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I have never seen a class so SUBPAR compared to EVERY OTHERS


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I play a lot on WvW and the main questions we get has warriors  are :why are u not on : scourge , dh, fb , herald-vindi, druid .. etc etc etc

Why so much hate on this class ? Bladesworn  is not even worth mentioning because its the absolute most  useless trash this game ever made and a great  failure ( always compared to other classes in term of efficiency).        

Spellbreaker is barely able to keep up and  is locked  at  being a support  with 1 or 2 decent skill ( better hug that banner of tactics). (DPS SPB is very fun but get wrecked in roaming and  yes it does  , Defense line is not enough on its own and is barely decent to keep it efficient... Being purely melee is lackluster , longbow is still garbage and rifle is trolling oh it does... even with Double Gunflame... used with   the Berzerker ! is  a meme that  require tremendous timing and skill ( or weak opponents)to be useful and get outclassed quickly  and far from being efficient in Zerging  compared to the classes mentioned earlier...

ANY help from Anet to this class would be greatly appreciated.

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Removal of damage from CC kinda killed 2 Warrior sets. Then the Power nerf happened, making the rest of their weapon sets harder to keep up. 

Then to rub salt into the wound, the 300s CD patch happened, and not long after the Resistance-Resolution split which further killed Warrior's matchup.

Still, SB is a pretty stable backbone for zerging due to the utility of Winds. Warriors I see these days not in a zerg focus their entire gameplan on Rampage and then kiting with GS and Warhorn, since it's the only thing left untouched from the power nerf way back. 


Idk man, it's like playing warriors feels like playing as a slave to others, no matter if you are PvE or WvW, then when you had enough you press Rampage and take it out on someone who's roaming. 

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Warrior right now is in a fair place. It’s not as strong as the amount of whine it’s pulling on the forums since people don’t know how to play against half our weapon sets so they just complain instead, but to say that it’s bad right now is not correct. It’s pretty balanced imo, then again I am a warrior main, so very well could be biased /shrug

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38 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Warrior right now is in a fair place. It’s not as strong as the amount of whine it’s pulling on the forums since people don’t know how to play against half our weapon sets so they just complain instead, but to say that it’s bad right now is not correct. It’s pretty balanced imo, then again I am a warrior main, so very well could be biased /shrug

Warrior has been off meta for so long, people aren't used to fighting a good warr or just warr in general anymore and gets frustrated easily thinking that it's OP, op was the old mirage, the old weaver, the old spellbreaker, not this lmao.

And yeah, warrior is strong, but it lacks so much in utility that everything is stacked in just 1 skill, just look at fullcounter, or pve warrior and Banner of Tactics because warrior doesn't have support resources at all.

The meme meditation skills, Arms being "just the condi traitline" and lacking so hard compared to engi's enquivalent, Firearms.

And the clearly outdated weapon skills.

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I was a warrior main at launch, frontline tank on BG over the years, and a few more times over the years, loved it. But, the game has been changing. Nobody is dependent on having high health warrior tanks to spearhead the main frontlines anymore. These days we have healers and lots of support booners to keep our node_harvesters alive :D

WvW zerg warriors can still be ok, but only in conjunction with very specific strategies, or else you'll end up twiddling your fingers most of the time. If a commander asks me to swap spellbraker, then i know exactly what the intent is, but for more general multipurpose use... it kinda sucks compared to other options.

Despite what other ppl may claim, my personal opinion is that the removal of *retaliation* from the game (worded as "swapped to resolution" in a 2021 patch), is the most devastating blow to zerg warriors since the original adrenalin nerf. This is what I determine to be the fundamental change that killed the overall efficiency of the defensive zerg tank. Retaliation was awesome for warriors in large scale fights, this is how they could tag lots of kills, just by being a "passive" meatshield.

[A glass ele using meteor onto a zerg would often go down just from retaliation damage alone! That was always lol]



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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Warrior right now is in a fair place. It’s not as strong as the amount of whine it’s pulling on the forums since people don’t know how to play against half our weapon sets so they just complain instead, but to say that it’s bad right now is not correct. It’s pretty balanced imo, then again I am a warrior main, so very well could be biased /shrug

Spellbreaker is in an excellent place in competitive modes. Berserker, Bladesworn, and core are C-tier at best (OK, condizerker might be B tier, but it's still decidedly worse than SpB).


Future balance needs to look at bringing the rest of warrior up to SpB's level...without pushing SpB over the top in the process.

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letz be honest warrior in its current state is just pretty solid. Spellbraker is good when played on defence and strength. Core Warr is okayish when played on defence gs/hammer or gs/axe shield on tactics or defence. Bladesworn is also okayish when played on strength/tactics or strength/defence. Only "bad" thing might be Berserker since its actually okay on condi and only somewhat okay on power. 

The only Real problem warrior actually get is that all builds are more or less played on the same role "sidenoder" (some are more supportish or aoe dmg dealer sidenoder but still). So all builds competitive with each other. Some builds are just meta and some are not but still all of them are pretty good when played well. 


