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Would you like A-Net to allow more mods?

Your say on modifications...  

157 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like more mods?

    • Yes! More mods, such as...
    • No. The ones we have are plenty.
    • Undicided
    • I don't think ANet wants that
    • Wait. What are mods?
  2. 2. Type of Mods if you answered yes.

    • Music and Sound Effects
    • Skins
    • Visual Effects
    • New Mounts
    • Abilities, such as climbing walls, etc
    • Other misc mods.
    • I chose no, or other options.
  3. 3. Good opportunity for ANet cash in on other mods?

    • Of course, it's their game.
    • No. It's hard enough to make them.
    • Maybe, it's up to them really.
    • I answered no to the first question.

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3 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

The problem with wow is that its a vertical raiding game. that means every raid must be bigger than previous raid with greater rewards, more interesting, blah blah and a challenge for people with meta gear they spent the last 3 months grinding - ad infinitum. That means ever more complex levels if silliness in terms of layered boss circles of death to the point where you need automation to track everything.

Actually, no, all you need is just bigger numbers and new tiers of gear. Some variance in mechanics is necessary, of course, but there's no need for it to be bigger and more numerous to the point where you lose control over it. That was purely a design decision that resulted from allowing mods - they just decided to treat mods as baseline. That was a big mistake on their side.

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8 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually, no, all you need is just bigger numbers and new tiers of gear. Some variance in mechanics is necessary, of course, but there's no need for it to be bigger and more numerous to the point where you lose control over it. That was purely a design decision that resulted from allowing mods - they just decided to treat mods as baseline. That was a big mistake on their side.

No you are incorrect, that is called power creep and that happens anyway in vertical games.    Put it this way WOW has around 60 raids and a hundred plus dungeons, so probably 800+ bosses. There are only so many variations of circles of death you can have before you have to layer.


Aside from that WOWs raid history is pretty clear.  Molten core (the first big raid) had simple mechanics but even that had mods like recursive that were mandatory. Its the nature of the beast, raids games are about optimisation, but developers have to develop content, so naturally mods evolve to fill the optimisation need.

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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6 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

No you are incorrect, that is called power creep and that happens anyway in vertical games.    Put it this way WOW has around 60 raids and a hundred plus dungeons, so probably 800+ bosses. There are only so many variations of circles of death you can have before you have to layer.

And? FF XIV also follows the same vertical progression principle, with design and fight complexity that does improve over time, and yet there's no need whatsoever to use mods to help players with it.

6 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

Aside from that WOWs raid history is pretty clear.  Molten core (the first big raid) had simple mechanics but even that had mods like recursive that were mandatory. Its the nature of the beast, raids games are about optimisation, but developers have to develop content, so naturally mods evolve to fill the optimisation need.

See above. FFXIV is a good example showing that what you claim is simply not true. Only when devs start designing the game around the available mods the mods start to become necessary. If devs won't consider their use a baseline, they won't become a baseline.

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33 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And? FF XIV also follows the same vertical progression principle, with design and fight complexity that does improve over time, and yet there's no need whatsoever to use mods to help players with it.

See above. FFXIV is a good example showing that what you claim is simply not true. Only when devs start designing the game around the available mods the mods start to become necessary. If devs won't consider their use a baseline, they won't become a baseline.

 Exact thing is happening in FFX14 although WOW is most certainly at the extreme end of the vertical power race game. It is inevitable where you have a game with mods and competitive raiding where each new raid has to capture interest.


FFX14 : 'Yoshi and SE know that the raiding community and hardcore endgame would collapse if they would punish every user of ACT. If you tell noone you use it they won't punish you'

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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32 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

 Exact thing is happening in FFX14 although WOW is most certainly at the extreme end of the vertical power race game. It is inevitable where you have a game with mods and competitive raiding where each new raid has to capture interest.


