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Halloween Event Extension?


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Not sure if 'popular demand' is defined as majority, but I think a poll would demonstrate that this suggestion is not the case... You're up to 4-1 against the extension... 

As mentioned, people who actively participate in the associated events will have them completed at this point... and people who are farming the Lab... time to change crops, as there are more lucrative farms.

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I like Halloween and I like longer festivals because I'm often away and have to miss parts of it (I've already missed 3 days of Halloween and will miss at least 1 more) but I think 3 weeks is enough. Also as other people have mentioned there's other stuff already planned for November and it's annoying when events overlap.

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Against it. Since I always want to get most out of it ... I would feel pressured to play more. And there are other festivals that also stay at 3 weeks - the only exception afaik was SAB at the beginning of Covid and I only can see them extending SAB again should they release a world 3. (Cause then there will be a ton of new achievements related to it ... needing a lot of time.) ... and maybe the 5 years last year with halloween - did not remember that until I read the person above mentioning it.

This is just farming and doing the dailies ... and we soon will have other releases where festivals should not overlap too much. (Espeically having 3 orange/golden text things in the top right in the UI cause of halloween + extra life ... and then the extended beta achievements for WvW ... a bit much. 😄 I remember we had 3 things in the past years as well - when extra life happened + Halloween. But then iirc there was some kind of boss or fractal rush as well.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I like the concept of halloween in short bursts, personally. I'm glad I've had plenty of time to work on halloween stuff as I've had a lot to catch up on, but also, I'd like non-gloomy lion's arch back and for people to resume populating parts of the game other than lab farm (I'm exaggerating, there is still activity, but I've noticed in drizzlewood for example, there seems significantly less interest than usual, prob cause of min-max farmers going over to lab until it ends). It is somewhat selfish of me to think of it that way, but... not like I'm determining when it ends. It's also got me thinking again about how fragile the ecosystem of activity in certain maps is.

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I wonder if there is any correlation between how new the account is vs desire for it be longer.  If you have never played through it before (or maybe once), I could see a desire for it to be longer.

But for myself, even after 1 week, I'm sort of tired with it.  It isn't any different than last year, the year before, etc (OK, occassionally they add some minor new content, like the raceway, but after how many races does that get tiring).

At some level, I wouldn't care if they extended it - I probably just wouldn't play it.  But I wonder if overall, the event might be pretty dead after 4 weeks.


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49 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

This gets tried every year. Every year it fails. They don’t extend festivals on request 

Exactly. Only times ArenaNet has extended festivals is when a majority of the playerbase is unable to log in due to server or real life situations, or a bug happens that causes an issue with the event content. E.g., back in 2009 there were technical issues with the GW1 Wintersday finale and the rewarding of the annual festival hats, so they brought the festival back for a week. And IIRC, there was a year an earthquake hit a sizeable part of the playerbase, so they extended that festival a week as well.

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I wish it was longer because I love the labyrinth and there’s really nothing that’s exactly like it anywhere else in the game that I can play year round.  Id love a proper map like the lab, no meta just an endless circuit around killing enemies and stopping for events that are killing groups of enemies or bosses.  

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On 10/28/2022 at 9:24 PM, Fenom.9457 said:

I wish it was longer because I love the labyrinth and there’s really nothing that’s exactly like it anywhere else in the game that I can play year round.  Id love a proper map like the lab, no meta just an endless circuit around killing enemies and stopping for events that are killing groups of enemies or bosses.  

You can do dragonfall whole year round it is exactly what you describe here mate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/29/2022 at 3:12 PM, Linken.6345 said:

You can do dragonfall whole year round it is exactly what you describe here mate.

No it isn’t it has a meta that builds up and finishes and resets and the state of the meta affects the other events in the map.  The lab has nothing but the same mob killing events and some occasional bosses - the lack of changing states means it’s always available too.  Also Dragon fall is actually too big, like you can’t run as efficient a circuit around it like the labyrinth.  All of this said though, I DO enjoy it a lot and I DO play it year round 

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On 11/8/2022 at 9:59 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

How about just running around a well-populated zone like Orr or something? Some bosses, some events, but mostly quick to kill stuff.

I mean yes there are things like this to supplement that experience, and also it’s not the end of the world I can just play other content year round.  But I wish there was something that captured the same feel more closely 

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