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Please fix warrior


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3 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:


I forgot about that. Let it be known that warriors have indeed had multiple times in the sun, contrary to the picture painted by forum emos.


> Time in the sun

>Buff Lasted less than one month


Give me my vitamin D I need it

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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6 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Hey now! Arc Divider wasn't even OP!


(Okay maybe it was shhhhh)


 It was pretty busted though, we couldn't unironically be spin2win class

zerker got obliterated though, for like 3 years

Also you want this instead of cc pls pick the better option

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


I'm sorry 2 seconds of resistance on dodge and 3 seconds of stability when you disable an enemy was the breaking point for you. 

When your main defensive mechanic are blinds, skillful interrupts, stealth and blocks, you can easily understand being able to bypass each and everything listed here is far from great.

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35 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Anet keeps wanting to make it condi instead of the guts power greatsword amazingness that every warrior wants.

core, spb, and bladesworn are already mandatory power specs
let zerk light everything on fire, it doesn't need to be power too
spb unintentionally being a better condi build than the elite that gives it a condi offhand is hilarious and also pathetic

Anyways, the Defense rework is lame, Spb with banner is lame. D/Sh GS Strength is much cooler but the class has a ton of outdated design choices that need changed (or just buffed significantly to cover those flaws) at the same time or you'll just end up sending it back to the same spot it was before. Which is a lot of work for very little return so... prolly not gonna happen lol


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1 hour ago, bethekey.8314 said:


I forgot about that. Let it be known that warriors have indeed had multiple times in the sun, contrary to the picture painted by forum emos.

>Comes walking
>Casts might signet
>Casts signet of Fury
>Still eats berserk form dmg + all 3 Arc Divider and warr just ran out of gas after that kek

Don't get me wrong, old Arc Divider was busted 3 years ago, but you saw it all coming lol, not like it was a burst coming from stealth kek

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49 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

When your main defensive mechanic are blinds, skillful interrupts, stealth and blocks, you can easily understand being able to bypass each and everything listed here is far from great.

I am reconsidering how I feel about mesmer interactions, given the moment a warrior steps off of spellbreaker every iteration of condi mes obliterates them. I need more time to form an opinion on this that is even handed, but I am not blind to spellbreaker into power mes atm. 

I don't have an issue with power mes because for a large swath of time they were the fairest iteration to fight. I'm not going to ignore chaos rabid (insert spec here) yet, though.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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21 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I am reconsidering how I feel about mesmer interactions, given the moment a warrior steps off of spellbreaker every iteration of condi mes obliterates them. I need more time to form an opinion on this that is even handed, but I am not blind to spellbreaker into power mes atm. 

I don't have an issue with power mes because for a large swath of time they were the fairest iteration to fight. I'm not going to ignore chaos rabid (insert spec here) yet, though.

the moment you step off of spellbreaker every iteration of everything obliterates you

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7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

What does that say about the rest of warrior then?

You draw the conclusions, I'm not a warrior main. I'm just here to say that full counter + mending is totally kittening busted, and dagger burst (unblockable) should have a proper audio queue to better tell it apart from dagger 2 (blockable).

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On 12/6/2022 at 5:40 PM, Arky.3072 said:

Perma CC is so unfun to play against.

I can't equip 8 stun breaks.

I'd love to actually play the game and not just look at my skills counting down from 3.

Have you tried pressing “W” and laughing as the warrior uses every skill in his slow-man kit to try* and catch you?

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26 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

You draw the conclusions, I'm not a warrior main. I'm just here to say that full counter + mending is totally kittening busted, and dagger burst (unblockable) should have a proper audio queue to better tell it apart from dagger 2 (blockable).

It says that mending isn't part of the problem. It's that you haven't figured out how to play around FC. The damage negation piece only negates strike damage. Everything else goes through. Quick back to back CCs will strip the stability and CC the Spellbreaker before the evade frames activate. If they don't have Resistance a blind attack will negate it entirely.

Mending's strength is in it's low CD, you yourself have pontificated on these forums that if you powerblock it you can beat the warrior. 

Does FC do a lot? Sure. Personally I think the daze should be 1/4s and it should do 3k damage on a crit on berserker gear. Would be a lot healthier. But there are ways around full counter. As CTS said above, you have sufficient time to dodge it even if you can't find a way to punish it.

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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

dagger burst (unblockable) should have a proper audio queue to better tell it apart from dagger 2 (blockable).


This is agreeable. Those leaps do look kind of the same. One should have a different color cue, even.



 full counter + mending is totally kittening busted, and



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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12 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Quick back to back CCs will strip the stability and CC the Spellbreaker before the evade frames activate

You have no clue about how your own class even works. It's not "quick CC", full counter activates on ANYTHING that deals damage, and as soon as it's activated there's an evade frame. So I have to waste 2 cc in a row and the first must not deal damage (so it's either f3 or mantra of distraction). You propose to waste 32s and 24s cooldown to counter something that refreshes in 10s, you shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the forum unsupervised.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

You have no clue about how your own class even works. It's not "quick CC", full counter activates on ANYTHING that deals damage, and as soon as it's activated there's an evade frame. So I have to waste 2 cc in a row and the first must not deal damage (so it's either f3 or mantra of distraction). You propose to waste 32s and 24s cooldown to counter something that refreshes in 10s, you shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the forum unsupervised.

There. Is. A. Delay. Before. The. Evade. You don't want to listen to the mains telling you the holes in and ways around the skill you are having trouble with, so you know what, you can continue to figure it out on your own.

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34 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There. Is. A. Delay. Before. The. Evade

Tested right now with @Sahne.6950. There isn't.

I asked him to hit me with his warhorn orbs on tempest, I fullcountered it, all subsequent orbs were evaded. If even hits 0.25s within one another are too slow to land in that "delay", we can safely say it doesn't exist and you're wrong.

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13 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Tested right now with @Sahne.6950. There isn't.

I asked him to hit me with his warhorn orbs on tempest, I fullcountered it, all subsequent orbs were evaded. If even hits 0.25s within one another are too slow to land in that "delay", we can safely say it doesn't exist and you're wrong.

i can indeed confirm this. Not a single orb would land.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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This thread has gotten massive.

Overall here are my six points. 

1. Warrior sucks

2. Warrior has to suck because spellbreaker exists.

3. Spellbreaker absorbs all of the potential out of warrior because of full counter and to a further extent mage bane tether invalidating entire classes.

4. Spellbreaker has gotten ludicrously out of control due to the changes to the defense trait lines allowing a very high resistance uptime and becoming what the old problematic meta condi herald was but with more mobility, cc, utility, higher and unconditional damage, and defenses.

5. Spellbreaker has to be reigned back in order to let any other warrior build Flourish.

6. A good performing warrior build will likely just end up being another power herald/willbender. Both having better and healthier game mechanics than simply opting for stunlocking and promoting the enjoyment of one player at the cost of agency for another despite porting through walls still being against the "vision" of  counterplay.


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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Tested right now with @Sahne.6950. There isn't.

I asked him to hit me with his warhorn orbs on tempest, I fullcountered it, all subsequent orbs were evaded. If even hits 0.25s within one another are too slow to land in that "delay", we can safely say it doesn't exist and you're wrong.

Disproving claims with testing and with peer review. A+

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