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Passive Aggressive Emoji's plaguing the forums


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4 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

I dont mind these smileys. There are never enough people to use them to say that you got representative feedback.

im more concerned about people who getting told another persons opinion and quickly call it passive-aggressive just to distinguish the other person within the conversation.

if another person got a different view on things it might appear cause this person knows something you dont so one can ask questions or just say thanks for the new information so you can review your own opinion on correctness.

but these „you are passive-aggressive“ „toxic masculine“ and whatever new age terms to just silence the opposite opinion need to go as this silencing will lead to real aggression what lead to violence. Human history shows this. One cannot eat as much as one wants to puke so be careful how you design a conversation with others as just because someone has a different opinion doesnt mean you are directly a victim…



I agree, we should ban the new age terms instead.

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The emojis are just a way for trolls to troll without effort.  It actually works out well - the emoji adds nothing to the conversation, but if the troll wrote out their thoughts, it would still add nothing to the conversation. I just do not pay attention to the emojis.  You can turn off emoji notifications, but can not turn off emojis displaying on your feed. Many forums allow you to turn off emojis and signatures, to keep the feed neater.  Too bad they do not do that here. 😎

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14 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

If I feel someone is plain wrong, I disagree with him, dislike the post or am just confused by the post and everything I want to write has been already posted by others, I'll click a confused emoji.

If only everyone would be using it that way. However, there are many who use it simply to troll, be it because they dislike the poster or because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time then downvote posts for no reason. Reaction emojis should make sense and not be used for trolling.

From the top of my head, I can think of a good example: About two or three months ago, someone asked for advice in the Technical Support subforum. They couldn't figure out why their monitor wouldn't run above 60 Hz. I suggested that it might be because they were using the wrong cable and gave them adequate information which cable to buy. Several people would "downvote" my post with the "confused" emoji, though my advice was accurate and the person was able to solve the problem by buying the cable I suggested.

This was a post based on technical knownledge, experience and facts. Only an idiot would downvote it for no valid reason whatsoever.

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8 minutes ago, Saga.4102 said:

Would be so much easier if there was a disagree and a agree emoji, that also make it easy to detect mockery is someone use the confused emoji when the argument (or whatever it is) is very clear or at least the intent behind it.

The fact that these votes are annonymous makes those emojis such great tools for trolling. If people could make out who gave a nonsensical reaction like the one to my post above, those poor troll souls wouldn't feel so great about using them. 😅

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Hmm. Im not sure are you bashing NCSOFT here or gw2 community here, because ive checked other NCSOFT games forums and no one even talks about this. 
And yes, this forum with all its emojis and other things are just one of the skins NCSOFT is using in Blade and soul, Aion and other games. 


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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

If only everyone would be using it that way. However, there are many who use it simply to troll, be it because they dislike the poster or because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time then downvote posts for no reason. Reaction emojis should make sense and not be used for trolling.

From the top of my head, I can think of a good example: About two or three months ago, someone asked for advice in the Technical Support subforum. They couldn't figure out why their monitor wouldn't run above 60 Hz. I suggested that it might be because they were using the wrong cable and gave them adequate information which cable to buy. Several people would "downvote" my post with the "confused" emoji, though my advice was accurate and the person was able to solve the problem by buying the cable I suggested.

This was a post based on technical knownledge, experience and facts. Only an idiot would downvote it for no valid reason whatsoever.

So, at the time that I quoted this post, there were three emojis on it.  How many of those were trolls?

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

If only everyone would be using it that way. However, there are many who use it simply to troll, be it because they dislike the poster or because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time then downvote posts for no reason. Reaction emojis should make sense and not be used for trolling.

From the top of my head, I can think of a good example: About two or three months ago, someone asked for advice in the Technical Support subforum. They couldn't figure out why their monitor wouldn't run above 60 Hz. I suggested that it might be because they were using the wrong cable and gave them adequate information which cable to buy. Several people would "downvote" my post with the "confused" emoji, though my advice was accurate and the person was able to solve the problem by buying the cable I suggested.