FFX14 : 'Yoshi and SE know that the raiding community and hardcore endgame would collapse if they would punish every user of ACT. If you tell noone you use it they won't punish you'

ACT is one thing. It's the FFXIV's equivalent of ArcDPS, and as we know Arc, while not officially supported in any way, is still allowed. What we were talking however was all the other stuff WoW addons did, like telling you precise timings and placings for mechanics. This kind of addons does exist for FFXIV as well, but notice how everyone in that thread is extremely careful to not even allude to that - all they are talking is ACT. That's for a reason. In FFXIV, using any of those mods can get you banned. And not like with ACT, where you get sanctioned only in case where you use the info you get from it to talk down other players (and they'll report you for it), and otherwise you will get ignored. Here, it's the FFXIV dev side that will be actively investigating it, and ban you if it gets confirmed. I mean, sure, they will likely not be investigating some low tier fights, they will keep only to the ultimates and most recent Savage raids, but then those are the only places where it would matter anyway - due to how the gear system works, all older fights with time become much easier to do even at level syncs, and even more so at unsynced.

See here. That's the current situation that resulted from some groups using "mechanic support" mods for last Ultimate encounter. Notice, that this same happened with the previous Ultimate, and some of the high-end groups got their accounts silently banned as a result.

Basically, even the hardest FFXIV fights like  are designed around unmodded game in mind, are meant to be done without those mods, and can be done without them. Unlike with WoW, where mod use is accounted for in design. WHich clearly shows that dependency on mods is not a natural outgrowth of vertical progression design, but an actual design choice devs can make (or not).

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Mods, or, with how the discussion has shifted, UI changes that show more information are there due to shortcomings of the game developers not showing cohesive information to the player.  Some are there to understand how builds perform in practice, others are there to display information that's already there (Buff/debuff uptime) in an easier to understand manner.  ESO has hundreds of addons that help with things that aren't in the base game functionality.  From having an aggregate list of all emotes; a better, more customizable chatbox, a minimap, map markers for various things, to combat oriented ones that notify when the boss is charging a oneshot and rotation helpers, DPS meters, and buff  uptime.

Addons I'd love to see be made official
A method to see personal DPS in group content instances. (Not others.  Just my own)
A method to see boon uptime (Or at least a better boon bar for the Squad and Player UI)
A method to swap characters without having to go to character select.
A method to customize the chatbox chat colors, background transparency, & highlight messages with my character or account name in them.
An official radial menu for mounts & Skiff.
Completely movable UI elements.

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I was wondering what OP meant with this poll option:

"Abilities, such as climbing walls, etc"


That implies a mod that somehow gives the player abilities not part of the game itself, no? Or was the intent there to be something new to the way the game works that ANet officially adds (and thus content, not a mod)?

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14 hours ago, synk.6907 said:

I was wondering what OP meant with this poll option:

"Abilities, such as climbing walls, etc"


That implies a mod that somehow gives the player abilities not part of the game itself, no? Or was the intent there to be something new to the way the game works that ANet officially adds (and thus content, not a mod)?

Thanks for the question.

What I had in mind, is for the likes of Jumping puzzles or giving the character more options other than relying solely on mounts to get somewhere.

I thought that it might be fun doing a jumping puzzle,  if we had the ability to climb certain walls or objects, such as pillars, shimmy across ledges, etc...

If you probably already guessed, then yes, I suggested that with Tomb Raider in mind.

I, for one cannot only not jump, but find JPs rather boring.

I would absolutely love it, if we had those abilities Lara Croft has; to throw grapples, climb, shimmy, jump and grab other ledges.

Well, you get the idea.

But not only JPs though.

Also Vistas, Poi, Hero Points.

I love mounts, don't get me wrong. I think it's one of the best things ANet ever added to the game.

However, I wish I didn't have to rely on them for everything, such as flying to the top of a mountain to get a vista or HP.

I would like to rely on character's capabilities.

I believe it would be tremendously fun if we could use those abilities on JPs, since mounts aren't allowed in those areas for obvious reasons, we all know.

But as I previously mentioned; not all of us can jump that well to begin with; then add lag and controls that stick, and you have a very stressing experience. 