Edit: Even in PvE its more or less the same. All builds are just dps (or quick dps) and also competitive with each other. This ends in people playing the build with the easiest to get and hold high dps. In WvW its something else you could play hard dps Berserker or cc chain spellbraker or support spellbraker.


What I want to say by this?

We need finaly a new e-spec that goes into support playstyle and not just dps. Bring us more than just dps A-net!

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7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Spellbreaker is in an excellent place in competitive modes. Berserker, Bladesworn, and core are C-tier at best (OK, condizerker might be B tier, but it's still decidedly worse than SpB).


Future balance needs to look at bringing the rest of warrior up to SpB's level...without pushing SpB over the top in the process.

Berserker needs to be tweaked still after the tradeoff removal so that it is less feast/famine in its usage.

  • Burst of Aggression should proc on entering Berserk and on hitting with a Primal Burst
  • Blood Reaction should be changed to function like Pure Strike, (grants increased critical damage, more in berserk mode, rather than be a stat converter)
  • Bloody Roar should give half of its damage increase when not in Berserk Mode.

I think then it would be in a fine place within itself

Bladesworn needs Stability back on flow stabilizer, or for the DSD change to be reverted. Fixing the bug that granted the prior stability too often was what was needed, not reverting it to protection. Overall though BSW needs some streamlining. Gunsaber does too little in PvE and DT does too little in WvW/PvP without bugs propping it up.

I think Arms still needs a refresh.

I still think that the CD on Marching Orders in Tactics needs to be removed and for Soldier's Comfort to have scaling based on adrenaline spent. Martial Cadence would still need a 10s CD.

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Outside of competitive, I find Core H/MSh to be in a reasonably good place.


But as mentioned further up, our utility skills across the board need some major buffs. Vindicator and Willbender, being directly comparable as they're the other two current "Heavy" profession elite specs, have an embarrassment of riches compared to Warrior when it comes to utility. Almost all of them are attacks as well as providing buffs and topped off with ridiculously low cooldowns. It's like if Bull's Charge was on a 10 second cooldown and granted aegis at the same time, it's that bad.


I still do better with Warrior than with those, but I suspect that's more down to muscle memory and my overall familiarity with the profession. Given a little time, I'm sure I could make a Vindicator or Willbender build that performs better and is more well-rounded than almost any Warrior spec.

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OP asked about WvW, and I assume zerg, so I have to disagree with what your commanders/squadmates are saying. 

Spellbreaker's boon strip is still very strong, beaten only by a chrono and sometimes necro. Winds remains a crucial tool in fights.

In melee engagements a SPB can have damage potential that can easily put us in the top 10 of damage. True, at range we just stand around doing a whole lot of not much...

You mentioned longbow - in zerg vs zerg can be very effective, see below.

Of course we're not perfect, but your assessment is way off.


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On 12/15/2022 at 1:52 AM, felix.2386 said:

lol just quit the game, i've logged on for a total like 2 hours in 2 months.

they will never help it, i've been posting about the lack of flexibility/versatility since 2014, things only get worse with expansions


I'll just log in to get new living world episode and not even do it, just quit immediately. Warrior is so so SO bad, and its crazy that not even recent changes could bring it to life at all. The class is kittened.

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I can only speak to pvp. Defense spellbreaker has multiple variants that are doing great right now. There is a hammer/gs teamfight build, a d/sh hammer duelist, and a condi duelist build. Anything on warrior that is not a spellbreaker running defense is underperforming.

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On 12/17/2022 at 11:50 AM, adammantium.8031 said:

OP asked about WvW, and I assume zerg, so I have to disagree with what your commanders/squadmates are saying. 

Spellbreaker's boon strip is still very strong, beaten only by a chrono and sometimes necro. Winds remains a crucial tool in fights.

In melee engagements a SPB can have damage potential that can easily put us in the top 10 of damage. True, at range we just stand around doing a whole lot of not much...

You mentioned longbow - in zerg vs zerg can be very effective, see below.

Of course we're not perfect, but your assessment is way off.


After posting my kitten i actually did tried the Chinese berserker build and found it quite fun to play and fairly decent .   it require a bit of good timing and strong allies , but yea its decent.

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I main warrior SpB and Berserker and I also spvp with a chrono and mecha. Now when some idiot leader type tells my chrono to run far node, and i see a warrior, i'll be like 'oh kitten'.


Now... on my SpB, I'm sure i can sidenode and beat any kitten kitten runner thief or mesmer trying to steal my node.


Warrior is in a good place in instanced PVE too. I can play qdps either power or condi, provide 100% quickness uptime and continue to dish out >20k dps. Sometimes the guild asks me to convert to pure dps, quick switch, no biggie. No need to play piano. I do agree that all many of the elements are shoehorned into that one skill, eg. full counter that can make you cheese mechanics (with knowledge of course) but warrior doesn't need much prep even without those skills.


