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Why Are People Such Jerks? (Enemies camping the story in EotM)


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Okay, I had heard this was happening but figured it was just a rumor. But no, it's true.
Enemies are camping the Golem Parts in Edge of the Mists and ganking anyone who is trying to get the achievement, Raiders of the Lost Parts.
I don't think I have ever seen such a blatant display of jerkishness. (I want to use a much stronger word here but can't.)
Please, Anet, move the parts to a safe location or something. This is just making me hate the WvW community. (And I play there a lot.)

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Because jerks will seize on any opportunity to be jerks, both here and in life.

If you ask me, this is a good opportunity for the community's anti-jerks to offer escorts to the needed item, and I imagine if you asked for one you might find some people willing to help you get what you need. This bad behavior is not new. Back when world completion required WvW maps, there were similar issues with a similar solution. I hope people will band together to help each other like that again.

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It's optional, you don't need it.

And it's available 24/7 on multiple instances of the map, but surely not guarded 24/7 on all of them.

Or you take the chalange, form a group and fight them (but hey: no revenge afterwards, but free access for everyone afterwards, or your words apply to yourself 🙂 )

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Wait until your server is stronger: If you are losing the server should go down a tier ... unless it is completely at the bottom of the lowest tier with the next two stronger ones being a lot stronger - then waiting for a re-link or world restructuring beta can be an option.

Also as people suggested: Forming a group. Or trying at a different time of the day. The good thing: You at least do not lose main WvW participation cause that map seems to use a different timer so you can just try. Mobile/stealthy and sturdy builds could also help I guess.

But yeah: ... the map sucks - boring design. Does not really make me wanna play more on the map. Just got the achievement and left there. (Might return for other achievements WvW related to this map ... but then only for doing them. And then when trying WvW - playing in the normal maps.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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1 minute ago, Spiral.3724 said:

Also, @AgentMoore.9453gonna start a guild called The Anti-Jerk Alliance. Wanna join? ☺️

Love the idea, but I'm saving a slot for my fever dream guild, We Finally Got Swimsuits [POOL].

On a serious note, you should start a helpful community guild for people who enjoy aiding other players. I can't see any downside to having more of those around when there are so many twisty achievement chains, vague collection hints, and low-pop meta events around that need a bit of assistance.

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:27 PM, Luthan.5236 said:

Wait until your server is stronger: If you are losing the server should go down a tier ... unless it is completely at the bottom of the lowest tier with the next two stronger ones being a lot stronger - then waiting for a re-link or world restructuring beta can be an option.

Sorry, this is completely wrong, in EotM all green wvw-server-links in NA/EU build a team to fight against the team of all blue wvw-server-links and the team of all red wvw-server-links.

So EotM-teams even change every week, when wvw-server-links change color.

Edit: See yourself https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists#Match_Up

Edited by Dayra.7405
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I did it in the early morning, and the only enemy players I encountered were also doing the achievement (probably drinking their morning coffee and chilling).

I've seen the same "sense of comradery" in people doing the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle, or in people camping the Daily Veteran Creature Slayer achievement.

Not all WvW players are ill-minded jerks. As Moore stated correctly:

On 11/9/2022 at 9:15 PM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Because jerks will seize on any opportunity to be jerks, both here and in life.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 11/13/2022 at 2:17 AM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Some people are just bad by nature. Best option is to leave it for a few weeks. Edge of the Mists is dead content. In a few weeks they get bored of the ganging and you can get there no problem.

Kind of this ...

I did the Aethercache in the Obsidian Sanctum today, now that there are no people inside to "temporal curtain" you inside the "darkroom" our pew pew rangers on top of the menagerie any more.

The Golem part is in the central island lower, so everyone (red, green or blue) should have the same chance to get there. When I went there on Friday I killed two enemies (one chilled afk at a resource generator and one wanted to fight me over the area capture event on the island) and did not pursue anyone running by that did just want to move around. 

Edited by Gorani.7205
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It was obvious that some players would camp the story location to kill people just trying to do the story. I knew that from the start, so why did Anet do it? They must have known it too. Don't they understand that some people hate PvP in all its forms? It should have been a normal instance, not part of WvW. There are always player in every game who just want to spoil thing s for everyone else. Anet should not have facilitated them.