This was a post based on technical knownledge, experience and facts. Only an idiot would downvote it for no valid reason whatsoever.

You can only get trolled if you care. You helped a guy, he was happy, you were correct. The idiot that clicked the confuse only trolled himself since he obviously cares. 

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

You can only get trolled if you care. You helped a guy, he was happy, you were correct. The idiot that clicked the confuse only trolled himself since he obviously cares. 

I agree with this sentiment on an individual level, but I think there is an issue with the environment this creates.


I think it would be a stretch to blame the emojis, but this forum really isn't a nice place when compared to other environments, and certainly not compared to the GW2 population at large (players in game are generally overwhelmingly friendly).  There's very little sense of community here, or even really much chat. 


What the spam does risk is feeding a cycle - nice people join the forum, they immediately get a load of negative reactions, they leave and don't come back.  The forum gradually gets less and less friendly because only the argumentative people hang around.


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23 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I agree with this sentiment on an individual level, but I think there is an issue with the environment this creates.


I think it would be a stretch to blame the emojis, but this forum really isn't a nice place when compared to other environments, and certainly not compared to the GW2 population at large (players in game are generally overwhelmingly friendly).  There's very little sense of community here, or even really much chat. 


What the spam does risk is feeding a cycle - nice people join the forum, they immediately get a load of negative reactions, they leave and don't come back.  The forum gradually gets less and less friendly because only the argumentative people hang around.


Or we shield everyone from even the most ambiguously negative reactions, creating a cycle of sensitivity where nobody is capable of accepting criticism of any kind.  Pick your poison.  Personally, I think the internet is better when people are free to disagree with each other openly.  If you don't give them the option to do so in the convenient form of an emoji, they'll either leave or tell you how they really feel.  And if you can't handle a stupid cartoon face, how are you going to hold up to someone telling you directly that they don't like your ideas?  

If the OP's point was that we'd be better off with a standard downvote/thumbs down button, I agree 100%.  The confused/laughing emojis are ambiguous, but they're currently serving as the de facto downvote for this forum.  Why not just give us the real deal?

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10 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Or we shield everyone from even the most ambiguously negative reactions, creating a cycle of sensitivity where nobody is capable of accepting criticism of any kind.  Pick your poison.  Personally, I think the internet is better when people are free to disagree with each other openly.  If you don't give them the option to do so in the convenient form of an emoji, they'll either leave or tell you how they really feel.  And if you can't handle a stupid cartoon face, how are you going to hold up to someone telling you directly that they don't like your ideas?  

If the OP's point was that we'd be better off with a standard downvote/thumbs down button, I agree 100%.  The confused/laughing emojis are ambiguous, but they're currently serving as the de facto downvote for this forum.  Why not just give us the real deal?

I agree that the internet (and more specifically, large social media platforms) are better when there is free disagreement.  But this isn't a political debate forum, or really a public square.  It's a fairly small group of people speaking on a platform which represents a commercial product.  Even ignoring the idea of making this a nice place to spend time, there's the larger factor of how this presents the game to new players.  With this little traffic, the few people that spam emojis (or tell people to "go play something else" etc.) really do have an impact on the dynamic.


It's like having a load of kids fighting and screaming in a hotel reception.  Sure, some people might like that (especially the kids), but it isn't brilliant advertisement, and it will put a lot of people off.



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20 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

yes those emoticons can make the situation even more worse then it is, or you have a problem, or you get frustration of something.
and then you come here is those ppl just laugh at it.

used google translate because short in time for now. 

this is nothing but making things worse, we call this bullying, indirectly it is just making someone's life miserable. but they are not words. but those emoticons do the same but with a detour, at least that's how I see it.

Perhaps what is making your life miserable is not so much the fact that others ridicule you, but that you've become accustomed to living in a world where your expectation is that anyone who disagrees with you should be silenced.  In that sense, negative reactions are the solution to your problem.  In this way you may inure yourself to negativity and accept disagreement as a necessary part of public discourse rather than portraying it is an unacceptable behavior to be excised wherever it exists.