I truly think it would bring a lot of fun to the game... and that's about it, in a nutshell.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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The only real mod that I would add, is to add fan-made translations, like in ESO, to include other languages. After 10 years and 3 expansions the game has a sheer amount of text, but the GW2 community could be professional enough to do a good job, probably, at least considering what they did with the wiki.

Other than that, I don't miss anything important. But I liked that in GW1 we could resize and move the UI with the mouse, very intuitively. For example here I can expand the minimap vertically, but not horizontally. Minor touches though.


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I'm pure. I think a developer should do all of the work, work on QoL and take a stance. Not drag their feet for many, many years, purposefully remain unspoken on whether or not something is or isn't allowed, out of fear of either alienating existing players and potentially losing revenue or encouraging something they clearly don't want every user to be using. At the same time, they won't put the work in to improve the game HUD, the overlay of buffs, boons & other icons, the still crappy and imprecise high contrast cursor and a decent mount select system. Fortunately I'm a full size keyboard using so I use my keypad numbers, and I suppose I could have used Ctrl + numbers, but really a commarose style selector for mounts in the game was needed a long time ago.

As allowed as it may be, mods that add optimum paths to collections, secrets, JPs, etc seems like borderline cheating to me and even if I can use it myself I won't. What others do is up to them, but I'd still rather Anet take a stance and stop being so ignorant when it comes to deciding on what to do with mods. The likelihood is they'll remain silent until GW2 is near end of life.

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11 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

I know what I dream of. A quest maker like from City of Heroes, but not ridiculously limited in scope. All it has to be is a playground for creativity; no rewards should mean no risk of grinding exploits.


A good idea actually. 

ANet could provide the tools for quest making, so modders or just aboit anyone could make quests. 

They could even pick the best ones and add the rewards themselves.


This would open up so many more avenues for the game, and maybe even bring in a large batch of new players or returning ones.



Hopefully ANet will consider this.

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  • SoulGuardian.6203 changed the title to Would you like A-Net to allow more mods?

The only thing I'd like to see is a language translation function for chat. Since the introduction of megaservers and the more recent pairing of different language servers in WvW that would be a major QoL upgrade.

Other than that, the ability to block 3rd party apps being used by other players from reading any data pertinent to my characters.

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14 minutes ago, Nidome.1365 said:

The only thing I'd like to see is a language translation function for chat. Since the introduction of megaservers and the more recent pairing of different language servers in WvW that would be a major QoL upgrade.

Other than that, the ability to block 3rd party apps being used by other players from reading any data pertinent to my characters.

They dont read anything from your character, they read the combat data when you hit a monster and its health decrease, then neatly shows what each person in the group did to the boss or to eachother (boons/healing).

If your not grouped with anyone they dont know what you do so that is one way to get what you want I guess.

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What i would love is the ability to turn off other players glows and effects, its blinding as is. I dont mind looking at the cool effects in cities or just hanging out, but in combat on bosses and metas its ridiculous. One thing else  I would like also is the ability to see bag inventory across my account...like if i misplaced something I could type in the search and it would show if its on this toon or that.  

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18 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

They dont read anything from your character, they read the combat data when you hit a monster and its health decrease, then neatly shows what each person in the group did to the boss or to eachother (boons/healing).

Data purposely sent by the server to the other players' clients.

1 hour ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

One thing else  I would like also is the ability to see bag inventory across my account...like if i misplaced something I could type in the search and it would show if its on this toon or that.  

It is already possible to write that mod. If it doesn't exist then that just means none of the people who knows how to create mods has a need for it.

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basically just want to be able to create my own elite spec.

(only playable against people who join a privat pvp match or against golems)

my only concern for adding more mods is more hackers loose on this game. Don't want this fairly good game to end up like battlefront 2

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On 2/16/2023 at 7:57 PM, Tiviana.2650 said:

I would like also is the ability to see bag inventory across my account...like if i misplaced something I could type in the search and it would show if its on this toon or that.  

gw2efficiency has that functionality. The only reason why there's no ingame mod for this is because noone was interested enough to make one.

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