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9 minutes ago, Drok Kindleshot.1496 said:

more reasons why I dont venture into PVP or wvw

But those people there are mostly PvE-player, rarely WvW or PvP player, i.e. people that know how to fight people don't have much fun killing the PvE-noobs there.

In WvW there is a daily "Kill WvW-Veteran-Creatures", usually (>90%) you can wait unharmed for their spawn together with "enemy"-people.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Putting the golem parts there was a mistake by Anet.  Imagine newer players (those from the steam release) playing though this and having the experience of getting killed while try to do non pve content - I can't imagine it leaves a good impression.

They could simply of had put the parts in a less contested area of the map - eg, 3 locations, each relatively close to the spawn points for each world.  This would still have kept with the storyline and given players some introduction to that map, but greatly reduced this behavior.

When getting the achievement today, first time I tried, there was someone near the center that decided to kill me, despite me trying to be non aggressive.  I figured I'd try again and give a real fight if they want it (I almost killed them once they started attacking me, so I figured I had a decent chance), but no one was there that second time around and I got the parts with no issues.  I actually hanged around the area for several minutes, harvesting nodes and capturing some of the points, and so no one else there.  This was about 4 PM PST.

So it certainly is possible to do this without running into issues, though I still think this was really poor design decision by Anets part.


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On 11/13/2022 at 7:27 PM, Serynna.3786 said:

It was obvious that some players would camp the story location to kill people just trying to do the story. I knew that from the start, so why did Anet do it? They must have known it too. Don't they understand that some people hate PvP in all its forms? It should have been a normal instance, not part of WvW. There are always player in every game who just want to spoil thing s for everyone else. Anet should not have facilitated them.

theey have reused the origanl event thats why when this story first came it was when EOTM was first realesed so the evnt was desigened to get people to visit it


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I'm sure it is true that the original event was there, but that does not mean they couldn't have changed it. Perhaps people didn't act like that back then, but I suspect they did, so Anet could have learned from that.  I believe that the Battle of Lion's Arch was originally in open world? (Correct me if I'm wrong, since this was before my time in GW2), but they changed that to be an instance, so it could have been done.

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Not sure what the issue is here.


The parts are not needed for the story, they are optional. It's a pvp area and some players are making use of this fact.

You can now:

- accept that you are unwilling to deal with this pvp aspect and forego the optional achievement

- try to go at it solo and sneak by or try when there is less players around. Great time to maybe try a stealth build or try a class which has extensive stealth options

- try to organize with other players and overcome this challenge

The only thing which won't get you closer to your goal is to whine on the forums and complain about other players playing the game.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 11/14/2022 at 8:27 AM, Serynna.3786 said:

It was obvious that some players would camp the story location to kill people just trying to do the story. I knew that from the start, so why did Anet do it? They must have known it too. Don't they understand that some people hate PvP in all its forms? It should have been a normal instance, not part of WvW. There are always player in every game who just want to spoil thing s for everyone else. Anet should not have facilitated them.

The whole thing is optional,so the only people  facilitating anything are them that just can't miss out on a couple of AP

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For a normally nice community this is the meanest I have seen people here, personally I would consider this even more toxic than raid elitism or anything else I’ve encountered.


when I did this it was very easy, the only enemy there was super friendly and playing around with tonics.  He stood there while I got it, we jumped in front of each other a few times and I left without either of us attacking the other.


later a squad I was running with because I missed playing EOTM and it was finally active again came into that area, I thought they were just passing through maybe but they killed everyone there.  I tried typing in chat not to do that as it’s just people trying to finish the story but oh well, too late I guess they did it from habit...  except they hung around the area and kept killing people as they showed up.  I tried several times to say ‘guys wtf are you doing don’t be dicks these poor people just want to finish the main story’ to no effect so I just left, the least I can do is not be a part of it.


this kind of behavior just sickens me.  If you’re reading this and you have done this to people, you make me sick to my stomach and I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.  Ruining the innocent fun of strangers just because you get off on the power play of stomping friendly people who chose peace or had no chance at fighting an entire squad.  You’re the reason those people had a bad time.  You’re the reason someone made this forum post.  Your actions are nothing but a sad cry for help from a poor excuse for a human being who can’t function in society enough to realize their behavior is childish and cruel.

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