I don't intend to be rude in saying this, but let's put it in perspective.  It's a silly face icon.  There is such a thing as bullying out there and it used to have a much more serious context than someone slapping a stupid face on a forum post.

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3 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I agree that the internet (and more specifically, large social media platforms) are better when there is free disagreement.  But this isn't a political debate forum, or really a public square.  It's a fairly small group of people speaking on a platform which represents a commercial product.  Even ignoring the idea of making this a nice place to spend time, there's the larger factor of how this presents the game to new players.  With this little traffic, the few people that spam emojis (or tell people to "go play something else" etc.) really do have an impact on the dynamic.


It's like having a load of kids fighting and screaming in a hotel reception.  Sure, some people might like that (especially the kids), but it isn't brilliant advertisement, and it will put a lot of people off.



But in this case we have a few people who like to add unnecessary emojis to some posts they find silly or disagree with. So it's like your example but the kids are drawing silly faces to each other instead, you have to invest a certain degree of extra effort to even care.

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On 12/15/2022 at 2:07 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I love people who use the term "Dunning Kruger" to demonstrate their intellectual superiority. 

you could not own yourself harder if you tried to, peak irony quote. 
It's not about intellectual superiority, its about people (lack of) awareness of their limitations. Not realising you don't know everything. EDIT : And visibly the irony needs explaination aswell lmao : Acting smug over something you missunderstand IS Dunning Kruger at its finest.
The average forumpost and their suggestions make it obvious they played (more or less) a lot, but few have a sensible and realistic take on QA / Debug / Marketing / System adjustements

Edited by Taclism.2406
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3 minutes ago, Taclism.2406 said:

you could not own yourself harder if you tried to, peak irony quote.
It's not about intellectual superiority, its about people (lack of) awareness of their limitations. 
The average forumpost and their suggestions make it obvious they played (more or less) a lot, but few have a sensible and realistic take on QA / Debug / Marketing / System adjustements

I'm glad irony is not lost on you (I was beginning to worry!).  And thank you for the definition of "Dunning Kruger". 

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i think most people have a problem with the confused smiley cause they getting told that their opinion "confused" someone but this "confused person" doesnt tell why so the initial poster cant work with that feedback so there remains something open in this process.

if you see it like that it should be changed indeed. liek reddit works with up or downvote so the majoritys agree or disagreement decide if a post get sup or down like a measurement in relevance to community.

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25 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

i think most people have a problem with the confused smiley cause they getting told that their opinion "confused" someone but this "confused person" doesnt tell why so the initial poster cant work with that feedback so there remains something open in this process.

if you see it like that it should be changed indeed. liek reddit works with up or downvote so the majoritys agree or disagreement decide if a post get sup or down like a measurement in relevance to community.

I prefer reddit's system as well, but a downvote is also ambiguous.  It doesn't tell you why.  But that's okay.  Not every discussion is worth having and sometimes it's enough for someone to simply say they disagree without triggering the inevitable back-and-forth to nowhere that so frequently occurs on internet forums between two individuals who both have to have the final word.  I expect negative reactions like the downvote serve a useful function in filtering out some of the less productive discourse.  Even more so for reddit, where posts which receive too many downvotes get hidden.

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4 hours ago, Morticoccus.6540 said:

But in this case we have a few people who like to add unnecessary emojis to some posts they find silly or disagree with. So it's like your example but the kids are drawing silly faces to each other instead, you have to invest a certain degree of extra effort to even care.

Okay, to follow the analogy through, it would be like the kids arguing and drawing silly faces with each other, but then when you try to have an adult conversation, the kids are also there, and they start drawing faces on you as well.


I do think it breaks down before that, and obviously it isn't that bad.  But I do think the emojis foster a particular atmosphere and encourage/discourage specific types of posters to stay.


I think it's relatively uncontroversial that the forums are not as friendly as the GW2 community overall, and I suggest the emojis as a hypothetical contributor to that (possibly a very minor one).

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