesn't seem to change anything about what they are 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, chripsy.1027 said:

Have any of you actually read my post in full before giving your knee-jerk reactions?... It seems not. 

Read it. Read it again to see if I somehow misunderstood you. Answer still the same.

I understand you have a Legendary Staff but want the skins from other Legendary including the variants. You want an item, expect to work or pay for it. My question still stands. Would you accept a very difficult and long achievement process to obtain the skins instead since they are Legendary Variants of different generations?

I assume you just want to be able to get any legendary skins available through some simple quests because you think you have invested enough to get your current item. You pay for cosmetic items and this should be no different. The better the items, the costlier it should be in terms of time or gold investments.

Edited by Silent.6137
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Since this topic's about legendary staves, I've had a question of my own I've been wondering for a bit.

Is Aurene's Insight basically a better version of The Bifrost? I've been trying to compare the two on the wiki but I don't see why anyone would want to get The Bifrost now when Aurene's Insight has higher-quality projectiles along with the option to re-theme it 4 times over with other dragons.

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20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:




A lot of people already use legendary trinkets with turned off visuals, so the fact you dislike the visuals doesn't seem to change anything about what they are 😉

I knew someone would say that but either way I'm paying full price for a feature I'm not going to use. Mine as well just add cheaper skinless variants. But that is life, sadly, like how I have cable despite never watching TV cuz they just want me to buy everything with my internet.

As for the OP it's basically the opposite if he just wants the skin but without the 'being able to equip it in more than one slot.' I feel this way about my Rifle. I'll never have a reason to slot another rifle into my 2nd set so I'll be wasting a lot of resources if I make an Aurene Rifle when I own Divinity which is the main reason I'm debating on making something else. On the other hand I wouldn't mind making an Aurene Dagger despite having Incinerator cuz I'd have a reason to slot two of them if I wanna dual wield. So yeah I can see where he's come'n from.

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26 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I knew someone would say that but either way I'm paying full price for a feature I'm not going to use. Mine as well just add cheaper skinless variants. But that is life, sadly, like how I have cable despite never watching TV cuz they just want me to buy everything with my internet.

As for the OP it's basically the opposite if he just wants the skin but without the 'being able to equip it in more than one slot.' I feel this way about my Rifle. I'll never have a reason to slot another rifle into my 2nd set so I'll be wasting a lot of resources if I make an Aurene Rifle when I own Divinity which is the main reason I'm debating on making something else. On the other hand I wouldn't mind making an Aurene Dagger despite having Incinerator cuz I'd have a reason to slot two of them if I wanna dual wield. So yeah I can see where he's come'n from.

Good that you knew that, because it's true. Whether you'll use visual or not is irrelevant, it's one package and some people didn't even craft the trinkets in the first place because they couldn't turn off the visuals. If you craft a legendary weapon and then reskin it, you won't get a partial refund either.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, chripsy.1027 said:

I already have a legendary staff, but I want the new staff skin.... I am not spending all of that gold to make a new legendary staff I don't need just for a skin....


Please can the devs make it so that once you craft a legendary weapon, a series of achievements will open up so you can acquire all the legendary skins for that weapon without having to craft another weapon?


Completing the achievements for each skin could cost maybe 1/3 of the cost it would be to actually craft the weapon.

I crafted several gen3 legendaries although I already had the gen1 or gen2 legendary, because I wanted the skin. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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I think having a discounted path if you've already unlocked a legendary of the same type (e.g. axe skin for axe) is reasonable ask. It's really not a new concept to ask for either, as they essentially did that with the variants for t3 weapons. So there is some precedent for it. The only question is, what material requirements do you use. The most sober approach would prob be the same set of materials no matter what direction it's in, i.e. if you have Frostfang, it's same materials to get Astralaria as if you have Astralaria and want Frostfang. However, this could get screwy in some cases with expectations about doing particular content (legendary armor). Then I think you almost have to do a bunch of variations in material requirements for it to make sense. Like Raid -> WvW requires WvW. WvW -> Raid requires Raid. Weapon requirements are a little more generic in acquisition by comparison.

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36 minutes ago, Sarm.5923 said:

 I don't see why anyone would want to get The Bifrost now when Aurene's Insight has higher-quality projectiles along with the option to re-theme it 4 times over with other dragons.

Some people likes to do the various quests to obtain the APs. Or just craft different Legendary items for their collections. Or just prefer the effects.

31 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

As for the OP it's basically the opposite if he just wants the skin ...

OP wants all skins available through quests for his legendary staff.

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3 hours ago, chripsy.1027 said:

I already have a legendary staff, but I want the new staff skin.... I am not spending all of that gold to make a new legendary staff I don't need just for a skin....


Please can the devs make it so that once you craft a legendary weapon, a series of achievements will open up so you can acquire all the legendary skins for that weapon without having to craft another weapon?


Completing the achievements for each skin could cost maybe 1/3 of the cost it would be to actually craft the weapon.

is that all?

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4 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I think having a discounted path if you've already unlocked a legendary of the same type (e.g. axe skin for axe) is reasonable ask.

There are 19 different weapon types. So it'll have to be available for them all. Do a series of quests to get an item that you can redeem for any one skin for your weapon type. I'm not totally against the idea but I don't think it should be easy to obtain either. Similar to getting Gen 3 variants. But with more restrictions, as you mentioned, if the skins are from a different game mode.

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24 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I think having a discounted path if you've already unlocked a legendary of the same type (e.g. axe skin for axe) is reasonable ask. It's really not a new concept to ask for either, as they essentially did that with the variants for t3 weapons.

No, I don't think it's a reasonable ask, the t3 leggies took that appraoch probably because of their unified visuals as a set, not because of "you have a legendary, so now you'll get a discounted one". If that was the case, the "precedent" would be set with the armory limits and those are 2-4 per single weapon skin, not single weapon type:


The maximum number of copies of an item your Legendary Armory can hold is determined by how many equipment slots it can occupy. This limit exists so you don’t have to worry about accidentally unlocking more copies of a specific legendary than you can equip. Since no character can ever equip more than four swords at once, your Legendary Armory will hold a maximum of four copies of Bolt, and a maximum of four copies of The Shining Blade. An equipment template only has space for two staves, so your Legendary Armory will hold a maximum of two copies of Bifrost and two copies of Nevermore.


Don't think it's worth the effort? Great, you are free to make that choice. At this point it's basically an ask to "make the richest richer".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

 If that was the case, the "precedent" would be set with the armory limits and those are 2-4 per single weapon skin, not single weapon type:

Your armory will only show the original legendary items you have, not the skins. If I have 4 Astralaria, then it'll just occupy a slot showing Astralaria as 4/4 regardless of what skins I used for any of them. If I have 4 Astralaria and 2 Aurene's Rending, they'll occupy 2 slots - 4/4 & 2/2. Each unique legendary will occupy a single slot. If I have all 5 Greatswords, then they'll occupy 5 slots. Also, the Armory will only display legendary items usable by your profession.

You cannot craft past the limits of 4 of the same unique item for 1-handed weapon or 2 for 2-handed.

Unless I'm missing something here, it will not change anything for the armory. The skins are located in the wardrobe as you obtain them regardless of how many you acquire.

Just to add, if you are crazy enough to get every single legendary item, the maximum number of  Legendary Armoty slots used will be 85, which is the Warrior (38 Weapons, 1 Sigil, 1 Rune, 36 Armors, 3 Back Items, 6 Trinkets)

Edited by Silent.6137
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