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so i just found out if i take jae tech both defensive and  offensive i get evey boon in the game for over over 10 sekund and some for a 60 sekunds each time i  i go in combat? ? ...... man this is way to much this way in openworld u dont need to set up a build for any boons? broken .....

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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Yup, power creep at its finest. If you are playing anything Open World that isn’t taking advantage of the Jade Protocols and Jade Bot Power Core (for vitality) you are simply nerfng your own playtime. 

I am waiting for the batteries and Protocols to make it into Core cities since going to EoD zones isn’t worth it except for these buffs. 

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It was a stupid short sighted design decision made after seeing the result of their previous equally bad design decision with the waystations play out. If they keep up with the bad decision making we can expect next expansion's meta events to require both of these buffs. Hopefully not but since they have followed bad with bad I would suggest not getting your hopes up.

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1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

The buff goes away if you enter instances. In open world the buff does not matter. If you don’t want to have the buff in open world just remove it or just don’t take it. It’s not like the buff is forced upon you 🤷🏼‍♀️

is not about that. Is that i think is stupid at this point in openworld u can run around with evey boon in the game almost perma just for takein both jae tech way to overpowered

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1 minute ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

is not about that. Is that i think is stupid at this point in openworld u can run around with evey boon in the game almost perma just for takein both jae tech way to overpowered

But why is it dumb? How does it matter in open world? Being overpowered in open world is already there for experienced players and this buff can help newer players to survive and manage better in open world while learning mechanics. This game has a high skill level. What’s overpowered to us may be underpowered to others. I don’t see the issue here. 

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13 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

But why is it dumb? How does it matter in open world? Being overpowered in open world is already there for experienced players and this buff can help newer players to survive and manage better in open world while learning mechanics. This game has a high skill level. What’s overpowered to us may be underpowered to others. I don’t see the issue here. 

did u just say this game has a high skill level ? my 10 years i never heard someone say that about guild wars 2 .. i quess doin almost anything this game clickin auto attack and still win is what u call high skill level lool

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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30 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

did u just say this game has a high skill level ? my 10 years i never heard someone say that about guild wars 2 .. i quess doin almost anything this game clickin auto attack and still win is what u call high skill level lool

Read what I said again. Skill level is high not the difficulty of the game. A new average player learning the game will barely be able to do damage. Compared to players who knows the game it’s only a fraction of what’s possible to achieve. That was my point. Not that it’s a difficult game cause it is not difficult when you know the game and how it works.

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On 11/20/2022 at 11:16 AM, Freya.9075 said:

The buff goes away if you enter instances. In open world the buff does not matter. If you don’t want to have the buff in open world just remove it or just don’t take it. It’s not like the buff is forced upon you 🤷🏼‍♀️

Having to take boons in your open-world builds is precisely what balances them.

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On 11/20/2022 at 8:03 PM, Freya.9075 said:

But why is it dumb? How does it matter in open world? Being overpowered in open world is already there for experienced players and this buff can help newer players to survive and manage better in open world while learning mechanics. This game has a high skill level. What’s overpowered to us may be underpowered to others. I don’t see the issue here. 

If new (or otherwise) players struggle in OW they are having a build problem, and what the game should do is give them feedback that whatever they are doing isn't working, in order to guide them to read their skills and traits, as well as question their gear choices, and overthink their options to improve. 


Supplying yourself with some of these powerful boons is an incredibly important part of the game to learn for solo play especially (and why these boon supplying roles are so crucial for group content later). 


The problem with giving players essentially temporary cheats like special action keys that CC for them so they don't have to learn what buttons on their bar CC (or what skills to situationally add to their bar) and when to use them; to apply all boons to them automatically on entering combat so they don't have to learn which traits and skills apply them and what gear is needed to extend them (while still maximising DPS) and so on - is that it suspends the games ability to provide feedback and engage in learning experiences. 


Doing some of the most crucial mechanics in the game for players (like build craft, especially Boons; CC/Breakbars; etc.) isn't making things easy for them while they learn, it's making them not learn. 