Imagine starting the battle with bulls charge -> signet of fury -> breaching strike -> Whirling axe. Might or no might, doesn't matter. The warrior buffs stack with the buffs provided by others. Attacker's insight from breaching strike, additional stats from signets, peak performance, etc, etc. No prep, no complicated rotations, no need to wait for adrenaline. Feel the situation and warrior it out. 


or if you are qdpsing with 3 banners and need copium, bring brave stride and have PERMA STAB in pve! No jotun is gonna stomp you. The cooldown and adrenaline build up alternating the two dagger leap skills is enough, don't need to bring utility as well. Permastab on self plus permaquickness plus 20k dps is unheard of in other classes. Plus boonstrip without utility skills when NPNG is up on fractals! All in 1 build! Try asking a necro to do that.


Seriously, warrior is in a good place. 

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Overall id say warrior has some good quality builds for both pvp and PvE. PvP spellbreaker is pretty good right now and hammer d/a spellbreaker is absolute God tier in PvE right now with its only downside being melee only. The biggest problem warrior currently has is its lack in build diversity. PvE warrior atleast deserves either some access to heal or Alacrity and it definitely needs some sort of viable ranged dps. 


WvW is in quite a troublesome position right now. Rev, guard and necro seem to be the only classes that are actually in a decent spot right now in WvW. Warrior definitely suffers alot from being a melee focused profession. In the end all melee classes in WvW are a liability, even though they can be very valuable some times. On top of that it just sucks to play as a melee right now since you're pretty much a meatshield unless the zergs actually collide in battle. 

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9 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Overall id say warrior has some good quality builds for both pvp and PvE. PvP spellbreaker is pretty good right now and hammer d/a spellbreaker is absolute God tier in PvE right now with its only downside being melee only. The biggest problem warrior currently has is its lack in build diversity. PvE warrior at least deserves either some access to heal or Alacrity and it definitely needs some sort of viable ranged dps. 


WvW is in quite a troublesome position right now. Rev, guard and necro seem to be the only classes that are actually in a decent spot right now in WvW. Warrior definitely suffers alot from being a melee focused profession. In the end all melee classes in WvW are a liability, even though they can be very valuable some times. On top of that it just sucks to play as a melee right now since you're pretty much a meatshield unless the zergs actually collide in battle. 


I don't think all classes should have access to Alac and even if warrior gets it, it shouldn't be perma and there should be trade offs. There has to be a tradeoff so that classes can be unique. Diversity comes in many ways.


Eg. Warriors are required in WvW for WOD. But nothing's stopping you from going condi berserker. It's pretty good too honestly. 


Sure there are not enough power builds in berserker and not enough condi builds in the other two espec.


But the same issues lie with other specs as well:


Chrono plays power

Mirage plays condi


Do you understand the term spec. I mean if I specialise as a cardiologist sure as hell I shouldn't be doing an abdo laparotomy. So expect some power creep in the specialized field but with trade-offs and limitations in other sections by choosing an espec.


What you are suggesting is for a large amount of build flexibility which will destroy balance. Most builds work, just not as well as you expect it to be.


in gw1, skills are tied to expacs. And even with expacs, there is always a viable build for core that is equally competitive. 

The problem with gw2 is that especs add an additional power up that makes playing core feel like kitten. I think we should work on core balance first. 

Edited by xellink.7568
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9 hours ago, xellink.7568 said:


I don't think all classes should have access to Alac and even if warrior gets it, it shouldn't be perma and there should be trade offs. There has to be a tradeoff so that classes can be unique. Diversity comes in many ways.


Eg. Warriors are required in WvW for WOD. But nothing's stopping you from going condi berserker. It's pretty good too honestly. 


Sure there are not enough power builds in berserker and not enough condi builds in the other two espec.


But the same issues lie with other specs as well:


Chrono plays power

Mirage plays condi


Do you understand the term spec. I mean if I specialise as a cardiologist sure as hell I shouldn't be doing an abdo laparotomy. So expect some power creep in the specialized field but with trade-offs and limitations in other sections by choosing an espec.


What you are suggesting is for a large amount of build flexibility which will destroy balance. Most builds work, just not as well as you expect it to be.


in gw1, skills are tied to expacs. And even with expacs, there is always a viable build for core that is equally competitive. 

The problem with gw2 is that especs add an additional power up that makes playing core feel like kitten. I think we should work on core balance first. 

I never mentioned that the access to ranged dps and alac or heal should be without any sort of trade offs or should be accessible to the entire class. 

What im saying is that the only viable PvE builds are either melee Pdps or melee quick Pdps for warrior right now (and i guess condi bers is somewhat viable). It Simply lacks the flexibility that is needed for some bosses. You always have to rely on your teammates for heal & alac and your dps drops off by alot when you can't go melee due boss mechanics. This is why are barely any warrior mains alive. They just swap to other characters to provide whats needed for the fight. 


Same goes for WvW bubble. Spb can be a very powerful build in WvW, but its effectiveness highly depends on the fight encounter. Aslong as the zergs don't collide you're nothing more then a meatshield as spb and unfortunately it happens quite often that the outcome of the fight is already decided before they collide. Sure it can be very entertaining in roflstomp fights and in some smaller scale open fights you'll be a great asset to the squad. Yet i'd much prefer a scourge that consistently provides reliable boonrip and aoe pressure over the liability of a spb. 

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