That's the thing I don't like about all this stuff from Icebrood Lazers to Electromagical Pulses and Jade Protocols.

You don't teach someone struggling to fish by handing them a stick of dynamite. All they'll learn is to ask for more dynamite.


And much like blast fishing destroys eco-systems, things like this limit and muddy the design space and balancing of all future content.

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24 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


I thought they were mutually exclusive O_O

and I thought that they only increased your stats, not that they gave all the boons O_O

gosh I really need to start paying more attention... =:/

also, requesting that they be added outside of EoD.


Oh they will add it outside of EoD.. in the gemstore. Can already imagine it:


Infinite Jade Protocol Recharger

2000 Gems

Gain both offensive and defensive jade protocol buffs for 15min. 10min cooldown.

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5 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

If new (or otherwise) players struggle in OW they are having a build problem, and what the game should do is give them feedback that whatever they are doing isn't working, in order to guide them to read their skills and traits, as well as question their gear choices, and overthink their options to improve. 


Supplying yourself with some of these powerful boons is an incredibly important part of the game to learn for solo play especially (and why these boon supplying roles are so crucial for group content later). 


The problem with giving players essentially temporary cheats like special action keys that CC for them so they don't have to learn what buttons on their bar CC (or what skills to situationally add to their bar) and when to use them; to apply all boons to them automatically on entering combat so they don't have to learn which traits and skills apply them and what gear is needed to extend them (while still maximising DPS) and so on - is that it suspends the games ability to provide feedback and engage in learning experiences. 


Doing some of the most crucial mechanics in the game for players (like build craft, especially Boons; CC/Breakbars; etc.) isn't making things easy for them while they learn, it's making them not learn. 


That's the thing I don't like about all this stuff from Icebrood Lazers to Electromagical Pulses and Jade Protocols.

You don't teach someone struggling to fish by handing them a stick of dynamite. All they'll learn is to ask for more dynamite.


And much like blast fishing destroys eco-systems, things like this limit and muddy the design space and balancing of all future content.

While I understand your points, and some of them are good points, my point was it’s a buff you choose to have or not. And it’s open world. Not all players want to learn the complexities of builds in this game for various reasons. Or optimize their gameplay. They want a chill experience in open world content, and this buff may help these players. And as they play they will learn mechanics of the game without the struggle to kill something or survive. You don’t always have to die a lot or struggle to learn something. And without a decent build, even with the buff they may experience challenges. Just in a less stressful way.

For experienced players who knows the game, this buff means nothing as you already melt almost anything in your path even without this buff. And for new players who wants to learn, they will learn since they are interested in learning. If this buff was added to instances I would agree as it is a power creep, but it was not. It’s just in open world. 

Edited by Freya.9075
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6 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

If new (or otherwise) players struggle in OW they are having a build problem, and what the game should do is give them feedback that whatever they are doing isn't working, in order to guide them to read their skills and traits, as well as question their gear choices, and overthink their options to improve. 

That never works. Or rather, it works only with people that do not need that kind of reminder. Others will see that something is not working, but will still have absolutely no idea what is wrong. All they will think is that "the game is too hard".

The game needs to point specifically at the source of the problem (and suggest the direction of changes) for it to result in visible improvement in a significant number of players. The issue is, this game is designed in a way that not only prevents this from happening, but also (which is even worse) does the exact opposite. It only confuses new players with multitude of options they have no sensible way of evaluating without understanding the whole system (and combat engine) in depth first.

How big of an issue it is you can only see when you realize that even a large number of so called "hardcore" players understand this system only on very shallow, surface level, and get by only by virtue of knowing where to look for current builds (and, maybe, how to slightly modify them for their own personal use). If even many hardcores can't do it, expecting high level of understanding of those systems from casuals, that, in general, do not use third-party sources to supplement their understanding of mechanics, is naivety at best, willfull denial of reality at worst.


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